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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
The love life of people born on January 27 is never boring. Falling in love is a big adventure for them, and they love to flirt, often being surrounded by admirers. They like to be physical and need a partner who can be equally affectionate. Unfortunately, they also have a temper which means they can suddenly explode over the smallest of things, so it is important for them to learn to take things a little more calmly.
Health The importance of taking responsibility
People born on this day do have a tendency toward self-absorption and if things aren’t going well they may be prone to stress and anxiety. It is important for them to eat a varied diet and to get plenty of moderate exercise, as this not only keeps them well grounded but also keeps their spirits high. Taking responsibility for their health is also an issue, and when sick they can be needy and demanding patients who expect others to run after them. Sometimes they feel as if they lack energy, and this could be because others are expecting so much of them. Spending time meditating will help protect them from fatigue, as will carrying an amethyst crystal in their pocket.
Career Born students
These people have the keen intelligence and potential to rise to public office and power in high places. They love to study and learn and can use their creative mind with the desire to increase their knowledge and help others. Social welfare, and the helping, counseling, teaching, academic, and healing professions would gain much from their presence. Being independent, they may prefer to work for themselves as an entrepreneur or to express their individuality and creativity in the arts, theater, or music.
Destiny To make others feel special
The life path of people born on this day is to learn the importance of patience and dedication. Once they are able to commit themselves to a chosen path, their destiny is to make others around them feel as special as they are.
Power Thought
“I will learn to finish what I start”
January 27
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior
Tarot card: The Hermit (inner strength)
Favorable numbers: 1,9
Lucky days: Saturday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 9 of the month
Lucky colors: Sky blue, scarlet red, purple
Birthstone: Amethyst
28 January the birthday of the star performer
Your greatest challenge is…
managing your constant need to be admired
The way forward is…
to understand that seeking reassurance from others will never give you real fulfillment; the happiness, joy, and inspiration you are looking for lie within you.
You’re drawn to people born on…
July 24 to August 23
You share a mutual passion for creativity and originality, and this creates an irresistible appeal.
Luck maker
Stop trying so hard.
Trying to be noticed is not a recipe for success; in fact it often chases it away. Stop trying so hard, learn to trust in yourself and notice how your luck improves.
Charming and attractive, those born on January 28 know how to project a confident image to others. They are star performers who don’t really care what other people think and their creative potential is as strong as their desire to impress others. Impressing others means as much to them as their achievements, and more often than not their achievements are so special that others have every reason to be impressed.
People born on this day will be themselves and follow their own path no matter what. They prefer to think independently, and when their rebellious streak is properly channeled it can help them forge ahead of the rest. Although they do love to be the center of attention and to be admired, they also have great depth and a shrewd insight into the motivations and feelings of others. This can help them achieve their goals, earning them friends along the way.
Sometimes those born on this day may find themselves sitting on the sidelines watching others, perhaps because they are too outrageous to be included; but sooner or later their creativity and individuality pull them back into the action where they belong. Despite their star quality, those born on this day do understand the importance of hard work and their desire to achieve something great never obscures for them the need to put in the hard work. And this combination of courage and individuality with practicality and discipline makes them the pioneer they were born to be.
Those born on January 28 run the risk of needing to be told over and over again how special they are. They may also make foolish, unrealistic decisions in their attempt to be noticed. Fortunately, around the age of twenty-three and again around the age of fifty-three there is a powerful shift toward greater emotional maturity; this emphasis on intuition will serve them well. Once people born on this day learn to listen to their intuition, not only will they attract amazing opportunities to show the world just how brilliant they really are, but their life will feel more complete.
On the dark side
Attention-seeking, unrealistic, foolish
At your best
Curious, progressive, hardworking
Love Please say no
People born on January 28 tend to have a rather complicated love life and this is due to the fact that they want everybody to be in love with them. They flirt terribly and may acquire a reputation for being too easy. This isn’t in fact the case, as their motivation is simply a desire to please others and make them happy. However, for their own sake they need to learn to spread themselves a little less thinly and to find a partner they love enough to be able to say both yes and no to.
Health Take a step down
People born on this day tend to be quite excitable and they would benefit enormously from mind-body techniques, such as yoga or martial arts, that teach them the importance of mental control. They should also not let their determination to stand out elevate them to a superhuman status where they neglect their health. Regular physical check-ups are important, as are a healthy diet and plenty of exercise to burn off some of their energy. As long as they are not allergic to them, the soothing scent of strawberries or vanilla will help bring calm and grounding.
Career Born designers
These people have a flair for anything artistic, as well as design, architecture and property development. Music has a strong appeal, even if it is just an interest or hobby. Their gift with words and need to be seen or heard mean that they can do well in careers that involve communication, such as writing, public relations or the media. High achievers with the ability to lead and motivate and inspire others, they could also do well in management or the business world, as well as fighting for a social or a political cause.
