
общая психология

Psychology in Prisons
Edited by the Head of Psychology for HM Prison Service and the National Probation Service, and fully updated to take account of structural changes within these Services, Psychology in Prisons takes an in-depth look at the work of psychologists in pri…
Edited by the Head of Psychology for HM Prison Service and the National Probation Service, and fully updated to take account of structural changes within these Services, Psychology in Prisons takes an in-depth look at the work of psychologists in pri…
Women and Leadership
Over the past thirty years the number of women assuming leadership roles has grown dramatically. This original and important book identifies the challenges faced by women in positions of leadership, and discusses the intersection between theories of …
Over the past thirty years the number of women assuming leadership roles has grown dramatically. This original and important book identifies the challenges faced by women in positions of leadership, and discusses the intersection between theories of …
Changing Organizational Culture
To alter an organization’s culture, change agents must first understand its attitudes, beliefs and assumptions. Marc Schabracq’s innovative new book is based on a fresh way of thinking that deals with both the functional and structural features of cu…
To alter an organization’s culture, change agents must first understand its attitudes, beliefs and assumptions. Marc Schabracq’s innovative new book is based on a fresh way of thinking that deals with both the functional and structural features of cu…
Intervening and Changing
Presenting new thinking in organizational psychology from the Netherlands, Intervening and Changing is a guide to applying global thinking and democratic values to achieve innovation. Expertly steered by Jaap Boonstra and Leon de Caluwe, it explores …
Presenting new thinking in organizational psychology from the Netherlands, Intervening and Changing is a guide to applying global thinking and democratic values to achieve innovation. Expertly steered by Jaap Boonstra and Leon de Caluwe, it explores …
Emotions at Work
In this book, the authors provide up-to-date thinking and research on the broad range of emotional experience in working environments with particular attention to the causes of emotional change, the consequences of emotional experience for individual…
In this book, the authors provide up-to-date thinking and research on the broad range of emotional experience in working environments with particular attention to the causes of emotional change, the consequences of emotional experience for individual…
The New Workplace
Just-in-time, «total quality management», «lean manufacturing», «call centres», «team work», «empowerment» – most people in business have heard these buzz words, often offered as a panacea to all profit ills. So why don't they always work? Can you co…
Just-in-time, «total quality management», «lean manufacturing», «call centres», «team work», «empowerment» – most people in business have heard these buzz words, often offered as a panacea to all profit ills. So why don't they always work? Can you co…
Occupational Health Psychology
This ground-breaking textbook is the first to cover the new and rapidly developing field of occupational health psychology. Provides a thorough introduction to occupational health psychology and an accessible overview of the key themes in research an…
This ground-breaking textbook is the first to cover the new and rapidly developing field of occupational health psychology. Provides a thorough introduction to occupational health psychology and an accessible overview of the key themes in research an…
Healing with Stories
An invitation to observe and learn the therapeutic art of storytelling Healing with Stories brings together a stellar collection of some of the world's most prominent practitioners, taking you inside their thinking and processes for working with meta…
An invitation to observe and learn the therapeutic art of storytelling Healing with Stories brings together a stellar collection of some of the world's most prominent practitioners, taking you inside their thinking and processes for working with meta…
Positive Psychology Coaching
Positive psychology moves psychology from a medical model toward a strengths model to help clients shore up their strengths and thereby lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Positive Psychology Coaching: Putting the Science of Happiness to Work for Yo…
Positive psychology moves psychology from a medical model toward a strengths model to help clients shore up their strengths and thereby lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Positive Psychology Coaching: Putting the Science of Happiness to Work for Yo…
Principles of Psychotherapy
Generations of clinicians have valued Principles of Psychotherapy for its breadth of coverage and accessibility and the author's ability to gather many elements into a unified presentation. The Third Edition presents the conceptual and empirical foun…
Generations of clinicians have valued Principles of Psychotherapy for its breadth of coverage and accessibility and the author's ability to gather many elements into a unified presentation. The Third Edition presents the conceptual and empirical foun…
Group-Analytic Psychotherapy
