Praise for Happiness, Healing, Enhancement «Filled with good strategies based in research, compelling case material, and most importantly, practical advice, this book belongs in the library of everyone interested in what it means to live well. It pro…
Praise for Happiness, Healing, Enhancement «Filled with good strategies based in research, compelling case material, and most importantly, practical advice, this book belongs in the library of everyone interested in what it means to live well. It pro…
Новое издание бестселлера известного американского психотерапевта и писателя Ирвина Ялома. Тема, поднятая в этой книге, остра и болезненна, она редко выносится на открытое обсуждение. Но страх смерти в той или иной форме есть у всех людей, просто обы…
Новое издание бестселлера известного американского психотерапевта и писателя Ирвина Ялома. Тема, поднятая в этой книге, остра и болезненна, она редко выносится на открытое обсуждение. Но страх смерти в той или иной форме есть у всех людей, просто обы…
Theraplay?a pioneering application of attachment theory to clinical work—helps parents learn and practice how to provide the playful engagement, empathic responsiveness, and clear guidance that lead to secure attachment and lifelong mental health in …
Theraplay?a pioneering application of attachment theory to clinical work—helps parents learn and practice how to provide the playful engagement, empathic responsiveness, and clear guidance that lead to secure attachment and lifelong mental health in …
Practical techniques for guiding parents through the stages of adoption and beyond «This book makes a significant contribution to both a greater understanding of adoption and its complex dynamic constellations as well as to serving those who are or c…
Practical techniques for guiding parents through the stages of adoption and beyond «This book makes a significant contribution to both a greater understanding of adoption and its complex dynamic constellations as well as to serving those who are or c…
Praise for Meditation and Yoga in Psychotherapy «From the wisdom of ancient cultures to modern neuroscience, the authors skillfully create a bridge of understanding between the practice of meditation, yoga, and psychotherapy. The Simpkins are at thei…
Praise for Meditation and Yoga in Psychotherapy «From the wisdom of ancient cultures to modern neuroscience, the authors skillfully create a bridge of understanding between the practice of meditation, yoga, and psychotherapy. The Simpkins are at thei…
The must-have guide to honestly and sensitively answering your clients' questions Written to help therapists view their clients' questions as collaborative elements of clinical work, What Do I Say? explores the questions—some direct, others unspoken—…
The must-have guide to honestly and sensitively answering your clients' questions Written to help therapists view their clients' questions as collaborative elements of clinical work, What Do I Say? explores the questions—some direct, others unspoken—…
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Couples and Family Relationships presents original articles from leading experts that link research, policy, and practice together to reflect the most current knowledge of contemporary relationships. Offers interesting…
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Couples and Family Relationships presents original articles from leading experts that link research, policy, and practice together to reflect the most current knowledge of contemporary relationships. Offers interesting…
Lebowitz and Omer have taken the latest and most relevant scientific research and synthesized it into an essential read for caregivers of anxious children. Treating Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety: A Guide for Caregivers provides an 'inside look' at…
Lebowitz and Omer have taken the latest and most relevant scientific research and synthesized it into an essential read for caregivers of anxious children. Treating Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety: A Guide for Caregivers provides an 'inside look' at…
In this book, experts in the field discuss how spiritual and religious issues can be successfully integrated into counseling in a manner that is respectful of client beliefs and practices. Designed as an introductory text for counselors-in-training a…
In this book, experts in the field discuss how spiritual and religious issues can be successfully integrated into counseling in a manner that is respectful of client beliefs and practices. Designed as an introductory text for counselors-in-training a…
Eight practical steps to help military families through the unique issues they face When service members return, it's up to their families to try to soften their re-entry into civilian life. Healing Stress in Military Families offers practical help f…
Eight practical steps to help military families through the unique issues they face When service members return, it's up to their families to try to soften their re-entry into civilian life. Healing Stress in Military Families offers practical help f…
