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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
When people born on this day find a project that captures their interest they have all the drive and determination they need to succeed; procrastination will become a thing of the past. They can think on a grand scale, and once they learn how to project success they may well find that their bright ideas lead to great progress and reform.
On the dark side
Unassertive, overly serious, uncertain
At your best
Driven, charming, sensitive
Love Learn to let one person in
People born on February 8 may find it hard to give their all in a relationship as they can often be preoccupied with their thoughts and with the problems of others. Their partner may feel as if they are being excluded since these people can tend to live in a world of their own ideas. Once they find a partner who can nurture them as much as they nurture others, they can become an extremely loyal, loving and happy partner.
Health Avoid self-destructive behavior
People born on this day can sometimes take an irresponsible approach to their health; indulging in too much rich food, partying and sensual pleasures. They may also be a little lazy and should learn that too much sleep can be as bad for their health as too little. They also need to learn that too much pleasure and not enough responsibility can lead them toward weight problems, drug problems and infections. A healthy balanced diet and plenty of exercise along with meditation to help them become aware of their self-destructive tendencies are highly recommended. Wearing, meditating or sur-rounding themselves with the color green and listening to upbeat music will help bring calm, chasing worries and anxieties away.
Career Born psychics
These people may not become psychics but they will have great intuitive powers to put to use in their chosen career, although they tend to thrive best in careers where they are allowed a lot of freedom. Their ability to see the bigger picture and project ahead makes them excellent designers, property developers, stock market traders, and architects. They may also be intellectuals, planners, or weather forecasters. Their empathy and communication skills may draw them toward careers in education, advertising, the media, or even the arts, where they can excel in writing, acting, and music.
Destiny To bring greater harmony and understanding to the world
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to set clear boundaries between themselves and others. Once they understand the impact they have on others and the impact others have on them their destiny is to bring greater harmony and understanding to the world.
Power Thought
“The universe runs through me, giving me direction”
February 8
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher
Tarot card: Strength (passion)
Favorable numbers: 1, 8,
Lucky day: Saturday, especially when it falls on 1 or 8 of the month
Lucky colors: Dark blue, dark green, crocus
Birthstone: Amethyst
9 February the birthday of the winning attitude
Your greatest challenge is…
learning not to beat yourself up for some perceived weakness
The way forward is…
when you do mess up to talk to yourself as though you were a small child; be positive, supportive and gentle.
You’re drawn to people born on…
March 21 to April 20
You share a passion for intensity and the unconventional, and this creates an exciting match.
Luck maker
Keep your cool
Keeping your cool creates luck because others will respect you, meaning you are less likely to have enemies; lucky people, by definition, have few enemies.
People born on February 9 are independent and generous individuals with their own unique and at times non-conformist perspective on life. They are shrewd observers of human nature and capable of enormous understanding of others’ problems. Above all, though, they are fighters; life may have given them a few knocks but they have managed to bounce back with resilience, and this winning attitude can lead them to great achievements.
The remarkable ability of people born on this day to understand people and situations, even those they have not met themselves, makes them much sought after for advice and support. They make great teachers and leaders, and they influence and inspire not so much by technique but by example, showing others through their own actions how to rise above challenges with a winning attitude.
Yet when it comes to applying that same penetrating insight to their own lives and relationships they tend to be overly critical, measuring themselves by an impossibly high ideal. It is important for them to learn to be as tolerant and supportive of themselves as they are of others. Before the age of forty the needs and approval of others tend to be dominant but at the age of forty there is a turning point which places a greater emphasis on self-awareness and acceptance, as well as a need to take the initiative in all areas of their lives, possibly with a new relationship or venture.
The strong presence of people born on this day can sometimes make people think of them as aggressive, but behind this they possess a soft side that takes rejection and criticism to heart. They also have a tendency to act rashly; they need to remain calm under pressure and not allow their good will to be exploited. Once they are able to regard themselves more positively—and to be less harsh in their self-criticism—they will be able to achieve the high goals they set themselves, in the process becoming an inspirational model to everyone lucky enough to wander across their path.
On the dark side
Inconsistent, long-suffering, anxious
At your best
Powerful, generous, resilient
Love In for the long haul
People born on February 9 have the charisma to attract people from all walks of life, but they feel happiest with someone whose intelligence matches their own. In a relationship, they are loyal and passionate partners with a clear idea of where the relationship should be heading. They don’t give up easily on a relationship if it starts to flounder, because they believe that with the right attitude almost any kind of problem can be ironed out.
Health Time for you
People born on this day are often blessed with boundless energy so, unless they give in to cravings for comfort food or don’t take enough care of themselves, they are unlikely to have problems with their weight. If they do have weight problems it is because they have been neglecting themselves or have dipped into depression or anxiety. It is important for them to eat little and often, and to make sure they stay away from too much alcohol and mood-altering drugs. A regular exercise routine is also recommended to keep their metabolism high. They would also benefit from breathing exercises and meditation, and if they are feeling low or uptight a few drops of jasmine essential oil on a handkerchief to breathe in will help them see the sunnier side.
