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Male masturbation. Advantages and disadvantages
Strangely enough, contrary to popular opinion, self-satisfaction has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. For example, gradual depravity and sexual degradation. In this manual you will find all the answers. It is useful to honor both men and …
Strangely enough, contrary to popular opinion, self-satisfaction has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. For example, gradual depravity and sexual degradation. In this manual you will find all the answers. It is useful to honor both men and …
Creating Safer Organisations. Practical Steps to Prevent the Abuse of Children by Those Working With Them
An accessible resource to help those in organisational settings ensure that they have taken all possible steps to safeguard the children and young people they are responsible for. Draws on up to date research with people who have committed sexual off…
An accessible resource to help those in organisational settings ensure that they have taken all possible steps to safeguard the children and young people they are responsible for. Draws on up to date research with people who have committed sexual off…
Seducing the Subconscious. The Psychology of Emotional Influence in Advertising
Our relationship with ads: it's complicated A must-read for anyone intrigued by the role and influence of the ad world, Seducing the Subconscious explores the complexities of our relationship to advertising. Robert Heath uses approaches from experime…
Our relationship with ads: it's complicated A must-read for anyone intrigued by the role and influence of the ad world, Seducing the Subconscious explores the complexities of our relationship to advertising. Robert Heath uses approaches from experime…
DSM-5 Essentials. The Savvy Clinician's Guide to the Changes in Criteria
Everything you need to know about the DSM-5 in an organized and concise presentation Providing you with a quick and easy way to get up-to-speed on recent changes to the two main classification systems—DSM-5 Essentials highlights these changes in a lo…
Everything you need to know about the DSM-5 in an organized and concise presentation Providing you with a quick and easy way to get up-to-speed on recent changes to the two main classification systems—DSM-5 Essentials highlights these changes in a lo…
Group Exercises for Addiction Counseling
An indispensable collection of ready-to-use, proven exercises Providing immediately useful group counseling suggestions and tips for addictions counselors, Group Exercises for Addiction Counseling offers powerful techniques that can be adapted to any…
An indispensable collection of ready-to-use, proven exercises Providing immediately useful group counseling suggestions and tips for addictions counselors, Group Exercises for Addiction Counseling offers powerful techniques that can be adapted to any…
The Inner Life of the Counselor
One of the greatest gifts helping professionals can share with others is a sense of their own peace. However, retaining and renewing a sense of a healthy perspective requires not only self-care strategies, but also an awareness of basic profound, yet…
One of the greatest gifts helping professionals can share with others is a sense of their own peace. However, retaining and renewing a sense of a healthy perspective requires not only self-care strategies, but also an awareness of basic profound, yet…
Depression and Attempted Suicide in Adolescents
It aims to provide the practitioner with a description of depression, an explanation of factors that contribute to mood disorders and guidance on their assessment and treatment in adolescence. In addition, it aims to provide a framework for the asses…
It aims to provide the practitioner with a description of depression, an explanation of factors that contribute to mood disorders and guidance on their assessment and treatment in adolescence. In addition, it aims to provide a framework for the asses…
Internal Evaluation in the 21st Century. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 132
Nowadays, a considerable amount of evaluation work is implemented internally—both nationally and across the world. As such, it is exceedingly important for evaluators and organizations to be aware of the issues in designing and implementing internal …
Nowadays, a considerable amount of evaluation work is implemented internally—both nationally and across the world. As such, it is exceedingly important for evaluators and organizations to be aware of the issues in designing and implementing internal …
Natale Magico. Diario dei desideri
Il tempo di Natale è tempo di speranze, piani e desideri. Per 90 giorni passerai dalla strada ai sogni. Ogni giorno fai 1 passo verso il tuo obiettivo. Realizza i tuoi desideri. Crea la tua magica storia di Natale!
Il tempo di Natale è tempo di speranze, piani e desideri. Per 90 giorni passerai dalla strada ai sogni. Ogni giorno fai 1 passo verso il tuo obiettivo. Realizza i tuoi desideri. Crea la tua magica storia di Natale!
Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss
This book is a manual for obese people, a mindset training written by reputable specialists and those who have already lost weight. It reveals the secrets of recovery from obesity, preserving inner harmony, and staying slim. About 50 percent of the R…
This book is a manual for obese people, a mindset training written by reputable specialists and those who have already lost weight. It reveals the secrets of recovery from obesity, preserving inner harmony, and staying slim. About 50 percent of the R…
Propaganda Goebbels. Paul Joseph Goebbels. Biografía, fotografía, vida personal
“Cuanto más monstruosa sea la mentira, más dispuesto estará la multitud a creer en ella”, dijo el ideólogo del fascismo y fiel compañero y compañero de Hitler, el ministro de propaganda Joseph Goebbels.
