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Self-Harm and Violence. Towards Best Practice in Managing Risk in Mental Health Services
Self-Harm and Violence: Towards Best Practice in Managing Risk in Mental Health Services presents the first exploration of the most effective clinical practice techniques relating to the management of risk in mental health care settings. Based on the…
Self-Harm and Violence: Towards Best Practice in Managing Risk in Mental Health Services presents the first exploration of the most effective clinical practice techniques relating to the management of risk in mental health care settings. Based on the…
Emotional Freedom Technique For Dummies
A member of the Energy Therapies family – which includes, acupuncture, acupressure and shiatsu – Emotional Freedom Technique is a simple and increasingly popular self- development therapy used to treat a wide range of physical and emotional issues. P…
A member of the Energy Therapies family – which includes, acupuncture, acupressure and shiatsu – Emotional Freedom Technique is a simple and increasingly popular self- development therapy used to treat a wide range of physical and emotional issues. P…
Body Language For Dummies
If you are puzzled by other people or want to improve the impression you give, knowing about body language could be the key. In this book you’ll discover how the body reveals what people really mean and how you can use your body and your expressions …
If you are puzzled by other people or want to improve the impression you give, knowing about body language could be the key. In this book you’ll discover how the body reveals what people really mean and how you can use your body and your expressions …
Therapist and Client. A Relational Approach to Psychotherapy
Therapist and Client: A Relational Approach to Psychotherapy provides a guide to the fundamental interpersonal elements of the therapeutic relationship that make it the most effective factor in therapy. Presents the fundamental interpersonal elements…
Therapist and Client: A Relational Approach to Psychotherapy provides a guide to the fundamental interpersonal elements of the therapeutic relationship that make it the most effective factor in therapy. Presents the fundamental interpersonal elements…
A History of Autism. Conversations with the Pioneers
This unique book is the first to fully explore the history of autism – from the first descriptions of autistic-type behaviour to the present day. Features in-depth discussions with leading professionals and pioneers to provide an unprecedented insigh…
This unique book is the first to fully explore the history of autism – from the first descriptions of autistic-type behaviour to the present day. Features in-depth discussions with leading professionals and pioneers to provide an unprecedented insigh…
The Psychological Wealth of Nations. Do Happy People Make a Happy Society?
The Psychological Wealth of Nations reviews the range of new scientific research related to individual and societal happiness. Presents a comprehensive review of happiness, from conceptual and measurement issues to an exploration of predictors and co…
The Psychological Wealth of Nations reviews the range of new scientific research related to individual and societal happiness. Presents a comprehensive review of happiness, from conceptual and measurement issues to an exploration of predictors and co…
Addiction Dilemmas. Family Experiences from Literature and Research and their Lessons for Practice
Addiction Dilemmas explores the impact of addiction on those closest to the individuals affected and their families. Drawing on a wide range of sources, the book discusses the stresses and strains that family members are subjected to, the dilemmas th…
Addiction Dilemmas explores the impact of addiction on those closest to the individuals affected and their families. Drawing on a wide range of sources, the book discusses the stresses and strains that family members are subjected to, the dilemmas th…
The Psychology of Eating. From Healthy to Disordered Behavior
With its primary focus on the psychology of eating from a social, health, and clinical perspective, the second edition of The Psychology of Eating: From Healthy to Disordered Behavior presents an overview of the latest research into a wide range of e…
With its primary focus on the psychology of eating from a social, health, and clinical perspective, the second edition of The Psychology of Eating: From Healthy to Disordered Behavior presents an overview of the latest research into a wide range of e…
The Mindful Workplace. Developing Resilient Individuals and Resonant Organizations with MBSR
This book offers a practical and theoretical guide to the benefits of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in the workplace, describing the latest neuroscience research into the effects of mindfulness training and detailing an eight-week mindful…
This book offers a practical and theoretical guide to the benefits of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in the workplace, describing the latest neuroscience research into the effects of mindfulness training and detailing an eight-week mindful…
Prejudice. Its Social Psychology
This new edition of Prejudice provides a comprehensive treatment of the subject, introducing the major theoretical ideas as well as providing a critical analysis of recent developments. Takes a social psychological perspective, analysing individual b…
This new edition of Prejudice provides a comprehensive treatment of the subject, introducing the major theoretical ideas as well as providing a critical analysis of recent developments. Takes a social psychological perspective, analysing individual b…
