
историческая литература

Whispers At Court
They Make an Unlikely Alliance… Lady Cecily scorns the French hostages held at court. Treated as honoured guests, the men play at love games – and Cecily fears that her mistress, the Princess, might be disgraced.War-weary chevalier Marc de Marcel wan…
They Make an Unlikely Alliance… Lady Cecily scorns the French hostages held at court. Treated as honoured guests, the men play at love games – and Cecily fears that her mistress, the Princess, might be disgraced.War-weary chevalier Marc de Marcel wan…
A Most Unsuitable Bride
What has she to hide?The mysterious heavily-veiled woman Edward Thurlow, Lord Garthdale, meets on his early-morning rides in Hyde Park intrigues and then utterly charms him. What dark secret could possibly force her to hide away from society in such …
What has she to hide?The mysterious heavily-veiled woman Edward Thurlow, Lord Garthdale, meets on his early-morning rides in Hyde Park intrigues and then utterly charms him. What dark secret could possibly force her to hide away from society in such …
Türk halkları ve dilleri
Türk halkları Altay Dağları bölgesinde geniş bir alanda oluşmakta ve Moğol, Tunguso-Mançu ve Tibet-Çin olmak üzere diğer halk dil gruplarıyla etkileşime girmektedir. Türk dillerinin ve halklarının — onların ana dili olan halklarının gelişimi sürecind…
Türk halkları Altay Dağları bölgesinde geniş bir alanda oluşmakta ve Moğol, Tunguso-Mançu ve Tibet-Çin olmak üzere diğer halk dil gruplarıyla etkileşime girmektedir. Türk dillerinin ve halklarının — onların ana dili olan halklarının gelişimi sürecind…
An Impossible Attraction
Never say never… With the Bolton name in disgrace, marrying an elderly squire might be the only way for Alexandra Bolton to save her family from absolute ruin. But when she meets the infamous Duke of Clarewood, old dreams – and old passions – are awa…
Never say never… With the Bolton name in disgrace, marrying an elderly squire might be the only way for Alexandra Bolton to save her family from absolute ruin. But when she meets the infamous Duke of Clarewood, old dreams – and old passions – are awa…
Түүр омуктара уонна тыллара
Тюрк норуоттара Алтай хайаларын оройуонугар киэҥ сиринэн тайаан сытар уонна норуоттар атын тылларынан буолаллар: монгол, тунгусо- манчжур уонна тибето- Кытай тылларын кытта бииргэ үлэлииллэр. Түүр тыллара уонна норуоттар тыллара сайдыыларын процеһыга…
Тюрк норуоттара Алтай хайаларын оройуонугар киэҥ сиринэн тайаан сытар уонна норуоттар атын тылларынан буолаллар: монгол, тунгусо- манчжур уонна тибето- Кытай тылларын кытта бииргэ үлэлииллэр. Түүр тыллара уонна норуоттар тыллара сайдыыларын процеһыга…
A Cowboy Worth Claiming
Cowboy Chance Worth gets more than he bargains for when he saves damsel in distress Lizzie Mitchell. He has come to Red Ridge, Arizona, to rescue her family's failing ranch and find Lizzie a suitable husband. Too bad it wouldn't be honorable to keep …
Cowboy Chance Worth gets more than he bargains for when he saves damsel in distress Lizzie Mitchell. He has come to Red Ridge, Arizona, to rescue her family's failing ranch and find Lizzie a suitable husband. Too bad it wouldn't be honorable to keep …
The Marshal Takes a Bride
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesU. S. Marshal Trey Scott is fixin' t…
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesU. S. Marshal Trey Scott is fixin' t…
Infrangere Le Maledizioni Generazionali: Rivendicare La Tua Libertà
Questo libro rappresenta una meravigliosa raccolta di materiali trattanti le maledizioni generazionali, e crediamo sarebbe un'ottima aggiunta alla tua biblioteca. Funge inoltre da potente guida e fonte di insegnamento al riguardo. Molti credono che u…
Questo libro rappresenta una meravigliosa raccolta di materiali trattanti le maledizioni generazionali, e crediamo sarebbe un'ottima aggiunta alla tua biblioteca. Funge inoltre da potente guida e fonte di insegnamento al riguardo. Molti credono che u…
Түрк элдери жана тилдери
Түрк элдери Алтай тоолорунун аймагында кеңири мейкиндикте калыптанып, башка элдердин тилдик топтору: монгол, тунгус-манжур жана Тибет-Кытай менен өз ара аракеттенишет. Түрк тилдеринин жана элдеринин-алардын эне тилдеринин өнүгүү процессинде бир жагын…
Түрк элдери Алтай тоолорунун аймагында кеңири мейкиндикте калыптанып, башка элдердин тилдик топтору: монгол, тунгус-манжур жана Тибет-Кытай менен өз ара аракеттенишет. Түрк тилдеринин жана элдеринин-алардын эне тилдеринин өнүгүү процессинде бир жагын…
The Shocking Lord Standon
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesA dashing beauty is laying waste to …
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesA dashing beauty is laying waste to …
The Scandalous Lord Lanchester
THE WAYWARD WIDOW With her wealth, beauty and playful nature, young widow Mariah Fanshawe is not short of suitors. Yet the only man she wants to marry is immune to her obvious charms! Upright Andrew, Lord Lanchester has always seemed determined to re…
