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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
Those born on January 23 definitely need a partner who can challenge them intellectually, as they love to talk about almost anything. They need the freedom to be themselves but also the stability of a secure and loyal partner. They need to be careful that their independent and self-reliant attitude doesn’t make partners think they don’t need anyone but themselves. These people need a close relationship far more than they would ever admit to.
Health Headstrong
Those born on this day are distrustful of doctors and only seek medical advice as a last resort. They like to feel that they are the expert on their health and they will have strong beliefs about the food they eat and the kind of exercise routines they undertake. Because of this, they can either be extremely fanatical about their health or completely disinterested; it is important for them to learn to seek the advice of experts when it is appropriate, because although most of the time they are the best judge of what works for them, sometimes they aren’t. Reading, meditating or surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to be more open-minded and to accept change with trust and optimism.
Career Born academics
These people are naturally drawn to intellectual pursuits, thriving in student or academic environments. Their analytical mind also marks them out as potential scientists, although any career which can keep their mind constantly stimulated will appeal. Their more practical side may be drawn to business or market research, their idealistic side may attract them toward charity work, their rebellious side may draw them toward working on their own as an entrepreneur; but whatever career they choose, their originality will find ways to express itself in a unique and creative way.
Destiny To bring fresh new insights into the world
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to keep their feet firmly on the ground without losing their rebellious streak and individuality in the process. Their destiny is to bring fresh and new insights into the world and to encourage others to see things they normally take for granted in a wholly new light.
Power Thought
“Today I will share my dreams with others”
January 23
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator
Tarot card: The Hierophant (guidance)
Favorable numbers: 5, 6
Lucky days: Saturday and Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 6 of the month
Lucky colors: Aquamarine blue, green, purple
Birthstone: Amethyst
24 January the birthday of the idol
Your greatest challenge is…
learning not to fear criticism
The way forward is…
to use criticism as a powerful incentive to learn and improve. As flattering as praise is, it teaches us nothing, so instead of seeking praise seek criticism.
You’re drawn to people born on…
April 21 to May 21
You are both restrained on the outside but fiercely passionate on the inside and this creates a deep, mutual understanding.
Luck maker
Stop waiting for things to be perfect
Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity to come along; make the one you have in hand the best you possibly can.
People born on January 24 are blessed with the ability to stun all those who come into contact with them with their larger-than-life glamor. Everybody wants a piece of them and they are never short of admirers.
Although people are drawn to them sometimes to the point of infatuation, those born on this day have an aloof quality about them. Few know them really well and even fewer get close enough to know their hearts. This may be because behind their natural ability to excite others there is a deepseated fear of experiencing a negative reaction. To protect themselves from this they prefer to keep everyone at arm’s length and to keep quiet about what really excites them. In the short term this approach seems to only increase their popularity, but in the long run this suppression of their true feelings can lead to emotional damage. It is important for them to move away from suspicion of others to the belief that true friends will appreciate them just as they are. Typically around the age of twenty-seven there is a turning point, which suggests a movement away from total independence to greater emotional sensitivity.
Despite feeling insecure at times and misunderstood most of the time, the unique qualities and spark of genius people born on this day possess mean that they are never short of original ideas. They are capable of making great breakthroughs in their careers while at the same time being a delight to have around. They do enjoy being in this position but the danger is that it can lead to vanity. It really is better for their psychological growth to come down to earth with everybody else from time to time.
If those born on this day can find the courage to break down the barriers they have put up and become the person they really are, they may lose some of their idol status but they will gain something far greater in return: self-knowledge. And when they are finally able to understand themselves better, the potential for true greatness lies within them.
On the dark side
Vain, insecure, aloof
At your best
Energetic, exciting, stunning
Love Never short of admirers
People born on January 24 are rarely without a partner; their destiny is to attract others to them. Having said that, they do have problems letting themselves go fully in a relationship, and although they have a loving, generous heart, intense emotions frighten them. They need a partner who is willing to give them the time and space they need to open up fully.
Health Don’t get obsessed
Those born on this day tend to be extremely careful with their health and appearance; it is important that they don’t become obsessed with their diet, or an exercise or beauty regime. When it comes to their health, balance in all things is crucial. They would particularly benefit from group sporting activities that take the focus away from them and onto a team, as well as time spent relaxing with family and friends. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with warm down-to-earth colors such as brown and green will help stimulate their creativity and interaction with others.
Career Born nature lovers
Fear of the disapproval and non-acceptance of others often means that these people are at their happiest among children, or working with animals or with nature, as here they feel they can experience a level of trust and understanding that is perhaps lacking in their relationships with people. With their keen intelligence they are likely to succeed in almost any career, but they may find themselves drawn toward philosophy, religion, law, education, sociology, psychology, astrology, writing or the entertainment world.
Destiny To inspire others with their desire to improve the world
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to feel comfortable with the person they are and not to create false images of themselves. Once they are able to open up, their destiny is to inspire others with their honesty, integrity and genuine desire to make the world a better place.
