общая психология
Learn how to incorporate adult play therapy into your practice with this easy-to-use guide In the Western world there has been a widening belief that play is not a trivial or childish pursuit but rather a prime pillar of mental health, along with lov…
Learn how to incorporate adult play therapy into your practice with this easy-to-use guide In the Western world there has been a widening belief that play is not a trivial or childish pursuit but rather a prime pillar of mental health, along with lov…
IT TAKES JUST TEN MINUTES a day train your mind – you will feel more awake, more alive and more creative. Using these carefully researched exercises you can increase your attention span, realise your potential and use your mind to its full capacity. …
IT TAKES JUST TEN MINUTES a day train your mind – you will feel more awake, more alive and more creative. Using these carefully researched exercises you can increase your attention span, realise your potential and use your mind to its full capacity. …
This book is the definitive guide to Mind Mapping. Tony Buzan has changed the lives of millions with Mind Maps, his revolutionary system of note-taking that will help you excel in every area of your life. This practical full-colour book shows how thi…
This book is the definitive guide to Mind Mapping. Tony Buzan has changed the lives of millions with Mind Maps, his revolutionary system of note-taking that will help you excel in every area of your life. This practical full-colour book shows how thi…
This is the twentieth in the most prestigious series of annual volumes in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. The series provides authoritative and integrative reviews of the key literature of industrial psychology and organization…
This is the twentieth in the most prestigious series of annual volumes in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. The series provides authoritative and integrative reviews of the key literature of industrial psychology and organization…
Bridges the gap between the scholarly literature and “pop-psych” books on EI Emotional Intelligence (EI) has become a topic of vast and growing interest worldwide and is concerned with the ways in which we perceive, identify, understand, and manage e…
Bridges the gap between the scholarly literature and “pop-psych” books on EI Emotional Intelligence (EI) has become a topic of vast and growing interest worldwide and is concerned with the ways in which we perceive, identify, understand, and manage e…
Anger and aggression are prevalent problems among people with developmental disabilities and constitute primary reasons for them to be admitted and re-admitted to institutions. They are also a key reason for the prescribing of behaviour control and a…
Anger and aggression are prevalent problems among people with developmental disabilities and constitute primary reasons for them to be admitted and re-admitted to institutions. They are also a key reason for the prescribing of behaviour control and a…
Consultation interventions are an increasingly popular alternative to clinical practice, allowing the practitioner to interact with and affect many different individuals and organizations. This type of work challenges mental health professionals, dra…
Consultation interventions are an increasingly popular alternative to clinical practice, allowing the practitioner to interact with and affect many different individuals and organizations. This type of work challenges mental health professionals, dra…
Managing Children's Disruptive Behavior is a comprehensive guide designed for professionals and parents who care for children whose behavior problems are beyond those encountered normally. Arranged in three parts, the book opens by setting out the th…
Managing Children's Disruptive Behavior is a comprehensive guide designed for professionals and parents who care for children whose behavior problems are beyond those encountered normally. Arranged in three parts, the book opens by setting out the th…
The evidence for social problem solving deficits being relevant to the understanding and treatment of offending behaviour has been accumulating since the 1980s. Reasoning and Rehabilitation (R&R), the first structured cognitive-behavioural treatment …
The evidence for social problem solving deficits being relevant to the understanding and treatment of offending behaviour has been accumulating since the 1980s. Reasoning and Rehabilitation (R&R), the first structured cognitive-behavioural treatment …
This handbook combines the latest theory on a high-profile, complex subject in criminology, exploring the legal and ethical dimensions of society’s response to sex offenders in jurisdictions from the USA to Japan. The first publication to offer a det…
This handbook combines the latest theory on a high-profile, complex subject in criminology, exploring the legal and ethical dimensions of society’s response to sex offenders in jurisdictions from the USA to Japan. The first publication to offer a det…
