Radiography of the Dog and Cat: Guide to Making and Interpreting Radiographs offers a comprehensive guide to producing high-quality radiographs and evaluating radiographic findings. Equally useful as a quick reference or for more in-depth information…
Radiography of the Dog and Cat: Guide to Making and Interpreting Radiographs offers a comprehensive guide to producing high-quality radiographs and evaluating radiographic findings. Equally useful as a quick reference or for more in-depth information…
A vital resource on blood and bone marrow cell morphology in laboratory animal medicine. This fully revised new edition is an essential reference for clinical pathologists in diagnostic laboratories, and medical or veterinary research. The atlas cont…
A vital resource on blood and bone marrow cell morphology in laboratory animal medicine. This fully revised new edition is an essential reference for clinical pathologists in diagnostic laboratories, and medical or veterinary research. The atlas cont…
Veterinary Technician’s Large Animal Daily Reference Guide is an indispensible resource in daily clinical practice. Covering all aspects of a veterinary technician’s responsibilities in the care of large animals, the book provides fast access to prac…
Veterinary Technician’s Large Animal Daily Reference Guide is an indispensible resource in daily clinical practice. Covering all aspects of a veterinary technician’s responsibilities in the care of large animals, the book provides fast access to prac…
Your step-by-step guide to key emergency and critical care procedures and hands-on nursing care. Whether you need to know how to prioritise your response to a patient with multiple injuries, or you need a quick practical guide to fluid therapy, this …
Your step-by-step guide to key emergency and critical care procedures and hands-on nursing care. Whether you need to know how to prioritise your response to a patient with multiple injuries, or you need a quick practical guide to fluid therapy, this …
This is the definitive reference for the small animal practitioner to normal radiographic anatomy of the cat and dog. With over forty years of experience between them, the authors have produced an invaluable reference atlas for the veterinary practit…
This is the definitive reference for the small animal practitioner to normal radiographic anatomy of the cat and dog. With over forty years of experience between them, the authors have produced an invaluable reference atlas for the veterinary practit…
Surgical Patient Care for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is a highly practical reference covering all aspects of caring for canine and feline surgical patients. Covers all tasks associated with small animal surgical patient care, from the initial …
Surgical Patient Care for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is a highly practical reference covering all aspects of caring for canine and feline surgical patients. Covers all tasks associated with small animal surgical patient care, from the initial …
This user-friendly guide to medical mathematics helps veterinary technician students develop the math skills required before going into the practice setting. New workbook format allows readers to practice problems right inside the book Covers math fu…
This user-friendly guide to medical mathematics helps veterinary technician students develop the math skills required before going into the practice setting. New workbook format allows readers to practice problems right inside the book Covers math fu…
Introduction to One Health: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Planetary Health offers an accessible, readable introduction to the burgeoning field of One Health. Provides a thorough introduction to the who, what, where, when, why, and how of One Healt…
Introduction to One Health: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Planetary Health offers an accessible, readable introduction to the burgeoning field of One Health. Provides a thorough introduction to the who, what, where, when, why, and how of One Healt…
Companion Animal Care and Welfare: The UFAW Companion Animal Handbook presents a comprehensive, accessible and practical reference for all parties seeking information about the proper care of companion animals. Identifies the needs of companion anima…
Companion Animal Care and Welfare: The UFAW Companion Animal Handbook presents a comprehensive, accessible and practical reference for all parties seeking information about the proper care of companion animals. Identifies the needs of companion anima…
Как правильно оказать первую помощь своему любимому псу, если он травмирован или болен? Как дать собаке лекарство, измерить температуру, прощупать пульс и сделать внутримышечную инъекцию? Что делать, если питомец съел что-то не очень полезное на прог…
Как правильно оказать первую помощь своему любимому псу, если он травмирован или болен? Как дать собаке лекарство, измерить температуру, прощупать пульс и сделать внутримышечную инъекцию? Что делать, если питомец съел что-то не очень полезное на прог…