Power Thought
“I joyously give to life and life joyously gives to me”
January 24
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover
Tarot card: The Hierophant (guidance)
Favorable numbers: 6,7
Lucky days: Saturday and Friday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 7 of the month
Lucky colors: Electric blue, cerise, lilac
Birthstone: Amethyst
25 January the birthday of purpose
Your greatest challenge is…
finding direction or a purpose in life
The way forward is…
to let feelings of envy point you in the direction of what you need.
You’re drawn to people born on…
February 20 to March 20
You share a passion for debate and generosity, and this creates a loving and supportive bond.
Luck maker
Be realistic
Lucky people value what they know they can achieve. Stay with reality and try to make things better, not perfect.
People born on January 25 come into this world with a powerful sense of destiny or purpose. They feel as if they have been sent with a mission, and until they are able to find and then achieve that mission they will feel unfulfilled.
If those born on this day are able to find a sense of purpose, their hard-working and disciplined approach to life will assure their success. They have the ability to focus their energies on their goals; these goals tend to be for the good of others rather than for themselves alone. They are at their happiest when they are totally immersed in a project, but their over-involvement is never at the expense of their individuality. People born on this day refuse to conform, and personal freedom is extremely important to them. Friendship is also important for them, and with their sharp wit they are never boring.
People born on this day are trendsetters, and you will often see them working one step ahead of the rest, using their intuition to push forward in a new direction. Occasionally they run the risk of pushing themselves too far forward and their off-the-wall experimentation with their appearance and their ideas can leave others feeling bewildered. This willingness to experiment is all part of the powerful sense of destiny that marks the out. Although they do see themselves as uniquely talented, they can also see themselves as uniquely flawed, and when there is tendency to dwell too much on their supposed deficiencies this can result in self-defeating behavior. It is important for them to come to terms with who they are and to feel comfortable with their personality. Typically around the age of twenty-six, sometimes later, they develop a greater sense of emotional identity and honesty.
Once people born on this day recognize that there really is nothing wrong with them and that emotions are not fixed but constantly changing, they have the potential to become bold and effective leaders in their work and dynamic and fascinating people in their personal life.
On the dark side
Nervous, self-defeating, impatient
At your best
Profound, altruistic, individual
Love The soul mate
People born on January 25 believe strongly in the idea of a soul mate—that person out there who completes them. Although this means that they can be extremely romantic, generous and passionate lovers, their need for total involvement from their partner can at times be too intense. They are drawn toward people who appreciate their need for life and love to be extraordinary.
Health Stay positive
Those born on this day need to be careful that they do not fall into a state of depression when they feel they are not fulfilling their life purpose. It is crucial for them to keep a positive attitude toward themselves; the best way to achieve this is not just through positive thinking but through a healthy diet, a regular exercise routine and an active social life. They also need to make sure they do not smoke or eat a diet too high in protein or saturated fat, as these could lead to poor mental, physical and emotional health. If they are feeling negative and uncertain, burning bergamot-, lavender- and sandalwood-scented candles may help change their perspective. They may also benefit from thought-changing therapies such as cognitive development or hypnotherapy.
Career Born achievers
The danger for these people is to be without direction, drifting from job to job, project to project, and scattering their energy and focus. In fact the choice of a career is perhaps more important than anything else for these determined individuals, as once they have settled on a course they tend to do very well in any profession. Writing, sociology and counseling, as well as music and the arts, might suit their curious personality; sales, marketing or financial negotiation might utilize their fine organizational talents. They also make accomplished electricians, inventors and technologists.
Destiny To share their sense of purpose with the world
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to like and trust themselves, and to accept both their limitations and their strengths. Once they are able to do this, they will be able to find their sense of purpose and to share their magnificent gifts with the world.
Power Thought
“My goal is to love myself more today than yesterday”
January 25
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator
Tarot card: The Chariot (resilience)
Favorable numbers: 7, 8
Lucky days: Saturday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 7 and 8 of the month
Lucky colors: Bright blue, sea green, mellow mauve
Birthstone: Amethyst
26 January the birthday of the last word
Your greatest challenge is…
inability to cope when your authority or your ideas are questioned
The way forward is…
Always listen to differing viewpoints from your own as sometimes other people can see what you might have missed.
You’re drawn to people born on…
April 21 to May 21
You both like to be where the action is but are also capable of a deep sense of connection.
Luck maker
Learn to listen
Lucky people know how to listen because they understand that other people may have a good idea!
People born on January 26 are strong-willed, enterprising individuals with a commanding presence. They like to be spearheading new trends and ideas, and their determination and success-orientated approach to life give them the potential to turn their dreams into reality.
The commanding air of authority, and insistence on having the last word, that people born on this day are blessed with make them excellent leaders and they excel at motivating and organizing other people. They firmly believe that for things to move forward the only way is for somebody—preferably themselves—to take control. They are pioneers of new ventures who generally earn the respect of others, in particular those who are subordinate to them.
