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Propagandam. English version
In a world where information becomes a weapon, and public opinion a battleground for hidden conflicts, the art of propaganda takes on a special significance. What is propaganda? An embodiment of evil or a tool capable of inspiring and leading to chan…
In a world where information becomes a weapon, and public opinion a battleground for hidden conflicts, the art of propaganda takes on a special significance. What is propaganda? An embodiment of evil or a tool capable of inspiring and leading to chan…
Your personal money code. A guide to financial freedom
This book is the result of many years of research and practice in the field of energy therapy, aimed at helping individuals unlock their potential, which is inherent in everyone from birth. The book, YOUR PERSONAL MONEY CODE, written by a practicing …
This book is the result of many years of research and practice in the field of energy therapy, aimed at helping individuals unlock their potential, which is inherent in everyone from birth. The book, YOUR PERSONAL MONEY CODE, written by a practicing …
The Essentials of the New Workplace
The original hardback edition of The New Workplace examined modern business terms such as total quality management, just-in-time production, e-business, lean manufacturing and teleworking. It explored what these terms really mean and what effect they…
The original hardback edition of The New Workplace examined modern business terms such as total quality management, just-in-time production, e-business, lean manufacturing and teleworking. It explored what these terms really mean and what effect they…
Social Problem Solving and Offending
The evidence for social problem solving deficits being relevant to the understanding and treatment of offending behaviour has been accumulating since the 1980s. Reasoning and Rehabilitation (R&R), the first structured cognitive-behavioural treatment …
The evidence for social problem solving deficits being relevant to the understanding and treatment of offending behaviour has been accumulating since the 1980s. Reasoning and Rehabilitation (R&R), the first structured cognitive-behavioural treatment …
The Assessment and Treatment of Women Offenders
There is a large body of research that provides guidance for those working with offenders on how they should be treated once they are in the correctional system. The problem is that most, if not all this research has been conducted on all male popula…
There is a large body of research that provides guidance for those working with offenders on how they should be treated once they are in the correctional system. The problem is that most, if not all this research has been conducted on all male popula…
The Handbook of Women, Psychology, and the Law
The Handbook of Women, Psychology, and the Law is a groundbreaking book that presents legal and psychological perspectives on how society has responded to the most vital (and often controversial) contemporary women's issues. The Handbook covers such …
The Handbook of Women, Psychology, and the Law is a groundbreaking book that presents legal and psychological perspectives on how society has responded to the most vital (and often controversial) contemporary women's issues. The Handbook covers such …
The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Forensic Neuroscience
Explores how the explosion of neuroscience-based evidence in recent years has led to a fundamental change in how forensic psychology can inform working with criminal populations. This book communicates knowledge and research findings in the neurobiol…
Explores how the explosion of neuroscience-based evidence in recent years has led to a fundamental change in how forensic psychology can inform working with criminal populations. This book communicates knowledge and research findings in the neurobiol…
Neuropsychological Perspectives on Learning Disabilities in the Era of RTI
An insightful look at the role of neuroscience and neuropsychology as it relates to Response to Intervention (RTI) in learning disability diagnosis, treatment, and policy reform Neuropsychological Perspectives on Learning Disabilities in the Era of R…
An insightful look at the role of neuroscience and neuropsychology as it relates to Response to Intervention (RTI) in learning disability diagnosis, treatment, and policy reform Neuropsychological Perspectives on Learning Disabilities in the Era of R…
The Myth of Work-Life Balance
Many regard the ways in which paid work can be combined or ‘balanced’ with other parts of life as an individual concern and a small, rather self-indulgent problem in today’s world. Some feel that worrying about a lack of time or energy for family rel…
Many regard the ways in which paid work can be combined or ‘balanced’ with other parts of life as an individual concern and a small, rather self-indulgent problem in today’s world. Some feel that worrying about a lack of time or energy for family rel…
International Handbook of Work and Health Psychology
Now in its third edition, this authoritative handbook offers a comprehensive and up-to-date survey of work and health psychology. Updated edition of a highly successful handbook Focuses on the applied aspects of work and health psychology New chapter…
Now in its third edition, this authoritative handbook offers a comprehensive and up-to-date survey of work and health psychology. Updated edition of a highly successful handbook Focuses on the applied aspects of work and health psychology New chapter…
