
зарубежный юмор

Willow Cottage – Part Four: Summer Delights
**The final part in a new cosy and heartwarming four-part seasonal series, perfect for fans of Cathy Bramley.**Beth is running away. With her young son Leo to protect, Willow Cottage is the lifeline she so desperately needs. Overlooking the village g…
**The final part in a new cosy and heartwarming four-part seasonal series, perfect for fans of Cathy Bramley.**Beth is running away. With her young son Leo to protect, Willow Cottage is the lifeline she so desperately needs. Overlooking the village g…
If You Don't Know Me By Now
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?Imogen has come to London to make it as a writer. At least, that was the plan. Finding herself in a dead-end job serving coffee to hipsters was not on her to-do list. And even if gorgeous colleague Declan does giv…
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?Imogen has come to London to make it as a writer. At least, that was the plan. Finding herself in a dead-end job serving coffee to hipsters was not on her to-do list. And even if gorgeous colleague Declan does giv…
The Broken Hearts Book Club
Secrets never stay buried for long…Lucy Harper has always been good at one thing: running from her past. But when her beloved Nana Lily passes away she has no choice except to return to the one place in the world she most wants to avoid…Luna Bay hasn…
Secrets never stay buried for long…Lucy Harper has always been good at one thing: running from her past. But when her beloved Nana Lily passes away she has no choice except to return to the one place in the world she most wants to avoid…Luna Bay hasn…
My So-Called
Meet Tigerlily James: romance cynic, North Londoner and die-hard margarita fan.Tigerlily James has been a member of the Young and Bitter Club ever since she was dumped on Valentine’s day. By her fiancé.Surviving on a diet of cynicism and margarita-fu…
Meet Tigerlily James: romance cynic, North Londoner and die-hard margarita fan.Tigerlily James has been a member of the Young and Bitter Club ever since she was dumped on Valentine’s day. By her fiancé.Surviving on a diet of cynicism and margarita-fu…
Ella hoped Darnley’s traumatic past was in the past, but it has surfaced in a terrifying twist. To keep her safe he insists she move in. By night their love life grows murkier as the costly bracelets he gave her take on a scary new role, while by day…
Ella hoped Darnley’s traumatic past was in the past, but it has surfaced in a terrifying twist. To keep her safe he insists she move in. By night their love life grows murkier as the costly bracelets he gave her take on a scary new role, while by day…
Age is just a number and getting old doesn't mean you can't have fun. It just means you know how to get away with it… Viagra, Snuff, and Rock ‘n’ Roll Fossdyke Retirement Home has seen its fair share of quirky characters, but it’s never seen the like…
Age is just a number and getting old doesn't mean you can't have fun. It just means you know how to get away with it… Viagra, Snuff, and Rock ‘n’ Roll Fossdyke Retirement Home has seen its fair share of quirky characters, but it’s never seen the like…
Οι Απόκληροι
Ο Χενγκ Λι άρχισε να νιώθει περίεργα ξαφνικά, οπότε πάει στην τοπική σαμάνο, που τυχαίνει να είναι θεία τους. Του κάνει μερικές εξετάσεις κι αποφασίζει ότι ο Χενγκ δεν έχει αίμα, αλλά πώς θα το πει στην οικογένειά του και τι θα κάνουν γι' αυτό; Ο Χεν…
