Воздействие холодом на организм – давняя традиция, которая началась с купания наших предков в ледяной воде. Позже закаливания и обливания с целью оздоровления были популярны в Советском Союзе, став частью массовой физической культуры и воспитания. В …
Воздействие холодом на организм – давняя традиция, которая началась с купания наших предков в ледяной воде. Позже закаливания и обливания с целью оздоровления были популярны в Советском Союзе, став частью массовой физической культуры и воспитания. В …
Книга о силе осознанного дыхания. Практическое руководство, как с помощью дыхания стать здоровым.
Администрация сайта Литрес не несет ответственности за представленную информацию. Могут иметься медицинские противопоказания, необходима консультация сп…
Книга о силе осознанного дыхания. Практическое руководство, как с помощью дыхания стать здоровым.
Администрация сайта Литрес не несет ответственности за представленную информацию. Могут иметься медицинские противопоказания, необходима консультация сп…
В книге приводится подробное описание поз и упражнений русской йоги. Они интересны и доступны всем, причем имеют терапевтический эффект. Каждый, кто следит за своим здоровьем, найдет «свое» упражнение для ежедневных занятий.
Если аккуратно следовать …
В книге приводится подробное описание поз и упражнений русской йоги. Они интересны и доступны всем, причем имеют терапевтический эффект. Каждый, кто следит за своим здоровьем, найдет «свое» упражнение для ежедневных занятий.
Если аккуратно следовать …
Selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
"…the individuals who will most help the future of humanity in the new age will be those who will recognise a spiritual evolution as the destiny and therefore the great need of th…
Selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
"…the individuals who will most help the future of humanity in the new age will be those who will recognise a spiritual evolution as the destiny and therefore the great need of th…
"The soul, the psychic being, is in direct touch with the divine Truth, but it is hidden in man by the mind, the vital being and the physical nature (manas, prana, anna of the Taittiriya Upanishad). One may practise Yoga and get illuminations in…
"The soul, the psychic being, is in direct touch with the divine Truth, but it is hidden in man by the mind, the vital being and the physical nature (manas, prana, anna of the Taittiriya Upanishad). One may practise Yoga and get illuminations in…
“Even if Science – physical Science or occult Science – were to discover the necessary conditions or means for an indefinite survival of the body, still, if the body could not adapt itself so as to become a fit instrument of expression for the inner …
“Even if Science – physical Science or occult Science – were to discover the necessary conditions or means for an indefinite survival of the body, still, if the body could not adapt itself so as to become a fit instrument of expression for the inner …
‘Impossibly wonderful’ Daily TelegraphFind peace in a restless world.‘James’s heartfelt gentleness and masterful wisdom shine through in his teachings. His expertise lies in his ability to light the path for others to find their own way.’ Richard Mil…
‘Impossibly wonderful’ Daily TelegraphFind peace in a restless world.‘James’s heartfelt gentleness and masterful wisdom shine through in his teachings. His expertise lies in his ability to light the path for others to find their own way.’ Richard Mil…
Selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
"It is not completely true that man‘s life is governed by the stars. The conjunctions of the stars are an indication of the forces, especially vital and physical forces. They exer…
Selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
"It is not completely true that man‘s life is governed by the stars. The conjunctions of the stars are an indication of the forces, especially vital and physical forces. They exer…
Selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
"The Yoga-siddhi, the perfection that comes from the practice of Yoga, can be best attained by the combined working of four great instruments. There is, first, the knowledge of th…
Selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
"The Yoga-siddhi, the perfection that comes from the practice of Yoga, can be best attained by the combined working of four great instruments. There is, first, the knowledge of th…
Selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Yoga, health and healing.
"Instead of being upset and struggling, the best thing to do is to offer one’s body to the Divine with the sincere prayer, “Let Thy Will be done.” If th…
Selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Yoga, health and healing.
