A comprehensive account of protozoan and metozoan diseases in modern clinical practice, with orientation towards clinical management of parasitic infections. In the past, parasitology was considered as an obscure subject of little relevance to the ma…
A comprehensive account of protozoan and metozoan diseases in modern clinical practice, with orientation towards clinical management of parasitic infections. In the past, parasitology was considered as an obscure subject of little relevance to the ma…
This Second Edition of A Practical Guide to Clinical Virology is a practical, highly illustrated, quick reference guide to clinical virology. It brings together the essentials of the subject in a entertaining and informative style, describing in turn…
This Second Edition of A Practical Guide to Clinical Virology is a practical, highly illustrated, quick reference guide to clinical virology. It brings together the essentials of the subject in a entertaining and informative style, describing in turn…
Written by well-known experts in field, this is the first book dedicated to dealing with the single most challenging management issue in long-term steroid therapy. Overcoming Steroid Insensitivity in Respiratory Disease reviews important new advances…
Written by well-known experts in field, this is the first book dedicated to dealing with the single most challenging management issue in long-term steroid therapy. Overcoming Steroid Insensitivity in Respiratory Disease reviews important new advances…
This multi-contributed text, co-ordinated by one of the leading authorities in the field, is a unique resource to cover in depth the management of the important issue of Nosocomial Pneumonia in respiratory medicine and critical care. This disease pre…
This multi-contributed text, co-ordinated by one of the leading authorities in the field, is a unique resource to cover in depth the management of the important issue of Nosocomial Pneumonia in respiratory medicine and critical care. This disease pre…
The knowledge and practice of clinical virology continues to expand. This new fifth edition has thirty-six comprehensive chapters, each of which has been extensively revised or rewritten, with the addition of new colour plates. This updated version t…
The knowledge and practice of clinical virology continues to expand. This new fifth edition has thirty-six comprehensive chapters, each of which has been extensively revised or rewritten, with the addition of new colour plates. This updated version t…
Since the publication of the last edition of Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology, our understanding of bacterial genetics and pathogenicity has been transformed due to the availability of whole genome sequences and new technologies such …
Since the publication of the last edition of Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology, our understanding of bacterial genetics and pathogenicity has been transformed due to the availability of whole genome sequences and new technologies such …
Dengue virus is a member of the Flaviviridae family, which includes viruses associated with human diseases such as yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis and hepatitis C. Dengue fever is transmitted by mosquitoes, principally Aedes aegypti. There are fo…
Dengue virus is a member of the Flaviviridae family, which includes viruses associated with human diseases such as yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis and hepatitis C. Dengue fever is transmitted by mosquitoes, principally Aedes aegypti. There are fo…
Recent application of the techniques of molecular biology and patch-clamp physiology has led to rapid advances in understanding the molecular events in chemosensory transduction. In this book, the latest results are presented and discussed by leading…
Recent application of the techniques of molecular biology and patch-clamp physiology has led to rapid advances in understanding the molecular events in chemosensory transduction. In this book, the latest results are presented and discussed by leading…
This book is a comprehensive and up-to-date account of where we stand in immunological strategies for preventing or treating type 1 diabetes (T1D). Brings together contributions from the leaders in the arena of clinical immunotherapy, not limited to …
This book is a comprehensive and up-to-date account of where we stand in immunological strategies for preventing or treating type 1 diabetes (T1D). Brings together contributions from the leaders in the arena of clinical immunotherapy, not limited to …
This text is an essential study guide for undergraduates studying microbiology modules on degree courses in pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences. Written by two pharmacists each with over 30 years experience of teaching, research and publishing i…
This text is an essential study guide for undergraduates studying microbiology modules on degree courses in pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences. Written by two pharmacists each with over 30 years experience of teaching, research and publishing i…
Until recently a neglected disease syndrome, diarrhea is responsible for many millions of infant deaths in developing countries. The result of a 1987 symposium, this volume reflects advances in the aetiology of diarrhea while addressing such puzzling…
Until recently a neglected disease syndrome, diarrhea is responsible for many millions of infant deaths in developing countries. The result of a 1987 symposium, this volume reflects advances in the aetiology of diarrhea while addressing such puzzling…
Documents the latest results and opinions on the causes and possible cures for this disorder. Coverage includes retroviral involvement, immunity, pathophysiology and pharmacological treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Documents the latest results and opinions on the causes and possible cures for this disorder. Coverage includes retroviral involvement, immunity, pathophysiology and pharmacological treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Providing a comprehensive insight into cellular signaling processes in bacteria with a special focus on biotechnological implications, this is the first book to cover intercellular as well as intracellular signaling and its relevance for biofilm form…
Providing a comprehensive insight into cellular signaling processes in bacteria with a special focus on biotechnological implications, this is the first book to cover intercellular as well as intracellular signaling and its relevance for biofilm form…
Forensic Microscopy: A Laboratory Manual will provide the student with a practical overview and understanding of the various microscopes and microscopic techniques employed within the field of forensic science. Each laboratory experiment has been car…
Forensic Microscopy: A Laboratory Manual will provide the student with a practical overview and understanding of the various microscopes and microscopic techniques employed within the field of forensic science. Each laboratory experiment has been car…
In accordance with its predecessor, the completely revised and expanded Second Edition of Modern Microbial Genetics focuses on how bacteria and bacteriophage arrange and rearrange their genetic material through mutation, evolution, and genetic exchan…
In accordance with its predecessor, the completely revised and expanded Second Edition of Modern Microbial Genetics focuses on how bacteria and bacteriophage arrange and rearrange their genetic material through mutation, evolution, and genetic exchan…
Epithelial cells cover the outer and inner surfaces of the body, forming a selective polarized barrier between the intercellualar space and the 'external' world. Linking the cells of this continuous layer and contributing to epithelial organization a…
Epithelial cells cover the outer and inner surfaces of the body, forming a selective polarized barrier between the intercellualar space and the 'external' world. Linking the cells of this continuous layer and contributing to epithelial organization a…
The first book on this young, highly dynamic, and expanding field. This comprehensive, interdisciplinary text focuses on those pathogenic bacteria that are of high scientific and public health interest, yet which also display great potential for the …
The first book on this young, highly dynamic, and expanding field. This comprehensive, interdisciplinary text focuses on those pathogenic bacteria that are of high scientific and public health interest, yet which also display great potential for the …
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss r…
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss r…
The Fourth Edition of this highly successful book provides an essential introduction to the molecular genetics of bacteria. Thoroughly revised and updated, Molecular Genetics of Bacteria now includes a much greater coverage of genomics, microarrays a…
The Fourth Edition of this highly successful book provides an essential introduction to the molecular genetics of bacteria. Thoroughly revised and updated, Molecular Genetics of Bacteria now includes a much greater coverage of genomics, microarrays a…
Providing the latest information on preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of tuberculosis and AIDS, this is the only book to place a major emphasis on the increasing coexistence of these two life-threatening diseases in individuals. Edited b…
Providing the latest information on preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of tuberculosis and AIDS, this is the only book to place a major emphasis on the increasing coexistence of these two life-threatening diseases in individuals. Edited b…