
документальная литература

What is Sexual History?
Until the 1970s the history of sexuality was a marginalized practice. Today it is a flourishing field, increasingly integrated into the mainstream and producing innovative insights into the ways in which societies shape and are shaped by sexual value…
Until the 1970s the history of sexuality was a marginalized practice. Today it is a flourishing field, increasingly integrated into the mainstream and producing innovative insights into the ways in which societies shape and are shaped by sexual value…
Sex Addiction. A Critical History
The concept of sex addiction took hold in the 1980s as a product of cultural anxiety. Yet, despite being essentially mythical, sex addiction has to be taken seriously as a phenomenon. Its success as a purported malady lay with its medicalization, bot…
The concept of sex addiction took hold in the 1980s as a product of cultural anxiety. Yet, despite being essentially mythical, sex addiction has to be taken seriously as a phenomenon. Its success as a purported malady lay with its medicalization, bot…
The Semites. Languages, peoples, migrations, customs
The book tells about languages, peoples, migration movements of Semitic peoples. About how a Semitic community arises, the emergence of beliefs, customs, rites, rituals. Various historical and ethnographic sources of different times are involved. Sho…
The book tells about languages, peoples, migration movements of Semitic peoples. About how a Semitic community arises, the emergence of beliefs, customs, rites, rituals. Various historical and ethnographic sources of different times are involved. Sho…
Apocalypse. Interpretation of the XXI century
Explication of John’s Revelation, the most mysterious book of the New Testament, containing prophetic eschatalogical visions of the future preceding the end of the word. This interpretation is a combination of the ancient patristic tradition with a m…
Explication of John’s Revelation, the most mysterious book of the New Testament, containing prophetic eschatalogical visions of the future preceding the end of the word. This interpretation is a combination of the ancient patristic tradition with a m…
Attila Kagan of the Huns from the kind of Velsung
The book will not leave anyone indifferent to the history of our country. In this essay, it is consistently proved that the Huns came from Yamal, and this people has repeatedly appeared on the world stage, and moreover, it never disappeared. The Huns…
The book will not leave anyone indifferent to the history of our country. In this essay, it is consistently proved that the Huns came from Yamal, and this people has repeatedly appeared on the world stage, and moreover, it never disappeared. The Huns…
How the Neonomads will save the world. Alter-globalism edition
This is a thought-provoking book that offers an unorthodox view on the existing human civilization, and offers a radically different paradigm to solve existing problems of humanity and to achieve a sustainable future. It is addressing the problems of…
This is a thought-provoking book that offers an unorthodox view on the existing human civilization, and offers a radically different paradigm to solve existing problems of humanity and to achieve a sustainable future. It is addressing the problems of…
Propaganda Goebbels. Paul Joseph Goebbels. Biografía, fotografía, vida personal
“Cuanto más monstruosa sea la mentira, más dispuesto estará la multitud a creer en ella”, dijo el ideólogo del fascismo y fiel compañero y compañero de Hitler, el ministro de propaganda Joseph Goebbels.
“Cuanto más monstruosa sea la mentira, más dispuesto estará la multitud a creer en ella”, dijo el ideólogo del fascismo y fiel compañero y compañero de Hitler, el ministro de propaganda Joseph Goebbels.
Eva Brown era judía. Biografía. Datos raros
Hitler, como muchos hombres grandes y talentosos, no era una persona monógama. Él estaba rodeado de muchas mujeres. Se permitió salir a la luz, ir al teatro. Para Eva, esto no era un secreto. Sin embargo, ella fue moderada y paciente, pero los elemen…
Hitler, como muchos hombres grandes y talentosos, no era una persona monógama. Él estaba rodeado de muchas mujeres. Se permitió salir a la luz, ir al teatro. Para Eva, esto no era un secreto. Sin embargo, ella fue moderada y paciente, pero los elemen…
Eva Brown was Jewish. Biography. Rare facts
Hitler, like many great and talented men, was not a monogamous person. He was surrounded by many women. He allowed himself to go out into the light, going to the theater. For Eva, this was not a secret. However, she was restrained and patient, yet th…
Hitler, like many great and talented men, was not a monogamous person. He was surrounded by many women. He allowed himself to go out into the light, going to the theater. For Eva, this was not a secret. However, she was restrained and patient, yet th…
Ribbentrop… Carriera e crimini
Ulrich Friedrich Willy Joachim von Ribbentrop è nato nel Prussia di Wesel. Tuttavia, non ha recitato il nome nobile fin dall’infanzia. Già adulto, fu adottato dalla sua stessa zia. Questo evento permise anche al vanitoso Ribbentrop di attribuire al c…
Ulrich Friedrich Willy Joachim von Ribbentrop è nato nel Prussia di Wesel. Tuttavia, non ha recitato il nome nobile fin dall’infanzia. Già adulto, fu adottato dalla sua stessa zia. Questo evento permise anche al vanitoso Ribbentrop di attribuire al c…
Προπαγάνδα. Paul Joseph Goebbels. Βιογραφία, φωτογραφία, προσωπική ζωή
«Όσο πιο τερατώδες είναι το ψέμα, τόσο πιο πρόθυμο το πλήθος πιστεύει σε αυτό», δήλωσε ο ιδεολόγος του φασισμού και ο πιστός σύντροφος και σύντροφος του Χίτλερ, ο υπουργός προφητείας Joseph Goebbels.
