

Паразитарные болезни плотоядных животных. Учебное пособие для СПО
В учебном пособии подробно описаны наиболее распространенные в Российской Федерации и зарубежных странах паразитарные болезни собак, кошек и других плотоядных животных. Сведения в пособии изложены по общепринятой схеме, что позволяет специалистам бол…
В учебном пособии подробно описаны наиболее распространенные в Российской Федерации и зарубежных странах паразитарные болезни собак, кошек и других плотоядных животных. Сведения в пособии изложены по общепринятой схеме, что позволяет специалистам бол…
Английский язык для зооветеринарных вузов. Учебное пособие для вузов
Цель учебного пособия – развитие навыков чтения, перевода и общения по различным темам специальности «Ветеринария» и направления подготовки «Ветеринарно-санитарная экспертиза». Пособие состоит из трех разделов, включающих учебно-тематический материал…
Цель учебного пособия – развитие навыков чтения, перевода и общения по различным темам специальности «Ветеринария» и направления подготовки «Ветеринарно-санитарная экспертиза». Пособие состоит из трех разделов, включающих учебно-тематический материал…
Клиническая лабораторная диагностика
Издание представляет собой краткое руководство по лабораторной диагностике и одновременно является введением в патофизиологию. В книге рассматриваются вопросы общего патогенеза, излагается общая схема общеклинического анализа крови и мочи, приводятся…
Издание представляет собой краткое руководство по лабораторной диагностике и одновременно является введением в патофизиологию. В книге рассматриваются вопросы общего патогенеза, излагается общая схема общеклинического анализа крови и мочи, приводятся…
Инфекционные болезни собак и кошек. Учебное пособие для вузов
В учебном пособии представлены наиболее значимые инфекционные болезни собак и кошек. В хронологическом порядке описаны этиология, эпизоотология, патогенез, клинические проявления, патолого-морфологические изменения, диагностика и дифференциальная диа…
В учебном пособии представлены наиболее значимые инфекционные болезни собак и кошек. В хронологическом порядке описаны этиология, эпизоотология, патогенез, клинические проявления, патолого-морфологические изменения, диагностика и дифференциальная диа…
Анатомия и физиология животных. Учебник для СПО
Приведены сведения по цитологии, эмбриологии, гистологии, анатомии и физиологии животных с учетом достижений отечественной и зарубежной науки. Терминология соответствует 5-й редакции Международной номенклатуры (СПб.: Лань, 2013). Соответствует соврем…
Приведены сведения по цитологии, эмбриологии, гистологии, анатомии и физиологии животных с учетом достижений отечественной и зарубежной науки. Терминология соответствует 5-й редакции Международной номенклатуры (СПб.: Лань, 2013). Соответствует соврем…
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion. Equine Theriogenology
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Equine Theriogenology provides quick access to essential information on common techniques and conditions in equine reproductive practice. Part of the popular Blackwell's Five-Minute Veter…
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Equine Theriogenology provides quick access to essential information on common techniques and conditions in equine reproductive practice. Part of the popular Blackwell's Five-Minute Veter…
Veterinary Forensics. Animal Cruelty Investigations
Veterinary Forensics, Second Edition is a practical reference on applying veterinary forensic findings in animal cruelty cases. Now providing a greater focus on findings in animals, the second edition continues to offer guidance with more detailed in…
Veterinary Forensics, Second Edition is a practical reference on applying veterinary forensic findings in animal cruelty cases. Now providing a greater focus on findings in animals, the second edition continues to offer guidance with more detailed in…
Duncan and Prasse's Veterinary Laboratory Medicine. Clinical Pathology
Now in full color throughout, Duncan and Prasse’s Veterinary Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Pathology, Fifth Edition offers a comprehensive overview of hematology, hemostasis, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, cytology, and reference intervals in a high…
Now in full color throughout, Duncan and Prasse’s Veterinary Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Pathology, Fifth Edition offers a comprehensive overview of hematology, hemostasis, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, cytology, and reference intervals in a high…
Management and Welfare of Farm Animals. The UFAW Farm Handbook
Through successive editions, Management and Welfare of Farm Animals has gained international recognition as a classic introductory textbook for students of agriculture and veterinary science. Conceived by the Universities Federation for Animal Welfar…
Through successive editions, Management and Welfare of Farm Animals has gained international recognition as a classic introductory textbook for students of agriculture and veterinary science. Conceived by the Universities Federation for Animal Welfar…
Complementary Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses
Complementary Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is the first resource on holistic veterinary care written specifically for the veterinary technician. Organized by treatment modality, the book offers practical information designed to help…
Complementary Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is the first resource on holistic veterinary care written specifically for the veterinary technician. Organized by treatment modality, the book offers practical information designed to help…
Small Animal Radiographic Techniques and Positioning
