
Andrey Tikhomirov

Книги автора: Andrey Tikhomirov

Suomalais-ugrilaiset kansat. Kielet, muuttoliike, tulli
Kirja kertoo kielistä, kansoista, suomalais-ugrilaisten kansojen muuttoliikkeistä, miten suomalais-ugrilainen yhteisö syntyy, uskomusten muodostumisesta, tapoista, riitoista, rituaaleista. Mukana on useita eri aikoja koskevia historiallisia ja etnogr…
Kirja kertoo kielistä, kansoista, suomalais-ugrilaisten kansojen muuttoliikkeistä, miten suomalais-ugrilainen yhteisö syntyy, uskomusten muodostumisesta, tapoista, riitoista, rituaaleista. Mukana on useita eri aikoja koskevia historiallisia ja etnogr…
The Koran research. Исследование Корана. Prerequisites for creation of the Koran. Предпосылки создания Корана
Only scientific research! The study of the Koran is to find scientific explanations of the prerequisites for creation of Islam, to understand the formation of Islamic views on the world. The text of the book is presented in 2 languages: English and R…
Only scientific research! The study of the Koran is to find scientific explanations of the prerequisites for creation of Islam, to understand the formation of Islamic views on the world. The text of the book is presented in 2 languages: English and R…
Finnugor népek. Nyelvek, migráció, vámhatóság
A könyv a nyelvekről, népekről, a finnugor népek vándorlási mozgásairól, a finnugor közösség kialakulásának módjáról, a hiedelmek, szokások, rítusok, rituálék kialakulásáról szól. Különböző történeti és etnográfiai források szerepelnek különböző időp…
A könyv a nyelvekről, népekről, a finnugor népek vándorlási mozgásairól, a finnugor közösség kialakulásának módjáról, a hiedelmek, szokások, rítusok, rituálék kialakulásáról szól. Különböző történeti és etnográfiai források szerepelnek különböző időp…
Các dân tộc Nam Á. Ngôn ngữ, Di cư, Hải quan
Cuốn sách kể về ngôn ngữ, dân tộc, các phong trào di cư của các dân tộc Nam Á, về cách cộng đồng Nam Á phát sinh, về sự hình thành tín ngưỡng, phong tục, nghi lễ, nghi lễ. Nhiều nguồn lịch sử và dân tộc học của các thời điểm khác nhau có liên quan. N…
Cuốn sách kể về ngôn ngữ, dân tộc, các phong trào di cư của các dân tộc Nam Á, về cách cộng đồng Nam Á phát sinh, về sự hình thành tín ngưỡng, phong tục, nghi lễ, nghi lễ. Nhiều nguồn lịch sử và dân tộc học của các thời điểm khác nhau có liên quan. N…
Germönsku þjóðarinnar Germanske folk. Innó-evrópsk flæði Indoeuropeisk migrasjon
Bókin segir frá gömlum búferlaflutningum germönsku þjóðarinnar eftir að þeir yfirgáfu indóevrópska forfeðraheimilið — steppana í Suður-Úralfjöllum — Svartahafinu. Boken forteller om de gamle migrasjonsbevegelsene til de germanske folken etter at de f…
Bókin segir frá gömlum búferlaflutningum germönsku þjóðarinnar eftir að þeir yfirgáfu indóevrópska forfeðraheimilið — steppana í Suður-Úralfjöllum — Svartahafinu. Boken forteller om de gamle migrasjonsbevegelsene til de germanske folken etter at de f…
Germaanse volkeren. Indo-Europese migratie
Het boek vertelt over de oude migratiebewegingen van de Germaanse volkeren nadat ze hun Indo-Europese voorouderlijk huis — de regio van de steppen van de Zuidelijke Oeral — de Zwarte Zee hadden verlaten.
Het boek vertelt over de oude migratiebewegingen van de Germaanse volkeren nadat ze hun Indo-Europese voorouderlijk huis — de regio van de steppen van de Zuidelijke Oeral — de Zwarte Zee hadden verlaten.
Germanske folk. Germanska folk. Indoeuropæisk migration. Indo-europeisk migration
Bogen fortæller om de gamle migrationsbevægelser fra de germanske folk, efter at de forlod deres indo-europæiske forfædres hjem — regionen med stepperne i de sydlige Ural — Sortehavet. Boken berättar om de forntida flyttningsrörelserna från de german…
Bogen fortæller om de gamle migrationsbevægelser fra de germanske folk, efter at de forlod deres indo-europæiske forfædres hjem — regionen med stepperne i de sydlige Ural — Sortehavet. Boken berättar om de forntida flyttningsrörelserna från de german…
Fiset shqiptare. Migrimet Indo-Evropiane
Libri tregon për lëvizjet e lashta të migracionit të fiseve të lashta shqiptare pasi ata lanë shtëpinë e tyre stërgjyshore indo-evropiane — rajonin e stepave të Uraleve Jugore — Detit të Zi.
Libri tregon për lëvizjet e lashta të migracionit të fiseve të lashta shqiptare pasi ata lanë shtëpinë e tyre stërgjyshore indo-evropiane — rajonin e stepave të Uraleve Jugore — Detit të Zi.
Slované. Slovania. Indoevropské migrace. Indoeurópske migrácie
Kniha vypráví o starověkých migračních pohybech slovanských národů poté, co opustili svůj indoevropský rodový domov — oblast stepí Jižního Uralu — Černé moře. V češtině a slovenštině. Kniha hovorí o prastarých migračných pohyboch slovanských národov …
Kniha vypráví o starověkých migračních pohybech slovanských národů poté, co opustili svůj indoevropský rodový domov — oblast stepí Jižního Uralu — Černé moře. V češtině a slovenštině. Kniha hovorí o prastarých migračných pohyboch slovanských národov …
The Baltic peoples. Indo-European Migrations
The book tells about the ancient migration movements of the Baltic peoples after they left their Indo-European ancestral homeland — the region of the steppes of the Southern Urals — the Black Sea. Historical and linguistic sources of different times …
