

Зачем современному человеку знания о мозге? | Live с Андреем Курпатовым, Сашей Федоровым и Soufee
Вы слушаете запись live-трансляции с Андреем Курпатовым, соавтором курса KT ON LINE Сашей Федоровым и певицей Soufee. Тема: Зачем современному человеку знания о мозге? Получить методичку с практическими советами о том, как принять знания о мозге в п…
Вы слушаете запись live-трансляции с Андреем Курпатовым, соавтором курса KT ON LINE Сашей Федоровым и певицей Soufee. Тема: Зачем современному человеку знания о мозге? Получить методичку с практическими советами о том, как принять знания о мозге в п…
Как найти баланс между личной жизнью и карьерными достижениями?
Трансляция от Андрея Курпатова и команды курса «Шаг за шагом» на тему «Как найти баланс между личной жизнью и карьерными достижениями?». Из трансляции вы узнаете: – Как понять, что же на самом деле мы хотим, когда мечтаем о счастье и успешной карье…
Трансляция от Андрея Курпатова и команды курса «Шаг за шагом» на тему «Как найти баланс между личной жизнью и карьерными достижениями?». Из трансляции вы узнаете: – Как понять, что же на самом деле мы хотим, когда мечтаем о счастье и успешной карье…
Чек-лист для уставшего от жизни человека. Как победить выгорание. 25 шагов
Мир вокруг нас меняется с молниеносной быстротой, и ежеминутно наше сознание подвергается атаке информационных потоков. В последние годы становится все сложнее «уйти с радаров» и переключиться с режима работы на ритм отдыха. А привычка быть на связи …
Мир вокруг нас меняется с молниеносной быстротой, и ежеминутно наше сознание подвергается атаке информационных потоков. В последние годы становится все сложнее «уйти с радаров» и переключиться с режима работы на ритм отдыха. А привычка быть на связи …
Пушистые лисята
Кто самый рыжий, хитрый и милый зверек во всем лесу? Конечно, это милый пушистый лисенок! Никто не может пройти мимо них не полюбовавшись, ведь лисята уже в маленьком возрасте обладают огромной харизмой и умеют привлечь к себе внимание. В этой раскра…
Кто самый рыжий, хитрый и милый зверек во всем лесу? Конечно, это милый пушистый лисенок! Никто не может пройти мимо них не полюбовавшись, ведь лисята уже в маленьком возрасте обладают огромной харизмой и умеют привлечь к себе внимание. В этой раскра…
Clinician's Guide to Treating Stress After War
Clinician's Guide to Treating Stress After War: Education and Coping Interventions for Veterans outlines clear strategies that mental health professionals can use to help war returnees become better able to negotiate common problems that diminish the…
Clinician's Guide to Treating Stress After War: Education and Coping Interventions for Veterans outlines clear strategies that mental health professionals can use to help war returnees become better able to negotiate common problems that diminish the…
The Crisis Counseling and Traumatic Events Treatment Planner
Psychologists, therapists, and other mental health professionals who treat clients affected by traumatic events such as natural disasters, rape, and assault need to develop formal treatment plans. These plans must conform to requirements of managed c…
Psychologists, therapists, and other mental health professionals who treat clients affected by traumatic events such as natural disasters, rape, and assault need to develop formal treatment plans. These plans must conform to requirements of managed c…
Changes in Decision-Making Capacity in Older Adults
Part of the Wiley Series in Clinical Geropsychology, Changes in Decision-Making Capacity in Older Adults: Assessment and Intervention helps to familiarize you with the legal and social contexts for decision making in potentially impaired individuals.…
Part of the Wiley Series in Clinical Geropsychology, Changes in Decision-Making Capacity in Older Adults: Assessment and Intervention helps to familiarize you with the legal and social contexts for decision making in potentially impaired individuals.…
Substance Abuse Treatment for Youth and Adults
State-of-the-art, empirical support for the treatmentof substance abuse Part of the Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series, Substance Abuse Treatment for Youth and Adults provides busy mental health practitioners with detailed, step-by-s…
State-of-the-art, empirical support for the treatmentof substance abuse Part of the Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series, Substance Abuse Treatment for Youth and Adults provides busy mental health practitioners with detailed, step-by-s…
The Juvenile Justice and Residential Care Treatment Planner
The Juvenile Justice and Residential Care Treatment Planner provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payers, and state and federal r…
The Juvenile Justice and Residential Care Treatment Planner provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payers, and state and federal r…
101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens
A comprehensive guide to understanding and using storytelling in therapy with kids and teens «George Burns is a highly experienced clinician with the remarkable ability to create, discover, and tell engaging stories that can teach us all the most imp…
A comprehensive guide to understanding and using storytelling in therapy with kids and teens «George Burns is a highly experienced clinician with the remarkable ability to create, discover, and tell engaging stories that can teach us all the most imp…
Developmental Problems of Childhood and Adolescence
