
управление продажами

200 точек роста продаж
Точки роста – это приемы и инструменты работы с клиентами, помогающие увеличить продажи. Иногда эти точки расположены в самых неожиданных и неочевидных местах. Поэтому, если вы думаете, что испробовали все, эта книга для вас. Автор книги – бизнесмен-…
Точки роста – это приемы и инструменты работы с клиентами, помогающие увеличить продажи. Иногда эти точки расположены в самых неожиданных и неочевидных местах. Поэтому, если вы думаете, что испробовали все, эта книга для вас. Автор книги – бизнесмен-…
Непроданные остатки – это боль. Особенно в сфере девелопмента. Упущенная прибыль, недополученные деньги, усталость и разочарование. Эта книга поможет решить проблемы с текущими остатками и наладить системный подход для борьбы с ними в будущем. До пол…
Непроданные остатки – это боль. Особенно в сфере девелопмента. Упущенная прибыль, недополученные деньги, усталость и разочарование. Эта книга поможет решить проблемы с текущими остатками и наладить системный подход для борьбы с ними в будущем. До пол…
Маркетинг на высоте
Как-то раз в соседних креслах самолета оказались маркетолог Олег Лихачев, владелец сети продуктовых магазинов Кирилл Борисович и хозяйка магазина детской одежды Катя. Познакомились, разговорились. За время полета предприниматели прослушали краткий, н…
Как-то раз в соседних креслах самолета оказались маркетолог Олег Лихачев, владелец сети продуктовых магазинов Кирилл Борисович и хозяйка магазина детской одежды Катя. Познакомились, разговорились. За время полета предприниматели прослушали краткий, н…
Продает каждый!.. сотрудник и не только…
Известный американский предприниматель и автор многих классных книг Харви Маккей как-то сказал: «Я думаю, что должности ничего не значат. В моей компании продает каждый. Для нас это единственный способ остаться в бизнесе». Очень известный российский…
Известный американский предприниматель и автор многих классных книг Харви Маккей как-то сказал: «Я думаю, что должности ничего не значат. В моей компании продает каждый. Для нас это единственный способ остаться в бизнесе». Очень известный российский…
Не давайте скидок! Современные техники продаж
Если вы руководитель компании или руководитель отдела продаж, подумайте, кто у вас трудится – люди, которые просто обрабатывают входящие заявки от клиентов, или профессиональные менеджеры? И что это значит – «профессиональный менеджер по продажам»? Е…
Если вы руководитель компании или руководитель отдела продаж, подумайте, кто у вас трудится – люди, которые просто обрабатывают входящие заявки от клиентов, или профессиональные менеджеры? И что это значит – «профессиональный менеджер по продажам»? Е…
The Mary Kay Way. Timeless Principles from America's Greatest Woman Entrepreneur
The Mary Kay Way: Timeless Principles from America's Greatest Woman Entrepreneur is back in print and updated to reflect developments in today’s business environment for the modern entrepreneur. You will find inspiration and real, proven success prin…
The Mary Kay Way: Timeless Principles from America's Greatest Woman Entrepreneur is back in print and updated to reflect developments in today’s business environment for the modern entrepreneur. You will find inspiration and real, proven success prin…
Style and Statistics. The Art of Retail Analytics
A non-technical guide to leveraging retail analytics for personal and competitive advantage Style & Statistics is a real-world guide to analytics in retail. Written specifically for the non-IT crowd, this book explains analytics in an approachable, u…
A non-technical guide to leveraging retail analytics for personal and competitive advantage Style & Statistics is a real-world guide to analytics in retail. Written specifically for the non-IT crowd, this book explains analytics in an approachable, u…
Retail Marketing and Branding. A Definitive Guide to Maximizing ROI
Retail Marketing and Branding, 2nd Edition looks at how retailers can make more out of their marketing money with retail best practices in branding and marketing spend optimization. The second edition of Retail Marketing and Branding includes the fol…
Retail Marketing and Branding, 2nd Edition looks at how retailers can make more out of their marketing money with retail best practices in branding and marketing spend optimization. The second edition of Retail Marketing and Branding includes the fol…
Reshaping Retail. Why Technology is Transforming the Industry and How to Win in the New Consumer Driven World
The modern retail system has worked to dazzling effect. From the 19th century, store owners emerged from small beginnings to set in train an industry that has seen some operators become nationally, even globally, dominant. Along the way, they turned …
The modern retail system has worked to dazzling effect. From the 19th century, store owners emerged from small beginnings to set in train an industry that has seen some operators become nationally, even globally, dominant. Along the way, they turned …
Setting Profitable Prices. A Step-by-Step Guide to Pricing Strategy--Without Hiring a Consultant
Time-tested strategies for making the best possible pricing decisions and gaining an unbeatable competitive advantage Pricing is one of the most important—and difficult—marketing problems companies face when launching new products. Unfortunately, the…
Time-tested strategies for making the best possible pricing decisions and gaining an unbeatable competitive advantage Pricing is one of the most important—and difficult—marketing problems companies face when launching new products. Unfortunately, the…
