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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
Above all, people born on January 31 are bright spirits who have the ability to light up the world with their bubbly personalities and brilliance. Once they learn to truly value themselves they have the potential not only to bring great happiness to the world but also to influence and inspire.
On the dark side
Uncertain, suspicious, groveling
At your best
Appealing, original, strong
Love Bubbling over
People born on January 31 throw themselves into relationships with bubbling enthusiasm. They make endlessly fascinating and entertaining partners but also incredibly supportive and loyal ones. Their partner may find it hard to get a word in, and it is important for them to learn to calm down and listen from time to time. If they can find a lover who encourages them to show their serious as well as their fun side, a passionate and intense connection is possible.
Health The color blue
Difficulties with their emotional life, in particular with friends and loved ones, can affect the health of people born on this day and manifest in depression, low self-esteem or insecurity. It is important for them to learn to feel comfortable with and to express their feelings to family and friends; they could benefit from counseling or alternative therapies, such as meditation, that stress the potential of the mind to alter the way they feel both emotionally and physically. They need to make sure they eat a healthy, balanced diet, as they are also prone to eating disorders. They would also benefit from fairly energetic exercise, such as aerobics or jogging, as it will help calm their mind. Meditating, wearing or surrounding themselves in the color blue will help stabilize their mood and bring feelings of calmness.
Career Born consultants
These people work well as philosophers, teachers, consultants, healers, writers, academics, as they have a love of gathering knowledge and are expert at communicating it to others. Once they have learned to master their own insecurities they also make outstanding counselors and instigators of social or humanitarian reform. They may also choose to channel their creativity into the entertainment world or the arts, in particular poetry or song writing.
Destiny To bring great joy to the world
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to rely less on the reaction they get from others and more on their own instincts. Once they have learned to trust themselves, their destiny is to bring great joy to the world with their charm, wit, and insight.
Power Thought
“I have a mission and I choose to accept it”
January 31
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary
Tarot card: The Emperor (authority)
Favorable numbers: 4, 5
Lucky days: Saturday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 5 of the month
Lucky colors: Sky blue, silver and pale green
Birthstone: Amethyst
1 February the birthday of the spectacular turnaround
Your greatest challenge is…
coping with feeling unsure about what to do with your life
The way forward is…
to analyze your emotions like a scientist. Once you can identify what gives you joy, you are closer to finding your answer.
You’re drawn to people born on…
July 24 to August 23
You share a passion for honesty and fun and this can create an intense and magical bond.
Luck maker
Just do something
Sometimes when you can’t decide what to do you simply have to do something and stop dithering. If it doesn’t work out, at least you will have learned about yourself from the experience.
Those born on February 1 tend to be multi-talented individuals who refuse to conform to traditional ways of thinking or doing things. Despite the fact that others are often swayed by their conviction, it is not uncommon for them to make a spectacular turnaround a month or so later.
This unique combination of originality, intuition and flexibility means that people born on this day have an ability to attract and keep success. They can assess a situation quickly and formulate an appropriate course of action but they are also capable of dramatically changing direction as long as it takes them in the direction they want to go. They can do this with ease because they have the maturity to understand that there will always be different viewpoints. They have values and beliefs to guide them but they never shut out options that could potentially bring good fortune their way.
The willingness to learn and adapt that people born on this day favor means that they are a unique mixture of seriousness and fun, easily able to relate to and influence everyone they meet. The only danger is that by accommodating themselves to others they can lose touch with who they are. It is especially important for them to shift their focus more toward greater self-understanding and to become more aware of the effect others can have on them. Fortunately, from around the age of nineteen there is a turning point which places the emphasis firmly on developing and understanding their goals in life; at around the age of forty-nine there is a shift toward even deeper self-awareness.
With their ability to adapt and strike out in any new direction, people born on this day are often trail-blazers. Although it can sometimes be tough for them to decide what to do, once they know where they are heading and, more importantly, who they want to be, their powers of communication, combined with their versatility and charisma, have the potential to attract more success than they could ever have dreamed of.
On the dark side
Stubborn, fickle, self-absorbed
At your best
Inspiring, original, mentally quick
Love Heart on sleeve
People born on February 1 tend to wear their heart on their sleeve and prefer relationships that are honest and open. They are never short of admirers, but they also long for the security of a relationship that allows them to be truly themselves. As long as their lover respects them with an honest approach they make loyal, entertaining and loving partners.
Health Breathe in and out
Those born on this day often have complicated emotional lives and this can predispose them toward nervousness and sensitivity, and unhealthy lifestyle choices that can increase their chances of poor health. They may also be prone to hypertension and heart problems. It is extremely important for them to avoid stimulants, alcohol, smoking, drugs, and the temptation of numerous sexual partners, and to find more positive ways to work through their emotions, such as vigorous exercise. A sensible diet, low in refined sugar and rich in nutritious fresh food, such as whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, is highly recommended. Regular breathing exercises, such as yoga and ch’i kung, can also help reduce stress and prevent oversensitivity.