This book offers practitioners, teachers and students of psychotherapy a detailed and comprehensive account of group analysis. It demystifies the workings of analytic groups and looks at the great stretch of issues and tasks confronting the therapist…
This book offers practitioners, teachers and students of psychotherapy a detailed and comprehensive account of group analysis. It demystifies the workings of analytic groups and looks at the great stretch of issues and tasks confronting the therapist…
Personal Construct Psychotherapy
In the half century that has passed since George Kelly put forward his psychology of personal constructs, there have been major advances in the form of psychotherapy derived from his theory. This book presents developments in the personal construct t…
In the half century that has passed since George Kelly put forward his psychology of personal constructs, there have been major advances in the form of psychotherapy derived from his theory. This book presents developments in the personal construct t…
The etymology of the word KOZAK. For objective reasons, historically, the kozaks settled on the border territories, where the history of kozacks has absorbed a lot of Turkic-speaking and not only borrowings. Which allows me to make assumptions that t…
The etymology of the word KOZAK. For objective reasons, historically, the kozaks settled on the border territories, where the history of kozacks has absorbed a lot of Turkic-speaking and not only borrowings. Which allows me to make assumptions that t…
Conversations with the Psychologist
This book was created on the basis of periodic publications in the newspaper “Vestnik Kipra” (Cyprus) and the most interesting broadcasts on the Cyprus radio station Russian Wave for 2016—2018. The author answers questions from readers and listeners,…
This book was created on the basis of periodic publications in the newspaper “Vestnik Kipra” (Cyprus) and the most interesting broadcasts on the Cyprus radio station Russian Wave for 2016—2018. The author answers questions from readers and listeners,…
Alphabet of the Human Mind – 2. Global Psychotherapy
You need to know too much to understand just a bit. All top experts worldwide agreed with this opinion. Before the advent of AHM. Exactly AHM classification has made entry barriers to psychology accessible for everyone, while increasing efficiency an…
You need to know too much to understand just a bit. All top experts worldwide agreed with this opinion. Before the advent of AHM. Exactly AHM classification has made entry barriers to psychology accessible for everyone, while increasing efficiency an…
The problem of capacity. The genius of tomorrow
Проблема способностей – это фундаментальная проблема теоретической психологии. Откуда берутся способности, таланты, гениальность? Научная проблема способностей считается в тупике. Автор данного текста предлагает свои решения данной проблемы.
Проблема способностей – это фундаментальная проблема теоретической психологии. Откуда берутся способности, таланты, гениальность? Научная проблема способностей считается в тупике. Автор данного текста предлагает свои решения данной проблемы.
Metacopywriting. Mindfulness in advertising text
Write short, but precisely. So I did. This book is full of rules, tips and theory of copywriting, which you can read in just 40 minutes. You can reread it later, and I am pretty sure you will keep discovering new things. What is neurocopywriting? Ho…
Write short, but precisely. So I did. This book is full of rules, tips and theory of copywriting, which you can read in just 40 minutes. You can reread it later, and I am pretty sure you will keep discovering new things. What is neurocopywriting? Ho…
To be happy is allowed. For women
What can make a woman so attractive sometimes? What magic keeps her eye shining so brightly? The answer is definitely happiness, which fills your heart and soul. A happy woman emits beauty despite her age! I’d like you to read this book till the end.…
What can make a woman so attractive sometimes? What magic keeps her eye shining so brightly? The answer is definitely happiness, which fills your heart and soul. A happy woman emits beauty despite her age! I’d like you to read this book till the end.…
Quantifying the Moral Dimension. New steps in the implementation of Kohlberg’s method and theory
The book presents the results of an educational survey and a new instrument for diagnostics of moral judgment capacities based on the dilemma method. This instrument is proposed for the quantitative assessment of aspects of the personal moral develop…
The book presents the results of an educational survey and a new instrument for diagnostics of moral judgment capacities based on the dilemma method. This instrument is proposed for the quantitative assessment of aspects of the personal moral develop…
A Miracle Under the Christmas Tree
There’s something truly magical about Christmas.Filled with remarkable true stories of the kindness of strangers and the blessings of answered prayers, the small miracles in this collection truly capture the spirit of the season.These stories of hope…
There’s something truly magical about Christmas.Filled with remarkable true stories of the kindness of strangers and the blessings of answered prayers, the small miracles in this collection truly capture the spirit of the season.These stories of hope…

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