A new edition of the classic guide to the use of statistics in medicine, featuring examples from articles in the New England Journal of Medicine Medical Uses of Statistics has served as one of the most influential works on the subject for physicians,…
A new edition of the classic guide to the use of statistics in medicine, featuring examples from articles in the New England Journal of Medicine Medical Uses of Statistics has served as one of the most influential works on the subject for physicians,…
Following the huge success of previous editions, Electrophysiological Testing 4th edition is the must have resource for students, residents, cardiology fellows, primary care physicians, cardiologists, nurses, and technicians because it: clarifies the…
Following the huge success of previous editions, Electrophysiological Testing 4th edition is the must have resource for students, residents, cardiology fellows, primary care physicians, cardiologists, nurses, and technicians because it: clarifies the…
If you prescribe for patients with arrhythmias, you will want to keep this valuable paperback close at hand. The Second Edition of this valuable reference responds to changes in the available medications as well as in the way they are currently used.…
If you prescribe for patients with arrhythmias, you will want to keep this valuable paperback close at hand. The Second Edition of this valuable reference responds to changes in the available medications as well as in the way they are currently used.…
Учебное пособие посвящено вопросам оказания первой помощи при различных травмах и заболеваниях, проводимой до прибытия медицинских работников. Предназначено для бакалавров, изучающих дисциплину «Медико-биологические основы безопасности жизнедеятельно…
Учебное пособие посвящено вопросам оказания первой помощи при различных травмах и заболеваниях, проводимой до прибытия медицинских работников. Предназначено для бакалавров, изучающих дисциплину «Медико-биологические основы безопасности жизнедеятельно…
Alzheimer's Disease is an ever present problem affecting millions of people around the world and, as people's average lifespan lengthens, its prevalence is set to increase. A global effort is needed to combat the disease, including research to invest…
Alzheimer's Disease is an ever present problem affecting millions of people around the world and, as people's average lifespan lengthens, its prevalence is set to increase. A global effort is needed to combat the disease, including research to invest…
The benefit of having skilled nurses working in prisons has been noted in a recent report from the Chief Inspector of Prisons (Home Office 1998). This report recommended that the organisation of health care in prisons be made the responsibility of th…
The benefit of having skilled nurses working in prisons has been noted in a recent report from the Chief Inspector of Prisons (Home Office 1998). This report recommended that the organisation of health care in prisons be made the responsibility of th…
Well received in its first edition, Survival Analysis: A Practical Approach is completely revised to provide an accessible and practical guide to survival analysis techniques in diverse environments. Illustrated with many authentic examples, the book…
Well received in its first edition, Survival Analysis: A Practical Approach is completely revised to provide an accessible and practical guide to survival analysis techniques in diverse environments. Illustrated with many authentic examples, the book…
Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) refers to pneumonia acquired outside of hospitals or extended-care facilities, and is distinct from Nosocomial or hospital-acquired pneumonia, which is a separate disease entity. It is one of the most common respira…
Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) refers to pneumonia acquired outside of hospitals or extended-care facilities, and is distinct from Nosocomial or hospital-acquired pneumonia, which is a separate disease entity. It is one of the most common respira…
Coaching Science and Coaching Studies courses are appearing in increasing numbers in many universities. The textbooks used in most of these courses are either theoretically based sports science texts or practically based coaching books. The former ar…
Coaching Science and Coaching Studies courses are appearing in increasing numbers in many universities. The textbooks used in most of these courses are either theoretically based sports science texts or practically based coaching books. The former ar…
В книге рассматриваются следующие темы: Празднование Нового года. Образ Снегурочки. Если долго смотреть в зеркало, что будет? Коста-Рика: вмешательство США. Сушар — швейцарский шоколад. Информационное обеспечение медицинской деятельности.
В книге рассматриваются следующие темы: Празднование Нового года. Образ Снегурочки. Если долго смотреть в зеркало, что будет? Коста-Рика: вмешательство США. Сушар — швейцарский шоколад. Информационное обеспечение медицинской деятельности.