This volume celebrates the work and influence of T. Berry Brazelton, one of the world's foremost pediatricians, by bringing together contributions from researchers and clinicians whose own pioneering work has been inspired by Brazelton's foundations …
This volume celebrates the work and influence of T. Berry Brazelton, one of the world's foremost pediatricians, by bringing together contributions from researchers and clinicians whose own pioneering work has been inspired by Brazelton's foundations …
Written by experts in the area of executive functioning, Essentials of Executive Functions Assessment equips mental health practitioners (school, clinical, developmental/pediatric, neuropsychologists, educational diagnosticians, and educational thera…
Written by experts in the area of executive functioning, Essentials of Executive Functions Assessment equips mental health practitioners (school, clinical, developmental/pediatric, neuropsychologists, educational diagnosticians, and educational thera…
Understanding how chronic stress affects child development with step-by-step guidelines for conducting trauma-informed assessments and interventions Children exposed to early negative and adverse experiences may not think, feel, process emotions, beh…
Understanding how chronic stress affects child development with step-by-step guidelines for conducting trauma-informed assessments and interventions Children exposed to early negative and adverse experiences may not think, feel, process emotions, beh…
A clear and thorough introduction to techniques and practice issues, as well as basic theoretical frameworks, for beginners. Psychoanalysis is not so much skill-based, as dependent upon the development of the analytic attitude, guided by principles o…
A clear and thorough introduction to techniques and practice issues, as well as basic theoretical frameworks, for beginners. Psychoanalysis is not so much skill-based, as dependent upon the development of the analytic attitude, guided by principles o…
Now available in paperback. The Cognitive/Behavioral/Functional model is a landmark that combines established and cutting-edge authors and issues, as well as integrating material for both novice and experienced theorists, researchers, and practitione…
Now available in paperback. The Cognitive/Behavioral/Functional model is a landmark that combines established and cutting-edge authors and issues, as well as integrating material for both novice and experienced theorists, researchers, and practitione…
This selection of carefully chosen chapters from the prestigious Handbook of Clinical Health Psychology focus on the more practical issues that are of particular relevance to the busy practitioner. It is a well-referenced but practical resource, whic…
This selection of carefully chosen chapters from the prestigious Handbook of Clinical Health Psychology focus on the more practical issues that are of particular relevance to the busy practitioner. It is a well-referenced but practical resource, whic…
Quintessentially fascinating, love intrigues and perplexes us, and drives much of what we do in life. As wary as we may be of its illusions and disappointments, many of us fall blindly into its traps and become ensnared time and again. Deliriously ma…
Quintessentially fascinating, love intrigues and perplexes us, and drives much of what we do in life. As wary as we may be of its illusions and disappointments, many of us fall blindly into its traps and become ensnared time and again. Deliriously ma…
Adult Psychopathology presents an overview of the classification and diagnosis; epidemiology; genetic, sociocultural, and biological influences; and research and behavioral considerations of psychopathology in adults. This state-of-the-art volume als…
Adult Psychopathology presents an overview of the classification and diagnosis; epidemiology; genetic, sociocultural, and biological influences; and research and behavioral considerations of psychopathology in adults. This state-of-the-art volume als…
Now available in paperback. In this volume, theoretical frames, modalities, and applications are examined for Interpersonal/Humanistic/Existential psychotherapy. Topics range from «Culturally Sensitive Psychotherapy with Children» to «Spiritually Sen…
Now available in paperback. In this volume, theoretical frames, modalities, and applications are examined for Interpersonal/Humanistic/Existential psychotherapy. Topics range from «Culturally Sensitive Psychotherapy with Children» to «Spiritually Sen…
In First Person Accounts of Mental Illness, case studies of individuals experiencing schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, substance use disorders, and other mental ailments will be provided for students studying th…
In First Person Accounts of Mental Illness, case studies of individuals experiencing schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, substance use disorders, and other mental ailments will be provided for students studying th…