Nowadays, a considerable amount of evaluation work is implemented internally—both nationally and across the world. As such, it is exceedingly important for evaluators and organizations to be aware of the issues in designing and implementing internal …
Nowadays, a considerable amount of evaluation work is implemented internally—both nationally and across the world. As such, it is exceedingly important for evaluators and organizations to be aware of the issues in designing and implementing internal …
Changing People's Lives While Transforming Your Own. Paths to Social Justice and Global Human Rights
By supporting others and promoting change, helping professionals also enjoy the benefit of personal growth. Changing People's Lives While Transforming Your Own is filled with narratives from individuals from social work, psychology, counseling, and a…
By supporting others and promoting change, helping professionals also enjoy the benefit of personal growth. Changing People's Lives While Transforming Your Own is filled with narratives from individuals from social work, psychology, counseling, and a…
The fifth edition of this bestseller expands and extends Gysbers and Henderson’s acclaimed five-phase model of planning, designing, implementing, evaluating, and enhancing Pre-K–12 guidance and counseling programs. This enduring, influential textbook…
The fifth edition of this bestseller expands and extends Gysbers and Henderson’s acclaimed five-phase model of planning, designing, implementing, evaluating, and enhancing Pre-K–12 guidance and counseling programs. This enduring, influential textbook…
An invitation to observe and achieve transformative breakthroughs in the therapeutic experience Creative Breakthroughs in Therapy: Tales of Transformation and Astonishment brings together nineteen of the world's most prominent and creative therapists…
An invitation to observe and achieve transformative breakthroughs in the therapeutic experience Creative Breakthroughs in Therapy: Tales of Transformation and Astonishment brings together nineteen of the world's most prominent and creative therapists…
Winner of the American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year 2011 (Category: Maternal And Child Health) Building on children's natural inclinations to pretend and reenact, play therapy is widely used in the treatment of psychological problems in childh…
Winner of the American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year 2011 (Category: Maternal And Child Health) Building on children's natural inclinations to pretend and reenact, play therapy is widely used in the treatment of psychological problems in childh…
Exposes destructive patterns of communication within family cultures and provides strategies for promoting more open dialogue among family members. Equips family therapists to help clients see the barriers they place in the way of healthy communicati…
Exposes destructive patterns of communication within family cultures and provides strategies for promoting more open dialogue among family members. Equips family therapists to help clients see the barriers they place in the way of healthy communicati…
Do you make evidence-based decisions when designing and conducting evaluations, and use methods validated by experience? Because of the growing importance of evidence-based decision-making for improving programs and policies, this issue examines meth…
Do you make evidence-based decisions when designing and conducting evaluations, and use methods validated by experience? Because of the growing importance of evidence-based decision-making for improving programs and policies, this issue examines meth…
Therapist and Client: A Relational Approach to Psychotherapy provides a guide to the fundamental interpersonal elements of the therapeutic relationship that make it the most effective factor in therapy. Presents the fundamental interpersonal elements…
Therapist and Client: A Relational Approach to Psychotherapy provides a guide to the fundamental interpersonal elements of the therapeutic relationship that make it the most effective factor in therapy. Presents the fundamental interpersonal elements…
– Discover how to set personal boundaries in the most important aspects of our lives with psychotherapist and relationship expert, Jennie Miller, and award-winning journalist Victoria Lambert.– Regularly published in The Daily Telegraph, The Times, T…
– Discover how to set personal boundaries in the most important aspects of our lives with psychotherapist and relationship expert, Jennie Miller, and award-winning journalist Victoria Lambert.– Regularly published in The Daily Telegraph, The Times, T…
Do you often feel you can’t say no?Are you spread too thin between your relationships and your responsibilities? Is there never time to do the things that really matter to you?There is a solution to this very modern chaos: boundaries. It’s undeniable…
Do you often feel you can’t say no?Are you spread too thin between your relationships and your responsibilities? Is there never time to do the things that really matter to you?There is a solution to this very modern chaos: boundaries. It’s undeniable…