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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
If people born on this day can understand that others will respect and admire them far more if they are themselves, they have the potential to bring about real innovations in both their personal and their professional lives.
On the dark side
Uncommunicative, confused, unstable
At your best
Imaginative, unconventional, sincere
Love Explorers
People born on February 4 may be difficult to understand, but when it comes to affairs of the heart they are original, adventurous and exciting. They love to explore all aspects of a relationship and their partner will experience great intimacy with them. They are attracted to courageous and strong-willed people. Timid and unadventurous people do not usually attract them, unless there are smoldering passions lurking beneath.
Health New doesn’t always mean better
People born on this day are attracted to innovation. Most alternative medicine and holistic health practices will probably appeal to them. But they need to distinguish between what is credible and what is quackery. Their love of innovation also applies to diet and exercise; they are typically the first to jump on the bandwagon, only to drop off a few weeks later for something new. Although they have incredible energy, they are prone to neglecting eating and sleeping when they are on one of their mental adventures. It is important for people born on this day to remember that sometimes traditional health advice—for example, eat little and often, and try to get enough sleep—is sensible advice. Meditating, wearing or surrounding themselves with the colors rose or green will help create balance and harmony.
Career Born innovators
The originality of these people will enable them to be successful in a wide variety of careers. They may be drawn toward cutting-edge science and technology, or toward the stage or politics. They may also specialize as a therapist, psychologist, counselor, or natural-health practitioner; their humanitarian focus could draw them toward charity work or social reform. They also make fantastic artists, photographers, designers, architects, sculptors, or painters, as these are excellent outlets for their unusual take on life.
Destiny To amaze others with their original approach to life
The life path of people born on this day is to celebrate rather than try to curb their originality. Once they are able to do that, their destiny is to amaze those around them with their honest, direct, if occasionally incomprehensible, but always brilliant and original approach to life.
Power Thought
“I am pleased to be myself”
February 4
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary
Tarot card: The Emperor (authority)
Favorable numbers: 4, 6
Lucky days: Saturday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 4 or 6 of the month
Lucky colors: Purple, silver, blue
Birthstone: Amethyst
5 February the birthday of the smooth operator
Your greatest challenge is…
to open up about what you really feel
The way forward is…
to understand that emotions should never be repressed or ignored. If you aren’t in touch with your feelings you can never be truly happy.
You’re drawn to people born on…
May 22 to June 21
You share a passion for communication and this creates an intellectually and emotionally stimulating bond.
Luck maker
Admit you have fears too
If you admit you have the same fears as others you will get people on your side. When you show your vulnerable side you bring people closer to you.
People born on February 5 are often admired by others for their quiet confidence, razor-sharp wit and ability to undertake almost any task with ease. They are smooth operators with the gift of the gab and an ability to deliver the goods.
Although people born on this day may seem to be extremely capable, sometimes to the point of over-confidence, underneath they are no less insecure than anyone else. They have simply learned to mask their insecurities with a smooth, articulate and daring façcade. The admiration of others means a lot more to them that they would admit, which is why they relish the role of caretaker or educator of others.
Incredibly bright, these people express themselves with ease and are at their happiest when surrounded by equally witty and intelligent people. If they are starved of intellectual stimulation there is a danger of their alienating others with a lofty and intimidating manner. Fortunately, between the ages of fifteen and forty-four their emotional sensitivity toward others becomes more emphasized; after the age of forty-four there comes a turning point which suggests they feel even greater empathy for others.
People born on this day can be exceptional thinkers as well as speakers, and nothing thrills them more than philosophy, psychology, mystery, and intrigue. With an ever-curious mind, if they are able to develop their unique ideas they have remarkable potential to excel in their chosen field. They need to be careful, however, not to become too detached in the process. It is important for them sometimes to think a little less and feel a little more, as they have the tendency to over-analyze rather than acknowledge feelings.
February 5 people work particularly well in a team or for a cause where their need for intellectual stimulation and flair for management can be fully utilized. When they learn to hold back less, trust a little more and allow others to catch up with their frenetic pace, the compelling charm of these smooth operators can take them all the way to the top.
On the dark side
Condescending, inconsistent, cocky
At your best
Articulate, versatile, daring
Love Born nurturers
People born on February 5 have a strong desire to be needed, so they may often find themselves the caretaker of their family, friends and anyone else who strays into their territory. They love to nurture but need to be careful that they don’t just offer practical rather than emotional help. They thrive best with a partner who can match their wit but who also doesn’t outsmart them.
Health See red
People born on this day tend to be generally healthy but if health problems do occur they may find these hard to talk about or admit to. Regular health check-ups are therefore advised so that a trusting relationship can be built up with their doctor. They need to steer clear of smoking, drugs and large amounts of alcohol, and cut down on saturated fat in their diet. As far as exercise is concerned, team sports are recommended but they may also enjoy cross-country running, horse riding, or other forms of exercise that give them plenty of variety and challenge. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with shades of red will encourage them to open up emotionally as well as intellectually.
