The authors . . . make child-centered play therapy readily understandable to those who wish to take advantage of its long history of helping children overcome problems and grow emotionally to a level of maturity difficult to achieve by any other appr…
The authors . . . make child-centered play therapy readily understandable to those who wish to take advantage of its long history of helping children overcome problems and grow emotionally to a level of maturity difficult to achieve by any other appr…
Rich traditions of group therapy permeate the substance misuse field – from residential and day-centre group programmes and the fellowship group tradition to the panoply of support/education and relapse prevention groups offered by out-patient servic…
Rich traditions of group therapy permeate the substance misuse field – from residential and day-centre group programmes and the fellowship group tradition to the panoply of support/education and relapse prevention groups offered by out-patient servic…
In recent years philosophy has become increasingly popular as an alternative source of inspiration in helping people to lead a good life. Ancient Greek philosophy in particular was conceived as a practical endeavour intended to have an impact on how …
In recent years philosophy has become increasingly popular as an alternative source of inspiration in helping people to lead a good life. Ancient Greek philosophy in particular was conceived as a practical endeavour intended to have an impact on how …
This book is unique in that it specifically addresses the concerns that counsellors and psychotherapists may have about the mental health of their clients. It is published at a time of significant change in the management and treatment of mental illn…
This book is unique in that it specifically addresses the concerns that counsellors and psychotherapists may have about the mental health of their clients. It is published at a time of significant change in the management and treatment of mental illn…
Violence is all around us; yet, despite its widespread prevalence, we remain unclear about its causes. In this book Felicity de Zulueta – begins by defining «violence» as distinct from «aggression», and then attempts to trace its origins, highlightin…
Violence is all around us; yet, despite its widespread prevalence, we remain unclear about its causes. In this book Felicity de Zulueta – begins by defining «violence» as distinct from «aggression», and then attempts to trace its origins, highlightin…
Like Partridge: Neurological Physiotherapy: Bases of Evidence for Practice, each chapter in Recent Advances in Physiotherapy features a case report provided by a team of clinicians based on details from a real patient. This book of recent advances pr…
Like Partridge: Neurological Physiotherapy: Bases of Evidence for Practice, each chapter in Recent Advances in Physiotherapy features a case report provided by a team of clinicians based on details from a real patient. This book of recent advances pr…
Motivation is a pervasive force that can affect well-being in a variety of life situations, from the more minor through to the ability to overcome addictions and other serious psychological problems. This book presents empirically supported theories …
Motivation is a pervasive force that can affect well-being in a variety of life situations, from the more minor through to the ability to overcome addictions and other serious psychological problems. This book presents empirically supported theories …
Handbook of Multicultural Assessment offers the most comprehensive text on testing of racial and ethnic minorities in the United States. This thoroughly revised and updated edition includes the most current and state-of-the-art assessment information…
Handbook of Multicultural Assessment offers the most comprehensive text on testing of racial and ethnic minorities in the United States. This thoroughly revised and updated edition includes the most current and state-of-the-art assessment information…
The latest theory and research on understanding posttraumatic stressand its treatment, providing evidence-based clinical interventionsusing techniques drawn from positive psychology It is known that exposure to stressful and traumatic events can have…
The latest theory and research on understanding posttraumatic stressand its treatment, providing evidence-based clinical interventionsusing techniques drawn from positive psychology It is known that exposure to stressful and traumatic events can have…
The ideal resource for setting up and working with therapy groups Group therapy is an increasingly popular treatment modality for a variety of disorders and client populations. Essentials of Group Therapy provides both professionals and students with…
The ideal resource for setting up and working with therapy groups Group therapy is an increasingly popular treatment modality for a variety of disorders and client populations. Essentials of Group Therapy provides both professionals and students with…
