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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
People with a February 12 birthday have strong convictions and a pro-gressive instinct, both of which have been developed through their powers of original thought, and high moral and ethical standards. They have the courage and charisma to lead and inspire others, and more often than not others will find them living out their mission to make the world a better and more peaceful place.
On the dark side
Inflexible, moody, intolerant
At your best
Patience, purpose, originality
Love Fun loving
Although people born on February 12 have no trouble falling in love, they do need to be careful that their work and goals do not eclipse their relationships or that they take them for granted. They prefer to get involved with people who are mentally stimulating and who are interested in self-improvement, as well as having a good time. Their detached exterior can make it hard for them to open up but once they are able to do that they are sensitive, loyal and (when they aren’t working too hard) fun-loving partners.
Health Health before habit
People born on this day are often creatures of routine when it comes to their health, diet and exercise, and although this means they are generally in good health the downside is that experimenting a little can give them more energy and more fun. It is important for them to try out a wide variety of nutritious foods rather than sticking with old-time favorites and to experiment with different types of exercise instead of sticking with one. When they are feeling stressed or anxious instead of alcohol or chocolate they should try a warm bath with a few drops of their favorite aromatherapy essential oil to soothe frayed nerves. They would also benefit from meditation and breathing techniques to focus their energy and thoughts.
Career Born politicians
These people may well consider politics or social reform as their chosen career. Whatever they choose, they are bound to become the head of something along the way, perhaps the principal of a school or a group leader. Their good people skills and business sense may also draw them toward management careers. Other career choices that might work include counseling, publishing, advertising, accountancy, science, or invention. Anthropology and archaeology, as well as careers in writing or the arts, may also appeal.
Destiny To create harmony in all environments
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to beware of their tendency to dismiss viewpoints differing from their own. Once they have learned to be more open-minded, their destiny is to create harmony in any environment in which they find themselves.
Power Thought
“The equilibrium of my mind is mirrored in my life”
February 12
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher
Tarot card: The Hanged Man (reflection)
Favorable numbers: 3, 5
Lucky days: Saturday and Thursday especially when these days fall on 3 and 5 of the month
Lucky colors: Dark blue, light purple, pink
Birthstone: Amethyst
13 February the birthday of the enigmatic extrovert
Your greatest challenge is…
to avoid rushing into things
The way forward is…
to learn to take a deep breath, ask others for their opinion and to list the pros and cons before making a decision.
You’re drawn to people born on…
January 21 to February 19
Your mutual fascination will keep you both intrigued and involved; this will create a passionate and slightly mysterious union.
Luck maker
Get in touch with nature
To increase your chances of luck you need to learn to listen to your intuition. One of the most effective ways to calm your mind is to get in touch with nature.
Those born on February 13 are difficult to ignore. They are open and uninhibited in almost all that they undertake and bursting with energy, originality and fun. Often regarded as trendsetters, they are at their best when performing to an audience.
People born on this day have a unique approach to life, and their ideas and plans have the potential to make them a fortune. Because they are rebellious and more than a little wild, they will almost certainly encounter criticism and rejection in their life, in particular their teens and early twenties. It is important for them to hold fast to their individuality and to resist the urge to fit in. They just need to find the right path and the right goals to devote their considerable energy to—and the right people to encourage them to be themselves—and their success is assured.
Exuberant, original and daring, these people see a world of possibilities and potential around them. Sometimes in their enthusiasm to move forward they can come across as bossy or eccentric; they do need to learn to slow down and look before they leap. They are often guilty of following their hearts before their heads and this can also get them into trouble, leading them to hurt other people in the process. After the age of thirty-seven there is a turning point, suggesting that they will become more aggressive and focused in pursuit of their goals. It is more important than ever for them to learn to center themselves and find a sense of inner security.
February 13 people have a flair for the dramatic and although their uninhibited nature relishes being the center of attention, there are certain aspects of themselves that they keep strictly private. This gives them a fascinating enigmatic quality and complexity that only serves to intrigue and delight their audience even more. Once they are able to control rather than repress their exuberant spontaneity, these elusive but extrovert individuals can often be found entertaining, educating and intriguing their adoring fans.
On the dark side
Wacky, reckless, bossy
At your best
Uninhibited, unique, fun
Love In and out of love
The address book of people born on February 13 is often packed with friends and admirers, but they may find it difficult to let one person get close to them. Falling in and out of love a lot, they may find it hard to stick to relationships as they enjoy their freedom too much. But when they do find the right person it often tends to be an elusive and dramatic individual like themselves; when this happens, their love is for keeps.
Health Not so fast
People born on this day have a tendency to take risks with their body and their health, being prone to accidents and injuries, particularly in their legs and ankles. They need to learn to take things a little more steadily and to remain calm in difficult situations. They would benefit enormously from mind-body exercises such as yoga, tai chi and meditation techniques. When it comes to diet they also need to make sure that they avoid rich food and excessive amounts of alcohol, red meat and dairy. Moderate to mild physical exercise is preferable to vigorous exercise. Wearing, meditating on or sur-rounding themselves with shades of blue and green will help them handle challenges with calmness, objectivity and optimism.