Ο Χενγκ Λι άρχισε να νιώθει περίεργα ξαφνικά, οπότε πάει στην τοπική σαμάνο, που τυχαίνει να είναι θεία τους. Του κάνει μερικές εξετάσεις κι αποφασίζει ότι ο Χενγκ δεν έχει αίμα, αλλά πώς θα το πει στην οικογένειά του και τι θα κάνουν γι' αυτό; Ο Χεν…
Er war nur ein weiterer arbeitsloser Jugendlicher, der seine Misserfolge satt hatte und sogar über Selbstmord nachdachte. Aber er entdeckt, dass er eine erstaunliche Gabe hat, in den Lotterien zu gewinnen, und das macht ihn sehr reich. Die Lotteriebe…
Er war nur ein weiterer arbeitsloser Jugendlicher, der seine Misserfolge satt hatte und sogar über Selbstmord nachdachte. Aber er entdeckt, dass er eine erstaunliche Gabe hat, in den Lotterien zu gewinnen, und das macht ihn sehr reich. Die Lotteriebe…
Una Estrella En Mi Vida
¿Qué podría pasar cuando corres el riesgo de romperle la nariz a Marc Hailen, el actor que se sabe que acaba de asegurar su cuerpo por diez millones de dólares? Berenice pensó que nunca había sentido la necesidad de responder a una pregunta como esa,…
¿Qué podría pasar cuando corres el riesgo de romperle la nariz a Marc Hailen, el actor que se sabe que acaba de asegurar su cuerpo por diez millones de dólares? Berenice pensó que nunca había sentido la necesidad de responder a una pregunta como esa,…
Хэнг Ли внезапно начинает чувствовать себя очень странно, поэтому он звонит, чтобы увидеть местного шамана, который оказывается его тетей. Она проводит несколько анализов и решает, что у Хэнга нет крови, но как он расскажет своей семье и что они буду…
Хэнг Ли внезапно начинает чувствовать себя очень странно, поэтому он звонит, чтобы увидеть местного шамана, который оказывается его тетей. Она проводит несколько анализов и решает, что у Хэнга нет крови, но как он расскажет своей семье и что они буду…
L'Ultima Ragazza Single
Dopo che Sarah aveva assicurato alle sue amiche di aggiungere un posto alla loro festa di Capodanno, lei aveva solo un mese per trovare Mr. Giusto. Un brutto appuntamento dopo l'altro la convincerà a rinunciare allo stratagemma o il ragazzo perfetto …
Dopo che Sarah aveva assicurato alle sue amiche di aggiungere un posto alla loro festa di Capodanno, lei aveva solo un mese per trovare Mr. Giusto. Un brutto appuntamento dopo l'altro la convincerà a rinunciare allo stratagemma o il ragazzo perfetto …
Heng Lee începe să se simtă foarte ciudat dintr-o dată, așa că apelează la vraciul locului, care nu e nimeni altcineva decât mătușa sa. Ea îl supune la câteva teste și ajunge la concluzia că Heng nu are sânge, dar cum le va spune asta familiei lui, ș…
Heng Lee începe să se simtă foarte ciudat dintr-o dată, așa că apelează la vraciul locului, care nu e nimeni altcineva decât mătușa sa. Ea îl supune la câteva teste și ajunge la concluzia că Heng nu are sânge, dar cum le va spune asta familiei lui, ș…
Pewnego dnia samopoczucie Henga Lee pogarsza się. Udaje się zatem do lokalnej szamanki, która prywatnie jest jego ciotką. Kobieta przeprowadza kilka badań i stawia diagnozę – Heng nie ma krwi! Jak mężczyzna ma przekazać taką nowinę swojej rodzinie i …
Pewnego dnia samopoczucie Henga Lee pogarsza się. Udaje się zatem do lokalnej szamanki, która prywatnie jest jego ciotką. Kobieta przeprowadza kilka badań i stawia diagnozę – Heng nie ma krwi! Jak mężczyzna ma przekazać taką nowinę swojej rodzinie i …
Riflessioni Ironiche Di Un Moderno Migrante Italiano
“Questo stato non consiste in una semplice malinconia, ma nel malessere di non ricono-scersi né nel posto da cui sei partito, né in quello in cui sei arrivato. In modo particolare, all’inizio del trasferimento, sei al nord e vor-resti essere al sud, …
