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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
When people born on this day are able to strike a balance between their inner and outer life, they really are capable of striking gold both personally and professionally, which is after all every true alchemist’s dream.
On the dark side
Arrogance, blunt, detached
At your best
Realistic, intuitive, confidence
Love Let past hurts go
People born on February 16 need to move on from past hurts, disappointments or experiences that may have made them wary of falling in love. They need to learn to trust their hearts more, because in their hearts they still do believe in the possibility of love even if their heads don’t. They also need to start believing that they deserve to be loved, because they certainly do.
Health One tough cookie
People born on this day are mentally and physically tough but they can sometimes push themselves too hard and this can lead to stress-related conditions such as headaches and insomnia. It is important for them to make sure they have regular health reviews. It is also important for them to eat an energy-boosting diet with plenty of nutritious meals and snacks, and make sure they keep fairly active during the day as they thrive best when they are on the go. Lazing about doesn’t suit them, although they do need to make sure they get plenty of rest and relaxation. They would benefit considerably from meditation and breathing exercises to help them strike that important balance between their inner and outer life.
Career Born reviewers
These people have a fantastic eye for detail and an ability to see the bigger picture; this makes them fantastic editors, journalists, reviewers, film critics, lecturers, or teachers. Alternatively, they may be drawn toward a career in business, banking and the stock market or careers in which they can express their intuitive creativity such as art, entertainment, charity work, and social reform.
Destiny To help others see the positive in life
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to accept that they deserve all the love and goodness the world can give them. Once they have worked on their self-esteem, their destiny is to help others focus on the positives in a situation or experience.
Power Thought
“Today I will seek to praise rather than criticize”
February 16
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator
Tarot card: The Tower (breakthrough)
Favorable numbers: 7, 8
Lucky days: Saturday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 7 and 8 of the month
Lucky colors: All shades of blue, lavender
Birthstone: Amethyst
17 February the birthday of self discipline
Your greatest challenge is…
to learn to let others in
The way forward is…
to understand that success may earn the admiration of others but it will not necessarily win their love.
You’re drawn to people born on…
September 24 to October 23
Both of you appreciate those who are disciplined and hardworking, and this can create a vibrant and rewarding union.
Luck maker
Move out of the corner
When you have the flexibility to learn other ways of doing things, you can make luck from a vast playing field of opportunities rather than a narrow corner of one room.
People born on February 17 often figure out early in their life that the key to success in life is discipline. They are determined, ambitious people with a clear idea of where they want to go and what they need to do to get there. These qualities, combined with their remarkable self-discipline, can give them the appearance of invincibility.
Although they may appear superhuman and extraordinary, others generally warm instantly to them, respecting their honesty and ability to be true to themselves and their beliefs. Underneath their tough exterior they really are sensitive souls who can be profoundly hurt by the careless words or actions of others. In fact, neglect or criticism may have been a feature of their early life, leading them to the realization that if they are to survive in the world they need to develop a tough exterior. Occasionally, they can make their defenses so strong that others find it impossible to break through. When this happens, they run the risk of becoming emotionally detached and inflexible in their approach to others.
People born on this day have a tunnel-vision approach to their goals and objectives, giving them the potential to rise to the top. They are the athletes who train relentlessly, the entrepreneurs who sacrifice everything for their shot at success, the artists or scientists who devote their lives to their art or research. The downside, however, is that anything that hinders their quest for fulfillment will be ignored; all too often this is personal relationships. They should make sure that their emotional happiness does not take a backseat to their professional, especially after the age of thirty-three when they often become even more determined and aggressive in their approach to life.
The incredible endurance, intelligence and stamina of people born on this day mean they are able to achieve a level of self-mastery and resulting satisfaction to which others can only aspire. Once they figure out what they are best at, there is nothing that can stop them achieving remarkable things with their life.
On the dark side
Isolated, inflexible, suspicious
At your best
Disciplined, determined, appealing
Love Cool and controlled
People born on February 17 can be distant and inflexible in close personal relationships. If they are to have a chance of success and happiness in relationships they need to address this. Although they have no problem attracting admirers, they do find it hard to open up to others. But once they find a partner who can encourage them to give as well as take, they are loyal, caring and endlessly fascinating partners.
Health Athletes
People born on this day push themselves hard in all areas of their life and the physical is no exception. Whether or not they are sportsmen or women, they tend to regard themselves as athletes in training and will often take great care of their physical health through attention to diet and exercise. Some people born on this day are sometimes guilty of pushing themselves so hard that their body can’t take the strain. Others may be neglectful of their health when there are deadlines to consider, so moderation is just as important as self-discipline. They would benefit from a healthy diet low in saturated fats and sugar to reduce the risk of circulatory problems, and an exercise routine in which they can clearly monitor their improvement, such as weight-training. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with shades of green will help remind them of the importance of balance in their personal and professional lives.
Career Born detectives
These people love to unravel a mystery and can be drawn to careers in law or the police. They also have a talent for writing and self-expression and may be drawn to careers in journalism, writing or education. They also make great athletes, artists and scientists and, because they generally thrive in careers which demand great self-discipline and self-motivation, they may also be attracted to management, charity work, social reform, or self-employment.
