A complete guide for helping professionals, with tried-and-true techniques for practicing family counseling therapy Now in its second edition, Working With Families: Guidelines and Techniques is filled with up-to-date, systems-oriented techniques foc…
A complete guide for helping professionals, with tried-and-true techniques for practicing family counseling therapy Now in its second edition, Working With Families: Guidelines and Techniques is filled with up-to-date, systems-oriented techniques foc…
A user-friendly guide of best practice for leading groups in various settings and with different populations, which incorporates the latest developments in today's mental health marketplace. Features multiple theoretical perspectives and guidelines f…
A user-friendly guide of best practice for leading groups in various settings and with different populations, which incorporates the latest developments in today's mental health marketplace. Features multiple theoretical perspectives and guidelines f…
“Dr. Dimitrov has constructed a masterpiece—a classic resource that should adorn the shelf of every counseling researcher and graduate student serious about the construction and validation of high quality research instruments. —Bradley T. Erford, PhD…
“Dr. Dimitrov has constructed a masterpiece—a classic resource that should adorn the shelf of every counseling researcher and graduate student serious about the construction and validation of high quality research instruments. —Bradley T. Erford, PhD…
The most current trends in solution-focused counseling are explored in the latest edition of this updated and expanded text. Dr. Guterman provides a comprehensive and straightforward discussion of solution-focused theory and describes how the model c…
The most current trends in solution-focused counseling are explored in the latest edition of this updated and expanded text. Dr. Guterman provides a comprehensive and straightforward discussion of solution-focused theory and describes how the model c…
Мы привыкли считать детство самой счастливой и беззаботной порой нашей жизни, забывая, как беззащитны дети перед лицом стресса и боли.
Многочисленные исследования подтвердили, что развод или постоянные ссоры родителей, смерть близких, издевательство…
Мы привыкли считать детство самой счастливой и беззаботной порой нашей жизни, забывая, как беззащитны дети перед лицом стресса и боли.
Многочисленные исследования подтвердили, что развод или постоянные ссоры родителей, смерть близких, издевательство…
Новая книга Тары Брах посвящена практике четырех шагов, призванной поддержать в трудные времена. Этот доступный любому человеку метод разработан автором на основе древней мудрости и современных научных открытий о мозге. Цель практики – помочь людям с…
Новая книга Тары Брах посвящена практике четырех шагов, призванной поддержать в трудные времена. Этот доступный любому человеку метод разработан автором на основе древней мудрости и современных научных открытий о мозге. Цель практики – помочь людям с…
The Couples Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner, Second Edition contains complete prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions for each behavioral problem in The Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition. The prewritten pro…
The Couples Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner, Second Edition contains complete prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions for each behavioral problem in The Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition. The prewritten pro…
With contributions from leading scholars in the field, Rebels in Groups brings together the latest research which, contrary to traditional views, considers dissent, deviance, difference and defiance to be a normal and healthy aspect of group life. Br…
With contributions from leading scholars in the field, Rebels in Groups brings together the latest research which, contrary to traditional views, considers dissent, deviance, difference and defiance to be a normal and healthy aspect of group life. Br…
Praise for Working With Grieving and Traumatized Children and Adolescents «This much-needed book effectively argues for the use of structured activities as the basis for exploring trauma-specific questions in clinical work with traumatized children a…
Praise for Working With Grieving and Traumatized Children and Adolescents «This much-needed book effectively argues for the use of structured activities as the basis for exploring trauma-specific questions in clinical work with traumatized children a…
A comprehensive collection of hundreds of thought-provoking stories and activities for use in the treatment of children confronting difficult situations Storytelling and Other Activities for Children in Therapy provides professionals with the knowled…
A comprehensive collection of hundreds of thought-provoking stories and activities for use in the treatment of children confronting difficult situations Storytelling and Other Activities for Children in Therapy provides professionals with the knowled…
Expand and reinforce your understanding of counseling and psychotherapy theories This supplementary resource to Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice, Second Edition will further deepen your understanding of three key componen…
Expand and reinforce your understanding of counseling and psychotherapy theories This supplementary resource to Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice, Second Edition will further deepen your understanding of three key componen…
In keeping with person-centered theory and therapy, John and Rita Sommers-Flanagan have produced a book that will be immensely helpful for professionals who work with parents. Throughout the pages, there are many examples of practitioners honoring an…
In keeping with person-centered theory and therapy, John and Rita Sommers-Flanagan have produced a book that will be immensely helpful for professionals who work with parents. Throughout the pages, there are many examples of practitioners honoring an…
Posttraumatic Growth and Culturally Competent Practice: Lessons Learned from Around the Globe brings welcome attention to applying PTG to culturally competent practice worldwide. It delivers on the promise embedded in its title: lots of lessons withi…
Posttraumatic Growth and Culturally Competent Practice: Lessons Learned from Around the Globe brings welcome attention to applying PTG to culturally competent practice worldwide. It delivers on the promise embedded in its title: lots of lessons withi…
Organizations thrive or struggle as a result of interactions among team members. To optimize the performance of teams, Group Dynamics and Team Interventions bridges the gap between the most up-to-date academic research findings about group behavior a…
Organizations thrive or struggle as a result of interactions among team members. To optimize the performance of teams, Group Dynamics and Team Interventions bridges the gap between the most up-to-date academic research findings about group behavior a…
The essential reference for human development theory, updated and reconceptualized The Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, a four-volume reference, is the field-defining work to which all others are compared. First published in 19…
The essential reference for human development theory, updated and reconceptualized The Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, a four-volume reference, is the field-defining work to which all others are compared. First published in 19…
The essential reference for human development theory, updated and reconceptualized The Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, a four-volume reference, is the field-defining work to which all others are compared. First published in 19…
The essential reference for human development theory, updated and reconceptualized The Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, a four-volume reference, is the field-defining work to which all others are compared. First published in 19…
The essential reference for human development theory, updated and reconceptualized The Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, a four-volume reference, is the field-defining work to which all others are compared. First published in 19…
The essential reference for human development theory, updated and reconceptualized The Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, a four-volume reference, is the field-defining work to which all others are compared. First published in 19…
Чувство «со мной что-то не так» – именно то, что мешает многим западным людям жить полноценной жизнью, говорит автор этого бестселлера, психотерапевт с 20-летним стажем и учитель буддийской медитации Тара Брах. Она называет это состояние неприятия се…
Чувство «со мной что-то не так» – именно то, что мешает многим западным людям жить полноценной жизнью, говорит автор этого бестселлера, психотерапевт с 20-летним стажем и учитель буддийской медитации Тара Брах. Она называет это состояние неприятия се…
Задачи данной техники – сместить фокус бессознательного внимания с акцентов, развивающих эмоциональное переедание.
Базовым акцентом эмоционального переедания является физическое наслаждение пищей. Оно фокусирует бессознательное на процессе получения…
Задачи данной техники – сместить фокус бессознательного внимания с акцентов, развивающих эмоциональное переедание.
Базовым акцентом эмоционального переедания является физическое наслаждение пищей. Оно фокусирует бессознательное на процессе получения…
В методическом пособии разбирается суть глубинного убеждения, его виды и причины возникновения. Основная ценность пособия заключается в наличии практических материалов и примеров их заполнения. Таким образом, человек сможет самостоятельно разобраться…
В методическом пособии разбирается суть глубинного убеждения, его виды и причины возникновения. Основная ценность пособия заключается в наличии практических материалов и примеров их заполнения. Таким образом, человек сможет самостоятельно разобраться…