Destiny To make a positive difference in the world
The life path of people born on this day is to learn the importance of selfbelief that comes from within rather than without. Once they have learned to develop real confidence, their destiny is to be noticed and to use their star quality to make a positive difference in the world.
Power Thought
“I am what I seek”
January 28
Signs & symbols
Sun Sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbold: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual
Tarot card: The Magician (will-power)
Favorable numbers: 1,2
Lucky days: Saturday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 or 2 of the month
Lucky colors: Sky blue, copper, gold
Birthstone: Amethyst
29 January the birthday of the mystic warrior
Your greatest challenge is…
dealing with confrontation
The way forward is…
not to withdraw but to calmly state your opinion and be true to yourself. Whenever you start compromising your identity and beliefs you reduce your chances of both success and happiness.
You’re drawn to people born on…
June 22 to July 23
You share a sensitive approach to life and to love and this can create a match made in heaven.
Luck maker
Be proactive
Reactive people make choices on impulse; they are like reeds blowing in the wind. Proactive people are lucky people because they recognize that they can’t always control what happens to them but they can control the way they react.
People born on January 29 are highly intuitive but also very persuasive in their approach to others. They always say what they think, being direct and forceful without being offensive. Their generous nature and strong belief that there is good in everyone earn them not just the respect but the love of all who cross their path.
People born on this day may use their creative, quietly rebellious streak to support the rights of others. Their excellent communication skills serve them well in both their work and social life. The keys to their success as a negotiator and as a person are their intuitive power and their desire to work cooperatively rather than independently. They have the ability to sense what others are thinking and feeling, and when the moment is right to make a move. They also understand the power of synergy and how a group of people working toward a common goal is the greatest force of all.
Although they are open-minded and generally tolerant of the viewpoints of others, they may occasionally withdraw into unassertive behavior and—in extreme cases—into inertia; once they are able to trust their ability to make the right decision they can, however, reach for the stars. Fortunately, around the ages of twenty-two and fifty-two there are powerful turning points in their lives when they develop a greater degree of self-awareness. Life generally becomes much easier for them in their early thirties and beyond, as they start to realize that within them is the power to achieve almost anything.
Once people born on this day have developed their self-belief, their formidable determination to right wrongs can evoke extreme reactions from others; when the reaction is positive they grow in courage, but when negative they may feel hurt. It is important for them to understand that it is impossible to please everyone; sometimes there is a need to be cruel to be kind. And when they learn this they can fulfill their role as the mystic warrior: strong-willed and with the ability to inspire others and gather support for their chosen cause.
On the dark side
Withdrawn, unassertive, indecisive
At your best
Intuitive, generous, tactful
Love Late bloomers
There is a tendency for people born on January 29 to hold back or withdraw from confrontations in a relationship; this will have a negative impact both on themselves and on their partner. Once in a secure relationship they are generous and giving, and they need to make sure they are in a relationship where they are able to take as well as give. Although relationships can be intense when they are young, they tend to find true love later in life when their sense of self-worth has been allowed to flower to its full potential.
Health Sensitive to the environment
People born on this day are sensitive not just to others but to the environment they are in. As a result they may be prone to unexplained mood swings, fatigue, headaches, or allergies or food sensitivities. They need to be extremely careful about their diet, because digestive troubles may occur; they thrive best on a wholesome, down-to-earth diet rich in natural produce and low in meat, dairy, and refined, sweet foods. Regular exercise will benefit their circulatory system as they may be prone to stiff muscles and joints, particularly in the lower body. Time spent catching up with friends or stimulating their mind with a good book will bring them much pleasure. Regular cups of cinnamon herbal tea may help their circulation and their digestion, and reading, meditating or surrounding themselves with shades of blue may help calm their mood.
Career Born campaigners
The compassionate, sensitive nature that marks out these people leads many to politics, law, and humanitarian and social reform; since they are intellectual and artistic as well, this could lead them to a career in the media or entertainment world, or to lecturing, teaching, or writing. When inspired, these people also make excellent campaigners and negotiators, and their strong people skills could also attract them to people-related careers, such as sales, marketing, personal relations, or advertising.
Destiny To believe in themselves
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to trust their gut instincts and to believe in themselves. Once they are able to do this, their inner voice will guide them toward the important things they are destined to do with their life.
Power Thought
“My best relationship is the one I have with me”
January 29
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive
Tarot card: The High Priestess (intuition)
Favorable numbers: 2, 3
Lucky days: Saturday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 3 of the month
Lucky colors: Sky blue, silvery white, purple
Birthstone: Amethyst
30 January the birthday of assurance
Your greatest challenge is…
coping with being left alone while others enjoy the companionship you long for
The way forward is…
to learn to accept people the way they are, and not find too much fault in them or expect them always to agree with you.
You’re drawn to people born on…
November 23 to December 21
The principled and idealistic but also light-hearted and adventurous people born on these days are good for you and you are good for them.
Luck maker
Don’t have the last word
Every time you find yourself following someone’s story with your own or pontificate, ask a question instead and listen for the answer. Know-alls aren’t lucky because they isolate themselves from other people.