Silver Bullet Selling. Six Critical Steps to Opening More Relationships and Closing More Sales
Based on ten years of extensive research and interviews with thousands of top sales performers in a variety of industries, Silver Bullet Selling reveals the secrets all great sales professionals have in common. It's not what you say that determines y…
Based on ten years of extensive research and interviews with thousands of top sales performers in a variety of industries, Silver Bullet Selling reveals the secrets all great sales professionals have in common. It's not what you say that determines y…
Luxury Retail Management. How the World's Top Brands Provide Quality Product and Service Support
Noted experts offer invaluable insights into the glamorous world of luxury retail Luxury Retail Management is your gold-plated ticket to the glamorous world of luxury retail. Defining all the tools that are necessary to manage luxury stores, from the…
Noted experts offer invaluable insights into the glamorous world of luxury retail Luxury Retail Management is your gold-plated ticket to the glamorous world of luxury retail. Defining all the tools that are necessary to manage luxury stores, from the…
Selling Through Someone Else. How to Use Agile Sales Networks and Partners to Sell More
Experience the growth multiplier effect through transforming the distribution and sales network Selling Through Someone Else tackles new opportunities to drive company growth by taking a fresh look at the customer smart distribution and sales process…
Experience the growth multiplier effect through transforming the distribution and sales network Selling Through Someone Else tackles new opportunities to drive company growth by taking a fresh look at the customer smart distribution and sales process…
Retail Analytics. The Secret Weapon
The inside scoop on boosting sales through spot-on analytics Retailers collect a huge amount of data, but don't know what to do with it. Retail Analytics not only provides a broad understanding of retail, but also shows how to put accumulated data to…
The inside scoop on boosting sales through spot-on analytics Retailers collect a huge amount of data, but don't know what to do with it. Retail Analytics not only provides a broad understanding of retail, but also shows how to put accumulated data to…
Powerful Exhibit Marketing. The Complete Guide to Successful Trade Shows, Conferences, and Consumer Shows
A complete guide to successful trade shows and exhibitions Trade shows, consumer shows, product launches, sporting events, and other opportunities to interact face-to-face with customers have become an important part of the marketing mix. Recent stud…
A complete guide to successful trade shows and exhibitions Trade shows, consumer shows, product launches, sporting events, and other opportunities to interact face-to-face with customers have become an important part of the marketing mix. Recent stud…
Retail Business Kit For Dummies
Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned retail entrepreneur, Retail Business Kit For Dummies shows you how to start and run your business in today’s retail marketplace—from your original dream and the day-to-day operation to establishing a connection w…
Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned retail entrepreneur, Retail Business Kit For Dummies shows you how to start and run your business in today’s retail marketplace—from your original dream and the day-to-day operation to establishing a connection w…
The Marketing Century. How Marketing Drives Business and Shapes Society
Written to celebrate the Institute's centenary, The Marketing Century explains: how the key elements of marketing have developed; how the various aspects of marketing contribute to performance; what it is that great marketers do; and how the discipli…
Written to celebrate the Institute's centenary, The Marketing Century explains: how the key elements of marketing have developed; how the various aspects of marketing contribute to performance; what it is that great marketers do; and how the discipli…
The Selling Fox. A Field Guide for Dynamic Sales Performance
A follow-up to the author's highly successful Power Base Selling. Ideal for any kind of salesperson.
A follow-up to the author's highly successful Power Base Selling. Ideal for any kind of salesperson.
Customer Experience Management. A Revolutionary Approach to Connecting with Your Customers
In Customer Experience Management, renowned consultant and marketing thinker Bernd Schmitt follows up on his groundbreaking book Experiential Marketing by introducing a new and visionary approach to marketing called customer experience management (CE…
In Customer Experience Management, renowned consultant and marketing thinker Bernd Schmitt follows up on his groundbreaking book Experiential Marketing by introducing a new and visionary approach to marketing called customer experience management (CE…
Public Relations in Asia Pacific. Communicating Effectively Across Cultures
Public Relations in Asia Pacific reflects the growing professionalism in the practice of public relations in the world’s fastest expanding economy. It is a carefully drawn road map, both strategically and tactically, for all manner of entities, for p…
Public Relations in Asia Pacific reflects the growing professionalism in the practice of public relations in the world’s fastest expanding economy. It is a carefully drawn road map, both strategically and tactically, for all manner of entities, for p…

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