Career Born firefighters
Careers that require action or the ability to think or react quickly, for example paramedics, pilots, fire fighters, doctors, or nurses, may appeal to these people. They may also be drawn to management or executive positions in large companies, or sales and promotion. With their love of change they would do well to stay away from routine jobs, and their inventive and original ideas may also draw them toward humanitarian work or setting up their own business or excelling in media, writing and the arts.
Destiny To break new ground
The life path of people born on this day is to discover who they really are and what they want out of life. Once they are able to do that their destiny is to break new ground and to reach further than any have reached before with their determination and drive.
Power Thought
“The secret of my success is self-understanding”
February 1
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual
Tarot card: The Magician (willpower)
Favorable numbers: 1, 3
Lucky days: Saturday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 3 of the month
Lucky colors: Aqua, orange, lilac
Birthstone: Amethyst
2 February the birthday of elegance
Your greatest challenge is…
learning how to let down your guard
The way forward is…
to develop your self-awareness and to understand that trust and intimacy are not weaknesses but strengths.
You’re drawn to people born on…
June 22 to July 23
You share a refined and creative approach to life and love and this can create a transcendental and loving bond.
Luck maker
Learn your intuitive language
Your intuition may come in a dream, it may speak through other people, or it may speak to you in a quiet, gentle knowing.
Those born on February 2 tend to be sophisticated people with their own elegant style, dress code and mode of behavior. They often resist any attempt to impose rules and regulations on them but, despite their fierce need to do things their own way, they are also extremely open-minded. This makes them very easy to get along with and their presence is soothing and reassuring for others when they are troubled. They also possess the ability to stick to something to the bitter end; this determination and conviction give them a formidable energy and power.
Although people born on this day are often surrounded by admirers, they tend to keep close emotional relationships at arm’s length. This could be because they can get so absorbed in their work, their ideas or their projects that they place close human contact at the bottom of the list. Their focus is often the universal, the social, the bigger picture or the group, and they are in many respects the wounded healers of this world. They are the politicians, doctors and social reformers who make great changes for the good of others but have little time for the welfare of their own family. They are the counselors and psychologists who can help others work through their emotional traumas but are unable to identify their own. They are the mystics and psychics who can see the bigger picture but can’t see their own loneliness. It is crucial for their own psychological growth that they become more self-aware and respect themselves enough to let others get close to them. Fortunately, around the age of eighteen and then again around the age of forty-eight there are opportunities for them to develop stronger emotional bonds with others.
Above all, people born on this day are perceptive and unique individuals. If they can learn to apply the same level of intuitive understanding to themselves as they apply to others and the world around them, they have the potential to be not just rare and elegant, but truly inspirational individuals.
On the dark side
Uncompassionate, aloof, stubborn
At your best
Elegant, stylish, dynamic
Love Higher love
People born on February 2 don’t just want to fall in love; they want a higher, celestial love where the earth and stars move when they are with their partner. This makes them extraordinarily romantic lovers but it can also place enormous pressure on a partner when the routine of sharing life with someone else inevitably come through. It is important for them to understand that love is not just a heavenly but also an earthly emotion, and that truly falling in love is about sharing and celebrating not just the soul of another person but also their all-too-human imperfections.
Health The scent of roses
People born on this day tend to be very concerned about their appearance and need to be careful that they don’t take things to extremes if they don’t like what they see in the mirror. They need to make sure they eat a sensible balanced diet and don’t let fussy eating habits rob them of vital health-boosting nutrients. They would benefit from social forms of exercise such as sports and aerobics, fresh air in the countryside or by the sea, and more time spent relaxing and unwinding with family and friends. Rose essential oil or rose-scented perfume will help them feel more passionate toward others and warmer inside, as will wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange.
Career Born designers
These people may well be attracted to technical careers, such as engineering or computer programming, or careers in fashion or design. Their charm and elegance will also help them succeed in any careers where they need to deal on a regular basis with the public. Their curious personality may lead them toward psychology, sociology and politics, and their sensitivity and intuitive understanding of others may also lead them to careers in the arts and teaching, or healing and the spiritual side of life.
Destiny To make the world more elegant
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to open up to others and let them into your heart. Once you have learned to do this your destiny is to play up your exquisite taste and use it to make the world a more refined and elegant place.
Power Thought
“Today I will let my inner guide decide for me”
February 2
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive
Tarot card: The High Priestess (intuition)
Favorable numbers: 2,4
Lucky days: Saturday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 or 4 of the month
Lucky colors: Aqua, white, purple
Birthstone: Amethyst
3 February the birthday of new frontiers
Your greatest challenge is…
dealing with boredom
The way forward is…
to think of boredom as an opportunity to relax, unwind and spend time thinking about what you really want from life.
You’re drawn to people born on…
November 23 to December 21
The two of you share a passion for exploration and discovery and this can create an adventurous and supportive bond.
Luck maker
Rest rather than run
Some of life’s greatest achievements happen not when we are actively engaged in trying to make things happen but when we are simply open and available to what shows up.