People born on January 30 are confident in their convictions and beliefs and like to put their personal mark on things. They live their life according to their own moral code and are always on the side of the underdog or those less privileged. Their strong social conscience, combined with their determination, charm and intelligence, means they are born to take control.
Everybody who knows people born on this day will be in no doubt of where they stand on the important issues. They have a talent for bringing like-minded people together; living in a commune on the edge of society would not be unacceptable to them if it meant they could live according to their all-important ideals. Although they arrive at their position of certainty through reasoned judgment, they do also rely heavily on their instincts. This ability to combine intuition with logic will mark them out as exceptionally gifted leaders.
Although self-assured and with strong convictions, people born on this day are prone to worry and to acting impulsively just like everyone else. A need to win the approval of others can lead them to fudge the truth if they feel it will get others on their side. It is important for them to find some sort of balance between their convictions and reality, and to know when to stick to a plan regardless of opposition or difficulties. Once they understand that their determination to succeed, if channeled positively, will always help them win, they will be less prone to anxiety and mood swings. Fortunately, around the age of twenty-one and then again at the age of fifty-one there are significant turning points which make them more confident and assertive.
Highly ambitious and strong-willed people born on this day like to give rather than take orders, and although they give orders extremely well they should learn to value the viewpoints of others. Once they have learned to discover their humility and to listen for and trust their inner guidance, they can move mountains with both their convictions and their generosity of spirit.
On the dark side
Driven, temperamental, untruthful
At your best
Generous, outspoken, creative
Love Comrade
People born on January 30 don’t just want a partner; they want a comrade, someone who shares their convictions, their ideas and their plans. They are more than likely to meet their partner in community affairs which provide the perfect outlook for their social needs and leaderships skills. They need to be careful, however, that their relationship doesn’t take second place to a cause. They do best with partners who can make them laugh and take them out of themselves every now and again.
Health Take it easy
People born on this day are extremely energetic and it is important for them to schedule time for regular rest and relaxation and even the odd afternoon nap. As far as diet is concerned, they need to cut back on meat and alcohol; for exercise, jogging or brisk walking is particularly recommended as it can help tone the body and calm the mind at the same time. Waking up every morning to the smell of hot water and lemon rather than coffee will help revitalize and re-energize their system.
Career Born campaigners
These people have the potential to succeed in careers that are people related and which require them to lead and inspire or educate and inform. They may also find themselves in executive positions or in management or negotiation. Routine doesn’t really suit them unless it is for a higher purpose, and they could do well as airline personnel, pilots, navigators, or consultants of any kind, be it head of a department, doctor, social worker, psychologist, or even a producer or director.
Destiny To transform empathy into direct action
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to respect and value the input of others without seeing it as a threat to their convictions. Their destiny is to transform feelings of empathy into direct action and, by so doing, make a real and positive difference.
Power Thought
“Today I will let go of expectations and let happiness in”
January 30
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher
Tarot card: The Empress (creativity)
Favorable numbers: 3, 4
Lucky days: Saturday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 4 of the month
Lucky colors: Sky blue and all shades of purple
Birthstone: Amethyst
31 January the birthday of the bright spirit
Your greatest challenge is…
to stop losing interest quickly if others don’t give you their heartfelt support
The way forward is…
not to try something else but to trust your instincts and make your own decision about what is or is not right for you.
You’re drawn to people born on…
January 21 to February 19
The two of you enjoy defying and surprising public opinion; this will create a magnetic and mutually supportive bond.
Luck maker
Take a stand
Lucky people are certain about what they want. It is this certainty (and not the approval of others) that gives them the strength and determination they need to achieve their dreams.
People born on January 31 have an overwhelming need to be noticed, heard and taken seriously. And because more often than not these bright, appealing people achieve this goal with ease, they are admired by others for their creativity, vision, and originality.
Strong will-power, steadfastness and an emphasis on self-expression define people who are born on this day. They may also be quite progressive, with a touch of the genius about them. Although they can appear absent-minded and chaotic at times, this is only because their thoughts are always on fast-forward, their mind being filled with original and ingenious ideas and concepts.
When they feel they have made some kind of breakthrough they run the risk of getting over-excited, but others tend to find this endearing rather than annoying. In fact people born on this day are generally well liked for being so inventive and entertaining in their never-ending quest for knowledge. They are magnetic personalities but harbor a tendency to be occasionally oversensitive, reading hidden meanings into the actions and words of others. When they feel upstaged, put upon or let down they may overreact and either withdraw completely and become depressed, or startle others with their sharp tongue. They need to learn to be a little less intense in their relationships and to accept that sometimes other people want to share the limelight.
Occasionally people born on this day may feel pressured to conform to others’ expectations of them in order to be liked; by so doing they run the risk of losing their unique charm. Fortunately, around the age of twenty there is a turning point which suggests they are able to develop greater self-reliance; at the age of fifty there is another turning point which highlights their fighting spirit and emotional resilience.