Career Born mentors
These people are natural mentors and messengers and they make great teachers, advisors, counselors, consultants, therapists, and psychologists. Their multi-talented personality may, however, lead them into many different careers and in many cases they will have more than one career. Science and social reform will allow them freedom and growth but other possible career choices include the arts, theater, design, property development, and technology. They also thrive in careers that involve travel and change, and may be drawn toward careers in aviation, navigation, and international business.
Destiny To inspire others to worthwhile causes
The life path of people born on this day is to be less self-critical. When they can learn to be more positive about themselves, their destiny is to lead and inspire others with their positive attitude, devoting their energies to a worthy cause.
Power Thought
“I will always seek the possible, not the obligatory”
February 9
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior
Tarot card: The Hermit (inner strength)
Favorable numbers: 2, 9
Lucky days: Saturday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 9 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, red, mauve
Birthstone: Amethyst
10 February the birthday of achievement
Your greatest challenge is…
to learn to give others a chance
The way forward is…
to understand that giving others a chance to prove themselves is an important part of their psychological development.
You’re drawn to people born on…
July 24 to August 23
If you can learn to fulfill your mutual need for admiration and closeness, this can be an extraordinarily intense union.
Luck maker
Quiet down and slow down
Just 10 or 15 minutes of quiet time a day can make quite a difference in connecting with your intuitive or luck-making power.
People born on February 10 have a clear picture of what they want to achieve and how they want to get there. The pursuit of their goals is likely to take precedence over anything else. Achievement matters greatly to them, as do the approval and recognition of others. Their clear-sighted recognition of their aspirations, along with their ability to concentrate, means that they are more than likely to surpass their professional goals.
Once they settle on a chosen course, the drive these people are blessed with can take them right to the top. They do need, however, to be careful that they don’t thereby become obsessive. It is important for them to look deep within to identify and hold onto the real motivation for their determination. They may well find that it is not material success but rather making their mark on the world and winning the approval of others.
Although the ambition and drive of people born on this day is explosive, it never leads them to stab others in the back. Intuitive, honest and decent, their ideal is to achieve success in the right way without harming or hurting others in the process. Unfortunately, though, there are people they are capable of hurting without realizing it; these are the people closest to them whom they tend to neglect when their goals take precedence over everything and everyone else. If they aren’t careful, this can leave them emotionally isolated and, in extreme cases, alone. Fortunately, between the ages of twenty and thirty-nine there are many opportunities for them to open their hearts and turn the spotlight from themselves onto others. At forty there is a turning point where they feel the need to be more assertive but at the same time more passionate in their relationships with other people.
As long as people born on this day remember that admiration is no substitute for affection, and can learn from any setbacks they experience, their considerable achievements will earn them both personal fulfillment and a large number of fans.
On the dark side
Aloof, self-obsessed, anxious
At your best
Positive, creative, bold
Love Heartbreakers
People born on February 10 have a charismatic charm which draws others to them. When it comes to affairs of the heart, they are very good at knowing how to win someone else’s heart but they can have problems keeping it. It is important for them not to neglect those closest to them as the loving support of a partner gives them the kind of security and sense of perspective they need to be truly successful.
Health Honor life’s reflective moments
Because people born on this day tend to be so driven they are often prone to disorders associated with stress and anxiety, especially if there are problems at work or their career path has been thwarted in some way. Insomnia may be a particular concern and it is important for them to make sure that there is a clear divide between home and work. Home should be a calm, restful place; they would also benefit from plenty of exercise in the fresh air, as well as hobbies, interests and a wide mix of friendships outside the workplace. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color purple will help them calm down and honor the simple pleasures and reflective moments in their life.
Career Born workers
These people have the drive, ambition and determination to succeed in almost any career that they choose. They could be a lawyer, actor, agent, politician, civil servant, charity worker, entrepreneur, sportsperson, artist, researcher, photographer, pilot, or director. In fact it might be better for them, as they have a tendency to tunnel vision, to have not one but several careers in their lifetime.
Destiny To be recognized for their dedication and integrity
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to look outside themselves to reach out to others, as well as inside themselves to understand their true motivation. Once they are able to unite both the external and the internal their destiny is to attract recognition for their hard work, dedication and integrity.
Power Thought
“Today I will notice what is going on around me as well as in me”
February 10
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual
Tarot card: The Wheel of Fortune (change)
Favorable numbers: 1, 3
Lucky days: Saturday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1, 3 and 10 of the month
Lucky colors: Dark blue, orange, purple
Birthstone: Amethyst
11 February the birthday of the upgrader
Your greatest challenge is…
to allow others to do things their way
The way forward is…
to understand that sometimes the only way for other people to learn is through making mistakes and finding their own solutions.
You’re drawn to people born on…
June 22 to July 23
You share a passion for self-improvement and a need for security; this can create a tender and considerate bond.
