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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
On the dark side
Obsessive, self-centered, indulgent
At your best
Idealistic, dedicated, inspirational
Love Passionate by nature
People born on January 15 have a powerful sex drive and a passionate nature. They are attracted to partners who can match their emotional and physical energy and who give them lots of attention and admiration. When they fall in love they give all of their body and mind but before they reach that point in their emotional life they will almost certainly have experimented a great deal sexually.
Health Moderation is key
The pleasure-seeking side of people born on this day can lead to excess. They need to watch that their love of rich food and pleasure does not lead to weight gain and excess. They also need to be careful that they don’t swing the other way and become excessively strict in their diet and exercise regime. Moderation in diet and exercise is extremely important. Joining a sports team or gym would be particularly beneficial as it would help them get fit while others admire their progress. They may suffer from poor circulation and feel the cold more than most. Sensitive skin also suffers in strong sunlight. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with shades of blue and green will help keep them balanced and uplifted.
Career Born campaigners
These people often find themselves speaking or arguing on behalf of others, fighting for human rights or leading a campaign to raise awareness. They may actively seek out this role or find that at some point in their life it is thrust upon them, finding that the challenge suits them. Whatever career they choose—be it social reform, architecture, management, fine art, civil rights campaigning, health care or science—they are likely to be dramatic, innovative and just a cut above the rest.
Destiny To be a voice of the people
The life path of people born on this day is to find a vocation in which they truly believe. Once they find a goal or a direction that is worthy of them and understand that in the drama of their life other people have their parts to play. the destiny of people born on this day is to be the voice of the people.
Power Thought
“Today when I feel happy I will share it”
January 15
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Capricorn
Ruling planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Horned Goat
Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover
Tarot card: The Devil (instinct)
Favorable numbers: 6, 7
Lucky days: Saturday and Friday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 7 of the month
Lucky colors: Black, dark blue, pink, woody brown
Birthstone: Garnet
16 January the birthday of satisfaction
Your greatest challenge is…
learning to feel that you are good enough
The way forward is…
to be grateful for what you have achieved so far and to focus on what is good about your life right now.
You’re drawn to people born on…
February 20 to March 20
You share worldly ambition and a need for debate and this can create a stimulating and creative union.
Luck maker
Be your own hero
By improving the picture you have of yourself in your mind you can dramatically change your luck for the better.
Those born on January 16 love the idea of successfully completing projects to the best of their ability. They have great organizational skills and it gives them enormous satisfaction and fulfillment to see a job well done. Although satisfactory completion is their goal, it is important for them not to become overly critical or negative about themselves or others when results are not as good as expected.
January 16 people prefer structure, routine and certainty to variation and uncertainty, as they believe it will increase their chances of accomplishing tasks or projects. Paradoxically, though, when their lives become too structured they can become restless and prone to risk-taking or attempting impossible challenges or goals.
Even though they are often highly valued and admired, when things don’t go according to plan they can become over-anxious about their future direction, or prone to the belief that they can never live up to their own expectations. It’s possible that in childhood great things were expected of them by their parents and this created a tendency toward introspection and living in the future; if allowed to develop to its extreme, this can lead to feelings of inferiority and despair. They need to understand that they are destined for success, but driving themselves and others into the ground in the process is not necessarily the right approach. Once they have learned to value what they do have, they will discover that the satisfaction they crave comes not just from a job well done but from within and from close personal relationships.
Typically around the age of thirty-five, often sooner, they reach a turningpoint that emphasizes the importance of being more in touch with their emotions and the present moment. Above all, they must not settle for fear and uncertainty about what may happen in the future because within them is the strength they need to deal with setbacks; once they can view their mistakes not as failures but as opportunities to learn and grow, they have the potential for an extraordinary life.
On the dark side
Irresponsible, dissatisfied, anxious
At your best
Responsible, insightful, thorough
Love Actions speak louder than words
Those born on January 16 can have trouble admitting to their feelings. They prefer to show their love to partners, family and friends by doing things, helping out, encouraging or buying small gifts every so often. There is also a side to them which longs for freedom and is prone to irresponsible behavior. They need to find a partner to whom they feel comfortable opening up and who can give them both the security and the freedom they need to be the caring, loyal and generous lover they can be.
Health Kick-start
People born on this day can become lazy or complacent about their health, and their energy levels may slump as a result. They need to eat regular meals and snacks to keep them going at full speed ahead. Energetic forms of exercise are recommended, as is a diet low in sugar, processed and refined food, and full of energy-boosting nutrient-rich vegetables and whole grains. They also need to make sure they have around eight hours’ sleep a night; any more than this will have the opposite effect and make them feel lethargic. Drinking green tea (instead of black tea, tea with milk, or coffee) will give them an instant energy boost.
Career Born managers
In the world of business, these people make excellent managers or troubleshooters and their systematic approach to life also makes them great organizers, accountants and administrators. Publishing and law are also careers that appeal to them, as well as careers that involve dealing with the public, such as sales, personal relations or teaching. They may also find outlets for their emotional expression in music or the arts.
