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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
On the dark side
Indecisive, hypersensitive, impressionable
At your best
Intelligent, appealing, intuitive
Love Little flower
People born on February 20 can be extremely sensitive when it comes to affairs of the heart and they need to find a partner who understands this. Every detail is important to them and a missed phone call or a few misplaced words can send them into a downward spiral. When they do fall in love they make understanding and passionate lovers. There can be a tendency to put their lover on a pedestal and it is important for them to understand that everyone has faults.
Health Learn to say no
It is important for people born on this day to avoid become drained, anxious, stressed, depressed, or burned out because they are giving so much to others or taking on board the emotions of others. They should also find ways to avoid turning to drink, drugs and comfort eating as an escape, and would benefit considerably from substituting relaxation techniques such as meditation, natural remedies and herbal teas for those tranquillizers and copious amounts of alcohol. As well as moderate to vigorous exercise several times a week, plenty of sleep is also recommended for the sensitive people born on this day. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color yellow will build their self-confidence and encourage optimism.
Career Born healers/givers
The giving personality of people born on this day may draw them toward careers in medicine or entertainment, music or the arts where they can give to an audience. Being receptive and versatile, they tend to thrive in whatever career they choose but music, dancing, health and healing work, and all kinds of public relations roles have particular appeal.
Destiny To inspire others by giving
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to set boundaries. Once they have become more self-aware and assertive, their destiny is to inspire and influence others with their giving presence.
Power Thought
“I am in charge of all aspects of my life”
February 20
Signs & symbols
Sun signs: Pisces/Aquarius
Ruling planets: Neptune, the speculator/Saturn, the teacher
Symbols: Two Fishes/The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive
Tarot card: Judgment (responsibility)
Favorable numbers: 2, 4
Lucky days: Thursday and Monday, especially when those days fall on 2 or 4 of the month
Lucky colors: Sea green, silver, lavender
Birthstones: Amethyst and aquamarine
21 February the birthday of the dominating presence
Your greatest challenge is…
to take on board the advice of others
The way forward is…
to understand that although your strength is to take your place at the helm, great leaders seek the advice of others.
You’re drawn to people born on…
November 23 to December 21
You are both natural lovers and natural adventurers, and this can create an intense and fulfilling bond.
Luck maker
Act naturally
Lucky people never try to be something they are not, as this alienates others rather than getting them on your side. So be yourself and tell it like it is.
People born on February 21 have a creative, individual mind and a dominating presence. They feel most comfortable when taking the lead and least comfortable when required to follow. Their fierce independence may be a result of a tough childhood where rules, regulations or expectations often took precedence over real intimacy.
People born on this day may spend many years trying out various occupations or roles, often feeling that they don’t quite fit in and occasionally reacting childishly as a form of rebellion. It is only when they understand that the key to their success is to be themselves and to lead and inspire others with their forceful presence that they truly come into their own. Fortunately, around the age of twenty-nine they tend to become more assertive and adventurous, and begin to enjoy greater self-awareness.
Although they may have developed a tough outer shell to protect them from the outside world, those who know them well will know that they can also be extremely sensitive, even shy. This sensitivity can in part explain their need to push themselves forward, as they may have suffered disappointments at the hands of others. It is important that they learn to be true to themselves—it is also important that they do not become too aggressive or cynical in the process, for their emotions lie at the center of their being and it is their sensitivity that can give them sudden flashes of inspiration.
People born on this day have great dreams, and once they learn to listen to their hearts as well as their heads and to respect the ideas of others there is little that can prevent them getting exactly what they want out of life. Wherever they go, others tend to regard them as a tower of strength and will often look to them for motivation and inspiration. This is because when they have settled on a chosen course they are a shining example of how it is possible to rise above challenges and criticism by respecting your own judgment.
On the dark side
Immature, detached, inflexible
At your best
Creative, influential, honest
Love Rescue me
People born on this day need both freedom and commitment in a relationship. They love the thrill of the chase and will probably have numerous partners but a part of them also longs to feel safe in one committed relationship. They have powerful emotions and a sensitive heart with a lot of love to give; they long to be rescued by that special someone who can provide them with both excitement and stability.
Health Go Green
February 21 people can be prone to mood swings and—if these aren’t properly handled—depression. It is extremely important for them to eat a healthy balanced diet, packed full of the mood-boosting nutrients found in oily fish, nuts, seeds, leafy green vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. They should avoid drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and any addictive or toxic substances. Plenty of exercise, preferably in the fresh air so they get the mood-boosting effects of daylight, is highly recommended as are breathing exercises, meditation or perhaps counseling if they find themselves unable to deal with feelings of anger, fear, guilt, or disappointment. Reading, wearing or meditating on the colors green and blue will help restore natural balance and healing.
Career Born composers
People born on this day make great leaders and any career that allows them to motivate, inspire or lead others will appeal; for example, management, politics or teaching. They may also be drawn toward careers where they can make their own rules, such as music, arts and entertainment. They can also make especially good conductors. Often rather dexterous, they may also be interested in working with their hands, so careers in design, especially costume design, construction or building, may appeal.