Destiny To inspire others with their vitality
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to place as much importance on their personal happiness as the pursuit of their goals. Once they have learned a sense of balance, their destiny is to influence and inspire others with their considerable vitality and self-discipline.
Power Thought
“Today I will look at life in a different way”
February 17
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher
Tarot card: The Star (hope)
Favorable numbers: 1, 8
Lucky day: Saturday, especially when it falls on 1 or 8 of the month
Lucky colors: Sky blue, maroon,
Birthstone: Amethyst
18 February the birthday of the eternally young
Your greatest challenge is…
knowing when to stop
The way forward is…
to understand that with all things there is a tipping point and, more often than not, less is more.
You’re drawn to people born on…
March 21 to April 20
You both have a youthful approach to life and love, and this can create a tender and refreshingly honest union.
Luck maker
Find the stillness within
Intuitive or luck-making guidance can be yours when you learn to still your mind. Try meditating at least once a day.
Whatever their age, people born on February 18 never grow old in their minds and hearts. With a charismatic energy about them, they never fail to brighten up their surroundings with their infectious optimism and enthusiasm for new ideas and projects, however far-fetched and impossible.
Those who are born on this day are also courageous risk-takers. They will always be the first to volunteer or put themselves forward, loving nothing better than to live life on the edge. There is of course a danger with this reckless approach to life; it can lead them into serious trouble and on more than one occasion it will do just that. They are never happier than when they are pushing things one degree harder, higher or faster, but they do need to ask themselves why they feel the need to live like this. More often than not deep-seated fears and insecurities are hidden behind their mask of indestructibility.
With their youthful spirit and the endearing vulnerabilities that go with it, these people don’t really understand that other people will be drawn to their sunny optimism. They may even find that others look to them for leadership but they aren’t always happy in that role as it hinders their freedom to experience and explore the wonders of the world. Although their life does sparkle with variety and adventure, there is a price to pay. One day they may find themselves looking at their life and wondering why they haven’t got a sense of real achievement. It is important for them to learn to focus their energies rather than scattering them; fortunately, after the age of thirty-two they become more assertive and self-disciplined in their daily affairs.
As long as people born on this day avoid looking in the wrong direction for a sense of risk and adventure, and understand that showing off isn’t the most fulfilling or grown-up way to gain supporters, they have the potential to win the admiration and respect of others, and most important of all a sense of pride in themselves and their achievements.
On the dark side
Reckless, immature, impatient
At your best
Youthful, dynamic, charismatic
Love Superstar
People born on February 18 tend to have an immature approach to love, believing that showing off or being the center of attention is a way to win hearts. They need to learn that being calm and in control is a far more effective approach to relationships, as it puts other people naturally at ease. Once they do find a partner, one thing is assured: their partner will never be bored.
Health Something’s cooking
The relentlessly upbeat and youthful approach to life that people born on this day are blessed with helps them keep illness and aging at bay. They don’t grow old, they just get better or some might say crazier. The biggest risk to their health is their addiction to thrill seeking and they should avoid overindulgence in extreme sports, as well as addictive pastimes such as gambling, drinking and drug-taking. Knowing when to stop is an important lesson for them to learn in all aspects of their life, diet, exercise and general health included. Learning to cook properly would not only improve their diet, which tends to be irregular, but it would also be extremely therapeutic as it encourages them to slow down and think about what they are putting into their bodies. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color blue will help bring calmness and control into their lives.
Career Born DJs
These people need to have careers that give them plenty of freedom to express their original thoughts. Multi-talented, they will therefore flourish in any career, provided they can follow their own path but may be particularly drawn to business, public relations, publishing, writing, journalism, the leisure industry, music, acting, and the world of entertainment.
Destiny To motivate others with their enthusiasm
The life path of people born on this day is to learn the importance of self-discipline. When they have learned a degree of calm, their destiny is to motivate others with their enthusiasm and crazy energy.
Power Thought
“Today I will find the stillness within me”
February 18
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior
Tarot card: The Moon (imagination)
Favorable numbers: 2, 9
Lucky days: Saturday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 9 of the month
Lucky colors: Sky blue, red, lilac
Birthstone: Amethyst
19 February the birthday of wonderlust
Your greatest challenge is…
to finish what you started
The way forward is…
to understand that your ability to share the load and finish what you started determines whether you will be labeled a leader or a loser.
You’re drawn to people born on…
July 24 to August 23
You share a passion for adventure and experimentation and this can create a bond with explosive potential.
Luck maker
Be a role model
Be a role model for your loved ones, children and friends. Do you want them to learn selfishness or compassion from you?
There is only one way for people born February 19 to do things and that is their way. They value their independence above all else and don’t like to be ordered around, particularly by their parents. They want to find their own way in life, even if that means making mistakes along the way. As a result, they often have a lust for travel, thriving on new situations and new people.