While they have an honest approach and an air of authority, people born on this day are not known for their patience. They are prone to making snap decisions about people and to taking decisions without consulting others. This can lead to trouble and antagonism from others; the one thing people born on this day don’t like is having their authority questioned. It is important for them to keep an open mind about others and to carefully weigh up the pros and cons before making decisions. Once they are able to recognize the importance of compromise, their down-to-earth approach and dynamic energy will guarantee their success and the loyalty of others.
Those born on this day are usually to be found where the action is. They are extremely success orientated, but to lead a fully balanced life and to achieve greater happiness they do need to pay more attention to their inner life and their relationships with others. Fortunately, after the age of approximately twenty-five, sometimes later, they begin to become more sensitive and inner-focused and less externally orientated.
Part of the secret of the success that people born on this day attract is their ability to recover from setbacks. During troubled times in childhood and adolescence they learned that they have the ability to surprise all who doubt them and, once they know what they want, nothing can stand in their way.
On the dark side
Inflexible, opinionated, dictatorial
At your best
Dynamic, enterprising, determined
Love Born flirts
People born on January 26 are born flirts and run the risk of getting involved with someone else for the wrong reasons; perhaps because they feel that person will help them climb the ladder of success. This is a dangerous approach to love and one they should avoid at all costs because they are capable of giving a relationship their all.
Health Early to rise
People born on this day need to avoid extremes, and an early-to-bed, early-to-rise routine benefits their health. They need to watch out for sudden bursts of anger and frustration which can make them accident prone, particularly around the legs, knees and ankles. Competition sports are not advised but moderate exercise—such as walking, swimming and cycling—is. As far as diet is concerned, they should cut down their intake of meat and dairy products, and focus more on whole grains, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds, with omega-3 fish oils if their skin gets dry or sensitive. Placing an amethyst crystal under their pillow or wearing amethyst jewelry will help induce feelings of calm and contentment.
Career Natural leader
Without a doubt, these people possess natural qualities for leadership, and this will take them far if they avoid power struggles. Their ability to spot opportunities makes them great sales leaders, agents, negotiators, CEOs, managers, and advisors. Alternatively, their individual approach may express itself in the world of media and entertainment or they may find fulfillment as a consultant or natural therapist.
Destiny Trendsetter
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to motivate people with the spirit of cooperation rather than the spirit of dictatorship. Once they have learned the importance of compromise, their destiny is to be at the forefront of new trends and ideas.
Power Thought
“Today I will be prepared to see life differently”
January 26
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher
Tarot card: Strength (passion)
Favorable numbers: 8,9
Lucky day: Saturday, especially when it falls on 8, 9 and 17 of the month
Lucky colors: All shades of green and purple
Birthstone: Amethyst
27 January the birthday of early development
Your greatest challenge is…
learning to control your emotions
The way forward is…
to understand that your emotions are not in charge of you; you are in charge of your emotions. You are the one who decides how you feel.
You’re drawn to people born on…
March 21 to April 20
Your mutual passion for adventure and excitement makes this daredevil union fulfilling for both of you.
Luck maker
Look for more
If you can see this world and others through a softer and more expansive lens instead of a harsher, impatient lens you will make many wonderful discoveries.
The unique spirit and outstanding creative talents of people born on January 27 are often evident early in their lives, typically before they reach the age of thirty, and much of the rest of their lives is spent developing these gifts to their full potential.
Financial reward is not likely to be the motivating force of people born on this day; their motivation is more a personal desire to prove themselves and push themselves to their limits. They love the journey more than the arrival and the thrill of the chase rather than the prize. Unusually creative and intel-ligent, they often pick things up very quickly, an ability they demonstrated in their childhood or their teens. Sometimes their talent for adapting so quickly to the new can distance them from others with a more slow-moving approach, but it can also turn them into trendsetters. Their original perspective can also inspire them to make improvements to systems that are long past their sell-by date. Rarely will these people be on the sidelines; they are decision makers and life’s movers and shakers.
The biggest challenge for those born on this day is to learn to slow down and discriminate. Because they are capable of moving so fast ahead of others, their ideas may take off prematurely. They need to develop a disciplined work ethic that matches their versatility and helps them achieve the success they deserve. This doesn’t mean they should repress their exuberance; it just means they need to be more realistic in their approach to life. If they are unable to do this they may find themselves unable to hold down a job or a relationship. Fortunately, from the age of twenty-four there is a turning point which offers them opportunities to become more emotionally mature and show the world that their early promise can be fulfilled.
Above all, those born on this day have the ability to astonish everyone around them. Their energetic and sometimes childlike approach to life can mean that they are wrongly dismissed as lightweights, but once they learn concentration they are capable of great accomplishments.
On the dark side
Immature, restless, undisciplined
At your best
Gifted, enthusiastic, intelligent
Love Erratic, but exciting