Career Born guardians
These people are guardians or caretakers by nature and this could open doors in medicine, education, counseling, psychology, the clergy, consultancy, finance, management, or social work. Their curiosity may also lead them toward careers in the arts, design, film, science, writing, journalism, or academia. Fierce individuals, those born on this day may also prefer to work on their own or set up their own business.
Destiny To make the impossible seem possible
The life path of people born on this day is to place as great an importance on feelings as on thoughts. Once they are able to develop their emotional sensitivity, their destiny is to make the impossible seem possible and by so doing to influence and inspire others toward great things.
Power Thought
“Today I Will smile and let others in on the secret”
February 5
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator
Tarot card: The Hierophant (guidance)
Favorable numbers: 5,7
Lucky days: Saturday and Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 7 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, green and lavender
Birthstone: Amethyst
6 February the birthday of the charmer
Your greatest challenge is…
to moderate your desire to be needed by everyone
The way forward is…
to understand that people will like you for who you are and not because you are accommodating.
You’re drawn to people born on…
April 21 to May 21
Sensuality and the thrill of seduction and togetherness excite you both, and when the two of you are together sparks can fly.
Luck maker
Be loyal and true
Don’t talk about other people behind their back in order to gain popularity. It will backfire on you and repel rather than attract luck.
People born on February 6 are generous, accommodating individuals who are generally liked by everyone they meet. It’s almost impossible not to like them because they have such a winning manner and enthusiastic personality. As a result they are often extremely popular and respected.
Positive feedback and approval from others really matters to people born on this day, but this need for affection isn’t a one-way street; in many ways life is one big love affair for them. The only downside to this approach to life is that when things don’t go their own way, or when love and generosity are met with contempt and selfishness, they can get hurt and emotional. Sometimes disappointment and disillusionment can make them behave in dramatic or insecure ways which can irritate rather than endear them to others.
Although they are insecure at times, the generous and positive nature of people born on this day attracts plenty of love, admiration and success their way. They do need to be careful, however, that in their role as people pleaser they don’t become too accommodating and lose touch with their own emotional needs or act inappropriately. They need to understand that friendship is not just about accommodation but also about trust, respect, generosity, and boundaries. There is a turning point around the age of forty-four when they become more assertive and aware of their own character.
The flexible nature of these people also applies to their thought processes. They are never wrong-footed by the unexpected, always being willing to explore new territory. They can sometimes be guilty of courting popularity for popularity’s sake, but more often than not the unpretentious nature of these people earns them respect and praise in good and bad times alike. As long as they don’t take the respect of others for granted, remembering that their self-worth needs to be based on more than popularity, these charming and thoughtful people pleasers want life to be good to them, and more often than not it is.
On the dark side
Needy, uncertain, insecure
At your best
Loving, generous, likable
Love Swept off your feet
People born on February 6 are in love with the idea of love itself and as a result they have a tendency to jump from one lover to the next in search of greater passion, intimacy and excitement. They are forever seeking an elusive high. When they do find someone as clever and as informed as they are, incredible loyalty and commitment can follow.
Health Look inside
The tendency for people born on this day is to be extremely concerned about their appearance. Often there is little need to be concerned as they tend to be blessed with good looks, but this doesn’t stop them obsessing. They need to avoid fad diets and should stick to regular healthy meals and snacks. They probably enjoy competitive, vigorous forms of exercise but would benefit equally from gentler pursuits and activities, such as long walks in the countryside. They would also benefit from mind-body therapies such as meditation, which can take their focus away from the exterior to the interior. If they do find themselves feeling negative, they should spend more time with family and friends. Wearing or carrying a crystal amethyst will also help to lift their mood.
Career Born charmers
Any career that allows these people to use their fantastic people skills will bring them great success; for example, public relations, entertainment, media, public speaking, politics, sales, marketing, and promotion. They may also be drawn toward careers in teaching, research, science, and—for the more physically inclined—sport. They may also choose to put their ability to captivate an audience to humanitarian use and their strong sense of justice may well steer them toward human rights.
Destiny To inspire others with their personality
The life path of people born on this day is to make sure their own needs are not ignored while they cater to the whims of others. Once they are able to do that, their destiny is to lead others to an exciting new world of opportunity.
Power Thought
“I also flourish with love and care”
February 6
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover
Tarot card: The Lovers (choices)
Favorable numbers: 6,8
Lucky days: Saturday and Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 8 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, pink and violet
Birthstone: Amethyst
7 February the birthday of the prophet
Your greatest challenge is…
to get others to take you seriously
The way forward is…
to prove you mean business by acting out rather than talking about your ideals.
You’re drawn to people born on…
February 20 to March 20
Your hearts are free of greed and full of idealism, and this can create a loving and tender relationship.
Luck maker
Don’t take it all personally
Just because people reject your ideas doesn’t mean they are rejecting you. Lucky people have the resilience to take criticism on board without it affecting their self-esteem.