Издание представляет собой краткое руководство по лабораторной диагностике и одновременно является введением в патофизиологию. В книге рассматриваются вопросы общего патогенеза, излагается общая схема общеклинического анализа крови и мочи, приводятся…
Издание представляет собой краткое руководство по лабораторной диагностике и одновременно является введением в патофизиологию. В книге рассматриваются вопросы общего патогенеза, излагается общая схема общеклинического анализа крови и мочи, приводятся…
Lameness is one of the most costly diseases affecting cattle and cases are increasing as dairy cows spend more time confined to concrete instead of grassy pasture. The economic impact of lameness is significant. Preventive claw care is increasingly p…
Lameness is one of the most costly diseases affecting cattle and cases are increasing as dairy cows spend more time confined to concrete instead of grassy pasture. The economic impact of lameness is significant. Preventive claw care is increasingly p…
Twenty-five years of study and experience went into the making of this one-of-a-kind reference. Veterinarians, animal scientists, dog owners, trainers, consultants, and counsellors will find this book a benchmark reference and handbook concerning pos…
Twenty-five years of study and experience went into the making of this one-of-a-kind reference. Veterinarians, animal scientists, dog owners, trainers, consultants, and counsellors will find this book a benchmark reference and handbook concerning pos…
Integrating complementary treatment options with traditional veterinary practice is a growing trend in veterinary medicine. Veterinarians and clients alike have an interest in expanding treatment options to include alternative approaches such as West…
Integrating complementary treatment options with traditional veterinary practice is a growing trend in veterinary medicine. Veterinarians and clients alike have an interest in expanding treatment options to include alternative approaches such as West…
Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dermatology, Third Edition offers accessible, reliable information on canine and feline dermatology using the popular Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult format—now wi…
Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dermatology, Third Edition offers accessible, reliable information on canine and feline dermatology using the popular Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult format—now wi…
Analgesia and Anesthesia for the Ill or Injured Dog and Cat provides a comprehensive guide to anesthesia and pain management protocols, specifically tailored to ill or critically injured dogs and cats. Provides fast access to anesthesia and pain mana…
Analgesia and Anesthesia for the Ill or Injured Dog and Cat provides a comprehensive guide to anesthesia and pain management protocols, specifically tailored to ill or critically injured dogs and cats. Provides fast access to anesthesia and pain mana…
Introduction to Veterinary and Comparative Forensic Medicine is a ground-breaking book in an emerging new speciality. It reflects the increasing demand for expert opinion by veterinarians and others in courts of law and elsewhere on such matters as: …
Introduction to Veterinary and Comparative Forensic Medicine is a ground-breaking book in an emerging new speciality. It reflects the increasing demand for expert opinion by veterinarians and others in courts of law and elsewhere on such matters as: …
Biology, Medicine and Surgery of South American Wild Animals examines the medicine and treatment of animals specific to South America. It discusses topics dealing with diseases and biology topics. In addition, the animals studied are broken down into…
Biology, Medicine and Surgery of South American Wild Animals examines the medicine and treatment of animals specific to South America. It discusses topics dealing with diseases and biology topics. In addition, the animals studied are broken down into…
A good basic knowledge of radiological anatomy is essential for both the specialising and non-specialising veterinary audience. This comprehensive and general practice orientated reference book which provides detailed radiographic guidance on the nor…
A good basic knowledge of radiological anatomy is essential for both the specialising and non-specialising veterinary audience. This comprehensive and general practice orientated reference book which provides detailed radiographic guidance on the nor…
Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Canine and Feline is a comprehensive, one-stop reference text on diagnostic skills used daily in treating dogs and cats. Chapters cover more than 275 procedures a…
Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Canine and Feline is a comprehensive, one-stop reference text on diagnostic skills used daily in treating dogs and cats. Chapters cover more than 275 procedures a…