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Disciplined Entrepreneurship. 24 Steps to a Successful Startup
24 Steps to Success! Disciplined Entrepreneurship will change the way you think about starting a company. Many believe that entrepreneurship cannot be taught, but great entrepreneurs aren’t born with something special – they simply make great product…
24 Steps to Success! Disciplined Entrepreneurship will change the way you think about starting a company. Many believe that entrepreneurship cannot be taught, but great entrepreneurs aren’t born with something special – they simply make great product…
Pimp My Site. The DIY Guide to SEO, Search Marketing, Social Media and Online PR
A complete course in do-it-yourself digital marketing in 14 bite-sized lessons The global recession has sent tens of millions scrambling for alternative employment opportunities, and a great many of them have taken the leap into becoming their own bo…
A complete course in do-it-yourself digital marketing in 14 bite-sized lessons The global recession has sent tens of millions scrambling for alternative employment opportunities, and a great many of them have taken the leap into becoming their own bo…
Startup Leadership. How Savvy Entrepreneurs Turn Their Ideas Into Successful Enterprises
Anyone can start a business. But only leaders can succeed. Most entrepreneurs know the long odds: only a fraction of them will lead their enterprises through the rocky stages of growth to launch self-sustaining companies. Very few know how to outflan…
Anyone can start a business. But only leaders can succeed. Most entrepreneurs know the long odds: only a fraction of them will lead their enterprises through the rocky stages of growth to launch self-sustaining companies. Very few know how to outflan…
Stressaholic. 5 Steps to Transform Your Relationship with Stress
A guidebook for the journey from exhaustion to enlightenment Chronic multitasking and ever-increasing demands on our time and energy have caused a neurochemically-based dependence on sources of stress and stimulation to provide fuel for our chaotic l…
A guidebook for the journey from exhaustion to enlightenment Chronic multitasking and ever-increasing demands on our time and energy have caused a neurochemically-based dependence on sources of stress and stimulation to provide fuel for our chaotic l…
Irrational Persistence. Seven Secrets That Turned a Bankrupt Startup Into a $231,000,000 Business
A modern-day Detroit success story that fuels the entrepreneurial fire Irrational Persistence tells the story of Garden Fresh Gourmet, and how two entrepreneurs turned a million-dollar debt to a 100-million-dollar annual revenue. Woody Allen famously…
A modern-day Detroit success story that fuels the entrepreneurial fire Irrational Persistence tells the story of Garden Fresh Gourmet, and how two entrepreneurs turned a million-dollar debt to a 100-million-dollar annual revenue. Woody Allen famously…
John Adair's 100 Greatest Ideas for Effective Leadership
Everything You Need to Lead Your Team… in An Instant. John Adair’s Greatest Ideas for Effective Leadership is full of accessible advice and practical exercises from one of the world’s best –known and most sought-after authorities on leadership and ma…
Everything You Need to Lead Your Team… in An Instant. John Adair’s Greatest Ideas for Effective Leadership is full of accessible advice and practical exercises from one of the world’s best –known and most sought-after authorities on leadership and ma…
Building a Small Business that Warren Buffett Would Love
The guide to making money the Warren Buffett way The book that presents the same fundamentals that Warren Buffet used to turn an initial $105,000 investment into a $40 billion fortune in a way the general reader can apply, Building A Small Business t…
The guide to making money the Warren Buffett way The book that presents the same fundamentals that Warren Buffet used to turn an initial $105,000 investment into a $40 billion fortune in a way the general reader can apply, Building A Small Business t…
Marketing Shortcuts for the Self-Employed. Leverage Resources, Establish Online Credibility and Crush Your Competition
A quick guide to effective techniques that will boost your business today Want the juicy marketing secrets that save time and get results quickly for your business? Then this is the book for you. Marketing Secrets for the Self-Employed offers a detai…
A quick guide to effective techniques that will boost your business today Want the juicy marketing secrets that save time and get results quickly for your business? Then this is the book for you. Marketing Secrets for the Self-Employed offers a detai…
The Dragons' Den Guide to Assessing Your Business Concept
How to assess your business concept's potential to win customers The Dragons' Den Guide to Assessing Your Business Concept is designed to help entrepreneurs assess whether they actually have a market for their business concept. Before anyone invests …
How to assess your business concept's potential to win customers The Dragons' Den Guide to Assessing Your Business Concept is designed to help entrepreneurs assess whether they actually have a market for their business concept. Before anyone invests …
The Unauthorized Guide To Doing Business the Jamie Oliver Way. 10 Secrets of the Irrepressible One-Man Brand
Love him or loathe him, Jamie Oliver is one of the best-known and richest celebrity chefs in the world. But there is more to the man than his linguine. He towers over a business empire that comprises restaurants, shops, cookware, food, magazines, boo…
Love him or loathe him, Jamie Oliver is one of the best-known and richest celebrity chefs in the world. But there is more to the man than his linguine. He towers over a business empire that comprises restaurants, shops, cookware, food, magazines, boo…