Destiny To inspire others to reach their full potential
The life path of people born on this day is to trust themselves to be able to take on board the advice of others. Once they are able to do that, their destiny is to motivate and inspire others by their own example to reach their full potential.
Power Thought
“Whatever I decide is right for me”
February 21
Signs & symbols
Sun signs: Pisces/Aquarius
Ruling planets: Neptune, the speculator/Saturn, the teacher
Symbols: Two Fishes/The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher
Tarot card: The World (fulfillment)
Favorable numbers: 3, 5
Lucky day: Thursday, especially when it falls on 3 or 5 of the month
Lucky colors: Sea green, purple
Birthstones: Amethyst and aquamarine
22 February the birthday of the investigator
Your greatest challenge is…
to be less self-critical
The way forward is…
to understand that perfection is an impossible ideal; our failures sometimes propel us toward success and our vulnerabilities bring others closer to us.
You’re drawn to people born on…
January 21 to February 19
You share a passion for the mystery of love, and this creates a stimulating and intense union.
Luck maker
Get a kick out of being you
Only when you are comfortable with yourself can you be confident with your skills and talents, and deal positively with negative criticism. Recognize your own value and others will soon see it too.
People born on February 22 love nothing better than a good mystery. They are born problem solvers with an inquisitive, intuitive mind and a natural talent for unearthing the truth.
The chances are people born on this day don’t have a conventional career or if they do their hobbies or interests reflect their eclectic tastes. They may have many different ideas about their life path, trying to do opposing things at once; this can confuse and frustrate others while also fascinating them. There is always method in the “madness” of these dynamic people. They believe that people are defined not by what they do but by how they do it. Whatever activity they pursue, one thing remains paramount: they can indulge their passion for investigation and problem solving.
Although these people are particularly good at uncovering information and proposing a solution, one area of their life is often neglected—their own inner life. Because they tend to be self-reliant individuals, they often expect others to be the same. They deny themselves emotional security by not sharing their anxieties with those closest to them. They also have rather high standards; when others don’t live up to these they can become overly critical and pessimistic. They should learn to open up to others, and be more understanding of those who can’t meet their high standards, including themselves. They can be extremely self-critical if they don’t find an answer immediately, and will benefit from a more compassionate approach to themselves and others.
The tendency of these people to experiment with lots of different directions is highlighted between the ages of twenty-eight and fifty-seven. After the age of fifty-seven they may focus their energies in one direction. But whatever age they are and whatever goal they are currently choosing to focus on, one thing is sure. It will always be a fascinating one that may take them a step closer to their ultimate goal of making their own life—and the lives of others—a little less complicated and a whole lot more truthful.
On the dark side
Detached, over-critical, pessimistic
At your best
Dynamic, problem solving, articulate
Love Falling in and out of love
People born on February 22 tend to be a bit fickle when it comes to close personal relationships, blowing hot one day and cold the next. This can be terribly confusing for those close to them and they need to learn the importance of commitment and honesty in a fulfilling relationship. Once they do learn to place a value on emotional honesty, they make endlessly fascinating and exciting lovers.
Health Keep it steady
It is likely that people born on this day will neglect their health, especially when they are passionately engaged in their current hobby or interest. It is vital for them to make sure they eat regular meals and snacks, leaving no more than three hours between eating to keep their energy levels high and to give a regular supply of glucose to their constantly hungry brain. They might also benefit from a vitamin and mineral supplement. As far as exercise is concerned, vigorous or competitive—preferably social—sports are recommended. Reading, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the colors pink or green will encourage them to be more nurturing and less detached.
Career Born investigators
People born on this day thrive in careers that give them plenty of variety and utilize their problem-solving skills. They make great accountants, secret agents, detectives, scientists, and politicians. Their good communication skills also suggest success as a writer or journalist, or as a musician or actor. The side of them that is interested in the bigger picture may attract them to the clergy, the caring professions, alternative healing, social reform, or the world of medicine.
Destiny To help and heal others
The life path of people born on this day is to understand that diversity and problem solving are their gifts. Once they have been able to accept themselves as they are, their destiny is to help and heal others.
Power Thought
“I focus on people’s good points and help them bring out their best qualities”
February 22
Signs & symbols
Sun signs: Pisces/Aquarius
Ruling planets: Neptune, the speculator/Saturn, the teacher
Symbols: Two Fishes/The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary
Tarot card: The Fool (freedom)
Favorable numbers: 4, 6
Lucky days: Thursday and Sunday, especially when those days fall on 4 and 6 of the month
Lucky colors: Sea green, chrome, purple
Birthstones: Amethyst and aquamarine
23 February the birthday of the capable front runner
Your greatest challenge is…
to overcome any shyness
The way forward is…
simply to pretend you are confident. The more you pretend, the easier it will be to slip into that role naturally.
You’re drawn to people born on…
May 22 to June 21
You share a passion for talking and for listening; this creates an unbreakable bond.
Luck maker
Reveal your passion
When you show excitement, you give off energy and this attracts others to you because it shows that you are committed and that you care.
People born on February 23 have an optimistic, positive, can-do approach to life, and this is the key to their success. They are quietly rather than openly confident, believing that their accomplishments will speak for themselves. Because they aren’t flashy, pretentious or showy in any way, other people tend to be drawn to them.
