

Acid Mine Drainage, Rock Drainage, and Acid Sulfate Soils. Causes, Assessment, Prediction, Prevention, and Remediation
Provides the tools needed to analyze and solve acid drainage problems Featuring contributions from leading experts in science and engineering, this book explores the complex biogeochemistry of acid mine drainage, rock drainage, and acid sulfate soils…
Provides the tools needed to analyze and solve acid drainage problems Featuring contributions from leading experts in science and engineering, this book explores the complex biogeochemistry of acid mine drainage, rock drainage, and acid sulfate soils…
Hydrodynamics and Water Quality. Modeling Rivers, Lakes, and Estuaries
The primary reference for the modeling of hydrodynamics and water quality in rivers, lake, estuaries, coastal waters, and wetlands This comprehensive text perfectly illustrates the principles, basic processes, mathematical descriptions, case studies,…
The primary reference for the modeling of hydrodynamics and water quality in rivers, lake, estuaries, coastal waters, and wetlands This comprehensive text perfectly illustrates the principles, basic processes, mathematical descriptions, case studies,…
Crustal Permeability
Permeability is the primary control on fluid flow in the Earth’s crust and is key to a surprisingly wide range of geological processes, because it controls the advection of heat and solutes and the generation of anomalous pore pressures. The practica…
Permeability is the primary control on fluid flow in the Earth’s crust and is key to a surprisingly wide range of geological processes, because it controls the advection of heat and solutes and the generation of anomalous pore pressures. The practica…
An Integrated Approach to Environmental Management
Covers the most recent topics in the field of environmental management and provides a broad focus on the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of environmental management Provides an up-to-date survey of the field from the perspective of diffe…
Covers the most recent topics in the field of environmental management and provides a broad focus on the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of environmental management Provides an up-to-date survey of the field from the perspective of diffe…
Hydraulic Modeling
Water. Except for air, it is the most important ingredient to all life on Earth. It surrounds us every day. We are literally bathed in it, we cook our food with it, and we need a steady stream of it in our bodies every single day just to survive. But…
Water. Except for air, it is the most important ingredient to all life on Earth. It surrounds us every day. We are literally bathed in it, we cook our food with it, and we need a steady stream of it in our bodies every single day just to survive. But…
Seismic Loads
Earthquakes are a way of life on Earth, and, whether you live in an area that is often affected by earthquakes or not, every building, every road, every bridge, and, in fact, almost everything constructed by humans in which we walk, sleep, live, sit,…
Earthquakes are a way of life on Earth, and, whether you live in an area that is often affected by earthquakes or not, every building, every road, every bridge, and, in fact, almost everything constructed by humans in which we walk, sleep, live, sit,…
Hydrogeochemistry Fundamentals and Advances, Groundwater Composition and Chemistry
Water is the Earth’s most precious resource. Until recent years, water was often overlooked as being overly abundant or available, but much has changed all over the world. As climate change, human encroachment on environmental areas, and deforestatio…
Water is the Earth’s most precious resource. Until recent years, water was often overlooked as being overly abundant or available, but much has changed all over the world. As climate change, human encroachment on environmental areas, and deforestatio…
MWH's Water Treatment. Principles and Design
the definitive guide to the theory and practice of water treatment engineering THIS NEWLY REVISED EDITION of the classic reference provides complete, up-to-date coverage of both theory and practice of water treatment system design. The Third Edition …
the definitive guide to the theory and practice of water treatment engineering THIS NEWLY REVISED EDITION of the classic reference provides complete, up-to-date coverage of both theory and practice of water treatment system design. The Third Edition …
Hydrogeochemistry Fundamentals and Advances, Mass Transfer and Mass Transport
Water is the Earth’s most precious resource. Until recent years, water was often overlooked as being overly abundant or available, but much has changed all over the world. As climate change, human encroachment on environmental areas, and deforestatio…
Water is the Earth’s most precious resource. Until recent years, water was often overlooked as being overly abundant or available, but much has changed all over the world. As climate change, human encroachment on environmental areas, and deforestatio…
Spaces of Environmental Justice
In this cutting-edge volume, leading scholars examine a diverse range of environmental inequalities from around the world. Shows how far the field has moved beyond its original focus on uneven distributions of pollution in the USA Considers the influ…
In this cutting-edge volume, leading scholars examine a diverse range of environmental inequalities from around the world. Shows how far the field has moved beyond its original focus on uneven distributions of pollution in the USA Considers the influ…
