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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
Health Don’t miss out on fun
People born on this day need to make sure that they are not too inflexible in their approach to health. They may expend a lot of effort planning their meals and exercise routine, losing a sense of spontaneity in the process. They also need to be careful that they don’t lower their immunity by pushing themselves too hard. Like everyone else, they should cut down on junk food and alcohol, but not to the extent that they miss out on spontaneity. As far as exercise is concerned, moderate to mild activities such as cycling and walking, preferably in the fresh air, are recommended; these will take their focus off the task in hand and let them see what is going on around them. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color yellow will increase their optimism and creative confidence.
Career Born scriptwriters
These people have the observational skills to be great writers, especially scriptwriters for film, radio and TV. They like to earn their money though a job which has some kind of message to deliver or that can make other people’s lives easier, and so careers in drama, arts, counseling, and teaching may appeal, as might social work, politics and humanitarian causes.
Destiny To uplift others by their ideas
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to like themselves more. Once they are able to do that, their destiny is to express their original ideas and talents, inspiring, entertaining and uplifting others in the process.
Power Thought
“My self-belief will inspire others to believe in me too”
March 3
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher
Tarot card: The Empress (creativity)
Favorable numbers: 3, 6
Lucky day: Thursday, especially when it falls on 3 and 6 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, purple,
Birthstone: Aquamarine
4 March the birthday of inspired aloneness
Your greatest challenge is…
learning to express your feelings
The way forward is…
to understand that if you don’t say what you mean or ask for what you want, people won’t understand you or be able to help you.
You’re drawn to people born on…
January 21 to February 19
A relationship of opposites, you can learn much from each other about the importance of balancing inner and outer worlds.
Luck maker
Overcome shyness
Lucky people aren’t necessarily the life and soul of the party but they know how to overcome shyness to get others on their side. Instead of thinking about yourself when you walk into a room, think about the people in the room.
People born on March 4 tend to come across as self-contained individuals with an ingenuity that does not require outside stimulation and a creativity that is self-generated. They are able to work and, if need be, live alone. It’s not that they are antisocial or seek to cut themselves off from the outside world; it’s just that striking out alone is a dominant trend in their lives, often leading to success.
For people born on this day, being alone isn’t scary; it’s a liberating experience and an opportunity for them to concentrate and be productive. Extremely comfortable with themselves, they often feel confined or trapped by social pressure and conformity. When they are alone they feel free rather than isolated; even when given the option to interact more, they will often choose to go it alone. This can come across as shyness or fear of involvement, but this misses the point about these gentle people.
Although they hate confrontation and will withdraw at signs of conflict, they aren’t shy or passive but aware that they are most productive when living and working within guidelines set by themselves. They have an innovative and ingenious mind that works best when left alone and an ability to explore concepts with tenacity. Between the ages of seventeen and forty-six there is an emphasis on daring new ventures and, along with this, many opportunities for them to develop their assertiveness; these people need to ensure that others don’t take all the credit.
The big danger for these people is that they indulge their natural tendency for self-involvement so much that they cut themselves off from reality, and from the joys and rewards of close personal relationships. It’s unfortunate if this happens, as they do love to share the results or benefits of their work with others, despite their natural reserve. They also have a great empathy for others, and when they choose to reveal or share their talents to the outside world they have the potential to influence, intrigue and inspire others with their vision.
On the dark side
Impersonal, self-involved, shy
At your best
Tenacious, independent, ingenious
Love Give me space
People born on March 4 really need space in a relationship and they will suffer if a partner tries to control or crowd them in any way. They tend to be attracted to people who are free-spirited and self-contained like themselves. Although they may have long gaps between relationships, when they find the right person they are capable of deep and lasting love and commitment.
Health Having a good time
Those born on this day need to make sure they don’t cut themselves off too much—or even completely—from the benefits of socializing. All activities that involve working or dealing with others are therefore recommended. Social forms of exercise and team sports are particularly beneficial as in these they can experience the joys of synergy. Having said that, it is equally important for people born on this day to have plenty of space to do and think their own things; having regular time out, rest and relaxation, especially outside in the fresh air, is important. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color red will encourage them to come out of themselves more.
Career Born magicians
These people are naturally suited to setting up and running their own business, preferably from their own home or office. They may also be attracted to writing in any form or to teaching, education, psychology, academia, research, the Church, the secret service, or computer programming. They may also be drawn to music, magic and the arts, and can make exceptional magicians or illusionists, conductors or DJs.
Destiny To educate and inspire with their ingenuity
The life path of people born on this day is to understand that they have just as much right to be heard as anyone else. Once they have worked on their assertiveness skills, their destiny is to educate, motivate and inspire others with their ingenuity.
Power Thought
“I can always learn something from others”
March 4
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary
Tarot card: The Emperor (authority)
Favorable numbers: 4, 7
Lucky days: Thursday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 7 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, grey
Birthstone: Aquamarine
5 March the birthday of agony and ecstasy
Your greatest challenge is…
staying calm and in control when things don’t go your way
The way forward is…
to put yourself and not your emotions in the driving seat of your life.