The book tells about the ancient migration movements of the Baltic peoples after they left their Indo-European ancestral homeland — the region of the steppes of the Southern Urals — the Black Sea. Historical and linguistic sources of different times …
South Urals industry in 20—30s of the XX century. Scientific research
Industrial development of the South Urals in the years of the new economic policy and pre-war five-year plans is a topic of topical importance for modern Russia. Regardless of political preferences, the problem of the country’s modernization and its …
Industrial development of the South Urals in the years of the new economic policy and pre-war five-year plans is a topic of topical importance for modern Russia. Regardless of political preferences, the problem of the country’s modernization and its …
The Exodus. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible
Scientific line-by-line analysis of the Biblical book Exodus from the Old Testament. In English. Научный построчный разбор библейской книги Исход из Ветхого завета. На английском языке.
Scientific line-by-line analysis of the Biblical book Exodus from the Old Testament. In English. Научный построчный разбор библейской книги Исход из Ветхого завета. На английском языке.
Pueblos románicos. Migraciones indoeuropeas
El libro habla sobre los antiguos movimientos migratorios de los pueblos románicos después de que abandonaron su hogar indoeuropeo original, la región esteparia del sur de los Urales, el Mar Negro.
El libro habla sobre los antiguos movimientos migratorios de los pueblos románicos después de que abandonaron su hogar indoeuropeo original, la región esteparia del sur de los Urales, el Mar Negro.
Popoare romanice. Migrația indo-europeană
Cartea vorbește despre vechile mișcări migratorii ale popoarelor romanice după ce au părăsit casa lor originară indo-europeană, regiunea de sud a stepei Ural, Marea Neagră.
Cartea vorbește despre vechile mișcări migratorii ale popoarelor romanice după ce au părăsit casa lor originară indo-europeană, regiunea de sud a stepei Ural, Marea Neagră.
The Romanic peoples. Indo-European migrations
The book talks about the ancient migratory movements of the Romanic peoples after they left their original Indo-European home, the southern region of the Ural steppe, the Black Sea.
The book talks about the ancient migratory movements of the Romanic peoples after they left their original Indo-European home, the southern region of the Ural steppe, the Black Sea.
Sociological thought. Collection of scientific articles
Sociological thought plays a huge role in the development of society. Sociology considers the issues of population development generically, seeking to identify trends in the future development of the country.
Sociological thought plays a huge role in the development of society. Sociology considers the issues of population development generically, seeking to identify trends in the future development of the country.
The Books of the Prophets Ezekiel and Daniel. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible
Scientific line-by-line analysis of the Biblical books of the prophets Ezekiel and Daniel. In English. Научный построчный разбор библейских книг пророков Иезекииля и Даниила. На английском языке.
Scientific line-by-line analysis of the Biblical books of the prophets Ezekiel and Daniel. In English. Научный построчный разбор библейских книг пророков Иезекииля и Даниила. На английском языке.
Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible
Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles from the New Testament. In English. Научный построчный разбор библейских Посланий апостолов из Нового завета. На английском языке.
Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles from the New Testament. In English. Научный построчный разбор библейских Посланий апостолов из Нового завета. На английском языке.
The Celts. Indo-European Migrations
The Celts, a vast group of Indo-European tribes, whose settlement territory in the second half of the first millennium BC stretched from the British Isles to Asia Minor. The Celts already lived in the 2nd half of 1 thousand BC in the territory of mod…
The Celts, a vast group of Indo-European tribes, whose settlement territory in the second half of the first millennium BC stretched from the British Isles to Asia Minor. The Celts already lived in the 2nd half of 1 thousand BC in the territory of mod…
The Slavdom. Indo-European Migrations
Slavic peoples are based on Slavic languages that belong to the Indo-European language family. Modern Slavs are divided into 3 groups: eastern, southern and western. Slavic languages are especially close to the group of Baltic languages, even a speci…
Slavic peoples are based on Slavic languages that belong to the Indo-European language family. Modern Slavs are divided into 3 groups: eastern, southern and western. Slavic languages are especially close to the group of Baltic languages, even a speci…

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