THE WAYWARD WIDOW With her wealth, beauty and playful nature, young widow Mariah Fanshawe is not short of suitors. Yet the only man she wants to marry is immune to her obvious charms! Upright Andrew, Lord Lanchester has always seemed determined to re…
The Disgraceful Mr Ravenhurst
We hear the notorious Mr R– while searching for a stolen artefact, has had his attention caught by the unlikeliest of treasures… Stumbling upon his dowdy cousin Elinor on the Continent, Theo Ravenhurst hardly believes his luck. His dangerous lifestyl…
We hear the notorious Mr R– while searching for a stolen artefact, has had his attention caught by the unlikeliest of treasures… Stumbling upon his dowdy cousin Elinor on the Continent, Theo Ravenhurst hardly believes his luck. His dangerous lifestyl…
The Highlander's Redemption
RELUCTANT SAVIOUR… WILLING SEDUCER On her first night in Scotland, Madeleine Lafayette is rescued from danger by brooding Highlander Calumn Munro… Why Calumn agrees to take Madeleine under his protection, he doesn’t know – the unconquerable demons of…
RELUCTANT SAVIOUR… WILLING SEDUCER On her first night in Scotland, Madeleine Lafayette is rescued from danger by brooding Highlander Calumn Munro… Why Calumn agrees to take Madeleine under his protection, he doesn’t know – the unconquerable demons of…
Bought: The Penniless Lady
Her new husband may be handsome – but his heart is black Desperate to safeguard the future of her precious nephew, penniless Lady Artemis Dearing will do anything – even marry the man whose brother ruined her darling sister!Forced to wed a gold-digge…
Her new husband may be handsome – but his heart is black Desperate to safeguard the future of her precious nephew, penniless Lady Artemis Dearing will do anything – even marry the man whose brother ruined her darling sister!Forced to wed a gold-digge…
The Notorious Mr Hurst
Rumours abound that sensible Lady M– has fallen for the infamous Mr H– Lady Maude Templeton has turned down many a marriage proposal. Why? She wants to marry for love – and her heart’s set on one man alone.Theatre owner Mr Eden Hurst is sexy, talente…
Rumours abound that sensible Lady M– has fallen for the infamous Mr H– Lady Maude Templeton has turned down many a marriage proposal. Why? She wants to marry for love – and her heart’s set on one man alone.Theatre owner Mr Eden Hurst is sexy, talente…
Wanted: Mail-Order Mistress
He asked for a mistressBetrayed by his first wife, Simon Grimshaw won’t marry again. But sultry nights in Singapore can be lonely – nothing a beautiful English mistress wouldn’t fix! They sent him a wife Believing herself a worldly woman, Bethan Conw…
He asked for a mistressBetrayed by his first wife, Simon Grimshaw won’t marry again. But sultry nights in Singapore can be lonely – nothing a beautiful English mistress wouldn’t fix! They sent him a wife Believing herself a worldly woman, Bethan Conw…
27 000 лет втроем. Секс и власть в каменном веке
Каждый рано или поздно задается вопросом о том, «правильно» ли он живет относительно «традиций предков». Мы пытаемся посмотреть на свою жизнь в крохотной ретроспективе нескольких сотен лет и даже не представляем, насколько в этом близоруки. Десятки т…
Каждый рано или поздно задается вопросом о том, «правильно» ли он живет относительно «традиций предков». Мы пытаемся посмотреть на свою жизнь в крохотной ретроспективе нескольких сотен лет и даже не представляем, насколько в этом близоруки. Десятки т…
Lucien Tregellas
From wild and rugged Cornwall, the setting of Poldark and Jamaica Inn, comes another fabulous, dramatic story…When Miss Madeline Langley is saved from some very unwanted and improper attentions on two separate occasions, she is too relieved to enquir…
From wild and rugged Cornwall, the setting of Poldark and Jamaica Inn, comes another fabulous, dramatic story…When Miss Madeline Langley is saved from some very unwanted and improper attentions on two separate occasions, she is too relieved to enquir…
El Hombre Que Sedujo A La Gioconda
Esta es la historia del hombre que conquistó y sedujo a la mujer que, indescifrablemente inmortalizada por Leonardo de Vinci, sedujo al mundo con su mirada. Es la historia de Tristano, un joven diplomático pontificio con un pasado misterioso y sombrí…
Esta es la historia del hombre que conquistó y sedujo a la mujer que, indescifrablemente inmortalizada por Leonardo de Vinci, sedujo al mundo con su mirada. Es la historia de Tristano, un joven diplomático pontificio con un pasado misterioso y sombrí…
Добровольцы: смерть была где-то рядом…
2016 год. Сборная труппа артистов едет на Донбасс для участия в праздничных концертах на 9 мая. Никто не знает, что их там ждет и как изменится их судьба. Основано на реальных событиях. Имена персонажей изменены. Все персонажи являются вымышленными,…
2016 год. Сборная труппа артистов едет на Донбасс для участия в праздничных концертах на 9 мая. Никто не знает, что их там ждет и как изменится их судьба. Основано на реальных событиях. Имена персонажей изменены. Все персонажи являются вымышленными,…

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