"Instead of being upset and struggling, the best thing to do is to offer one’s body to the Divine with the sincere prayer, “Let Thy Will be done.” If th…
The ultimate guide to getting fit at home with an easy 28-day workout plan.Not able to get to the gym? Even if you are time poor and stuck at home you can get the body you have dreamed of: all you need is a plan! Instagram fitness star Courtney Black…
The ultimate guide to getting fit at home with an easy 28-day workout plan.Not able to get to the gym? Even if you are time poor and stuck at home you can get the body you have dreamed of: all you need is a plan! Instagram fitness star Courtney Black…
Fed up with dieting? Have you tried everything before and failed? Has your self-esteem and body confidence dropped through the floor. If so, then Gemma’s plan is for you.80 delicious, easy recipes plus a 12 week workout that can deliver real results …
Fed up with dieting? Have you tried everything before and failed? Has your self-esteem and body confidence dropped through the floor. If so, then Gemma’s plan is for you.80 delicious, easy recipes plus a 12 week workout that can deliver real results …
"Man lives mostly in his surface mind, life and body but there is an inner being within him with greater possibilities to which he has to awake – for it is only a very restricted influence from it that he receives now and that pushes him to a co…
"Man lives mostly in his surface mind, life and body but there is an inner being within him with greater possibilities to which he has to awake – for it is only a very restricted influence from it that he receives now and that pushes him to a co…
Follow the Ayurvedic path to health with this ancient approach to food as medicineTried and tested over thousands of years, the ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda understands that everyone is different. Where comfort for one person might be a hot an…
Follow the Ayurvedic path to health with this ancient approach to food as medicineTried and tested over thousands of years, the ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda understands that everyone is different. Where comfort for one person might be a hot an…
Concentration does not mean meditation; on the contrary, concentration is a state one must be in continuously, whatever the outer activity. By concentration I mean that all the energy, all the will, all the aspiration must be turned only towards the …
Concentration does not mean meditation; on the contrary, concentration is a state one must be in continuously, whatever the outer activity. By concentration I mean that all the energy, all the will, all the aspiration must be turned only towards the …
Selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on the ideal of human unity.
In a profound sense it is the call and attraction of the future that makes the past and present, and that future will be more and more seen to be the gowth …
Selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on the ideal of human unity.
In a profound sense it is the call and attraction of the future that makes the past and present, and that future will be more and more seen to be the gowth …
Известный регрессолог, энерготерапевт и нумеролог Ольга Бекенёва раскроет слушателям все тайны познания внутреннего мира!
Хочешь узнать каким ты пришел в этот мир? Как гармонизировать сильные энергии и развить слабые? Ответы долго не заставят себя ж…
Известный регрессолог, энерготерапевт и нумеролог Ольга Бекенёва раскроет слушателям все тайны познания внутреннего мира!
Хочешь узнать каким ты пришел в этот мир? Как гармонизировать сильные энергии и развить слабые? Ответы долго не заставят себя ж…
Сборник состоит из аудиокниг: Гвоздетерапия. Пошаговая инструкция для внутренней трансформации; Работа с холодом
Сборник состоит из аудиокниг: Гвоздетерапия. Пошаговая инструкция для внутренней трансформации; Работа с холодом
Воздействие холодом на организм – давняя традиция, которая началась с купания наших предков в ледяной воде. Позже закаливания и обливания с целью оздоровления были популярны в Советском Союзе, став частью массовой физической культуры и воспитания. В …
Воздействие холодом на организм – давняя традиция, которая началась с купания наших предков в ледяной воде. Позже закаливания и обливания с целью оздоровления были популярны в Советском Союзе, став частью массовой физической культуры и воспитания. В …
Воздействие холодом на организм – давняя традиция, которая началась с купания наших предков в ледяной воде. Позже закаливания и обливания с целью оздоровления были популярны в Советском Союзе, став частью массовой физической культуры и воспитания. В …
Воздействие холодом на организм – давняя традиция, которая началась с купания наших предков в ледяной воде. Позже закаливания и обливания с целью оздоровления были популярны в Советском Союзе, став частью массовой физической культуры и воспитания. В …