

Биология: учение о биосфере 3-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебное пособие для СПО
Учебное пособие посвящено вопросам учения о биосфере. Автор полно рассматривает понятие о биосфере, учение В. И. Вернадского, организованность биосферы и ее усложнение на этапах эволюции жизни, биологический круговорот веществ, периодизация истории б…
Учебное пособие посвящено вопросам учения о биосфере. Автор полно рассматривает понятие о биосфере, учение В. И. Вернадского, организованность биосферы и ее усложнение на этапах эволюции жизни, биологический круговорот веществ, периодизация истории б…
Understanding Mathematical and Statistical Techniques in Hydrology. An Examples-based Approach
Pick up any hydrology textbook and it will not be long before you encounter pages listing sequences of equations representing complex mathematical concepts. Students and practitioners of hydrology will not find this very helpful, as their aim, genera…
Pick up any hydrology textbook and it will not be long before you encounter pages listing sequences of equations representing complex mathematical concepts. Students and practitioners of hydrology will not find this very helpful, as their aim, genera…
Hydrology and the Management of Watersheds
This new edition is a major revision of the popular introductory reference on hydrology and watershed management principles, methods, and applications. The book's content and scope have been improved and condensed, with updated chapters on the manage…
This new edition is a major revision of the popular introductory reference on hydrology and watershed management principles, methods, and applications. The book's content and scope have been improved and condensed, with updated chapters on the manage…
Natural Catastrophe Risk Management and Modelling. A Practitioner's Guide
This book covers both the practical and theoretical aspects of catastrophe modelling for insurance industry practitioners and public policymakers. Written by authors with both academic and industry experience it also functions as an excellent graduat…
This book covers both the practical and theoretical aspects of catastrophe modelling for insurance industry practitioners and public policymakers. Written by authors with both academic and industry experience it also functions as an excellent graduat…
Urban Water Security
In the 21st Century, the world will see an unprecedented migration of people moving from rural to urban areas. With global demand for water projected to outstrip supply in the coming decades, cities will likely face water insecurity as a result of cl…
In the 21st Century, the world will see an unprecedented migration of people moving from rural to urban areas. With global demand for water projected to outstrip supply in the coming decades, cities will likely face water insecurity as a result of cl…
Infrared Observation of Earth's Atmosphere
This book is designed to provide the theoretical, but most of all, the practical bases needed for the achievement of atmospheric composition analyses from infrared remote sensing.
This book is designed to provide the theoretical, but most of all, the practical bases needed for the achievement of atmospheric composition analyses from infrared remote sensing.
The Anthropology of Climate Change. An Historical Reader
This timely anthology brings together for the first time the most important ancient, medieval, Enlightenment, and modern scholarship for a complete anthropological evaluation of the relationship between culture and climate change. Brings together for…
This timely anthology brings together for the first time the most important ancient, medieval, Enlightenment, and modern scholarship for a complete anthropological evaluation of the relationship between culture and climate change. Brings together for…
The Laws Protecting Animals and Ecosystems
There is currently no basic text in wildlife law suitable for the wide range of courses in wildlife conservation and animal welfare at both bachelors and masters level, or for the large number of people who work in conservation and animal welfare; Th…
There is currently no basic text in wildlife law suitable for the wide range of courses in wildlife conservation and animal welfare at both bachelors and masters level, or for the large number of people who work in conservation and animal welfare; Th…
Water Resources in the Built Environment. Management Issues and Solutions
Water management is a key environmental issue in controlling of floods and reducing droughts. This book provides analysis of the main issues, offering solutions and describing good practice. Water Resources for the Built Environment: management issue…
Water management is a key environmental issue in controlling of floods and reducing droughts. This book provides analysis of the main issues, offering solutions and describing good practice. Water Resources for the Built Environment: management issue…
Solutions for Climate Change Challenges in the Built Environment
The multi-disciplinary perspective provided here offers a strategic view on built environment issues and improve understanding of how built environment activities potentially induce global warming and climate change. It also highlights solutions to t…
The multi-disciplinary perspective provided here offers a strategic view on built environment issues and improve understanding of how built environment activities potentially induce global warming and climate change. It also highlights solutions to t…
Industrial Water Resource Management. Challenges and Opportunities for Corporate Water Stewardship