«Όσο πιο τερατώδες είναι το ψέμα, τόσο πιο πρόθυμο το πλήθος πιστεύει σε αυτό», δήλωσε ο ιδεολόγος του φασισμού και ο πιστός σύντροφος και σύντροφος του Χίτλερ, ο υπουργός προφητείας Joseph Goebbels.
Goebbels. Propaganda. Paul Joseph Goebbels. Biografia, foto, vida pessoal
“Quanto mais monstruosa a mentira, mais a multidão acredita nisso”, disse o ideólogo do fascismo e fiel companheiro e companheiro de Hitler, o ministro da propaganda Joseph Goebbels.
“Quanto mais monstruosa a mentira, mais a multidão acredita nisso”, disse o ideólogo do fascismo e fiel companheiro e companheiro de Hitler, o ministro da propaganda Joseph Goebbels.
Two Famous Horoscopes
Horoscope of Jesus Christ and horoscope of the United State of America. Gregorian calendar mistake. Calculating of a lifetime
Horoscope of Jesus Christ and horoscope of the United State of America. Gregorian calendar mistake. Calculating of a lifetime
Slované. Slovania. Indoevropské migrace. Indoeurópske migrácie
Kniha vypráví o starověkých migračních pohybech slovanských národů poté, co opustili svůj indoevropský rodový domov — oblast stepí Jižního Uralu — Černé moře. V češtině a slovenštině. Kniha hovorí o prastarých migračných pohyboch slovanských národov …
Kniha vypráví o starověkých migračních pohybech slovanských národů poté, co opustili svůj indoevropský rodový domov — oblast stepí Jižního Uralu — Černé moře. V češtině a slovenštině. Kniha hovorí o prastarých migračných pohyboch slovanských národov …
Time and money. Russia. From Alexander the First to Vladimir Lenin. A story of love, wars and money
History of Russia from Alexander the First to Vladimir Lenin. The history of money at the same time. See the obverse of the past embodied in the present. Some materials were presented in another author’s book – “The History of almost Everything. Prac…
History of Russia from Alexander the First to Vladimir Lenin. The history of money at the same time. See the obverse of the past embodied in the present. Some materials were presented in another author’s book – “The History of almost Everything. Prac…
A Companion to the Archaeology of Early Greece and the Mediterranean
A Companion that examines together two pivotal periods of Greek archaeology and offers a rich analysis of early Greek culture A Companion to the Archaeology of Early Greece and the Mediterranean offers an original and inclusive review of two key peri…
A Companion that examines together two pivotal periods of Greek archaeology and offers a rich analysis of early Greek culture A Companion to the Archaeology of Early Greece and the Mediterranean offers an original and inclusive review of two key peri…
Russia the formation of the state in the 9th century Veneds and the severjans (northerners), part of the Huns, which became the basis of a new community
The book is devoted to upholding the author’s concept of the formation of the state of Russia from the tribes of the Wends who came from the Baltic States, and the autochthonous tribes of the North-Siverts of Sarmatian-Hunnic origin, who had already …
The book is devoted to upholding the author’s concept of the formation of the state of Russia from the tribes of the Wends who came from the Baltic States, and the autochthonous tribes of the North-Siverts of Sarmatian-Hunnic origin, who had already …
Remember this! Don’t let it sink into oblivion! Second edition. The life and death of the Pioneer Base «Oceanrybflot»
The book describes the history of the appearance in the Soviet Union of one of the largest in the west of the country, the modern at that time fishing organization “Pioneer Base “Oceanrybflot.” The team’s labor achievements were appreciated by the co…
The book describes the history of the appearance in the Soviet Union of one of the largest in the west of the country, the modern at that time fishing organization “Pioneer Base “Oceanrybflot.” The team’s labor achievements were appreciated by the co…
Suzdal. The Golden Ring of Russia. Photobook
Suzdal is a beautiful small city in Russia. It is popular with tourists from all over the world. You can read about it, but it’s better to see it. Photos tell about Suzdal better than words.
Suzdal is a beautiful small city in Russia. It is popular with tourists from all over the world. You can read about it, but it’s better to see it. Photos tell about Suzdal better than words.
Gospel harmony
Why are there four canonical Gospels? Who wrote them and when? Was there a «Q source»? Are there errors in the Gospels? Do the Gospels contradict each other? Can we compile a coherent narrative based on all the four Gospels? This book attempts to ans…
Why are there four canonical Gospels? Who wrote them and when? Was there a «Q source»? Are there errors in the Gospels? Do the Gospels contradict each other? Can we compile a coherent narrative based on all the four Gospels? This book attempts to ans…

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