The Blackwell Handbook of Mentoring
Cutting across the fields of psychology, management, education, counseling, social work, and sociology, The Blackwell Handbook of Mentoring reveals an innovative, multi-disciplinary approach to the practice and theory of mentoring. Provides a complet…
Cutting across the fields of psychology, management, education, counseling, social work, and sociology, The Blackwell Handbook of Mentoring reveals an innovative, multi-disciplinary approach to the practice and theory of mentoring. Provides a complet…
Measures of Job Satisfaction, Organisational Commitment, Mental Health and Job related Well-being
Promoting the satisfaction, commitment, mental health and well-being of employees is important not only in itself, but also because evidence shows that those who are positive in these respects respond better to change and are more productive. Measure…
Promoting the satisfaction, commitment, mental health and well-being of employees is important not only in itself, but also because evidence shows that those who are positive in these respects respond better to change and are more productive. Measure…
Handbook of Research Methods in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Handbook of Research Methods in Industrial and Organizational Psychology is a comprehensive and contemporary treatment of research philosophies, approaches, tools, and techniques indigenous to industrial and organizational psychology. Only available …
Handbook of Research Methods in Industrial and Organizational Psychology is a comprehensive and contemporary treatment of research philosophies, approaches, tools, and techniques indigenous to industrial and organizational psychology. Only available …
Psychological Management of Individual Performance
Psychological Management of Individual Performance is a unique combination of contributions from an academic and a practitioner for each topic. Leading international authors come together in this integrative and comprehensive handbook, to combine aca…
Psychological Management of Individual Performance is a unique combination of contributions from an academic and a practitioner for each topic. Leading international authors come together in this integrative and comprehensive handbook, to combine aca…
Psychological Assessment in the Workplace
This book covers the assessment of people within the workplace. Written in jargon free language, it offers a guide to psychological assessment that can be used by managers in their everyday work. Each chapter will specifically cover an assessment pra…
This book covers the assessment of people within the workplace. Written in jargon free language, it offers a guide to psychological assessment that can be used by managers in their everyday work. Each chapter will specifically cover an assessment pra…
Therapeutic Groups for Obese Women
Based on a five-year research project, Therapeutic Groups for Obese Women introduces an innovative approach to overcoming the growing socio-economic burden of morbidity and mortality resulting from emotionally-driven female obesity. Julia Buckroyd an…
Based on a five-year research project, Therapeutic Groups for Obese Women introduces an innovative approach to overcoming the growing socio-economic burden of morbidity and mortality resulting from emotionally-driven female obesity. Julia Buckroyd an…
Personnel Psychology and Human Resources Management
Part of a three-volume set of books which are themed collections of reprinted articles from the International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (IRIOP) from 1997-2001. Each volume provides collections around a topic area, with new in…
Part of a three-volume set of books which are themed collections of reprinted articles from the International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (IRIOP) from 1997-2001. Each volume provides collections around a topic area, with new in…
Assessing Risk in Sex Offenders
Assessing Risk in Sex Offenders: A Practitioner's Guide is a handy resource for forensic practitioners responsible for assessing an managing sexual offenders at risk of recidivism. It covers the risk factors associated with sexual recidivism, evaluat…
Assessing Risk in Sex Offenders: A Practitioner's Guide is a handy resource for forensic practitioners responsible for assessing an managing sexual offenders at risk of recidivism. It covers the risk factors associated with sexual recidivism, evaluat…
Personality Disorders in Modern Life
A revision of the leading textbook on personality disorders by renowned expert Theodore Millon «Personalities are like impressionistic paintings. At a distance, each person is 'all of a piece'; up close, each is a bewildering complexity of moods, cog…
A revision of the leading textbook on personality disorders by renowned expert Theodore Millon «Personalities are like impressionistic paintings. At a distance, each person is 'all of a piece'; up close, each is a bewildering complexity of moods, cog…
Handbook of Personality and Health
There has been a recent resurgence of interest in personality psychology and its applications. This book is organised in three parts: personality and health outcomes; mechanisms relating personality and health; personality specific prevention and int…
There has been a recent resurgence of interest in personality psychology and its applications. This book is organised in three parts: personality and health outcomes; mechanisms relating personality and health; personality specific prevention and int…

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