Эта работа написана практикующим врачом-онкологом Чолаковым Русланом Сергоевичем, руководителем ООО «Клини-ка Консилиум», РФ, г. Ростов-на-Дону, пациенты которого, как и подавляющее большинство онкологических больных, имеют, помимо основного диагноза…
Эта работа написана практикующим врачом-онкологом Чолаковым Русланом Сергоевичем, руководителем ООО «Клини-ка Консилиум», РФ, г. Ростов-на-Дону, пациенты которого, как и подавляющее большинство онкологических больных, имеют, помимо основного диагноза…
Рассматриваются актуальные вопросы и проблемы. Дается общая характеристика психологии как науки, раскрывается сущность феномена человеческой психики, анализируются процессы психики, а также психические состояния и свойства личности. Каждая глава
Рассматриваются актуальные вопросы и проблемы. Дается общая характеристика психологии как науки, раскрывается сущность феномена человеческой психики, анализируются процессы психики, а также психические состояния и свойства личности. Каждая глава
Providing optimal care for heart failure patients is a complex challenge that requires cooperation and coordination across multiple disciplines. Now, you can apply the successful techniques pioneered at the Cleveland Clinic, which are carefully explo…
Providing optimal care for heart failure patients is a complex challenge that requires cooperation and coordination across multiple disciplines. Now, you can apply the successful techniques pioneered at the Cleveland Clinic, which are carefully explo…
Эта книга написана в экспериментальном жанре научно-популярного учебного пособия и рассказывает о том, как мы устроены. Это не пособие по биохакингу, но оно поможет понять, как работают и развиваются сложные системы наших органов, из каких клеток они…
Эта книга написана в экспериментальном жанре научно-популярного учебного пособия и рассказывает о том, как мы устроены. Это не пособие по биохакингу, но оно поможет понять, как работают и развиваются сложные системы наших органов, из каких клеток они…
An up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of biosurveillance techniques With the worldwide awareness of bioterrorism and drug-resistant infectious diseases, the need for surveillance systems to accurately detect emerging epidemicsis essential for mai…
An up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of biosurveillance techniques With the worldwide awareness of bioterrorism and drug-resistant infectious diseases, the need for surveillance systems to accurately detect emerging epidemicsis essential for mai…
Juggling is an amazing art! This is a game, and at the same time the development of the brain. This is a salvation from depression, a cure for diseases and wonderful physical education! In this book, the author Pavel Artemiev talks about the history …
Juggling is an amazing art! This is a game, and at the same time the development of the brain. This is a salvation from depression, a cure for diseases and wonderful physical education! In this book, the author Pavel Artemiev talks about the history …
A collection of writings by leading experts and newer researchers on the SARS outbreak and its relation to infectious disease management in progressively global and urban societies. Presents original contributions by scholars from seven countries on …
A collection of writings by leading experts and newer researchers on the SARS outbreak and its relation to infectious disease management in progressively global and urban societies. Presents original contributions by scholars from seven countries on …
Эта небольшая книга – своеобразный дневник пациента, пытающегося после тяжелого заболевания вернуться к нормальной жизни. Она помогла выжить автору. Надеюсь, что мои записки прибавят оптимизма и читателям.
Эта небольшая книга – своеобразный дневник пациента, пытающегося после тяжелого заболевания вернуться к нормальной жизни. Она помогла выжить автору. Надеюсь, что мои записки прибавят оптимизма и читателям.
Iminosugars form undoubtedly the most attractive of carbohydrate mimics reported so far. In these structures, the substitution of the endocyclic oxygen of sugars by a basic nitrogen atom leads to remarkable biological properties and raises many chall…
Iminosugars form undoubtedly the most attractive of carbohydrate mimics reported so far. In these structures, the substitution of the endocyclic oxygen of sugars by a basic nitrogen atom leads to remarkable biological properties and raises many chall…
Bioinformatics is contributing to some of the most important advances in medicine and biology. At the forefront of this exciting new subject are techniques known as artificial intelligence which are inspired by the way in which nature solves the prob…
Bioinformatics is contributing to some of the most important advances in medicine and biology. At the forefront of this exciting new subject are techniques known as artificial intelligence which are inspired by the way in which nature solves the prob…