Such Stuff as Dreams. The Psychology of Fiction
Such Stuff as Dreams: The Psychology of Fiction explores how fiction works in the brains and imagination of both readers and writers. Demonstrates how reading fiction can contribute to a greater understanding of, and the ability to change, ourselves …
Such Stuff as Dreams: The Psychology of Fiction explores how fiction works in the brains and imagination of both readers and writers. Demonstrates how reading fiction can contribute to a greater understanding of, and the ability to change, ourselves …
Effective Teamwork. Practical Lessons from Organizational Research
Updated to reflect the latest research evidence, the third edition of Effective Teamwork provides business managers with the necessary guidance and tools to build and maintain effective teamwork strategies. A new edition of a bestselling book on team…
Updated to reflect the latest research evidence, the third edition of Effective Teamwork provides business managers with the necessary guidance and tools to build and maintain effective teamwork strategies. A new edition of a bestselling book on team…
Phenomenology for Therapists. Researching the Lived World
This book provides an accessible comprehensive exploration of phenomenological theory and research methods and is geared specifically to the needs of therapists and other health care professionals. An accessible exploration of an increasingly popular…
This book provides an accessible comprehensive exploration of phenomenological theory and research methods and is geared specifically to the needs of therapists and other health care professionals. An accessible exploration of an increasingly popular…
Promoting Value in the Public Interest: Informing Policies for Judging Value in Evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 133
Do you make evidence-based decisions when designing and conducting evaluations, and use methods validated by experience? Because of the growing importance of evidence-based decision-making for improving programs and policies, this issue examines meth…
Do you make evidence-based decisions when designing and conducting evaluations, and use methods validated by experience? Because of the growing importance of evidence-based decision-making for improving programs and policies, this issue examines meth…
Creating Safer Organisations. Practical Steps to Prevent the Abuse of Children by Those Working With Them
An accessible resource to help those in organisational settings ensure that they have taken all possible steps to safeguard the children and young people they are responsible for. Draws on up to date research with people who have committed sexual off…
An accessible resource to help those in organisational settings ensure that they have taken all possible steps to safeguard the children and young people they are responsible for. Draws on up to date research with people who have committed sexual off…
Seducing the Subconscious. The Psychology of Emotional Influence in Advertising
Our relationship with ads: it's complicated A must-read for anyone intrigued by the role and influence of the ad world, Seducing the Subconscious explores the complexities of our relationship to advertising. Robert Heath uses approaches from experime…
Our relationship with ads: it's complicated A must-read for anyone intrigued by the role and influence of the ad world, Seducing the Subconscious explores the complexities of our relationship to advertising. Robert Heath uses approaches from experime…
DSM-5 Essentials. The Savvy Clinician's Guide to the Changes in Criteria
Everything you need to know about the DSM-5 in an organized and concise presentation Providing you with a quick and easy way to get up-to-speed on recent changes to the two main classification systems—DSM-5 Essentials highlights these changes in a lo…
Everything you need to know about the DSM-5 in an organized and concise presentation Providing you with a quick and easy way to get up-to-speed on recent changes to the two main classification systems—DSM-5 Essentials highlights these changes in a lo…
Group Exercises for Addiction Counseling
An indispensable collection of ready-to-use, proven exercises Providing immediately useful group counseling suggestions and tips for addictions counselors, Group Exercises for Addiction Counseling offers powerful techniques that can be adapted to any…
An indispensable collection of ready-to-use, proven exercises Providing immediately useful group counseling suggestions and tips for addictions counselors, Group Exercises for Addiction Counseling offers powerful techniques that can be adapted to any…
The Inner Life of the Counselor
One of the greatest gifts helping professionals can share with others is a sense of their own peace. However, retaining and renewing a sense of a healthy perspective requires not only self-care strategies, but also an awareness of basic profound, yet…
One of the greatest gifts helping professionals can share with others is a sense of their own peace. However, retaining and renewing a sense of a healthy perspective requires not only self-care strategies, but also an awareness of basic profound, yet…
Depression and Attempted Suicide in Adolescents
It aims to provide the practitioner with a description of depression, an explanation of factors that contribute to mood disorders and guidance on their assessment and treatment in adolescence. In addition, it aims to provide a framework for the asses…
It aims to provide the practitioner with a description of depression, an explanation of factors that contribute to mood disorders and guidance on their assessment and treatment in adolescence. In addition, it aims to provide a framework for the asses…

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