
пьесы и драматургия

Richard IIполная версия
Richard IIIполная версия
The Tragedy of Macbeth
"Macbeth and his wife show how bad the evil that can possess human souls is. But evil is not all powerful. On the one hand, Macbeth is the gloomiest of the great Shakespeare’s tragedies; on the other hand, it’s more encouraging than Hamlet, Othello o…
"Macbeth and his wife show how bad the evil that can possess human souls is. But evil is not all powerful. On the one hand, Macbeth is the gloomiest of the great Shakespeare’s tragedies; on the other hand, it’s more encouraging than Hamlet, Othello o…
"Othello is a tragedy by William Shakespeare based on the short story «„Moor of Venice“» by Cinthio, believed to have been written in approximately 1603. The work revolves around four central characters: Othello, his wife Desdemona, his lieutenant Ca…
"Othello is a tragedy by William Shakespeare based on the short story «„Moor of Venice“» by Cinthio, believed to have been written in approximately 1603. The work revolves around four central characters: Othello, his wife Desdemona, his lieutenant Ca…
Daddy Long-Legsполная версия
More Portmanteau Playsполная версия
Time in the Play of Hamletполная версия
The Elder Brotherполная версия
Household Godsполная версия
Neverполная версия
This play is about life-long love, the bitter vicissitudes of fate and personal freedom.
This play is about life-long love, the bitter vicissitudes of fate and personal freedom.
Den magiske terning
“Den Magiske Terning” vil vise dig verden fra mange forskellige og uventede sider. Når alt er på spil: 12 historier om den magiske liv af helt almenlige mennesker. Man behøver hverken pas eller penge for at rejse i fantasiverden. Vær’ så’god!
“Den Magiske Terning” vil vise dig verden fra mange forskellige og uventede sider. Når alt er på spil: 12 historier om den magiske liv af helt almenlige mennesker. Man behøver hverken pas eller penge for at rejse i fantasiverden. Vær’ så’god!
Second honey month and try to trust
Caution, the text may contain spoilers! To get parole, Silas had to promise the police sheriff that he would marry his niece, Camille Foster. The newly-made bride is in seventh heaven with happiness. She spends the whole day doing wedding chores. The…
Caution, the text may contain spoilers! To get parole, Silas had to promise the police sheriff that he would marry his niece, Camille Foster. The newly-made bride is in seventh heaven with happiness. She spends the whole day doing wedding chores. The…
Dreams Come True. Мечты сбываются
Do you have a dream? No, not plans and goals. No need to achieve success in life. We do not doubt that you have them. Our question does not refer to this, not to logic, but to such an intangible category as dreams. Perhaps these are unrealizable dre…
Do you have a dream? No, not plans and goals. No need to achieve success in life. We do not doubt that you have them. Our question does not refer to this, not to logic, but to such an intangible category as dreams. Perhaps these are unrealizable dre…
Two Men of Sandy Barполная версия

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