Destiny To help others do things the right way
The life path of people born on this day is to communicate to others the importance of doing things the right way and the satisfaction that can be gained from seeing tasks through to the end. Their destiny is to leave the world not just a tidier but a happier place.
Power Thought
“Happiness is available to me now”
January 16
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Capricorn
Ruling planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Horned Goat
Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator
Tarot card: The Tower (breakthrough)
Favorable numbers: 7, 8
Lucky days: Saturday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 7 and 8 of the month
Lucky colors: Brown, blue
Birthstone: Garnet
17 January the birthday of the leader
Your greatest challenge is…
coping with feeling helpless or reaching boiling point
The way forward is…
to understand that once you discover the power of positive thought you need never feel helpless or furious again.
You’re drawn to people born on…
December 22 to January 20
You share a tough and uncompromising approach to life, and united the two of you are unstoppable.
Luck maker
Mix with people you admire
Success attracts success, just as negativity attracts negativity, so don’t mix with negative, grumpy people; mix with positive, up-beat people who can lift your spirits and your expectations of success.
People born on January 17 prefer to take the lead, not because they are highly ambitious, egotistical or driven to succeed, but because having assessed the situation and weighed up the pros and cons, it is clear to them that they really are the best person for the job. Despite being cautious and respectful of tradition, people born on this day can also hold some progressive ideas with respect to social reform. They like not only to lead but also to help others.
A defining characteristic of people born on this day is their firm self-belief and strong will. Often their tough-minded approach to life has developed as a result of early hardships, and these difficulties may have taught them that the only person upon whom they can really rely at the end of the day is themselves. This gives them an almost superhuman degree of self-control that is simultaneously inspirational and alarming to others. They really do know the meaning of the word "struggle," and are a model of success achieved through one’s own efforts.
Leading and defending their position as leader come naturally to people born on this day. Their uncompromising attitude to life and to work can alienate others, and they would do well to learn that there are alternative ways to get people on their side, such as cooperation and good will. Perhaps because of the struggles they have been through, or the past hurts they have experienced, they can find it hard to trust others.
Although those born on this day realize how important it is to feel in control of their lives, there is a danger for some of them in focusing their energy on changing their outside circumstances instead of the way they think and feel about themselves. Fortunately, in their early thirties, often earlier, there is a shift toward this inner life. Once they begin to understand that selfcontrol starts from within not without—and that negative thoughts and feelings can be challenged—their originality and directness aren’t just admired by others, they are considered inspirational.
On the dark side
Argumentative, narrow-minded, reckless
At your best
Purposeful, tough, committed
Love The freedom to love
Just as people born on January 17 like to take the lead in their working and social life, the same applies to their intimate relationships. Although loyal, loving and generous, they can also be extremely domineering and controlling; as they are attracted to equally powerful, independent people, such tendencies can create tension. They need to learn that freedom and independence are as valid and important in a relationship as intimacy and trust.
Health Work it out
People born on this day must be careful that they don’t rely too much on stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine to keep their energy levels high. They need to realize that a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of sleep and exercise is the best way to prevent fatigue and boost concentration. Because they have a tendency to repress their emotions, especially their anger, they need to find activities such as competitive or extreme sports in which they can safely express this side of their nature before it erupts in their daily lives. Volunteer work will also help boost their morale. They will benefit from regular reflexology massages and from wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with shades of brown, as this color will encourage them to relax.
Career Born disciplinarians
These people value careers in which self-control, organization and discipline are important, such as the armed forces, the police force or the clergy. They are also extremely good at delegating and supervising others, so management roles, politics and the civil service may appeal. They may also have an interest in food, fashion or catering, as well as careers in which they can inspire others, such as teaching and charity work.
Destiny To lead others by their fine example
The life path of people born on this day is to use their self-discipline and selfcontrol to overcome adversity. Once they have learned to get others on their side with cooperation and mutual understanding, and to lead by example, their destiny is to encourage others to work harmoniously together.
Power Thought
“It is my attitude that counts”
January 17
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Capricorn
Ruling planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Horned Goat
Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher
Tarot card: The Star (hope)
Favorable numbers: 8, 9
Lucky day: Saturday, especially when it falls on 8 and 9 of the month
Lucky colors: All shades of black, brown and green
Birthstone: Garnet
18 January the birthday of fantasy
Your greatest challenge is…
learning to concentrate for long periods of time
The way forward is…
to never stop day-dreaming, as this is the secret to your creativity; but if you persistently notice that your mind wanders away from what you are supposed to be focusing on right now, simply say to yourself: Be here now.
You’re drawn to people born on…
March 21 to April 20
You share a mutual passion for togetherness and rebellion, and this creates a powerful and intense bond.
Luck maker
Finish what you start
Lucky people have discipline and are willing to do things they don’t like doing because they know it will help them reach their goal.
The imaginative and creative powers of people born on January 18 can lead them to extraordinary heights. They have a quick wit that can delight others, and their company and irreverent opinions are always in demand. In fact they often attract other people like a magnet.