People born on February 7 are progressive individuals with a keen intellect and an inherent sense of justice. It is impossible for them to witness injustice or cruelty without speaking out. Above all, they are prophets with a vision and a burning desire to change social attitudes and right wrongs.
They have a wonderful imagination and a youthful approach to life, but also have a tendency to exaggerate or embellish things. This, together with their openness and spontaneity, can sometimes make them appear naïive or childlike. Others may dismiss them or take them for granted but this is a mistake. Although they like to share their dreams with others, the difference between them and other dreamers lies in their ability to turn dreams into reality.
Quick to identify solutions to problems, these people often pursue their goals with zest and enthusiasm, sometimes with fanatical zeal. This approach makes others sit up and take notice, but occasionally they haven’t thought through their plans. Although their great communication skills easily win them supporters, when things don’t run smoothly and others start to find fault, February 7 people can hide their disillusionment behind a wall of cynicism. They must understand that life is too complex to be seen in terms of right or wrong or quick-fix solutions. They need to learn to accept that there will always be viewpoints differing from their own and that there are many paths—not one—to the greater good. Around the age of forty-three there is a significant turning point which helps them fine-tune their relationship skills and become more open minded.
People born on this day like nothing better than to help others; one thing they will not accommodate, however, is authority. They have little patience for enforced conformity and if forced into a corner they may resort to subversive or disruptive behavior. As well as a rebellious streak they also have great determination; once they can find an outlet for their self-expression and fully commit to it, these modern-day prophets really can make the world a better and fairer place.
On the dark side
Critical, Unrealistic, dissatisfied
At your best
Visionary, fair, spontaneous
Love High expectations
The high expectations that people born on February 7 have can be quite daunting for potential partners. They are more than likely to live up to them themselves but if others are unable to do the same they can become bitter. It is important for them to allow their partner to have their own ideals rather than imposing theirs on them, and to be clear about what is real and what is fantasy.
Health Stress-proofing techniques
People born on this day tend to take care of their health and to eat healthily and exercise regularly, but they do need to make sure that they don’t develop unhealthy eating patterns when under stress. Mind-body therapies such as yoga, tai chi and physical therapies such as massage or even thumping a punch bag should help them unwind when the going gets tough. If stress is a constant part of their life they might want to try burning a chamomile-, lavender-,or sandalwood-scented candle. These, like wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the colors blue or green, produce a calming effect.
Career Born storytellers
These people have the ability to present their thoughts in a compelling way and can make excellent writers or storytellers as well as actors, journalists, politicians, teachers, and lecturers. It is best for them to avoid routine office work, and careers that offer plenty of variety, travel and challenge will appeal. Self-starters they may also find fulfillment working for themselves or they could use their analytical ability in the world of science or research. Finally, humanitarian and social causes as well as the world of conventional or alternative health care will almost certainly appeal, if not as a career than as a passionate outside interest.
Destiny To lead the way to social reform
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to accept that not every-one will agree with them all of the time. When they can be tolerant of divergent viewpoints, their destiny is to persuade rather than dictate to others the need for social reform.
Power Thought
“I can instruct but I can’t enforce”
February 7
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Aquarius
Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary
Symbol: The Water Carrier
Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator
Tarot card: The Chariot (resilience)
Favorable numbers: 7, 9
Lucky days: Saturday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 7 and 9 of the month
Lucky colors: All shades of blue and purple
Birthstone: Amethyst
8 February the birthday of the hypnotist
Your greatest challenge is…
avoiding the seedier, self-destructive side of life
The way forward is…
to come to terms with your shadow side first, so you will have less need to explore it in the outside world.
You’re drawn to people born on…
21 May to 20 June
You are both passionate but it is more than passion that keeps you together, as you share so many interests.
Luck maker
Remember your dreams
Learn to interpret the images of your dreams because dreams are an important voice of your intuition and following your intuition will bring you luck and happiness.
People born on February 8 may not necessarily be able to see into the future but they have the ability to shape it with their thoughts and words. They have an intuitive understanding of people and situations, and are often able to spot future trends and then point everybody in that direction.
The hypnotic power that they possess gives them tremendous influence over the people and situations in which they find themselves. This influence often astounds those who may have made more obvious efforts to move things forward and who may have dismissed them as dreamers.
Perhaps because they are aware of their influence over and responsibility toward others, those born on this day can come across as grave or serious. They can tolerate but don’t really enjoy chit-chat and much prefer to get their teeth into life’s problems. As a result they often find themselves the treasured confidant of friends and loved ones. On the downside, in personal relationships there is both a passive side to them, as well as a shadow side that draws them toward people who aren’t good for them. Fortunately, although there are opportunities earlier, in their early forties there is a significant turning point which can help them become more self-aware and assertive.
The profound sensitivity and intuitive powers of these people mean that they can effortlessly tune into the moods of others. They also run the risk of over-identifying with another person’s problems and can easily fall into the worry trap, although few people will notice as they tend to conceal their true feelings to avoid being hurt. It is important for them to learn where other people end and they begin.