This book provides a practical guide to, and critical review of, community and individual professional interventions that could ease the lives of children with developmental disorders and mental health problems. A critical review of, and practical gu…
This book provides a practical guide to, and critical review of, community and individual professional interventions that could ease the lives of children with developmental disorders and mental health problems. A critical review of, and practical gu…
Strategies for Managing Stress After War
Managing Stress After War: Veteran's Workbook and Guide to Wellness outlines clear strategies for tackling problems such as learning healthy coping skills, sleep problems, and managing stress, anger, and depression. Written in an easy-to-understand s…
Managing Stress After War: Veteran's Workbook and Guide to Wellness outlines clear strategies for tackling problems such as learning healthy coping skills, sleep problems, and managing stress, anger, and depression. Written in an easy-to-understand s…
Therapy Outcome Measures for Rehabilitation Professionals
Previously published as two separate books for Speech and Language Therapists and for Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Rehabilitation Nursing, this book has now been updated and expanded and combines the two first editions into one. This…
Previously published as two separate books for Speech and Language Therapists and for Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Rehabilitation Nursing, this book has now been updated and expanded and combines the two first editions into one. This…
Treatment of Traumatized Adults and Children
Praise for Treatment of Traumatized Adults and Children «A major stumbling block to adoption of evidence-based practice in the real world of clinical practice has been the absence of clinician-friendly guides. Such guides need to be understandable, f…
Praise for Treatment of Traumatized Adults and Children «A major stumbling block to adoption of evidence-based practice in the real world of clinical practice has been the absence of clinician-friendly guides. Such guides need to be understandable, f…
Fundamentals of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy
A complete introduction to REBT, an approach to CBT which argues that at the core of emotional disturbance lies a set of irrational beliefs that people hold about themselves and others Essential for counsellors who are beginning to use REBT with clie…
A complete introduction to REBT, an approach to CBT which argues that at the core of emotional disturbance lies a set of irrational beliefs that people hold about themselves and others Essential for counsellors who are beginning to use REBT with clie…
The Complete Anxiety Treatment and Homework Planner
Utilizing the methodology of the bestselling PracticePlanners series, The Complete Anxiety Treatment and Homework Planner provides an all-in-one resource for treating anxiety and anxiety-related disorders-saving time and paperwork while allowing you …
Utilizing the methodology of the bestselling PracticePlanners series, The Complete Anxiety Treatment and Homework Planner provides an all-in-one resource for treating anxiety and anxiety-related disorders-saving time and paperwork while allowing you …
The Portable Guide to Testifying in Court for Mental Health Professionals
A one-stop guide to testifying in court for mental health professionals Even the most seasoned mental health professionals can find themselves unnerved by the prospect of appearing in court, especially when presented with it for the first time. Those…
A one-stop guide to testifying in court for mental health professionals Even the most seasoned mental health professionals can find themselves unnerved by the prospect of appearing in court, especially when presented with it for the first time. Those…
Invitation to Existential Psychology
Existential psychology examines how people deal with the biggest issues – such as finding meaning in life and facing death. It deals with many of the same problems as psychoanalysis and analytical psychology, but emphasises the view that one can unde…
Existential psychology examines how people deal with the biggest issues – such as finding meaning in life and facing death. It deals with many of the same problems as psychoanalysis and analytical psychology, but emphasises the view that one can unde…
Introducing Cognitive Analytic Therapy
This is a comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to the origins, development, and practice of cognitive-analytic therapy (CAT). Written by the founder of the method and an experienced psychiatric practitioner and lecturer, it offers a guide to the po…
This is a comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to the origins, development, and practice of cognitive-analytic therapy (CAT). Written by the founder of the method and an experienced psychiatric practitioner and lecturer, it offers a guide to the po…
Feminist Perspectives in Therapy
Feminist Perspectives in Therapy: Empowering Diverse Women addresses core issues in feminist psychological practice along with strategies and techniques for understanding the development and experiences of women throughout their lives. Two leading fe…
Feminist Perspectives in Therapy: Empowering Diverse Women addresses core issues in feminist psychological practice along with strategies and techniques for understanding the development and experiences of women throughout their lives. Two leading fe…

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