Small Animal Radiographic Techniques and Positioning is a practical, clinically applicable manual designed to aid veterinary technicians and nurses in correcting common artifacts in both film and digital radiography and in positioning the small anima…
Small Animal Radiographic Techniques and Positioning is a practical, clinically applicable manual designed to aid veterinary technicians and nurses in correcting common artifacts in both film and digital radiography and in positioning the small anima…
Fluid Therapy for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses
Fluid Therapy for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses provides veterinary support staff with essential information on administering fluid therapy. Encompassing catheter placement, monitoring of intravenous fluid therapy, long-term fluid therapy, intrav…
Fluid Therapy for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses provides veterinary support staff with essential information on administering fluid therapy. Encompassing catheter placement, monitoring of intravenous fluid therapy, long-term fluid therapy, intrav…
Small Animal Internal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses
Small Animal Internal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is the first comprehensive resource on internal medicine written for the veterinary technician. Organized by body system, each chapter discusses pertinent diseases, from clinical si…
Small Animal Internal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is the first comprehensive resource on internal medicine written for the veterinary technician. Organized by body system, each chapter discusses pertinent diseases, from clinical si…
Small Animal Dental Procedures for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses
Small Animal Dental Procedures for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is a comprehensive, procedures-based resource for technicians and nurses involved with all aspects of canine, feline, and exotic animal dentistry. Heavily illustrated and clinically…
Small Animal Dental Procedures for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is a comprehensive, procedures-based resource for technicians and nurses involved with all aspects of canine, feline, and exotic animal dentistry. Heavily illustrated and clinically…
Turner and McIlwraith's Techniques in Large Animal Surgery
Turner and McIlwraith’s Techniques in Large Animal Surgery, Fourth Edition is an updated version of the classic resource for step-by-step instruction on basic surgical techniques in cattle, horses, swine, goats, and llamas. With detailed line drawing…
Turner and McIlwraith’s Techniques in Large Animal Surgery, Fourth Edition is an updated version of the classic resource for step-by-step instruction on basic surgical techniques in cattle, horses, swine, goats, and llamas. With detailed line drawing…
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion. Small Animal Dermatology
This quick reference manual offers accessible, reliable knowledge on small animal dermatology in the popular Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult format. The second edition of Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small…
This quick reference manual offers accessible, reliable knowledge on small animal dermatology in the popular Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult format. The second edition of Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small…
Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care
Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care is a comprehensive yet practical reference, providing hands-on information essential to veterinarians and veterinary technicians involved in emergency and critical care. …
Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care is a comprehensive yet practical reference, providing hands-on information essential to veterinarians and veterinary technicians involved in emergency and critical care. …
Clinical Cases in Avian and Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology
Clinical Cases in Avian and Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology demonstrates how to use hemic cytology and cytodiagnosis as part of the assessment of an exotic animal patient, taking the reader through nearly 100 actual clinical cases. With a focus…
Clinical Cases in Avian and Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology demonstrates how to use hemic cytology and cytodiagnosis as part of the assessment of an exotic animal patient, taking the reader through nearly 100 actual clinical cases. With a focus…
Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Procedures, Enhanced Edition
Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Procedures, Second Edition is a step-by-step guide to key emergency and critical care procedures encountered in both general and specialty practice. Now in full color, the second edition includes several new pro…
Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Procedures, Second Edition is a step-by-step guide to key emergency and critical care procedures encountered in both general and specialty practice. Now in full color, the second edition includes several new pro…
Hematology Techniques and Concepts for Veterinary Technicians
Now in full color, Hematology Techniques and Concepts for Veterinary Technicians, Second Edition is a thorough update to this introduction to the fundamental concepts of collecting, handling, and preparing hematology samples. Covering the basics of b…
Now in full color, Hematology Techniques and Concepts for Veterinary Technicians, Second Edition is a thorough update to this introduction to the fundamental concepts of collecting, handling, and preparing hematology samples. Covering the basics of b…

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