Note: Book no longer includes a CD-ROM, but the files are available online for download for both book and ebook purchasers at www.wiley.com/go/frisch «This book defines an approach to well-being and positive psychology, that is state-of-the-art, evid…
Note: Book no longer includes a CD-ROM, but the files are available online for download for both book and ebook purchasers at www.wiley.com/go/frisch «This book defines an approach to well-being and positive psychology, that is state-of-the-art, evid…
Можно ли считать, что дети, выросшие в семьях без братьев и сестер, схожи по характеру и привычкам? Джилл Питкетли и Дэвид Эмерсон провели шестьдесят подробных интервью с людьми, обладающими подобным опытом, и ответили на этот вопрос утвердительно. Н…
Можно ли считать, что дети, выросшие в семьях без братьев и сестер, схожи по характеру и привычкам? Джилл Питкетли и Дэвид Эмерсон провели шестьдесят подробных интервью с людьми, обладающими подобным опытом, и ответили на этот вопрос утвердительно. Н…
В своей новой книге белорусский психолог Сергей Елисеев рассуждает об особенностях поведения женщин, испытывающих трудности в личной жизни, и напоминает о трех навыках, необходимых, по его мнению, для гармоничных отношений с представителями сильной п…
В своей новой книге белорусский психолог Сергей Елисеев рассуждает об особенностях поведения женщин, испытывающих трудности в личной жизни, и напоминает о трех навыках, необходимых, по его мнению, для гармоничных отношений с представителями сильной п…
«Грубые черты, нет любимого». «Одинок из-за внешности». «Я толстая, заедаю неудачи». «Постарела после родов». Многие из нас уверены, все проблемы в жизни – из-за неудачной внешности. Журналистка Ксения Татарник исследует тему с разных сторон – телесн…
«Грубые черты, нет любимого». «Одинок из-за внешности». «Я толстая, заедаю неудачи». «Постарела после родов». Многие из нас уверены, все проблемы в жизни – из-за неудачной внешности. Журналистка Ксения Татарник исследует тему с разных сторон – телесн…
Галина Турецкая, кандидат психологических наук и член Профессиональной Психотерапевтической Лиги, поможет вам разобраться в причинах переедания и лишних килограммов. Более 400 000 человек благодаря мощным психологическим практикам смогли побороть пищ…
Галина Турецкая, кандидат психологических наук и член Профессиональной Психотерапевтической Лиги, поможет вам разобраться в причинах переедания и лишних килограммов. Более 400 000 человек благодаря мощным психологическим практикам смогли побороть пищ…
This book, which draws together contributions from specialists in child, adolescent and family psychiatry, child psychotherapy, social work, community psychiatric nursing, educational therapy, special needs coordination in teaching, and general pract…
This book, which draws together contributions from specialists in child, adolescent and family psychiatry, child psychotherapy, social work, community psychiatric nursing, educational therapy, special needs coordination in teaching, and general pract…
Theoretical and practice-oriented,Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology offers a concise, comprehensive, review of the knowledge, concepts and practice of child and adolescent clinical psychology. This fully revised and updated edition of ‘Clinica…
Theoretical and practice-oriented,Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology offers a concise, comprehensive, review of the knowledge, concepts and practice of child and adolescent clinical psychology. This fully revised and updated edition of ‘Clinica…
The Handbook of Juvenile Forensic Psychology is a comprehensive handbook for mental health professionals working with juveniles in the criminal justice system and in family and dependency courts. Written by a panel of experts in the field, the book f…
The Handbook of Juvenile Forensic Psychology is a comprehensive handbook for mental health professionals working with juveniles in the criminal justice system and in family and dependency courts. Written by a panel of experts in the field, the book f…
A comprehensive, theory-based approach to working with young clients in both school and clinical settings Counseling and Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents, Fifth Edition provides mental health professionals and students with state-of-the-ar…
A comprehensive, theory-based approach to working with young clients in both school and clinical settings Counseling and Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents, Fifth Edition provides mental health professionals and students with state-of-the-ar…
Social inequality and social disadvantage provide an all too fertile soil that sustains the majority of the serious mental health problems suffered by children in our society. The complexity of the issues clinicians routinely encounter in working wit…
Social inequality and social disadvantage provide an all too fertile soil that sustains the majority of the serious mental health problems suffered by children in our society. The complexity of the issues clinicians routinely encounter in working wit…