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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
On the dark side
Needy, moody, passive
At your best
Loving, generous, altruistic
Love Born to be in love
People born on February 24 throw themselves wholeheartedly into relationships and may end up giving too much with very little in return. For their relationships to be satisfying, they need to learn to love themselves first. Once they are able to do that, they will find the soul mate they are pining for.
Health Weak at the knees
People born on this day need to be careful that they don’t relax into a life of sensual pleasure, rich food, addiction, and very little exercise. They may have disorders involving the legs, feet and circulatory system; most of these could be avoided with an active lifestyle. It is very important for them to find ways to incorporate more exercise into their lives; for example, taking the stairs instead of the lift, walking around the block in their lunch hour, carrying rather than pushing their shopping, and so on. They should also watch their intake of red meat, alcohol, saturated fats, and sugar, especially chocolate. To stop cravings for sweet foods they should try smelling vanilla essential oil; wearing or meditating on the color blue will help calm and soothe them when they feel emotional.
Career Born poets
These people often find themselves drawn to art, music, writing, dance, poetry, and the entertainment world in general. Sensitive to color and pattern, they may also express themselves through design, in particular costume design, styling or the beauty business. Because they are so talented in dealing with people, any career which sees them in the role of mediator, adviser, counselor, agent, manager, or negotiator will suit, as will social reform, humanitarian or charity work, teaching and health careers.
Destiny To help and heal others
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to love and give to themselves as much as they are willing to give to others. Once they can do that, their destiny is to help and heal others and—by so doing—make the world a more loving and giving place.
Power Thought
“I am worthy of all life has to offer”
February 24
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover
Tarot card: The Lovers
Favorable numbers: 6, 8
Lucky days: Thursday and Friday, especially when those days fall on 6 and 8 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, pink
Birthstone: Aquamarine
25 February the birthday of the guru
Your greatest challenge is…
to think less and do more
The way forward is…
to understand that although there is a place for planning and strategy, to make a real impact you have to put your money where your mouth is.
You’re drawn to people born on…
October 24 to November 22
Disinterested in worldly ambition, both of you have idealism and passion to share, and this can create a gratifying union.
Luck maker
Know when to pounce
If an opportunity presents itself, behave like a lucky person and grab it. There is no such thing as the right time, so be ready to grab luck when it happens, even if you don’t feel prepared.
Although people born on February 25 have a high degree of self-confidence and are fiercely individualistic, they often believe that the collective is more important than the personal. They can be radical in their desire to right social wrongs, being selfless in the pursuit of their goals. There is a touch of the guru about them, in that they desire not only to master their own destiny but to help others master theirs.
People born on this day never try to be anything by themselves. They have a simple, unaffected style that can cross boundaries, helping them relate to people from all walks of life. Everyone they meet is impressed by their honesty, optimism and desire to make a difference. As a result, they are good team players, preferring to take the role of advisor or guru rather than leader. They are the consultants with the winning formula, the brilliant teachers guiding and inspiring the next generation, the coaches who dedicate themselves to the welfare of the team, the directors with their eye on what the camera and the world see.
These people are often found working their magic on the sidelines; nothing gives them more satisfaction than engineering success for others. They can come across as silent and detached, but to those who know them well they are capable of making the most profound and helpful observations. They should beware, however, that they do not turn their greatest strengths into weaknesses by becoming so lost in the world of thought that they become secretive, negative and out of touch with reality. Fortunately, between the ages of twenty-five and fifty-four they become more self-assertive, experiencing an occasional need to step from the shadows onto center stage. Then, after the age of fifty-four, they seek more calm and steadiness in their lives.
Above all, February 25 individuals have a team-player mentality, a profound sense of justice and a desire to help the worthy win. This is a powerful combination that can inspire others to transform difficult circumstances into something better.
On the dark side
Obsessed, unrealistic, secretive
At your best
Intense, spiritual, ambitious
Love Don’t stay cool
There is a tendency for people born on February 25 to play it quite cool when it comes to affairs of the heart, perhaps because they have been hurt or let down in the past. It is of vital importance for them to experience passion, and to learn to give and take in a relationship. Playing it safe, for once, isn’t recommended. When they see an opportunity for love and intimacy, they should embrace it.
Health Remember you are human!
People born on this day are capable of great self-sacrifice and discipline and as a result they may neglect their health and well-being in the process. It is important for them to remember that the physical aspect of life is just as important as the mental. They should make sure their diet contains a wide variety of healthy foods and that they get plenty of moderate exercise, such as cycling, running and swimming. They also need to make sure they get plenty of rest to give their overactive brains a period of quiet reflection. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color red will help make them feel more passionate and energetic.
Career Born lecturers
These people are born teachers, gurus, guides, coaches, advisors, counselors, psychologists, mentors, and any other career that involves inspiring and guiding others toward success. If they wish to explore their creative potential, they may find themselves drawn toward careers in writing or art; if they wish to explore their spirituality, they may be drawn toward careers in religion or philosophy. Other careers that might suit include health care, administration and social reform.