February 23 people take great care in every aspect of their lives and have an analytical approach to problems, but they most certainly aren’t ponderous in their approach. They can be incredibly efficient, capable of delivering quality results for any task that they undertake. They often find great joy in the work itself rather than the reward. They believe that, having weighed up the alternatives, they are the best person for the job, with the best approach to it. The confident certainty they project can appear uncompromising but it is also infectious. More often than not, others believe exactly what they say and put enormous trust in them.
Another strength of people born on this day is their power of self-expression. Not only are they extremely articulate, they are also excellent listeners, an unusual combination that distinguishes them from other great speakers. They often find themselves in the position of confidant, this can sometimes give them an unfair advantage; they should beware of becoming manipulative when things aren’t going their way. They should use their verbal skills and their empathy for others positively, especially between the ages of twenty-seven and fifty-six, when they become more confident and ambitious, and are likely to start many new ventures.
Above all, these people pride themselves on being the best person for the job. They will devote much effort to making everything in their lives, including themselves, the very best that it can be, and as a result it often is. As long as they are able to accept that life isn’t—and wasn’t meant to be—perfect, these capable front runners have the potential to earn great respect and affection from all those who cross their path.
On the dark side
Manipulative, cautious, uncompromising
At your best
Capable, self-starting, articulate
Love Take your time
People born on February 23 have the ability to seduce others with a few carefully chosen glances and words. They are looking for someone with whom they can share their lives and build a future; one-night stands don’t really appeal. They tend to be dazzled by looks first, and hearts and minds second, so it might help if they applied the same pragmatic approach to relationships as they do to their professional life, taking their time before rushing headlong in.
Health Hands on
Wanting to stay young and fit, people born on this day should eat carefully and have plenty of exercise to keep them looking toned and healthy. They regard their bodies in the same way they regard everything else: as an opportunity to fine tune and improve. There is a danger, however, that they can push themselves too hard, and so they need to make sure they find ways to relax and unwind and—above all—have fun. Plenty of sleep is important and they should make sure their bedroom is a comforting and peaceful place, perhaps painted in the color green to promote harmony and balance. They may also benefit from regular massage or reflexology as they can be prone to aches and pains, especially in their feet, as a result of their hard-working approach to life. The hands-on approach suits their sensual nature.
Career Born analysts
These people make great advisors, agents, negotiators, analysts, planners, and expert advisors in any field. Their communication skills ensure their success in any people-related career, and they may find themselves drawn to artistic, musical or dramatic forms of expression. Whatever career they choose, the capable and determined approach that people born on this day are blessed with will push them into the forefront of any area of expertise.
Destiny To encourage others to do things the right way
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to be the vibrant person they are. Once they learn to take themselves a little less seriously, their destiny is to encourage others to do things the right way.
Power Thought
“My life is wonderful in every way”
February 23
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator
Tarot card: The Hierophant (guidance)
Favorable numbers: 5, 7
Lucky days: Thursday and Wednesday, especially when those days fall on 5 and 7 of the month
Lucky colors: All shades of green
Birthstone: Aquamarine
24 February the birthday of the romantic bard
Your greatest challenge is…
learning to assert yourself
The way forward is…
to take charge of your life, say no when you need to, express your true feelings and don’t let others treat you like a doormat.
You’re drawn to people born on…
September 24 to October 23
You mutual passion for art, romance and poetry can create an intense and fulfilling bond.
Luck maker
Believe that you deserve the best
If you don’t believe that you deserve the best, you won’t allow good things into your life. Believe that you deserve the best right now and you will get it.
People born on February 24 have an intuitive, generous and loving spirit that makes them a much-sought-after friend, acquaintance or partner. Highly romantic, they sometimes see the world through the eyes of a poet blinded by the power of love. Intimacy is extremely important to them—without it they can wither and pine away like the hero or heroine in a romantic novel.
Those born on this day are highly sensitive to their environment and they are constantly tuning into the moods of others and the situations going on around them. This makes them good peacemakers and valuable members of a team or family, as they can often spot trouble or find ways to resolve a situation without offending anyone. The danger lies when they concentrate on the emotional needs of others rather than on their own. It is vital for them to set boundaries in their interpersonal relationships. This won’t be easy for them, and they may even bend the truth if they think it will avoid an argument. In the long run, this kind of evasive and dishonest behavior can make them feel anxious and uncertain. Fortunately, between the ages of twenty-six and fifty-six there are opportunities for them to develop their assertiveness and to be more straightforward in their relationships. Then, after the age of fifty-six, they become even steadier and more mature.
The longing for intimacy or emotional connection possessed by these people always rules their life in some way. They may have tried to suppress emotional traumas in the past, but, whatever their background or experience, these will somehow manifest themselves, perhaps in a quest for the perfect partner or in a passionate devotion to a cause.
People born on this day have a desire to use their energies selflessly on behalf of others. Once they have learned that love isn’t just about pain, but also about joy, and that intimacy is not just about sacrificing and giving, but also about receiving and gaining, they will discover within themselves the tenacity and vision to achieve just about anything.