You’re drawn to people born on…
May 21 to June 21
You both love adventure and variety; if you can handle each other’s mood-swings, you will create a supportive bond.
Luck maker
Do small things with great love
Sometimes the smallest things can make a huge difference. Add small acts of kindness into your life every day and see how much more positively people regard you and how your luck improves.
On the surface people born on March 5 are smooth and charming individuals with the gift of the gab, but troubled waters lie below. Their easy style conceals a complex personality that is as fascinating as it is frustrating.
The emotional current that flows beneath the light-hearted exterior of people born on this day is extraordinarily powerful. One moment they’re entertaining and empathetic companions who can put everyone about them at their ease with their sharp wit and incisive mind. The next moment, however, when their emotional equilibrium is unbalanced, they can dissolve into insecurity, negativity and fits of temper. Given the instability of their emotional life, it is very important for these people to learn to manage their emotions, especially between the ages of sixteen and forty-five when they become more aggressive, assertive and determined to make their mark. After the age of forty-seven there is another turning point which sees them slow down a little, searching for stability in all areas of their lives.
Underneath the sociable and confident façade of people born on this day is a highly sensitive soul that desperately needs regular time out in quiet and solitary reflection. Inside they may have many hidden fears and insecurities to deal with; if they don’t allow themselves time to acknowledge these demons, they are the mercy of their impulses and there is no telling in what direction they will go. People born on this day may worry that becoming more balanced and stable will result in a loss of intensity or edge, but they need to understand that cultivating personal will-power and self-control will not lessen but strengthen their creativity and the impact they have on others.
With their emotional honesty, March 5 people have the ability to bring out both the best and the worst in themselves and others. If they can learn to find balance and use their power over others responsibly, the world will always be a brighter place with these impulsive individuals around.
On the dark side
Insecure, unreliable, negative
At your best
Entertaining, intelligent, witty
Love Blowing hot and cold
People born on March 5 can fall passionately in love one day, only to change their mind and blow cold the next day. Given the extremes to which they are prone, they need to receive unconditional love and support from those who are close to them, although they also need firmness. Once they know what they can and cannot get away with, they are much less likely to test the waters and will remain stable in a relationship.
Health Highs and lows
When people born on this day have a good time they may have trouble knowing when to stop. This can have a negative effect on their health, especially when that good time includes alcohol, rich food, nicotine, sugar, and multiple sexual partners. They may also find it difficult to sleep; if insomnia is a problem, making sure their bedroom is light and airy, taking an aromatherapy bath or a cup of chamomile tea may help, as will avoiding the stimulation of TV, conversation or exercise. Regular exercise is highly recommended, as are vitamin and mineral supplements. Because they are prone to mood swings it is especially important that they learn to connect with their inner peace and calm, perhaps by regular meditation, being in nature or listening to beautiful music.
Career Born movie directors
The impulsive nature of these people draws them toward the world of movies—where they can make great directors—as well as acting, music, drama, and the entertainment world. Their love of adventure and excitement may also lead them toward careers involving travel, politics, design, the fashion world. They may also be drawn toward social reform and charity work, but they are likely to excel in whatever career they choose because of their intelligence and superior communication skills.
Destiny To make lofty dreams a reality
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to work with both their head and their heart. Once they’ve learned to rein in their impulses, their destiny is to make their lofty vision and dreams for the future a reality.
Power Thought
“I acknowledge my spirit at the start of each day”
March 5
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator
Tarot card: The Hierophant (guidance)
Favorable numbers: 5, 8
Lucky days: Thursday and Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 8 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, green, light blue
Birthstone: Aquamarine
6 March the birthday of refinement
Your greatest challenge is…
to avoid searching for perfection
The way forward is…
to understand that in life there are no exact measurements for what is right because we are not statistics and geometry.
You’re drawn to people born on…
August 24 to September 23
You share a passion for beauty and refinement, and this can create a match made in heaven.
Luck maker
Allow yourself room for improvement
It’s okay to have weaknesses, to be unpredictable, to make mistakes and to misunderstand. The issue is keeping a balance so that neither these, nor the search for perfection, make your life unhappy or unlucky.
People born on March 6 are at their happiest when they are searching for or surrounded by beauty. They find themselves pulled irresistibly toward ideals of loveliness, perfection and refinement that appeal to their senses and, although they are unlikely to realize it, they also have a strange beauty of their own.
They have the gift of being able to open the eyes of others to the beauty of the world around them and to teach them to appreciate every nuance of nature. They really can see eternity in a grain of sand, and the childlike wonder that they project is one of their most endearing qualities. There is a danger, however, that in their idealization of everything and everyone around them they can lose touch with what or who is actually there. Others may feel that they are more in love with the idea of romance and beauty than with the reality. And when reality does finally bite and their initial intensity fades, disenchantment may be the cruel result.