Career Born entertainers
These people have a love for variety, adventure and acclaim, together with the versatility to handle sudden changes, so they are ideally suited to the world of entertainment. Other careers that might appeal include astronomy, meteorology, aviation, scientific research, and education. Their ability to charismatically lead campaigns could also draw them toward politics and social reform, or setting up their own business.
Destiny To encourage others to express themselves
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to follow both their heart and their head. Once they have learned a measure of self-control, their destiny is to express themselves and by so doing to influence and inspire others.
Power Thought
“Today is my bridge to greater self-knowledge and joy”
February 13
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher
Tarot card: Death (change)
Favorable numbers: 4, 6
Lucky days: Saturday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 4 or 6 of the month
Lucky colors: All shades of blue, silver and light green
Birthstone: Amethyst
14 February the birthday of the vulnerable wit
Your greatest challenge is…
to keep confidential information to yourself
The way forward is…
to understand that the trust and respect of others are far more rewarding than the short-lived thrill of being the center of attention.
You’re drawn to people born on…
May 22 to June 21
You both have piercing insight and if you remain honest with each other this can create an intense and fulfilling union.
Luck maker
Don’t have enemies
Lucky people regard everyone they meet as potential luck makers. You never know who could eventually be of help. There should always be time for politeness, sensitivity, decency, tact, and trust.
Charming, intelligent and warm-hearted, people born on February 14 are shrewd observers of human foibles. They think quickly and analytically, tending to express themselves succinctly in great one-liners.
The incisive wit of these people can work both for and against them. Their biting sense of humor can make them wonderful and entertaining company, and formidable allies in the workplace, but they can also be blunt to the point of sarcasm, driving others away with deeply wounding comments. Their sarcasm tends to surface most when they feel impatient or frustrated because others aren’t attending to their demands. And because other people tend to reveal personal information to them, they need to be careful that they don’t become gossips.
Jovial banter can be a way for people born on this day to camouflage their true emotions. They are typically the first to cry when a sad song is being played or to feel heartbreaking empathy with those in the world who are suffering misfortune. This vulnerability can often surprise those around them as they often expect someone with such a cool and incisive wit to be emotionally stronger.
Those born on this day should apply some of their penetrating insight to themselves as well as others, and understand that their emotions bubble quickly to the surface because they have an important message to deliver. They should listen to that message because the strong reactions they have to the misfortunes of others are often a sign of their own repressed emotion searching for an outlet. Fortunately, around the age of thirty-six there is a turning point, emphasizing that they should become more self-aware and assertive regarding their own emotions.
A lamb in wolf’s clothing, people born on February 14 may appear tough but they don’t take themselves too seriously. This isn’t to say they are superficial; there is great emotional depth behind their banter. It simply means they are great company to keep because, whenever they are around, life always seems easier, lighter and much, much happier.
On the dark side
Insensitive, cutting, demanding
At your best
Witty, astute, engaging
Love Mischievous flirt
Not surprisingly, people born on February 14 have the ability to seduce others with humor and their live-for-the-moment approach to life. They will probably have quite a few relationships before they finally settle down with someone who can rise to their verbal challenges but who can also offer them loyalty, honesty and loving security.
Health See green
People born on this day may give the appearance of being cool and in control of their lives but they can often become stressed because they are repressing their insecurities behind a tough exterior. It is important for them to find ways to work through their insecurities, such as exercise and chats with friends and loved ones, and to find ways to calm their mind. Breathing exercises and meditation are recommended to help them to do this. It goes without saying that they should make sure they eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. They should also make sure they stay away from too much alcohol and nicotine. If they try to maintain their relaxed image by taking mindaltering drugs, they may become susceptible to addictive substances. Meditating on, wearing or surrounding themselves with the color pale green will help them manage their emotions.
Career Born talk-show host
These people make ideal interviewers, magazine editors, radio and TV hosts, or networkers in large organizations. Alternatively banking, insurance or the stock market may appeal, as might writing, publishing or the entertainment world. Their ability to empathize with the suffering of others may also draw them toward social reform, humanitarian work or work in education. In business, whether self-employed or working for others, they will use their verbal skills and personality to promote themselves, sometimes to the very top.
Destiny To use words to inspire others
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to use their excellent communication skills positively rather than negatively. Once they understand this, their destiny is to influence and inspire those around them with the power of their words.
Power Thought
“Giving is its own reward”
February 14
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator
Tarot card: Temperance (moderation)
Favorable numbers: 5,7
Lucky days: Saturday and Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 7 of the month
Lucky colors: Blue, green
Birthstone: Amethyst
15 February the birthday of the enterprising adventurer
Your greatest challenge is…
to pay attention to the details
The way forward is…
to understand that details and the routine that often accompanies them are unavoidable in human existence; to ignore them is often to ignore something truly special.
You’re drawn to people born on…
September 24 to October 23
You both walk on the wild side in relationships but you can fall deeply in love when meeting your match.
