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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
On the dark side
Attention-seeking, immature, pretentious
At your best
Curious, free-spirited, independent
Love Highs and lows
People born on this day are energetic, intense and flamboyant lovers. They can also go from extremes of happiness to extremes of despondency so it is important for them to find an understanding, stable partner who can help them achieve a kind of balance and keep them on the straight and narrow. They need someone who enjoys their ardor but can also give them the occasional reality check.
Health Pace yourself
January 19 people don’t just use a lot of energy, they burn it, so it is important for them to learn to conserve energy to pace themselves, otherwise they are in danger of collapse from extreme fatigue. A balanced diet and regular exercise will help give them a foundation and a structure. Sports should be energetic but not too competitive, and as far as diet goes they need to cut down on alcohol and sugar. Meditation and other mind-body exercises from yoga and tai chi that encourage balance and harmony will be particularly beneficial. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with shades of light brown or orange will help balance their energy so they feel alert without feeling anxious or overwhelmed.
Career Born movers and shakers
These people tend to do better in solitary professions, but they can also work well in a group as long as they are allowed to use their imagination. They are drawn toward artistic or scientific fields where they can receive acclaim for their efforts. They are also drawn toward sports and other professions such as rock climbing, archeology or exploring that require them to be physical as well as careers where they can be experts, advisors or consultants.
Destiny To make an impact on the world
The life path of people born on this day is to achieve a balance between their imaginative and their daily lives. Once they can do that their destiny is to inspire others with their original ideas and to make an unforgettable impact on the world.
Power Thought
“I recognize my creativity and I honor it”
January 19
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Capricorn
Ruling planet: Saturn, the teacher
Symbol: The Horned Goat
Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual
Tarot card: The Sun (enthusiasm)
Favorable numbers: 1, 2
Lucky days: Saturday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 2 of the month
Lucky colors: Black, orange and lion brown
Birthstone: Garnet
20 January the birthday of the ad-libber
Your greatest challenge is…
overcoming your lack of self-confidence
The way forward is…
to stop comparing yourself to others. You are a special and unique person and you are totally irreplaceable.
You’re drawn to people born on…
June 22 to July 23
You share a passion for spontaneity and humor, and this creates a supportive and good-humored bond.
Luck maker
Believe that you deserve the best
If you do not believe you deserve the best, you will not allow good things that you deserve into your life.
People born on January 20 are life’s ad-libbers. They may not always be sure where they are going but they also have no doubt that they will get somewhere. They are liberal, sensitive and charming individuals with a remarkable skill for cooperation and improvisation. They are constantly learning, adapting and perfecting their skills, and these qualities helps them climb the ladder of success, sometimes to the very top.
Others may sometimes mistake people born on this day as dreamy, disorganized and scatter-brained. Although they give the appearance of confusion, every detail is stored in their methodical and analytical mind and they simply have an original way of approaching life. They are capable of remarkable endurance, their flexible style ensuring that they overcome the toughest of setbacks with their sense of humor intact.
People born on this day have a genuine compassion and love for people, and will go to extraordinary lengths to help them. They are typically supportive of the underdog but when they are thrown into the role of leader they can come across as dictatorial. It is important for them to carefully consider their approach to leadership, given that their attitude toward the authority of others tends to be light-hearted rather than respectful.
Although they appear tough, the respect of others is extremely important, sometimes too important to them. They need to learn to trust their own judgments more as they are usually right. Fortunately, around the age of thirty there is often a turning point which heightens their sense of self-worth and emphasizes the need for working with their gut instinct.
The considerable personal charm and flexibility that characterizes people born on this day suggests that they have the potential to become wellrounded personalities. Once they can build a sense of self-worth and find a direction and sense of balance, people born on January 20 can display surprisingly intense powers of concentration and commitment that not only assure success but also win them the lasting admiration and respect of others.
On the dark side
Insecure, suspicious, dreamy
At your best
Agreeable, intuitive, focused
Love Charming and intense
In love, people born on January 20 have a great sense of fun and spontaneity, and they make charming, optimistic and supportive lovers. There is a tendency for them to become insecure when they are deeply involved and to obsess too much about a partner’s opinion. They need to learn to apply their same relaxed and go-with-the-flow approach to life to their relationships.
Health Heed the warning signs
People born on this day may go through periods of recurring poor health. On the whole their optimistic, flexible approach always helps them through but if they can learn to pay attention to warning signs they can ensure that they don’t succumb to poor health in the first place. Regular health checks are important, as is an immune-boosting diet rich in fiber, whole grains and vegetables, and a regular exercise routine. They may also find that alternative therapies such as aromatherapy, hypnotherapy and homeopathy offer them a sense of well-being and calm. Wearing amethyst jewelry or placing an amethyst crystal under their pillow will also help calm their emotions and reduce stress.
Career Born healers
Any career that involves dealing with the public will attract these people, as they genuinely care for the well-being of others. They can also achieve much in medical and scientific fields, and their ability to communicate well means that they make great teachers, counselors and advisors and entrepreneurs. On the other hand, they also have latent creative abilities, and careers that put these to good use, such as writing (in particular science fiction), music and the media, may also appeal.