“Questo stato non consiste in una semplice malinconia, ma nel malessere di non ricono-scersi né nel posto da cui sei partito, né in quello in cui sei arrivato. In modo particolare, all’inizio del trasferimento, sei al nord e vor-resti essere al sud, …
Die Unerwünschten
Heng Lee fühlt sich auf einmal sehr sonderbar, daher geht er zu der örtlichen Schamanin, die zufällig auch seine Tante ist. Sie macht einige Tests und kommt zu dem Schluss, dass in Hengs Körper kein Blut zirkuliert, aber wie soll er das seiner Famili…
Heng Lee fühlt sich auf einmal sehr sonderbar, daher geht er zu der örtlichen Schamanin, die zufällig auch seine Tante ist. Sie macht einige Tests und kommt zu dem Schluss, dass in Hengs Körper kein Blut zirkuliert, aber wie soll er das seiner Famili…
A Meg Nem Engedett
Heng Lee hirtelen nagyon furcsán kezdi érezni magát, így felkeresi a helyi sámánnőt, történetesen a nagynénjét. Aki néhány vizsgálat elvégzése után úgy ítéli, hogy Hengnek nincs vére. De hogy fogja ezt előadni a családjának és mihez fognak ezzel kezd…
Heng Lee hirtelen nagyon furcsán kezdi érezni magát, így felkeresi a helyi sámánnőt, történetesen a nagynénjét. Aki néhány vizsgálat elvégzése után úgy ítéli, hogy Hengnek nincs vére. De hogy fogja ezt előadni a családjának és mihez fognak ezzel kezd…
වෙස් ගත් මිනිසුන්
හනග ට හදසයම අමත හඟමක දනනනට පටන ගත බවන, ඔහ තම නනදණය වන, එම පරදශය කටටඩය බමට යය. ඇය පරකෂණ කහපයක සද කර හනගට රධරය නමත බව තරණය කරය, නමත ඔහ ඔහග පව අයට ඒ බව කස පවසනනද? ඔවන ඒ ගන කමක කරන ඇතද? හනග යන ඕසය දශ සමවට ඉත ආසනනව උතර තයනතය චය රයට ඊසන දසන දෂකර කඳකර පදසක …
හනග ට හදසයම අමත හඟමක දනනනට පටන ගත බවන, ඔහ තම නනදණය වන, එම පරදශය කටටඩය බමට යය. ඇය පරකෂණ කහපයක සද කර හනගට රධරය නමත බව තරණය කරය, නමත ඔහ ඔහග පව අයට ඒ බව කස පවසනනද? ඔවන ඒ ගන කමක කරන ඇතද? හනග යන ඕසය දශ සමවට ඉත ආසනනව උතර තයනතය චය රයට ඊසන දසන දෂකර කඳකර පදසක …
Em Busca Da Fada
Uma história sobre uma garota, sua amiga, fadas e a luta contra os estereótipos. Tanya é a garota mais comum que sonhava em se tornar uma atriz no futuro. Num dia chuvoso, a caminho de casa depois da escola, ela encontrou um buldogue perdido na rua. …
Uma história sobre uma garota, sua amiga, fadas e a luta contra os estereótipos. Tanya é a garota mais comum que sonhava em se tornar uma atriz no futuro. Num dia chuvoso, a caminho de casa depois da escola, ela encontrou um buldogue perdido na rua. …
Heng Lee o thoma go ikwa amakatšega ka bjako, ka fao o ya go bona sedupe sa selegae, seo go diregago gore e be mmane wa gagwe. O dira diteko tše mmalwa gomme a akanya gore Heng ga a na madi, efela o ile go botša ba lapa la gagwe bjang, gomme bona ba …
Heng Lee o thoma go ikwa amakatšega ka bjako, ka fao o ya go bona sedupe sa selegae, seo go diregago gore e be mmane wa gagwe. O dira diteko tše mmalwa gomme a akanya gore Heng ga a na madi, efela o ile go botša ba lapa la gagwe bjang, gomme bona ba …
Heng Lee se je nenadoma začel počutiti precej nenavadno, zato se je naročil pri lokalni zdravilki, ki je čisto slučajno njegova teta. Opravila je nekaj testov in ugotovila, da Heng nima krvi. Kako bo to sporočil svoji družini in kaj bodo glede tega u…
Heng Lee se je nenadoma začel počutiti precej nenavadno, zato se je naročil pri lokalni zdravilki, ki je čisto slučajno njegova teta. Opravila je nekaj testov in ugotovila, da Heng nima krvi. Kako bo to sporočil svoji družini in kaj bodo glede tega u…

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