People born on February 3 have a probing and inquisitive mind that thrives on variety and constant change. They are boundary breakers and nothing excites them more than a challenge or a new experience. What makes them unique, however, is that when they are actively involved in a task they can give it their undivided attention.
Once people born on this day have broken things down and learned all they think they can, they will immediately move on to something else. There is a danger that this approach to life can lead to flitting from one subject to another without acquiring any real depth. However, when they do find something that really challenges them they will probe into every minute aspect of it with an incomparable eye for detail.
These people don’t just enjoy challenges, however, they need them to feel alive; if there are none to engage their active mind they may attempt to make their life more difficult. For example, they may set themselves impossible deadlines at work or push themselves to the limits physically. It is therefore important for them to learn to find ways to deal with their boredom.
Their greatest fear is to have their personal freedom to explore new frontiers taken away. This could result in a fear of commitment to partners and family, and unreliable or erratic behavior. This isn’t to say they are incapable of closeness; they simply need to feel that their personal freedom has not been sacrificed. Between the ages of seventeen and forty-six there are opportunities for them to develop greater emotional closeness; after the age of forty-seven there is a turning point that gives them the emotional confidence to handle commitment.
People born on this day will achieve greater happiness when they understand that when others try to seek to be close to them they are not necessarily trying to trap them. In fact, once they have learned to resist the tendency to back off when things get intense, there are very few problems or situations that the adaptable nature of these strong individuals cannot resolve.
On the dark side
Aloof, restless, unreliable
At your best
Inventive, original, detailed
Love Catch me if you can
People born on February 3 do have a fear of commitment and until they find "the one" they may flit from partner to partner. Ironically, despite their fear of emotional closeness, when they are in a relationship they tend to be the one who throws themselves into it with an intensity that can backfire. It is important for them to understand that just as they need personal freedom in a relationship they need to allow their partner that very same freedom.
Health Go with the flow
Fortunately, most people born on this day have the intelligence to understand the importance of taking care of their health, but they can easily get sidetracked. They also need to make sure they don’t miss out on regular health check-ups and understand that freedom to experiment should never be at the expense of their health. A routine approach to diet and exercise rarely works for people born on this day but they should make sure that most of what they eat is healthy and incorporate lots of spontaneous exercise into their lives. To help themselves stay the vibrant, full-of-life person they can be, a few drops of grapefruit, lemon, orange, rose, sandalwood, or ylang ylang essential oil sprinkled into a handkerchief to breathe in now and again may well do the trick.
Career Born technicians
These people are great technicians, and careers in science and technology may have great appeal. However, with their natural gift for words they may also be drawn to writing, lecturing, teaching, sales, counseling, or social work. Whatever field they choose, be it technical, scientific or creative, the originality, courage, and determination to succeed and master new talents that set people born on this day apart from others will greatly help them.
Destiny To walk untrodden paths
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to value the personal as much as they value the interpersonal; once they can do that, their destiny is to boldly strike out into new frontiers and to walk previously untrodden paths.
Power Thought
“Every day I will seek the quiet within me”
February 3
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher
Tarot card: The Empress (creativity)
Favorable numbers: 3, 5
Lucky days: Saturday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 5 of the month
Lucky colors: Aquamarine, purple, violet
Birthstone: Amethyst
4 February the birthday of the bedazzler
Your greatest challenge is…
understanding the feeling that you are different
The way forward is…
to understand that everyone is unique and gifted in their own way; you just happen to be a little more unique than others.
You’re drawn to people born on…
January 21 to February 19
You share a love of adventure and boundary-breaking, and this exciting relationship is inspiring and exciting.
Luck maker
Be true to yourself
Lucky people never try to be something they are not. They understand that the only way to find true fulfillment and the respect of others is to open up and allow others to know you properly.
People born on February 4 often try to fit in but, however hard they try, they will always stand out. They have the ability to bedazzle others with their original thoughts and flashes of brilliance. Their methods may not always be orthodox but their thought-processes are always original and their problem-solving techniques always effective.
Although people born on this day are often admired for their sincerity, discipline and ability to work extremely hard, the logic behind their thoughts and actions is often incomprehensible not just to others but sometimes to themselves. Their speed of thought and energy may also exhaust those around them and they may find that people respond to them with bewilderment rather than bedazzlement. Feeling that they are a square peg in a round hole can make them feel insecure and confused; they may try to ward off feelings of difference and aloneness by attempting to fit in. This is a mistake because they shouldn’t try to win the admiration of others by limiting their greatest strength: their originality.
People born on this day do often feel as if they are different from other people but they are at their happiest and most bedazzling when they are able to be themselves. Because there is often so much going on in their heads they may pay little attention to their emotions; analyzing their feelings is not easy for them. As a result they can be incredibly harsh on themselves, expecting more from themselves than anyone else. They can also be impatient and impulsive without thinking through the impact of their actions on themselves and others. Fortunately, between the ages of sixteen and forty-five there are opportunities to become more emotionally self-aware; after the age of forty-five a significant turning point comes when they become bolder, more self-accepting and assertive.