Destiny To inspire and guide others to a better place
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to get involved more. Once they feel comfortable leaving the sidelines, their destiny is to teach, inspire and guide others to a better place.
Power Thought
“Today I will seize the opportunities that come my way”
February 25
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator
Tarot card: The Chariot (resilience)
Favorable numbers: 7, 9
Lucky days: Thursday and Monday, especially when those days fall on 7 and 9 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, indigo, lavender
Birthstone: Aquamarine
26 February the birthday of the wise soul
Your greatest challenge is…
to take yourself a little less seriously
The way forward is…
to understand that humor, when used positively, can be a powerful force for good.
You’re drawn to people born on…
September 24 to October 23
You are both tough on the outside but warm on the inside; this can create a close and tender bond.
Luck maker
Show the world your teeth
Open your mouth wide when you smile. Being a wise soul you should know better than anyone that the old saying, “Smile and the world smiles with you,” really does make sense.
People born on February 26 may often be described by others as old souls because they seem comfortable in their own skin. They often have great insight into how the world works and what the motivations of other people are.
When the great insight of these people is combined with their somewhat impersonal and detached persona, this can make others stand back in awe. In fact, they have quite a hypnotic power over others; people tend to do what they say or follow their example. It is important for them that they don’t abuse this power—fortunately they rarely do as they also have a powerful sense of integrity and social justice. They like to find something to like in everybody and in every situation, and their unfailing optimism is truly enlightening.
One danger for people born on this day is a tendency to preach and rant, or be rigid or harsh in their opinions. They will often be unaware when they are showing this side of their personality, which is emphasized between the ages of twenty-four to fifty-four. During these years they should surround themselves with close friends or loved ones who can warn them when they are heading off track. Fortunately, they respond extremely well to constructive criticism, possessing the ability to change their ways. If someone reaches out to them emotionally and opens their heart, they will more often than not transform themselves into a more fully rounded human being.
Often blessed with great wisdom, their ability to arouse and inspire others will help them achieve worldly success. Although they do enjoy social recognition, part of them feels more comfortable as an outsider looking in. They will sometimes feel an urge to be alone with their thoughts or to sacrifice themselves to a higher cause. Being wise souls, however, they will have also learned the importance of emotional connection with others, so when they do feel the need to withdraw it will not be to isolate themselves but simply to recharge before they take the next step forward.
On the dark side
Dogmatic, moody, harsh
At your best
Insightful, hypnotic, honest
Love Throw caution to the wind
People born on February 26 tend to see love as a threat either to their enormous self-discipline or to their work, and as a result they may not allow others to get too close. This is a mistake, as they have a huge heart with so much love to give and they need to allow that love to express itself fully. Once they are able to open up, they make loyal, passionate and supportive partners.
Health Food is not the answer
The optimism of these people tends to keep them in good health but if their need for love and closeness is denied they may find themselves seeking it in food, drugs or other addictions. Diet can be a real problem for them and they need to make sure they watch the amount of fat, sugar, cream, and refined foods they eat, otherwise their blood-sugar levels could go sky high, setting themselves up for future problems with their weight and with their heart, not to mention diabetes. It is also important for them to take plenty of gentle to moderate exercise, especially later in life, when there is a tendency for them to slow down. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color orange will help them feel warmer and more secure. It might also lift their love life.
Career Born judges
These people have the wisdom and determination to be great judges or lawyers. They may also be drawn toward careers in teaching, lecturing, politics, counseling, consultancy, or social reform, where they can speak on behalf of others. Their need for artistic expression may be satisfied through art, design, music, writing, poetry, or drama.
Destiny To follow their conscience and right social wrongs
The life path of people born on this day is to learn that their need for love is not a weakness but a great strength. Once they are able to both give and receive love, their destiny is to follow their conscience and right social wrongs.
Power Thought
“Today I will try to laugh at everything, myself included”
February 26
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher
Tarot card: Strength (passion)
Favorable numbers: 1, 8
Lucky days: Thursday and Saturday, especially when those days fall on 1 and 8 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, brown, violet
Birthstone: Aquamarine
27 February the birthday of hypnotic allure
Your greatest challenge is…
to learn to take charge of your emotions in your personal life
The way forward is…
to understand that you are in charge of your emotions; they will not take you over unless you allow them to.
You’re drawn to people born on…
October 24 to November 22
If you can learn to nurture each other’s vulnerabilities, this creates an intense and passionate bond.
Luck maker
Take a deep breath
The more you can control yourself and find ways to let off steam, the more you will be respected and the less likely you are to have enemies. Lucky people don’t have enemies.
People born on February 27 have the ability to turn heads and win hearts wherever they go. There is a magnetic and striking intensity about them that can hold others spellbound.