Destiny To show others the way forward
The life path of people born on this day is to build up a sense of self-worth essential to their growth. Once they feel confident enough to progress, their destiny is to create harmony in the world by showing everyone a way forward.
Power Thought
“I am good enough”
January 20
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Capricorn/Aquarius
Ruling planet: Saturn, the teacher/Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Horned Goat/The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive
Tarot card: Judgement (responsibility)
Favorable numbers: 2, 3
Lucky days: Saturday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 3 of the month
Lucky colors: Sky blue, silvery white, light mahogany
Birthstone: Amethyst
21 January the birthday of the trendsetter
Your greatest challenge is…
learning to distinguish between your fear and your intuition
The way forward is…
to understand that intuition is a lot quieter than fear; you just know something without a lot of words to explain it.
You’re drawn to people born on…
November 23 to December 21
You are both adventurous spirits and this creates an intensely rewarding union.
Luck maker
Connect with your feelings
The next time you have a decision to make, check in with your feelings and your intuition before you proceed.
Those born on January 21 are life’s trendsetters. It doesn’t matter what they are doing or what they are saying, people tend to want to follow them and listen to their opinions. They also have tremendous charm and the ability to get along with just about anyone; when all this is combined with their soaring ambition, they have all they need to get to the top.
Freedom of expression is particularly important for people born on this day. They will never find happiness if they are forced to follow the rules or expectations of others, needing to be allowed to follow their own instincts. If they make mistakes it will still be beneficial as they have the ability to learn from their mistakes.
Leadership is something that those born on this day would seem ideally suited to and they often find it thrust upon them, but in the long term they are not natural leaders. This is because they simply aren’t ruthless enough to impose discipline and routine. They are the people with the ideas and the energy to start something new, but it is up to others to see it through to the end.
Alongside their undoubted star quality, people born on this day have a tendency to speak quickly, sometimes spilling out their ideas in a confused way. They also have a tremendous need to be liked, and this can lead to debilitating nervousness and indecision. It is important for them to acknowledge the importance of thinking before they speak and to be less swayed by others’ criticism. Fortunately, a turning point occurs around their thirtieth birthday, sometimes sooner, when their sense of self matures and they begin to rely more on their own instincts.
Their unusual charm and personality enable them to forge ahead in life and to go places very few people are able to go. They don’t like to be tied down but if they can learn that a little staying power sometimes goes a long way, these boldly original people really can break boundaries and set new limits for others to aspire to.
On the dark side
Needy, chaotic, nervous
At your best
Inventive, optimistic, likable
Love Adventurous
The warmth and charm of people born January 21 can be very appealing to others. They do not like to be tied down and they like to experiment and explore within relationships. This does not mean they are incapable of settling down; it just means they need a partner who reassures them and understands their need for adventure and variety.
Health Play a round of golf
People born on this day like to experiment with diets and exercise regimes, and could even create a lifestyle plan of their own to pass on to others. Because of their open-minded and knowledgeable approach to health they tend to understand the connection between diet, lifestyle and good health, and so are likely to take care of themselves. Having said that, they need to careful that they don’t take things to extremes; activities that are both healthy and social, like golf or rambling, are extremely positive for them. If stress threatens their sense of well-being, burning a chamomile-, lavender- or sandalwood-scented candle can help produce a calming effect.
Career Born artists
The combination of innovation and sensitivity that marks these people gives them great potential to succeed in the arts, in particular novel writing. Their charming personality also gives them the ability to generate ideas; they will excel in any career which values this skill, such as academia, technology, sales or business. On the other hand their natural empathy with the underdog may also lead them into the arenas of charity work, politics, law and social reform.
Destiny To inspire and improve the lives of others
The life path of people born on this day is to understand that they need to trust and act upon their instincts. Once they have learned that lesson, their destiny is to inspire and improve the lives of others.
Power Thought
“My intuition works with me and for me”
January 21
Signs & Symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher
Tarot card: The World (fulfillment)
Favorable numbers: 3, 4
Lucky days: Saturday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 4 of the month
Lucky colors: Sky blue and purple or mauve
Birthstone: Amethyst
22 January the birthday of the visionary
Your greatest challenge is…
avoiding feeling unable to commit to a person or a project
The way forward is…
to find out what’s holding you back. If it is fear, be the bold, adventurous person you really are and take a risk.
You’re drawn to people born on…
October 24 to November 22
You share a passion for adventure and revolution, and this creates a dynamic and like-minded bond.
Luck maker
Learn to handle impatience
When you are impatient, angry or bored, you can’t attract good things into your life.
People born on January 22 have an electrifying energy about them. Their imaginative powers are often so advanced that the world isn’t always ready for them. This can create a sense of frustration, but if they believe in themselves, hold onto their vision and direct their energy constructively, the world will eventually sit up and notice. Their greatest enemy is not respon-sibility or even authority but tedium and bureaucracy.
