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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
People born on February 28 can find it hard to stay committed to one relationship. They can be big flirts, which can upset a partner. To enjoy all the fulfilling rewards of a loving relationship it is important for them to learn greater self-control and to step back every now and again to let their partner take center stage. They tend to stick with partners who are loyal, energetic and glamorous.
Health Life in the fast lane
Life in the fast lane can take its toll on the health of people born on this day and it is important for them to set aside days of peace and rest to stop them burning out. There is a tendency for them to neglect their health as they jump from one adventure to another; regular health check-ups are therefore recommended. They often enjoy cooking, so this will encourage them to eat more healthily; as far as exercise is concerned, they would benefit most from those with a mind-body approach, such as yoga or tai chi, although swimming and running also suit them. Wearing, surrounding themselves with or meditating on shades of purple will encourage them to look within rather than without for a sense of self-esteem.
Career Born travelers
These people need to find careers which will allow them to channel their energy and curiosity. They are ideally suited to careers in tourism and travel, as well as arts and sports. Their sharp mind and desire to explore mentally may also draw them to science, teaching, research, and philosophy, and they can also thrive in careers which allow them to take the lead, such as management or business, or working for themselves. Later in life they may be drawn toward helping others, and their love of the dramatic may also draw them to the arts, writing and entertainment world.
Destiny To be life’s pioneer and adventurer
The life path of people born on this day is to look within as well as without for a sense of fulfillment and adventure. Once they are able to find inner peace, their destiny is to be the pioneer and adventurer of this world.
Power Thought
“I celebrate what I have, and I meet new challenges with open arms”
February 28
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual
Tarot card: The Magician (willpower)
Favorable numbers: 1, 3
Lucky days: Thursday and Sunday, especially when those days fall on 1 and 3 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, orange, orchid
Birthstone: Aquamarine
29 February the birthday of wistful vivacity
Your greatest challenge is…
to believe in yourself
The way forward is…
to stop comparing yourself with other people and to remind yourself that you are a special and unique person.
You’re drawn to people born on…
June 22 to July 23
Home and security are extremely important in this partnership, creating a nurturing and sensitive bond.
Luck maker
Adjust your self-image
Your self-image guides your life, so notice how you are thinking of yourself and replace any negative thoughts with positive ones.
In their early years people born on this day may find it hard to be taken seriously. They may also sense something different about themselves, since they only celebrate a real birthday every four years.
Those born on this unusual day are likable and diplomatic, the latter skill perhaps learned early in life when they had to compromise over the date of their birthday. They have great social skills and the ability to relate to just about anyone. In addition, they have an ethereal quality that makes them appear less resilient than they really are. Although others may dismiss them as dreamers or social butterflies, they are in fact surprisingly tough and ambitious.
They may feel driven to aggressively validate their self-perceived differences by working harder to achieve their goals—a strategy that they may take to self-destructive extremes, especially between the ages of twenty-one and fifty-one, during which there is an emphasis on being assertive and ambitious. They should understand that over-promoting themselves is more likely to alienate than impress others.
People born on this day often have great insight into what makes people tick but others are unlikely to understand what motivates them, although their motivation is simple. They simply want to fit in, to feel needed and—above all—to feel no different from everyone else. Thus they tend to be very caring and nurturing toward the problems of others and sincere in their desire to help in times of crisis. However, being rather sensitive, if their efforts do not receive the response or gratitude they expect, they can withdraw into immature or indulgent behavior.
They do have a tendency to over-compensate for their feelings of difference and they should try to avoid extremes of behavior. Once they realize their powerful intuition and youthful vivacity are strengths not weaknesses, these special individuals will find that others not only accept but highly value their unique qualities.
On the dark side
Immature, unfocused, moody
At your best
Youthful, intuitive, offbeat
Love Put the focus on want, not need
People born on February 29 want a loyal and affectionate partner who is always there for them, but they do need to beware of becoming too dependent on their partner. Being insecure or needy in a relationship can destroy the security they desperately want. They need to cultivate an independent perspective and keep some part of their life separate from their relationship.
Health Forever young
The natural tendency of people born on this day is to indulge their hedonistic impulses, so it is important that they stay level-headed when it comes to their health and don’t take any unnecessary risks. They have great physical and mental energy, and in their mature years others will admire their vigor and their children will hope to inherit it. They may even take up a youthful sport like skateboarding, parachuting, disco dancing, or rock climbing in their middle age, but they do need to be careful of injuries to the lower part of their body. Because they often love cooking, they tend to eat healthily although they do need to make sure they don’t overindulge. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with shades of blue will be good for them when they want to appear cool or do some logical thinking.
Career Born competitors
People born on this curious day thrive in careers which allow them to indulge their competitive spirit and where they can harness their instincts and prove their worth. They may be drawn to careers in sport, business, and the stock exchange, or to the world of art, design, poetry, writing, and music. Their natural sympathy for others may also draw them toward humanitarian work or politics.