It is important for people born on this day to learn to be a little more objective in their assessment of situations and people, especially between the ages of fifteen and forty-four, during which are likely to become more active and assertive but also more vulnerable to disillusionment. Fortunately, after the age of forty-five they often become more emotionally steady and practical.
Above all, these people are motivated by a desire to experience and be uplifted by the ideal of true beauty. Much of their lives will be devoted to a never-ending quest to translate this perfect ideal into reality. Others may see this as pleasure seeking or superficiality, but there is real depth and originality under their often charming and sensuous exterior. They do need to learn to develop a more realistic and less demanding attitude, accepting that their lofty standards may not always be attained. In their search for true excellence, however, they are a constant source of energy, inspiration and beauty for all those who cross their path.
On the dark side
Naïve, lazy, confused
At your best
Youthful, refined, sensual
Love Strong romantic streak
People born on March 6 are made to love and to be loved. In fact they seem perpetually in love and have a powerful romantic streak. The only danger is that they can sometimes mistake sex for love and love for sex; this can confuse both them and potential partners. It is important for them to find a partner who can share their love of beauty and sensual pleasure.
Health Nature lovers
People born on this day need to be careful that their love of sensual pleasures does not lead to overindulgence in rich fattening food and sexual experimentation, as these will negatively affect their health and their waistline. Fortunately, as lovers of beauty they are likely to be nature lovers and will be drawn to long walks in the countryside which is an especially good form of exercise for them. They would also benefit from a more structured exercise routine that includes regular muscle toning sessions, such as push-ups, sit-ups, etc., or gym work. Yoga and tai chi are also recommended, as these can provide great physical and emotional satisfaction. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color green will encourage them and others to seek harmony and balance.
Career Born sculptors
These people may find themselves drawn toward the beauty, fashion or health industries, but they may also be interested in the world of music and art, wanting to create sublime pieces of art, poetry, sculpture, or music. They may also have a natural affinity for the world of politics and social reform as well as the leisure and beauty industries, but whatever career they choose they will invest their considerable talents to achieve extremely high standards.
Destiny To inspire others with their ideals of beauty
The life path of people born on this day is to understand that perfection is not a natural or even an attainable human state. Nevertheless, they will always inspire others with their ideals of beauty.
Power Thought
“Today I will appreciate others for who they are and not as I want them to be”
March 6
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover
Tarot card: The Lovers (choices)
Favorable numbers: 6, 9
Lucky days: Thursday and Friday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 9 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, pink, lavender
Birthstone: Aquamarine
7 March the birthday of extraordinary vision
Your greatest challenge is…
learning to assert yourself
The way forward is…
to be as encouraging and as positive as you can be when trying to get a point across. Be critical of people’s ideas, not people themselves.
You’re drawn to people born on…
October 24 to November 22
You share charm, creativity and sensitivity, and this can create an intense and loving bond.
Luck maker
Learn to deal with criticism
If the criticism is just, see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. If, however, the criticism is unjust, take it as a compliment—it often means that the critic feels jealous or threatened by you.
Despite their ability to instantly establish rapport with anyone they meet, people born on March 7 often have an otherworldly quality about them. This is because they have a tendency to live in an abstract world of thoughts and ideals produced by their own vivid imagination.
People born on this day possess the gift of extraordinary vision and their minds love to roam far and wide. Typically, they can manifest these ideas in practical form by analyzing situations, experiences and people. Along the way, they will do their best to ensure that they get the support of colleagues, friends and loved ones, taking great care to make sure everyone feels involved. At work they never forget a name or a personal detail about their colleagues; at home they will ensure everyone can voice their opinions.
Even though they are often surrounded by friends and admirers, there is a haunting loneliness about these people; because they dislike conflict, they tend to withdraw when there is heated discussion or criticism of their methods. In their self-imposed isolation, they may also become insecure about themselves and their abilities, and secretive and suspicious of others. People born on this day should find other ways to cope when they feel under pressure; although they are unlikely to become close to large numbers of people, they should make sure they have the love and support of their family and/or a few good friends. Up to the age of forty-three they are active and assertive, a positive sign for them with their natural tendency to withdraw. After the age of forty-four there is an emphasis on greater emotional and financial stability.
Because they are so receptive to all kinds of intellectual pursuits, these people may take a while to settle on their chosen aim. However, once they are able to focus their vision and energy in a worthwhile direction, their intelligent and sensitive approach assures success. A part of them will always remain untouchable but this doesn’t make them appear or feel lonely—it just adds to their magic.
On the dark side
Detached, isolated, secretive
At your best
Thoughtful, generous, intelligent
Love Easily hurt
Charming and generous, people born on March 7 have no problem finding friends or lovers. They do, however, hate conflict, and an argument with a partner can make them feel low for days; instead of expressing what they feel, they will simply withdraw into resentment, leaving their partner not knowing why. It is very important for these people to learn to be more honest in their relationships and try to reach agreement through compromise.