The restless, explosive energy of people born on this day gives them the ability to be extraordinarily successful in whatever goal they choose but they do need to learn the importance of patience and discipline if they are to find stability and satisfaction in their lives. If people born on this day don’t understand or they can’t see their way ahead they are also likely to lose their temper, with explosive results. They would make their lives considerably easier if they learned to appreciate the opinions of others more, even if they differ from their own. This will fuel their creativity further and encourage others to work cooperatively with them instead of against them. Fortunately, by the age of twenty-nine they typically begin to develop a sense of self-restraint and discipline, and this will mark an important turning point in their life.
Above all, people born on this day have the ability to reach out to the world and to explain or present it with something totally unique. Being an unconventional visionary is their special gift. They don’t just break the rules, they destroy them and make new ones.
Not surprisingly their uncompromising approach to life will earn them a number of critics along the way, but opposition neither surprises nor disturbs them. Honor and being true to themselves are important, and they will always do what they know to be right, regardless of what others think. This is a high-risk approach to life that has its dangers, but they should never be scared to be themselves—others will respect, admire and ultimately benefit from them for it.
On the dark side
Headstrong, hasty, explosive
At your best
Passionate, imaginative, ground-breaking
Love Catch me if you can
People born on January 22 are never short of admirers but they may find relationships challenging as their head is always off in a new direction. They are prone to mood swings and are drawn toward intelligent and progressive thinkers who share their love of adventure and constant change. However, once they find a partner who is able to keep up and cope, they really do enjoy and benefit from the peace and stability a close relationship can bring.
Health Life in the fast line
People born on this day tend to live life in the fast lane so they need to watch their blood pressure and susceptibility to stress-related illnesses. As far as diet is concerned regular meals and snacks are essential to keep their energy levels high, and they should never go on fasts or extreme diets. Vigorous exercise is recommended to help them work off some of that energy, as are mind-body therapies, such as meditation, that can help them get in touch with their inner self. Wearing, meditating and surrounding themselves with light green and blue will encourage them to take action and to enjoy moderation.
Career Born travelers
These people don’t just need variety; it is their life force, so they thrive in careers that offer them fast change and plenty of travel and do not involve routine. They make great travel guides, pilots, astronauts, airline personnel and navigators, as well as accomplished journalists, actors, musicians, artists, poets and even chefs. Whatever career they choose, these multi-talented individuals need action and constant challenge, otherwise they quickly lose interest.
Destiny To amaze those around them
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to control their tendency to flit from one project to another, one relationship to the next, without exploring fully or really getting to know another person. Once they have learned the importance of patience and introspection, they have the potential to amaze those around them, whatever they choose to do.
Power Thought
“I choose balance, harmony and peace, and I express it in my life”
January 22
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary
Tarot card: The Fool (freedom)
Favorable numbers: 4, 5
Lucky days: Saturday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 5 of the month
Lucky colors: Sky blue, silver, turquoise
Birthstone: Amethyst
23 January the birthday of the dissenter
Your greatest challenge is…
to stop feeling insecure about yourself
The way forward is…
to try to make sure that every thought or action of the day is one that supports and encourages you. Nurture yourself for a day and the habit will grow.
You’re drawn to people born on…
August 24 to September 23
You share an inquisitive approach to life and mental alertness, and this can take you both on a voyage of discovery: body, mind and soul.
Luck maker
Allow others to give to you
Luck is always knocking on your door, but it won’t come to you unless you open the door and are willing to let luck in.
People born on January 23 are dissenters. They dislike and often refuse to take orders or even advice from other people and prefer to live according to their own rules, devoting themselves to their own ideals. Although this approach has its risks, more often than not their courageous and buoyant character sees them making, rather than obeying, the rules.
Rarely motivated by financial reward alone, January 23 people are idealistic and desire to live a richly rewarding life. This quality, along with their original thinking and natural sense of style, makes them stand out from the crowd in a positive way. They truly are inspirational figures.
Despite their can-do attitude and charisma, people born on this day never feel quite worthy of the admiration they attract. Although this adds further to their charm, it can sometimes hold them back. However, once they are able to believe in themselves, there is nothing to stop them achieving their own dreams.
With their splendid disregard for convention and highly intellectual and original approach to life, January 23 people find that they can get along with almost everyone they meet, although people with more materialistic motivations present a challenge; people who throw their money about, or who are trying to impress others and climb socially, particularly repulse them. This is because integrity and moral strength are the ideals by which they live their lives.
Understanding the limitations of the human body, those born on this day prefer to live an intellectual life. This can make those close to them occasionally feel excluded and it is important for them to understand that they need a fully integrated personality able to offer others a sensitive depth of understanding. Typically around the age of twenty-eight they become more emotionally receptive and sensitive toward the needs of others.
If those born on this day can make sure that their fascination with the abstract does not take precedence over their personal relationships, they have the potential to become rebels not just with a cause but with ideals that will have an influence on the world around them.
On the dark side
Isolated, rebellious, troubled
At your best
Principled, independent, courageous
Love Marriage of minds