Destiny To talk directly to the souls of others
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to value rather than regret their uniqueness. Once they are able to develop enough self-confidence, their destiny is to find outlets for their optimism and creativity and, by so doing, talk directly to the souls of others.
Power Thought
“I am perfect just as I am”
February 29
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive
Tarot card: The High Priestess (intuition)
Favorable numbers: 2, 4
Lucky days: Thursday and Monday, especially when those days fall on 2 and 4 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, silver, ash blue
Birthstone: Aquamarine
1 March the birthday of the practical visionary
Your greatest challenge is…
learning to cope with feelings of worry and anxiety
The way forward is…
to imagine yourself being calm and to bring that image to mind every time you feel anxious or fearful.
You’re drawn to people born on…
July 24 to August 23
You are both authoritative but refined figures with huge hearts and this can create an honest, supportive and loving relationship.
Luck maker
Stop thinking “what if”
Worry is the enemy of good luck because it causes inaction and feelings of helplessness. Stop wasting valuable energy on disaster scenarios that will never transpire; use that energy positively and proactively to create luck instead.
People born on March 1 have a talent for lifting the moods of others and for transforming concepts or thoughts into solid achievements. They tend to have an eye for beauty, seeing the world with the vision of an artist. However, they can also be extremely practical and level-headed; anyone who dismisses them as lightweights will be making a big mistake.
When the strong will-power of people born on this day is focused, they can accomplish miracles through their determination and conviction. Unfortunately, despite this incredible potential to succeed, they are also prone to panic, negative thinking and lack of confidence. When in a state of anxiety, they are easily influenced and likely to attract people who will take advantage of their talents. It is important for them to build up their self-esteem so they can steer their life in the right direction instead of others jumping into the driving seat.
Until the age of nineteen it is likely that their plans for the future will be fairly vague or constantly shifting; this is the period when they are at their most vulnerable to negative influences or causes that aren’t worthy of them. Fortunately, between the ages of twenty and forty-nine they enter a phase when they became more assertive and self-assured, if a little controlling, selfish or impatient when things aren’t going their way. After the age of fifty they will feel a need to establish themselves and to devote themselves either to their loved ones or to a variety of humanitarian causes. In fact, throughout their lives they often feel a deep concern for the well-being of others, although it may not be until later in life that they inject practicality into those concerns and get going with them.
Despite their tendency to self-doubt, these people have great intelligence, charisma and originality. Once they learn to take responsibility for their decisions, they often find themselves in the position of a leader making a difference and paving the way for others less fortunate through the power of their personality.
On the dark side
Controlling, selfish, impatient
At your best
Refined, artistic, ambitious
Love Room to breathe
People born on March 1 tend to be drawn to strong and controlling individuals, but to feel fulfilled in a relationship they need to have plenty of freedom and space. Until they find a relationship which offers them security but also gives them room to breathe, their love life may be somewhat chaotic.
Health Time to daydream
People born on this day tend to be a bit careless when it comes to their health and it is important for them to keep in regular touch with their doctor, to eat healthily and exercise every day. They may find it hard to incorporate a regular exercise routine in their life as it contradicts their dreamy nature, but brisk walks in the park or countryside will allow them both to get fit and to daydream. As sensuous individuals, they will almost certainly enjoy regular massages, in particular aromatherapy massage. If they have a load of work or study in front of them, a ginger-scented aromatic candle is a good choice. Ginger scent is also helpful when they feel confused or lacking in purpose.
Career Born creative directors
These people are born creative directors, channeling their imaginative thoughts and original ideas into constructive projects. Although they have the skills to succeed in business, they tend to be happier when using their imagination. As a result they may be drawn toward writing, drama, art, design, or music, or working for themselves in some way. Later in life they may also be drawn to social reform, charity work or humanitarian causes.
Destiny To transform ideas into achievements
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to balance the emotional extremes of negativity to which they are prone. Once they can learn to do that, their destiny is to transform their own and the ideas of others into solid achievements.
Power Thought
“It is myself rather than my worry which will change things”
March 1
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual
Tarot card: The Magician (will-power)
Favorable numbers: 1, 4
Lucky days: Thursday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 4 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, orange, pistachio green
Birthstone: Aquamarine
2 March the birthday of personal vision
Your greatest challenge is…
dealing with confrontation
The way forward is…
to be more relaxed and pragmatic in your approach and not to shy away from conflict; conflict is inevitable, but it can encourage creativity, change and progress.
You’re drawn to people born on…
June 22 to July 23
You both like to put your partner on a pedestal. Take turns doing this to create a loyal, satisfying union.
Luck maker
Keep making new friends
Not only will this promote your self-esteem, but having lots of friends and acquaintances, all with their own ideas, contacts and talents to offer, is also a great way to increase your chances of luck.
People born on March 2 have strong convictions and their own personal vision which they will pursue with undying loyalty, regardless of the opinions of others or the changing climate around them. They are truly independent thinkers with the ability to inspire and occasionally alarm others with their intensity.