“Cuanto más monstruosa sea la mentira, más dispuesto estará la multitud a creer en ella”, dijo el ideólogo del fascismo y fiel compañero y compañero de Hitler, el ministro de propaganda Joseph Goebbels.
Love and Grow Rich!
The only thing that is worth attention is the thing you have in your pocket. It is Love. It is Love for every minute of your life on this beautiful planet. Hurry up, because you, like everyone else, haven’t much time left! Do not waste your time on b…
The only thing that is worth attention is the thing you have in your pocket. It is Love. It is Love for every minute of your life on this beautiful planet. Hurry up, because you, like everyone else, haven’t much time left! Do not waste your time on b…
Cómo excitar a un hombre. Que palabras y frases traen chicos
Para cada hombre, un conjunto de palabras especialmente emocionantes. Es importante captar el momento de la conversación. Y sin problemas, tradúzcalo en la dirección correcta. Entonces, por ejemplo, un hombre estará encantado con la tosquedad femenin…
Para cada hombre, un conjunto de palabras especialmente emocionantes. Es importante captar el momento de la conversación. Y sin problemas, tradúzcalo en la dirección correcta. Entonces, por ejemplo, un hombre estará encantado con la tosquedad femenin…
How to stop drinking and start living
This book is a type of biography of a writer who shares her experience in the fight against alcoholism. In this book you will find the experiences, thoughts and ideas of people suffering from alcohol addiction. For a long time, it was believed that a…
This book is a type of biography of a writer who shares her experience in the fight against alcoholism. In this book you will find the experiences, thoughts and ideas of people suffering from alcohol addiction. For a long time, it was believed that a…
Coronavirus has redefined the modern world beyond recognition. What it will bring to a human being — an opportunity for rapid development or a last step into the abyss — depends only on ourselves.
Coronavirus has redefined the modern world beyond recognition. What it will bring to a human being — an opportunity for rapid development or a last step into the abyss — depends only on ourselves.
Money Loves You!
This book is the sequel of the world bestseller “Love and Grow Rich”. This book gives you the ALL-NEW secrets of getting BIG MONEY. The secrets that allow MILLIONS of people ALL AROUND THE WORLD create their own business in the way of getting and inc…
This book is the sequel of the world bestseller “Love and Grow Rich”. This book gives you the ALL-NEW secrets of getting BIG MONEY. The secrets that allow MILLIONS of people ALL AROUND THE WORLD create their own business in the way of getting and inc…
Come eccitare un uomo. Quali parole e frasi portano ragazzi
Per ogni uomo un insieme di parole particolarmente emozionanti. È importante prendere il momento della conversazione. E tradurlo senza problemi ezione. Quindi, per esempio, un uomo sarà deliziato dalla volgarità femminile, un altro avrà bisogno di un…
Per ogni uomo un insieme di parole particolarmente emozionanti. È importante prendere il momento della conversazione. E tradurlo senza problemi ezione. Quindi, per esempio, un uomo sarà deliziato dalla volgarità femminile, un altro avrà bisogno di un…
Comment exciter un homme. Quels mots et phrases apportent les gars
Pour chaque homme un ensemble de mots particulièrement excitant de son propre chef. Il est important d’attraper le moment de la conversation. Et le traduire en douceur dans la bonne direction. Ainsi, par exemple, un homme sera ravi de la grossièreté …
Pour chaque homme un ensemble de mots particulièrement excitant de son propre chef. Il est important d’attraper le moment de la conversation. Et le traduire en douceur dans la bonne direction. Ainsi, par exemple, un homme sera ravi de la grossièreté …
Give and Get!
There is an effective, but simple rule here in the book. The golden rule is YOU GIVE FIRST — and only then you GET. First YOU give a PROFIT to your PARTNER — and only then you get a profit for YOURSELF. Use the RULE — always, with everyone and everyw…
There is an effective, but simple rule here in the book. The golden rule is YOU GIVE FIRST — and only then you GET. First YOU give a PROFIT to your PARTNER — and only then you get a profit for YOURSELF. Use the RULE — always, with everyone and everyw…
Comment comprendre que la fille est excitée. Signes de l’excitation d’une femme
Imaginez que dans une compagnie bruyante ils l’ont vue, une belle fille. Et qu’est-ce que tu ne sais pas? Comment déterminer ce qu’elle veut vous?
Imaginez que dans une compagnie bruyante ils l’ont vue, une belle fille. Et qu’est-ce que tu ne sais pas? Comment déterminer ce qu’elle veut vous?

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