пьесы и драматургия
Eroina își ține în altarul sufletului icoana cu chipul primei iubiri. Eroul principal i-a făcut o invitație către veșnicie. El devine tandru și grijuliu în fața frumoasei fete pentru toată viața. Iubirea reprezintă rolul principal din relațiile tiner…
Eroina își ține în altarul sufletului icoana cu chipul primei iubiri. Eroul principal i-a făcut o invitație către veșnicie. El devine tandru și grijuliu în fața frumoasei fete pentru toată viața. Iubirea reprezintă rolul principal din relațiile tiner…
Attila is the hero of the Turkic Nations. Many works have written about him. This work presented describing Attila’s life and struggle to you.
Attila is the hero of the Turkic Nations. Many works have written about him. This work presented describing Attila’s life and struggle to you.
El libro cuenta de la vida de los niños en orfanatos y internados. Esta es una historia no inventada, escrita bajo la impresión de los viajes del autora como parte de un grupo de voluntarios a estas instituciones. Los nombres de los niños son cambiad…
El libro cuenta de la vida de los niños en orfanatos y internados. Esta es una historia no inventada, escrita bajo la impresión de los viajes del autora como parte de un grupo de voluntarios a estas instituciones. Los nombres de los niños son cambiad…
The book tells about the lives of children who got to the orphanages and boarding schools. This is an uninvented story, written under the impression of the author’s trips as part of a group of volunteers to these institutions. The names of children a…
The book tells about the lives of children who got to the orphanages and boarding schools. This is an uninvented story, written under the impression of the author’s trips as part of a group of volunteers to these institutions. The names of children a…
The manual is intended for schoolchildren, students and for a wide range of people studying Spanish, it consists of 5 stories and exercises for translation from English into Spanish. The exercises have keys. All material is adapted according to the ©…
The manual is intended for schoolchildren, students and for a wide range of people studying Spanish, it consists of 5 stories and exercises for translation from English into Spanish. The exercises have keys. All material is adapted according to the ©…
El manual está destinado a escolares y estudiantes y a todos que estudian inglés. Consiste de 5 historias y ejercicios para traducir del español al inglés. Los ejercicios tienen claves. El libro está adaptado según el método © Reanimador Lingüístico.…
El manual está destinado a escolares y estudiantes y a todos que estudian inglés. Consiste de 5 historias y ejercicios para traducir del español al inglés. Los ejercicios tienen claves. El libro está adaptado según el método © Reanimador Lingüístico.…
What will be the most terrible test for a young family? Crisis of the year? Three? Five years? Dissection of lost sight of bad habits and the true face of the partner? Can be, any secret addictions spouse (spouse) or, in late all, affiliation to secr…
What will be the most terrible test for a young family? Crisis of the year? Three? Five years? Dissection of lost sight of bad habits and the true face of the partner? Can be, any secret addictions spouse (spouse) or, in late all, affiliation to secr…