These people like to be in the limelight, and sooner or later they will be. Others admire them, not just for their hypnotic personality but because they stride confidently and with purpose through life, achieving their goals with ease and grace. They have a mind forever open to the new but they are also able to analyze in depth. By devoting a great deal of their energy to understanding how things work, their knowledge base increases steadily until it becomes so solid that it can see them through from one ambitious project to the next, taking them to the very top. There is one area of their lives, however, unlikely to be envied by others: their personal lives.
Although this may appear contradictory—given their cool and charismatic image—February 27 people often have a chaotic emotional life, with broken relationships littered around them. The reason is that they have a deeply emotional nature; although they have learned to control it when it comes to impersonal relationships, their own personal relationships are threatened by their impulse to follow their heart. It is extremely important for people born on this day to apply discipline to personal relationships and to stop making unreasonable, childish demands on others, especially between the ages of twenty-three and fifty-two when they will become even more active and adventurous. If self-discipline isn’t learned during this period, the result could be emotional and personal chaos.
At their worst, people born on this day can be social-climbing attention seekers. At their best, however, they are lovable and spontaneous creatures who can both intoxicate and inspire others with their presence. They may often be described as a little crazy by those who know them, but once they invest their energy into a worthwhile cause they can achieve great things and enjoy the limelight they seem destined for.
On the dark side
Confused, highly strung, social climber
At your best
Magnetic, creative, versatile
Love High maintenance
People born on February 27 expect total commitment and support from others but need to learn to give it in return. They can be incredibly inconsistent lovers and those in a relationship with them will need to learn how to avoid head-on confrontations. When they do finally feel able to commit to a relationship, however, they can be spontaneous, passionate and vulnerable lovers; a little high maintenance, perhaps, but well worth the effort.
Health Stay cool and in control
People born on this day are full of energy and so a vigorous exercise program is recommended to prevent them working off their energy or seeking a high in an unhealthy direction, such as chasing numerous sexual partners, drinking or gambling. As far as diet is concerned, simple and natural is recommended, with reduced amounts of red meat and dairy and saturated fat. They would also benefit from breathing exercises, meditation and yoga to help them develop the self-discipline to keep their passions under control. Meditating on, wearing or surrounding themselves with the colors blue and lavender will help them stay cool and logical when passions flare.
Career Born actors
These people seem destined to be in the limelight, and careers on the stage, in the movies or anywhere where people will be watching them perform in some way have great appeal. If they work in business, they will be attracted to sales, advertising and marketing, but they can also make inspirational teachers and lecturers. They are also ideally suited to life as an entrepreneur and may well find satisfaction in building up their own business.
Destiny To enchant others with their magic
The life path of people born on this day is to learn self-discipline in their personal relationships. Once they have learned to keep their cool, their destiny is to enchant others in some way with their unique brand of magic.
Power Thought
“Today I will put love before all else”
February 27
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior
Tarot card: The Hermit (inner strength)
Favorable numbers: 2, 9
Lucky days: Thursday and Tuesday, especially when those days fall on 2 or 9 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, red, violet
Birthstone: Aquamarine
28 February the birthday of the original charmer
Your greatest challenge is…
learning to rein in your impulses
The way forward is…
to understand that you can replace addictions with preferences.
You’re drawn to people born on…
July 21 to August 23
Your share a love of adventure and glamour; this can create a loving and energetic bond.
Luck maker
Want what you already have
Luck follows those who appreciate and are grateful for what they already have. If you appreciate what you have or acknowledge how far you have already come, you will be much more positive in your attitude.
People born on February 28 have a warm glow about them and can light up their lives of others with their energy and originality. They love to be center stage and are often in just that spot at social gatherings. Natural performers, they are never short of admirers and are blessed with the ability to charm just about anyone they meet.
Articulate and entertaining, people born on this day will go out of their way to get a laugh or reaction from others, even if this involves exaggerating the truth. They thrive on being noticed, but attention seeking isn’t what drives them. Their motivation is a thirst for adventure and they will enthusiastically follow wherever their impulses direct them. Underlying their restlessness, however, is a deep-seated fear of standing still; the fear of it will drive them toward sensation-seeking and sometimes self-destructive behavior.
They won’t ever lose the glint in their eye, but underneath their bravado they do secretly long to find a real purpose and achieve lasting success in the eyes of the world. This won’t be possible until they discover that self-esteem is not created by thrill-seeking but by being the person they are. It is important for these people to learn to be more comfortable with being rather than doing, because until they can reach this level of awareness their life may hurtle chaotically from one situation to another and one person to another. They should learn to cultivate an inner calmness between the ages of twenty-two and fifty-one, when there is an emphasis in their life on new directions and ventures.
Because people born on this day live in such a vibrant and wholehearted way, they will experience life more intensely than others. They do, however, need to rein in their compulsion to indulge their every whim and learn greater self-control. They should never suppress their optimism and curiosity, but if they can just try to look before they leap, they can become far more than original charmers; they can become life’s pioneers, boldly going where none have gone before.
On the dark side
Thoughtless, melodramatic, reckless
At your best
Charming, original, vibrant
Love Step back