John Adair's 100 Greatest Ideas for Smart Decision Making
John Adair’s 100 Greatest Ideas for Smart Decision Making is a one-stop of practical advice and tips on problem solving and productive thinking from one of the world’s best-known and most sought after authorities on leadership and management. Inside …
John Adair’s 100 Greatest Ideas for Smart Decision Making is a one-stop of practical advice and tips on problem solving and productive thinking from one of the world’s best-known and most sought after authorities on leadership and management. Inside …
John Adair's 100 Greatest Ideas for Brilliant Communication
Everything You Need to Communicate Effectively…in an Instant John Adair’s 100 Greatest Ideas for Brilliant Communication is all you need to master the skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading, from one of the world’s best-known and moist so…
Everything You Need to Communicate Effectively…in an Instant John Adair’s 100 Greatest Ideas for Brilliant Communication is all you need to master the skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading, from one of the world’s best-known and moist so…
Get Productive!. Boosting Your Productivity And Getting Things Done
Rewire your brain and overcome the 20 key time drains that diminish productivity For anyone who's felt valuable time frittered away in checking emails or answering wrong phone numbers, or listening to a coworker giving you a minute-by-minute account …
Rewire your brain and overcome the 20 key time drains that diminish productivity For anyone who's felt valuable time frittered away in checking emails or answering wrong phone numbers, or listening to a coworker giving you a minute-by-minute account …
Etsy-preneurship. Everything You Need to Know to Turn Your Handmade Hobby into a Thriving Business
Turn your handmade hobby into a thriving business Most Etsy sellers are confident in their crafting and artistic capabilities. However, many need guidance on the business-related intricacies of starting and maintaining a successful Etsy business. Ets…
Turn your handmade hobby into a thriving business Most Etsy sellers are confident in their crafting and artistic capabilities. However, many need guidance on the business-related intricacies of starting and maintaining a successful Etsy business. Ets…
The One Hour Plan For Growth. How a Single Sheet of Paper Can Take Your Business to the Next Level
A proven system for creating a clear and compelling business growth plan There are 15 million businesses in the United States, and 13 million of them don't utilize a planning process. Yet having a planning process is the most reliable predictor of wh…
A proven system for creating a clear and compelling business growth plan There are 15 million businesses in the United States, and 13 million of them don't utilize a planning process. Yet having a planning process is the most reliable predictor of wh…
The Eventual Millionaire. How Anyone Can Be an Entrepreneur and Successfully Grow Their Startup
Become a millionaire by learning from millionaires An Eventual Millionaire is someone who knows they will be a millionaire, eventually. But they want to do it on their own terms—with an enjoyable life and an enjoyable business. Eventual Millionaires …
Become a millionaire by learning from millionaires An Eventual Millionaire is someone who knows they will be a millionaire, eventually. But they want to do it on their own terms—with an enjoyable life and an enjoyable business. Eventual Millionaires …
The Laptop Millionaire. How Anyone Can Escape the 9 to 5 and Make Money Online
Go from ZERO to $10,000 a month in 28 days and discover financial freedom online! Every day thousands of people are losing their jobs, their income, and their security—perhaps you are one of them. However, with the right strategies, you can easily ac…
Go from ZERO to $10,000 a month in 28 days and discover financial freedom online! Every day thousands of people are losing their jobs, their income, and their security—perhaps you are one of them. However, with the right strategies, you can easily ac…
How To Be Happy. How Developing Your Confidence, Resilience, Appreciation and Communication Can Lead to a Happier, Healthier You
We all have the capacity to be happy. There may be occasions in your life where this seems a challenging concept, however there are some very definite things that you can do to make sure that you are happy more often than not. After all, happy people…
We all have the capacity to be happy. There may be occasions in your life where this seems a challenging concept, however there are some very definite things that you can do to make sure that you are happy more often than not. After all, happy people…
Dream It, Do It, Live It. 9 Easy Steps To Making Things Happen For You
A practical nine-step productivity guide for turning your dreams into realities When you think of project management, you probably think of business projects and boring meetings. But every project, personal and professional, needs to be properly mana…
A practical nine-step productivity guide for turning your dreams into realities When you think of project management, you probably think of business projects and boring meetings. But every project, personal and professional, needs to be properly mana…
Secrets of a Serial Entrepreneur. A Business Dragon's Guide to Success
Lessons in business success from the newest Dragon in town You no longer have to enter the Dragon' Den to get expert startup advice. In Secrets of a Serial Entrepreneur, Shaf Rasul distils his vast experience and knowledge into a practical business s…
Lessons in business success from the newest Dragon in town You no longer have to enter the Dragon' Den to get expert startup advice. In Secrets of a Serial Entrepreneur, Shaf Rasul distils his vast experience and knowledge into a practical business s…

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