Provides the tools that allow companies to understand the fundamental concepts of water resource management and to take proper action towards sustainable development Businesses, communities, and ecosystems everywhere depend on clean freshwater to sur…
Provides the tools that allow companies to understand the fundamental concepts of water resource management and to take proper action towards sustainable development Businesses, communities, and ecosystems everywhere depend on clean freshwater to sur…
Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment
Provides the latest QMRA methodologies to determine infection risk cause by either accidental microbial infections or deliberate infections caused by terrorism • Reviews the latest methodologies to quantify at every step of the microbial exposure pat…
Provides the latest QMRA methodologies to determine infection risk cause by either accidental microbial infections or deliberate infections caused by terrorism • Reviews the latest methodologies to quantify at every step of the microbial exposure pat…
Applied Studies in Climate Adaptation
The book advances knowledge about climate change adaptation practices through a series of case studies. It presents important evidence about adaptation practices in agriculture, businesses, the coastal zone, community services, disaster management, e…
The book advances knowledge about climate change adaptation practices through a series of case studies. It presents important evidence about adaptation practices in agriculture, businesses, the coastal zone, community services, disaster management, e…
Water Centric Sustainable Communities. Planning, Retrofitting, and Building the Next Urban Environment
The current literature compartmentalizes the complex issue of water and wastewater into its discrete components; technology, planning, policy, construction, economics, etc. Considered from the perspective of sustainability, however, water in the urba…
The current literature compartmentalizes the complex issue of water and wastewater into its discrete components; technology, planning, policy, construction, economics, etc. Considered from the perspective of sustainability, however, water in the urba…
Geodiversity. Valuing and Conserving Abiotic Nature
The first book to focus exclusively on the subject, Geodiversity, Second Edition describes the interrelationships between geodiversity and biodiversity, the value of geodiversity to society, as well as current threats to its existence. Illustrated wi…
The first book to focus exclusively on the subject, Geodiversity, Second Edition describes the interrelationships between geodiversity and biodiversity, the value of geodiversity to society, as well as current threats to its existence. Illustrated wi…
Handbook of Oil Spill Science and Technology
Provides a scientific basis for the cleanup and for the assessment of oil spills Enables Non-scientific officers to understand the science they use on a daily basis Multi-disciplinary approach covering fields as diverse as biology, microbiology, chem…
Provides a scientific basis for the cleanup and for the assessment of oil spills Enables Non-scientific officers to understand the science they use on a daily basis Multi-disciplinary approach covering fields as diverse as biology, microbiology, chem…
Sustainable Solid Waste Management. A Systems Engineering Approach
This book presents the application of system analysis techniques with case studies to help readers learn how the techniques can be applied, how the problems are solved, and which sustainable management strategies can be reached.
This book presents the application of system analysis techniques with case studies to help readers learn how the techniques can be applied, how the problems are solved, and which sustainable management strategies can be reached.
Vulnerability of Land Systems in Asia
This book provides a comprehensive yet accessible overview of land systems vulnerability assessment in Asia – fundamental to the understanding of the link between global change, environmental sustainability and human wellbeing. The extent and intensi…
This book provides a comprehensive yet accessible overview of land systems vulnerability assessment in Asia – fundamental to the understanding of the link between global change, environmental sustainability and human wellbeing. The extent and intensi…
Modeling Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows. Insights from Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Simulations
Modeling Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows: Insights from Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Simulations provides a broad overview of recent progress in using laboratory experiments and numerical simulations to model atmospheric and oceanic fluid motio…
Modeling Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows: Insights from Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Simulations provides a broad overview of recent progress in using laboratory experiments and numerical simulations to model atmospheric and oceanic fluid motio…
Structure Design and Degradation Mechanisms in Coastal Environments
This book provide a series of designs, materials, characterization and modeling, that will help create safer and stronger structures in coastal areas. The authors take a look at the different materials (porous, heterogeneous, concrete…), the moisture…
This book provide a series of designs, materials, characterization and modeling, that will help create safer and stronger structures in coastal areas. The authors take a look at the different materials (porous, heterogeneous, concrete…), the moisture…

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