Groundwater Vulnerability. Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) disaster that occurred in Ukraine on April 26, 1986, was one of the most devastating in human history. Using this as a case study, the AGU monograph Groundwater Vulnerability: Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster is devo…
The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) disaster that occurred in Ukraine on April 26, 1986, was one of the most devastating in human history. Using this as a case study, the AGU monograph Groundwater Vulnerability: Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster is devo…
Introduction to Sustainability
Introduction to Sustainability is the first major textbook to review major themes in the cutting-edge field of sustainability. The book is suitable for introductory interdisciplinary courses on sustainability, as well as those in the fields of geogra…
Introduction to Sustainability is the first major textbook to review major themes in the cutting-edge field of sustainability. The book is suitable for introductory interdisciplinary courses on sustainability, as well as those in the fields of geogra…
Conservation Criminology
This important new text introduces conservation criminology as the interdisciplinary study of environmental exploitation and risks at the intersection of human and natural systems. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the book enhances understanding…
This important new text introduces conservation criminology as the interdisciplinary study of environmental exploitation and risks at the intersection of human and natural systems. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the book enhances understanding…
Novel Ecosystems. Intervening in the New Ecological World Order
Land conversion, climate change and species invasions are contributing to the widespread emergence of novel ecosystems, which demand a shift in how we think about traditional approaches to conservation, restoration and environmental management. They …
Land conversion, climate change and species invasions are contributing to the widespread emergence of novel ecosystems, which demand a shift in how we think about traditional approaches to conservation, restoration and environmental management. They …
Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Building on the first principles of environmental chemistry, engineering, and ecology, this volume fills the need for an advanced textbook introducing the modern, integrated environmental management approach, with a view towards long-term sustainabil…
Building on the first principles of environmental chemistry, engineering, and ecology, this volume fills the need for an advanced textbook introducing the modern, integrated environmental management approach, with a view towards long-term sustainabil…
Крах проекта «Человечество»
В книге журналиста-эколога Юрия Шевчука объясняются причины и последствия экологического кризиса. Многие опубликованные в ней данные неизвестны широкой общественности. Новым также является показ общих причин у экологического и глобального цивилизацио…
В книге журналиста-эколога Юрия Шевчука объясняются причины и последствия экологического кризиса. Многие опубликованные в ней данные неизвестны широкой общественности. Новым также является показ общих причин у экологического и глобального цивилизацио…
Энергоопасностьполная версия
Нефть имеет черный цвет. Он усиливает темные стороны человеческой природы, разогревает страсть наживы, ведет к предательствам, коррупции, войнам.
Нефть имеет черный цвет. Он усиливает темные стороны человеческой природы, разогревает страсть наживы, ведет к предательствам, коррупции, войнам.
Дети нашего племени. Книга №1. Часть 1
Книга рассказывает о удивительных приключениях трёх сестёр – Марьи, Алёнки и Вали. Девчонки из любопытства забираются в корзину воздушного шара, неизвестно откуда появившегося на школьном стадионе, и с этого момента начинается их фантастическое пу…
Книга рассказывает о удивительных приключениях трёх сестёр – Марьи, Алёнки и Вали. Девчонки из любопытства забираются в корзину воздушного шара, неизвестно откуда появившегося на школьном стадионе, и с этого момента начинается их фантастическое пу…
Экология популяций и сообществ. Учебник для вузов
В учебнике приводятся фундаментальные проблемы популяционной экологии, рассматриваются вопросы пространственной структуры, гомеостаза и динамики популяций, проанализированы аспекты развития экосистем и связей в них. Материал подан в общей форме, без …
В учебнике приводятся фундаментальные проблемы популяционной экологии, рассматриваются вопросы пространственной структуры, гомеостаза и динамики популяций, проанализированы аспекты развития экосистем и связей в них. Материал подан в общей форме, без …
Организм и среда. Физиологическая экология. Учебник для вузов
В учебнике приводятся фундаментальные проблемы физиологической экологии как биологической науки, подробно рассмотрено влияние на организмы таких факторов окружающей среды, как температура, вода, минеральные соли, кислород и свет, а также раскрыты общ…
В учебнике приводятся фундаментальные проблемы физиологической экологии как биологической науки, подробно рассмотрено влияние на организмы таких факторов окружающей среды, как температура, вода, минеральные соли, кислород и свет, а также раскрыты общ…

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