With their independent spirit and need to stamp their individuality on everything they undertake, these people can often be found at the cutting edge of their chosen field. Although they perform best alone, they can also make inspirational leaders or enthusiastic team players; those who work alongside them will find themselves surprised by the strength of their wholehearted commitment to success.
People born on this day quickly make a name for themselves wherever they go—and they tend to go to a lot of places. Their appetite for life and new situations is huge, and even when they appear to be settling down in a career or a relationship, their eye is always on the horizon, wondering what else might be out there for them. The danger with this inquisitive approach to life is that they might appear reckless at times or, at worst, selfish. They should learn that their go-it-alone approach to life can prevent them connecting with the needs of others. At around the age of thirty-one their ambition becomes more apparent and they may start new projects or pioneer new ideas. It is particularly important for them at this stage in life and beyond not to scatter their energies selfishly.
The life path of people born on this day will always be littered with opportunities because they have a knack of knowing where to find them. Along the way their fiercely individual approach to life may encounter setbacks or rejections; but they never let these disillusion them. In their mind and their life, the only way is their way and that way is always up.
On the dark side
Indecisive, rash, selfish
At your best
Inspiring, wholehearted, independent
Love Born to be worshiped
Once people born on February 19 are able to balance their desire for independence and adventure with empathy for others, they have the potential to hypnotize everyone they meet with a wonderfully sexy mixture of vulnerability and excitement. Although it may take a while for them to find that special someone, they don’t find it difficult to fall in love and people don’t find it hard to fall in live with them. In fact, everybody loves them—children in particular—and they make great parents.
Health Not all rules are made to be broken
People born on this day will generally resist any attempt to have a diet or exercise regime imposed on them, preferring to go their own way. But they do need to understand that for their body to keep up with their free-spirited lifestyle it needs to be taken care of properly. It is particularly important for them to eat a healthy diet rich in energy-boosting nutrients and to make sure they stay hydrated with six to eight glasses of water a day, avoiding too much coffee to keep them alert. They should also make sure they get plenty of exercise so they remain fit for their high-octane lifestyle, but they do need to watch out for injuries to their legs, feet and ankles. As for everyone, regular rest and relaxation are important; if they have trouble sleeping, unwinding with a glass of chamomile herbal tea before bedtime may help.
Career Born explorers
These people may be drawn to social work or the caring professions but they also make outstanding environmental campaigners and gifted artists and performers. Other careers that might appeal include sales, promotion, design, acting, dancing, singing, and comedy as well as science, astronomy, philosophy and exploration.
Destiny To move themselves and others forward
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to take into account the needs and feelings of others in their quest for fulfillment. Once they have learned to develop greater empathy toward others, their destiny is to test the limits with their original thoughts and boundless energy and by so doing move themselves and everyone else one step forward.
Power Thought
“Today I will let my happiness inspire me to listen and to give”
February 19
Signs & symbols
Sun signs: Aquarius/Pisces
Ruling planets: Uranus, the visionary/Neptune, the speculator
Symbols: The Water Carrier/Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual
Tarot card: The Sun (enthusiasm)
Favorable numbers: 1, 2
Lucky days: Saturday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 2 of the month
Lucky colors: Blue, orange, gold
Birthstone: Amethyst
20 February the birthday of the perceptive charmer
Your greatest challenge is…
learning to say no
The way forward is…
to understand that only after you give to yourself can you give to others. If you neglect yourself, you can’t be a real help to others.
You’re drawn to people born on…
June 22 to July 23
The two of you are highly sensitive and intuitive individuals, and this can create an exceptionally close and loving bond.
Luck maker
Treat yourself
Try to devote at least one day a week to something you really want: a book, a film, a haircut. Ensure it makes you feel good; the better you feel, the greater your chances of attracting luck.
People born on February 20 are often thoughtful and receptive personalities, with the ability to immediately tune into the moods of those around them, adjusting their reactions instantly. Highly ambitious, they are sure to stand out in their career, at home, or on the social scene. They have an appealing personality and an easy charm, but it’s impossible to dismiss them as superficial because behind their looks and charm there is always great intelligence.
People with a February 20 birthday have a great deal of compassion, instinctively dealing with anyone—whatever their background or social status—with great understanding and warmth. In some cases they can become over-sensitive and impressionable, unable to separate their own emotions from the emotions of other people. This is because they identify so much with the viewpoint of others that they risk losing their own perspective in the process. It is vitally important for them to learn to protect themselves from over-identification. Before the age of thirty, this tendency to merge completely with other people is emphasized, but after the age of thirty they become more assertive, confident and self-protective.
There is a danger when people born on this day do become more aware and confident of their ability to instinctively relate to others that they can misuse it. It is important therefore for them to learn not to compromise themselves or take advantage of others in the single-minded pursuit of their goals.
Those people born on this day who remain true to their principles and who learn to make their receptivity work for and not against them have remarkable potential to make a difference and to be highly valued by others. They are rarely happy to sit on the sidelines and desperately want to make their mark; although they have all the drive, intelligence and charisma they need to climb right to the top, what they don’t often realize is that simply being themselves already makes a huge difference; this is because when they are around, people just feel better about themselves.