Optimistic, trusting and childlike in nature, the only things that can bring down these friendly souls are rules, regulations and authority. Although they have boundless energy and drive, and love interacting with people, they don’t tend to thrive in a team or in a mundane job, unless they are one hundred per cent committed. They place an extremely high value on independence of thought and action; this can lead to reckless behavior and a stubborn refusal to conform. This trait is evident in both childhood and adulthood, and all the normal procedures for dealing with their rebellion don’t tend to work; they will simply withdraw even more as a result. They need to find an environment in which their need for freedom is respected, and once they do find that their gratitude, loyalty and devotion to it will be immense. They also need to make sure that they find ways to express their playful and friendly side, and their original sense of humor, as this will help them keep bitterness at bay.
People born on this day can become bored quickly, losing their concentration and retreating into a world of fantasy or fits of temper if their needs aren’t being met or becoming restless and impatient if they feel too confined by responsibilities. They need to learn to find ways to deal more appropriately with a situation; this kind of emotional maturity tends to emerge in their early thirties, sometimes sooner, sometimes later. Asking them to be more realistic simply isn’t an option—the way forward is for them not to deny their fantasies but to find ways to positively integrate their innovative ideas and extraordinary insights into their lives. By so doing they will be able to make not just their own lives—but those of all they touch—truly magical.
On the dark side
Childish, impractical, undisciplined
At your best
Visionary, creative, stimulating
Love Head over heels
Those with this birthday tend to throw themselves deeply into relationships and adore spending all their time with their loved ones. Some partners may find this too suffocating and this can deeply hurt those January 18 people to the extent that they hold back too much in future relationships. They often possess the fear that they will not find a soul mate who also wants to throw themselves into a relationship, but in the majority of cases they are successful.
Health Stay cool
Those born on this day need to be careful that they don’t disappear into a dreamland by experimenting with mood-altering substances. They can keep their energy levels and their mood constant by getting plenty of sleep and engaging in regular exercise. Because they live so much in their heads, they also need to be careful that they don’t forget to eat regular meals and snacks. They need to keep their feet firmly on the ground with plenty of outside hobbies and interests; wearing and meditating on earthy colors such as brown and green will help them feel more grounded.
Career Born creators
These people have vast creative potential and if a field interests them they are likely to be successful in it. Once they learn how to combine their creativity with practical ability, the fields of advertising or fashion may appeal, as might the world of business, property development and banking. Their idealism may also draw them toward teaching, medicine and charity work; the dramatic side of their nature that enjoys entertaining others may draw them toward the arts, film, media and theater.
Destiny To help others find their courage
The life path of people born on this day is to help others see the magic in almost any situation. Their destiny is not just to delight with their flights of fantasy but also to encourage others to take a bold, original and creative perspective on life.
Power Thought
“I will finish what I started”
January 18
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Capricorn
Ruling planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Horned Goat
Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior
Tarot card: The Moon (imagination)
Favorable numbers: 1, 9
Lucky days: Saturday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 9 of the month
Lucky colors: Black, bright red and reddish brown
Birthstone: Garnet
19 January the birthday of originality
Your greatest challenge is…
to stop getting bored and bogged down with detail
The way forward is…
to keep your ego in check. Paying attention to the little things helps you get the big things done, whether you like it or not.
You’re drawn to people born on…
July 24 to August 23
Your share a childlike sense of wonder and optimism and this creates a magical and intense bond.
Luck maker
Find out what you want, and why you want it
Lucky people are convinced and committed about what they want and why they want it. It is this certainty that gives them the strength and determination they need to achieve their dreams.
Those born on January 19 are honest and direct people with a great sense of the beauty in life. They have the ability to look at the world as if through the eyes of a child, seeing everything in a joyous light. Above all they are people of energy and wonder. This is the birthday of true originality.
The originality that defines people born on this day goes hand in hand with a personality that is independent and free-spirited. They really don’t care too much what people think and can from time to time indulge in flamboyant or outrageous behavior. Even if they appear respectable on the outside, anyone who gets to know them will soon appreciate what a truly unique individual they are.
January 19 people often surprise others with their reactions because they are able to sense what others miss. Occasionally they will fight against their intuitive side but it is important for them to find ways to balance and incorporate it into their lives. Typically around the age of thirty-two, frequently sooner, there is an emphasis toward their inner life. They learn the importance of working with, not against, their intuition.
These people are destined to shine brightly and to attract others to them like magnets; those born on this day who try to fit in or repress their creativity and originality are on the road to unhappiness. It may take a while before others understand their undoubted gifts but the power of these people is so great that they have the ability to win almost anyone over to their side. The only danger is that the dynamism and unconventionality of these people can lead to attention-seeking and sometimes immature behavior in an attempt to impress. They may also find it hard to lead to stable lives constantly changing focus and unable to balance their imaginative powers with normal working life.
Blessed with natural drive, curiosity and originality of thought, when they have finally learned to be true to themselves and others, not only can they lead and inspire others, there is the potential for real greatness.