Once those born on this day have committed to an ideal or decided on a course of action, they will hold fast to it. They can occasionally take this to an extreme, blocking out everything and everyone else. Although others have much to learn from their dedication, they can have a one-track mind and a tendency to deny themselves opportunities that could potentially enrich their work. It is important for these people to make sure that their personal convictions neither exclude the possibility of change nor alienate them from the closeness and security of personal relationships. They need to be especially careful of this tendency between the ages of eighteen and forty-eight, during which period there is an emphasis on assertiveness and activity, and their personal vision is most likely to dominate their lives.
The personal vision March 2 people dedicate themselves to so passionately is often one that tries to make positive changes to their world or environment. This is challenge enough, but by far the greatest test for these devoted souls is that of balancing their personal needs with the needs of the world. If they are unable to find that sense of balance, the people most likely to suffer are those closest to them. They are the politicians or the campaigners devoted to their party who are never there for their loved ones; the artists or writers absorbed in their work but neglectful of their family, especially their children. If, however, people born on this day find a way to bring harmony both to their own personal lives and to the wider world, their unwavering dedication to their personal vision gives them the potential to be powerful and potent forces for positive change and progress.
On the dark side
Inflexible, escapist, needy
At your best
Loyal, trusting, purposeful
Love Only for you
When people born on March 2 fall in love it is an undying and devoted love, but their unstinting adoration of their partner, children or any other person who inspires them can run the risk of stifling them. It is therefore important for these people to learn to develop a more detached and independent attitude not just toward their work, but also toward their personal lives.
Health Get out there
People born on this day have a tendency to isolate themselves and this can have a negative effect on their health and well-being. They need to make sure they get out into the world, as they have a lot to offer it. All kinds of exercise that involve other people, such as team sports or aerobics classes, will benefit them. As far as diet is concerned they need to steer clear of too much alcohol and to make sure they eat plenty of fresh, natural whole grains and vegetables. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color orange will encourage them to seek out warmth and physical contact with others.
Career Born charity worker
These people need to make career plans that include their natural sense of vision. The medical and healing professions may be of interest to them, as might teaching, politics, writing, social reform, or charity work. They may also choose to express their creative vision of the world in music, theater or art.
Destiny To use their vision to make the world a better place
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to give more of themselves to others. Once they are able to reach outside themselves, their destiny is to translate their personal vision into a reality and by so doing to make the world a better and more enlightened place.
Power Thought
“I will always ask for the help that I need”
March 2
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive
Tarot card: The High Priestess (intuition)
Favorable numbers: 2, 5
Lucky days: Thursday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 5 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, silver, pale green
Birthstone: Aquamarine
3 March the birthday of proposal
Your greatest challenge is…
building your self-esteem
The way forward is…
to write a success list that includes everything that is meaningful to you personally. Keep adding to the list every day.
You’re drawn to people born on…
November 23 to December 21
A love of debate and communication draws you to each other and this can create a stimulating and supportive union.
Luck maker
Believe in your success
Believe in yourself, especially in times of misfortune, because this will inspire others to believe in you too and to want to help you.
People born on March 3 may feel from an early age that they were destined for something great. Intelligent, determined and versatile, there is no question that they have great potential. The question is more about where to begin; they may find themselves taken up with plans and proposals for the best step forward.
Extremely pragmatic without being pessimistic, people born on this day feel the need to prepare carefully. They are quick to recognize any defects and potential problems in their preparation, and although they are aware of the bigger picture they have a eye for detail and nothing escapes their attention. In fact, they love the preparation stage, often enjoying it more than the actual presentation or execution of a project. This approach has both its upsides and downsides. The upside is that they are fully focused on the present. The downside is that they can get bogged down in details and planning and lose momentum, direction and spontaneity.
It is important for them to work on their decision-making skills and to stop holding themselves and others back with an endless succession of “what ifs.” Fortunately, between the ages eighteen and forty-seven there is an emphasis on assertiveness, activity and courage. After the age of forty-eight they may feel an increased need for calm and stability.
It is probably better for these people to make a decision about which course they want to pursue in life and stick to it. If they remain uncommitted or in the planning stage for much of their life, they need to examine why they fear commitment or execution. If fear of failure holds them back, they need to learn that it is who they are and not what they do that is a mark of success. And those March 3 individuals who do settle on a course need to be careful that they don’t get so lost in their activities that they lose touch with who they are because who they are is a remarkable person with the ability to achieve great things.
On the dark side
Moody, compulsive, lazy
At your best
Generous, intelligent, determined
Love Don’t be a pushover
People born on March 3 need to be careful that their sensitive and generous nature isn’t taken advantage of and they need to be alert to the warning signs. They are often attracted by intelligent partners and their relationships tend to be linked to work or shared interests. Once they are able to avoid insecurities and an over-eagerness to please others by developing their self-confidence, they can make charming and fun-loving partners.