
зарубежная классика

The Financier / Финансист
Роман «Финансист» американского писателя Теодора Драйзера – это история жизни Фрэнка Каупервуда, молодого и амбициозного бизнесмена, который стремится к богатству и власти. Он использует свои финансовые знания и связи, не слишком заботясь о принципах…
Роман «Финансист» американского писателя Теодора Драйзера – это история жизни Фрэнка Каупервуда, молодого и амбициозного бизнесмена, который стремится к богатству и власти. Он использует свои финансовые знания и связи, не слишком заботясь о принципах…
Экскалибур / Excalibur
Аудиоприложение к одноименной книге. Небольшие по объёму легенды о короле Артуре и его мече Экскалибуре можно использовать для чтения и обсуждения на уроках в школе и для самостоятельного чтения дома. Увлекательные тексты рассказов адаптированы в уче…
Аудиоприложение к одноименной книге. Небольшие по объёму легенды о короле Артуре и его мече Экскалибуре можно использовать для чтения и обсуждения на уроках в школе и для самостоятельного чтения дома. Увлекательные тексты рассказов адаптированы в уче…
Путешествие к центру Земли / A Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Читаем в оригинале с комментарием
Лучший способ учить иностранный язык – это читать художественное произведение, постепенно овладевая лексикой и грамматикой. Совершенствуйте свой английский язык, отправившись в увлекательное путешествие вместе с героями романа Жюля Верна «Путешествие…
Лучший способ учить иностранный язык – это читать художественное произведение, постепенно овладевая лексикой и грамматикой. Совершенствуйте свой английский язык, отправившись в увлекательное путешествие вместе с героями романа Жюля Верна «Путешествие…
Sense and Sensibility / Разум и чувство
Разум – мыслительная способность, позволяющая логически осмыслять действительность. Чувство – способность воспринимать внешние воздействия; также «эмоция» или «переживание». Итак, представьте, что вы молодая девушка в Англии XVIII века, не замужем и …
Разум – мыслительная способность, позволяющая логически осмыслять действительность. Чувство – способность воспринимать внешние воздействия; также «эмоция» или «переживание». Итак, представьте, что вы молодая девушка в Англии XVIII века, не замужем и …
The Jelly-Bean
The Jelly-Bean – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). This is a Southern story, with the setting laid in the small Lily of Tarleton, Georgia. Fitzgerald wrot…
The Jelly-Bean – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). This is a Southern story, with the setting laid in the small Lily of Tarleton, Georgia. Fitzgerald wrot…
Tarquin of Cheapside
Tarquin of Cheapside – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). Written almost six years before being added to this collection, this story was written in Fitzger…
Tarquin of Cheapside – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). Written almost six years before being added to this collection, this story was written in Fitzger…
Porcelain and Pink
Porcelain and Pink – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). “Porcelain and Pink” is a comic one-act play. The plot involves a young woman in a bathtub and a c…
Porcelain and Pink – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). “Porcelain and Pink” is a comic one-act play. The plot involves a young woman in a bathtub and a c…
Oh Russet Witch!
Oh Russet Witch! – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). This story was written just after the author completed the first draft of his second novel. However i…
Oh Russet Witch! – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). This story was written just after the author completed the first draft of his second novel. However i…
Mr. Icky
Mr. Icky – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). Mr. Icky is a whimsical and lighthearted play written by F. Scott Fitzgerald centered around a man named Mr. …
Mr. Icky – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). Mr. Icky is a whimsical and lighthearted play written by F. Scott Fitzgerald centered around a man named Mr. …
May Day
May Day – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). Published as a novelette in The Smart Set in July, 1920, «May Day» relates a series of events which took place…
May Day – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). Published as a novelette in The Smart Set in July, 1920, «May Day» relates a series of events which took place…
Jemina, The Mountain Girl
Jemina, The Mountain Girl – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). In the story of «Jemina, The Mountain Girl», Jemina Tantrum is a teenage girl who lives on a…
Jemina, The Mountain Girl – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). In the story of «Jemina, The Mountain Girl», Jemina Tantrum is a teenage girl who lives on a…
Tales of the Jazz Age
Tales of the Jazz Age (1922) is a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Divided into three separate parts, according to subject matter, it includes one of his better-known short stories, «The Curious Case of Benjamin Button». All…
Tales of the Jazz Age (1922) is a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Divided into three separate parts, according to subject matter, it includes one of his better-known short stories, «The Curious Case of Benjamin Button». All…
Selected works of Ambrose Bierce
Bierce was born in a log cabin at Horse Cave Creek in Meigs County, Ohio, in 1842. First finding his voice in newspapers, Bierce became a prolific author of short stories often humorous and sometimes bitter or macabre. He is renowned as a pioneering …
Bierce was born in a log cabin at Horse Cave Creek in Meigs County, Ohio, in 1842. First finding his voice in newspapers, Bierce became a prolific author of short stories often humorous and sometimes bitter or macabre. He is renowned as a pioneering …
Портрет Дориана Грея / The Picture of Dorian Gray
Аудиокниги серии «Читаем на английском языке в оригинале» – это любимые всеми произведения мировых классиков, представленные на языке оригинала. Вы сможете не только по-настоящему «прочувствовать» стиль автора и познакомиться с характерными выражения…
Аудиокниги серии «Читаем на английском языке в оригинале» – это любимые всеми произведения мировых классиков, представленные на языке оригинала. Вы сможете не только по-настоящему «прочувствовать» стиль автора и познакомиться с характерными выражения…
The Chimes
The Chimes, is a novella written by Charles Dickens and first published in 1844, one year after A Christmas Carol. It is the second in his series of «„Christmas books,“» five novellas with strong social and moral messages that he published during the…
The Chimes, is a novella written by Charles Dickens and first published in 1844, one year after A Christmas Carol. It is the second in his series of «„Christmas books,“» five novellas with strong social and moral messages that he published during the…
The Prussian Officer
The first narrative in the collection is «The Prussian Officer», which tells of a Captain and his orderly. Having wasted his youth gambling, the captain has been left with only his military career, and though he has taken on mistresses throughout his…
The first narrative in the collection is «The Prussian Officer», which tells of a Captain and his orderly. Having wasted his youth gambling, the captain has been left with only his military career, and though he has taken on mistresses throughout his…

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