Luck maker
Sometimes say "I didn’t know that"
Nobody likes a know-all. Demonstrating a sincere openness and willingness to understand and learn from others will draw people to you.
People born on February 11 feel they were sent to this world for one purpose only; to improve the lives of those around them. In their minds, both people and things are always in need of improvement or an upgrade. They often have an earnest quality about them, and an energy and drive that makes others want to learn from them. They also have a talent for invention and enjoy finding new ways to make life easier for others around them. They do this not for material benefit or even recognition but because they believe that the less stress and discomfort people have, the more they can devote themselves to more meaningful and spiritual pursuits.
Although they prefer to motivate by example rather than words, people born on this day have a knack for making others feel good about themselves. Their curious and inventive mind means they have a great need for intellectual stimulation; their current absorption in a project or social group should not, however, make them neglect close personal relationships. Thinking of themselves as improvers and educators, they should understand that not everyone appreciates or wants their help. Some people like to work out for themselves what will make their life easier and they may get resentful if another person tries to point things out, especially if they do so in a blunt manner. It is important for people born on this day to develop their intuition and sensitivity toward others. Fortunately, between the ages of nineteen and thirty-eight there is an emphasis on emotional sensitivity; but after the age of thirty-nine directness toward others takes center stage and it is more important than ever that they learn to channel this directness positively and sensitively.
With their inventive mind and sharp insight into what a situation or a person needs, there is little doubt that people born on this day (as long as they can master the art of diplomacy) will make a mark on the world by helping and educating others.
On the dark side
Tactless, self indulgent, excessive
At your best
Progressive, inventive, knowing
Love Loyalty and trust
People born on February 11 value their personal freedom and need space to breathe in a relationship but they are also firm believers in loyalty and trust. They are easygoing and entertaining and their need for intellectual stimulation will often lead them toward unorthodox or unusual individuals. People born on this day love tenderly and passionately and will use their strong will to help and support those they love.
Health The high life
People born on this day often find it tough to understand why people don’t agree with their point of view; this can cause them considerable psychological stress. The support of partner, family and friends will help them work through this problem but they may also benefit from counseling. There is also a danger that their love for the high life can lead to weight problems and sexual adventures that can be damaging to their health. Although they may find a healthy diet and regular exercise routine difficult to maintain, they need to understand the strong links between mental, emotional and physical health. Meditating on an amethyst crystal or wearing or surrounding themselves with the color violet will help keep their mood balanced and their step lively.
Career Born inventors
These people are attracted toward any career that involves education, or personal and social development. They are inventive and progressive, making great inventors, computer programmers, and architects. In business, employers will appreciate their willingness to embrace new ideas and they also work well as advisors, specialists, or freelancers. Alternatively, they may devote themselves to charity work, or psychology, philosophy, or spirituality where they can make a difference to people’s lives.
Destiny To break new ground and experiment
The life path of people born on this day is to understand that everyone—including themselves—needs to mess up now and again as it is an important part of the human experience. Once they have learned to become less critical of themselves and others, their destiny is to break new ground and experiment with original concepts.
Power Thought
“I amaw are that what I do not want to change is what I need to change”
February 11
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive
Tarot card: Justice (discernment)
Favorable numbers: 2, 4
Lucky days: Saturday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 or 4 of the month
Lucky colors: Dark blue, silvery white, violet
Birthstone: Amethyst
12 February the birthday of the bold integrator
Your greatest challenge is…
to focus your energy on one project alone
The way forward is…
to understand that developing concentration is essential to anyone who aspires to take charge of their lives. An essential skill for success, its absence means our efforts get scattered.
You’re drawn to people born on…
November 23 to December 21
Both fun-loving and focused on achievement, the two of you love to communicate, creating an intense and loving bond.
Luck maker
Learn to meditate
Meditation is a luck maker because it not only helps ease stress, it also helps you learn to direct and focus your thoughts so that they can attract success your way.
Those born on February 12 have a talent for integration; they have the ability to marshal all the available information, evaluate opposing viewpoints and then bring everything and everyone together in a united front. Nothing matters more to them than the status quo and if need be they will boldly and courageously defend it. This makes them highly valued in both their professional and their personal lives.
People born on this day like to see themselves in the role of peacekeeper, pointing others in the right direction; that direction is, of course, the one they believe to be correct. This isn’t to say that they are stubborn and inflexible, but they possess the tendency to ignore what others think and to believe that the best course of action is always their own. It is important for them to recognize the importance of consensus and to understand that although their ability to see and evaluate the bigger picture more than qualifies them to take the lead, great leadership is not about dictatorship but about motivating others in the direction you want them to go.
As well as being able to unite others and see the way forward with singleminded tenacity, people born on this day have a host of other talents, including confidence, originality and creativity. They do need to be careful that their talents don’t cause them to squander their energies in many different directions. Until their late thirties there are opportunities for them to develop greater self-awareness, but in their forties and beyond there is a focus on personal integration and purpose; in many ways, this is when these people really come into their own.