Luck maker
Avoid self-destructive; behavior
To create luck you must avoid self-destructive behavior devote your energy to whatever fills your life with meaning and purpose.
People born on February 15 are full of vitality, adventure and fun. They like to walk on the wild side of life, and have great enthusiasm and ingenuity, especially when it comes to exploring novel things. When faced with a challenge, it is impossible for them to sit on the sidelines; they have to jump in and offer a solution—their solution.
The charming, energetic people born on this day have the ability to master skills quickly, using their enterprise and ingenuity to raise a skill, craft or project to undreamed-of heights. They like to live life in the fast lane and have no intention of slowing or calming down. Although this approach means they are often a powerful force to be reckoned with, it can also mean that they sometimes find it hard to know when to stop.
Those born on February 15 value their intellectual freedom above all else and they like to experience or investigate just about anything. This can lead, however, to burnout or information overload; when this happens, they may come across as chaotic or irresponsible rebels without a cause. Their moods may also swing from high to low for no reason; this is a result of living in too heightened a state. It is important for these people to understand that sometimes discipline and limits have great value. Fortunately, they tend to grow more self-disciplined when they are older; around the age of thirty-five they can become extremely assertive, so they should channel that dynamic energy positively rather than negatively.
As long as they learn the importance of self-discipline and goal setting—and others allow them to explore the wonders of the world—these multi-talented individuals have the potential to realize their original and intelligent dreams. They may have an alarming wild streak that often lands them in trouble but they are genuinely motivated by a desire to make the world a happier and more exciting place. With them around, life can be many things but it is never dull.
On the dark side
Critical, wild, moody
At your best
Self-starter, curious, bold
Love Sticky situations
People born on February 15 love adventure and variety in their relationships and they are more than likely to have numerous sexual partners, sometimes at the same time. This can get them into all sorts of sticky situations. Those born on this day who are more self-disciplined have it within them to commit to one person, as long as that person is as willing to experiment and to have fun as they are.
Health Spontaneity
People born on this day are prone to mood swings, so it is important for them to learn coping techniques to deal with their emotions. They would almost certainly benefit from mind-body therapies such as meditation, yoga and tai chi, as these would help them slow down and calm down. As far as diet is concerned, they need to watch out for food allergies and insensitivities; vigorous exercise, preferably outdoors, will help work off some of that manic energy. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color blue will help stabilize their mood, bringing calmness and a sense of promise.
Career Born mountain climbers
These people have many talents and are capable of success in many careers, but their wild physicality will attract them to careers in extreme sports, mountaineering, dancing, skating, aviation, space travel, nature trekking, and stunt work. On the safer side, they may be drawn to careers in teaching, writing (especially science fiction and fantasy), art, and psychology. As a nature lover, they may also be drawn to work in conservation, farming or with animals.
Destiny To encourage others to a life of adventure
The life path of people born on this day is to learn self-discipline without it crushing their wonderful spontaneity. Once they have been able to do that, their destiny is to encourage others by their own example to have a more adventurous and open-minded spirit.
Power Thought
“The harmony and balance in my mind is reflected in my life”
February 15
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover
Tarot card: The Devil (instinct)
Favorable numbers: 6, 8
Lucky days: Saturday and Friday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 8 of the month
Lucky colors: Sapphire blue, pink
Birthstone: Amethyst
16 February the birthday of the alchemist
Your greatest challenge is…
to resist being a know-all
The way forward is…
to understand that just as you have learned from your mistakes, sometimes other people need to learn from theirs.
You’re drawn to people born on…
February 20 to March 20
This relationship is powerful and passionate because you both have an intuitive understanding of what the other needs.
Luck maker
Send your inner critic on holiday
Every time you hear your inner critic, visualize it resting in a deckchair on a sunny beach. The more you send your inner critic on holiday, the more you start to love and value yourself.
People born on February 16 have the ability to transform even the most difficult of experiences into something positive. There is a touch of the alchemist about them in their ability to see the bigger picture, bring together all the relevant information and cut right to the essence or truth of a situation.
It is likely that people born on this day have at some point in their lives experienced some form of upheaval, trauma or setback. Whatever the nature of this was, they have taken it in their stride, learned from it and grown stronger. The positive side is that it has given them great confidence; even if they sometimes appear quiet on the outside, underneath one can sense an inner strength and brightness. They also have an astute understanding of others and how the world works; rarely, if ever, do they miss a trick. The downside is that they can sometimes appear cold and detached, and their bluntness or impatience with the weaknesses of others may come across as arrogance. Others may at times resent the imperious manner that these people possess, but more often than not people end up admiring their cleverness and ability to know exactly what to say, what to do and how to do it.
If they can learn to control their bossiness, their tremendous capacity to be realistic and intuitive, both in their assessment of others and their own abilities, makes them potentially great leaders. Around the age of thirty-four there is a turning point when their ambition and focus take center stage. It is particularly important at this point in their life that they become more conscious of their emotions, rather than masking them with a bossy or imperious manner or, in some cases, with emotional reserve and detachment.