
общая биология

Путь к идеальному прессу. Полное руководство по тренировке мышц брюшного пресса
В книге вы узнаете: — как устроены мышцы брюшного пресса, в том числе, какие мышцы отвечают за тонкую талию; — правильную технику основных упражнений на брюшной пресс; — почему при сидячем образе жизни не стоит увлекаться тренировкой пресса; — почему…
В книге вы узнаете: — как устроены мышцы брюшного пресса, в том числе, какие мышцы отвечают за тонкую талию; — правильную технику основных упражнений на брюшной пресс; — почему при сидячем образе жизни не стоит увлекаться тренировкой пресса; — почему…
Биология. 11 класс. Углублённый уровень
Учебник «Биология» для 11 класса (под ред. В. В. Пасечника) для общеобразовательных организаций полностью соответствует углублённому уровню содержания образования в старшей школе. Он реализует медико-биологический профиль, соответствует примерной обр…
Учебник «Биология» для 11 класса (под ред. В. В. Пасечника) для общеобразовательных организаций полностью соответствует углублённому уровню содержания образования в старшей школе. Он реализует медико-биологический профиль, соответствует примерной обр…
Биология. 11 класс. Базовый уровень
Предлагаемый учебник – элемент информационно-образовательной среды учебно-методического комплекта по биологии под редакцией Д. К. Беляева и Г. М. Дымшица. Учебник выполняет функцию одного из инструментов достижения образовательных результатов (личнос…
Предлагаемый учебник – элемент информационно-образовательной среды учебно-методического комплекта по биологии под редакцией Д. К. Беляева и Г. М. Дымшица. Учебник выполняет функцию одного из инструментов достижения образовательных результатов (личнос…
Secrets of the Human Body
206 bones. One heart. Two eyes. Ten fingers. You may think we know what makes up a human. But it turns out our bodies are full of surprises.What makes tears of joy different from tears of sadness?Why is a gut feeling so much smarter than you think?An…
206 bones. One heart. Two eyes. Ten fingers. You may think we know what makes up a human. But it turns out our bodies are full of surprises.What makes tears of joy different from tears of sadness?Why is a gut feeling so much smarter than you think?An…
Temperature and Plant Development
Plants are incredibly sensitive to changes in temperature. Changes of a single degree or two in ambient temperature can impact plant architecture, developmental processes, immune response, and plant reproduction. Temperature and Plant Development tho…
Plants are incredibly sensitive to changes in temperature. Changes of a single degree or two in ambient temperature can impact plant architecture, developmental processes, immune response, and plant reproduction. Temperature and Plant Development tho…
Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research
Plant polyphenols are secondary metabolites that constitute one of the most common and widespread groups of natural products. They are crucial constituents of a large and diverse range of biological functions and processes, and provide many benefits …
Plant polyphenols are secondary metabolites that constitute one of the most common and widespread groups of natural products. They are crucial constituents of a large and diverse range of biological functions and processes, and provide many benefits …
Non-Reproductive Actions of Sex Steroids
Prominent clinicians and researchers from diverse disciplines discuss the basic cell and molecular biology of steroid action and sex steroids' effects on the nervous and immune systems. Provides an integrated evaluation of the advantages and disadvan…
Prominent clinicians and researchers from diverse disciplines discuss the basic cell and molecular biology of steroid action and sex steroids' effects on the nervous and immune systems. Provides an integrated evaluation of the advantages and disadvan…
Insect-Plant Interactions and Induced Plant Defence
Insect-Plant Interactions and Induced Plant Defence Chair: John A. Pickett, 1999 This book examines the sophisticated mechanisms that plants use to defend themselves against attack by insects and pathogens, focusing on the networks of plant signallin…
Insect-Plant Interactions and Induced Plant Defence Chair: John A. Pickett, 1999 This book examines the sophisticated mechanisms that plants use to defend themselves against attack by insects and pathogens, focusing on the networks of plant signallin…
Environmental Fate Modelling of Pesticides
This book is concerned with modelling the fate of organic substances in the soil. Once a chemical enters the soil it is subject to various transformation processes. It partitions between the liquid, solid and gaseous phase, it is sorbed to different …
This book is concerned with modelling the fate of organic substances in the soil. Once a chemical enters the soil it is subject to various transformation processes. It partitions between the liquid, solid and gaseous phase, it is sorbed to different …
Protein Conformation
How the amino acid sequence of a protein determines its three-dimensional structure is a major problem in biology and chemistry. Leading experts in the fields of NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, protein engineering and molecular modeling offe…
How the amino acid sequence of a protein determines its three-dimensional structure is a major problem in biology and chemistry. Leading experts in the fields of NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, protein engineering and molecular modeling offe…
Weed Anatomy
Weeds affect everyone in the world by reducing crop yield and crop quality, delaying or interfering with harvesting, interfering with animal feeding (including poisoning), reducing animal health, preventing water flow, as plant parasites, etc. Weeds …
Weeds affect everyone in the world by reducing crop yield and crop quality, delaying or interfering with harvesting, interfering with animal feeding (including poisoning), reducing animal health, preventing water flow, as plant parasites, etc. Weeds …
Plant Desiccation Tolerance
Plant desiccation tolerance is of great basic and applied scientific interest. Understanding plant responses and adaptations to severe desiccation is key to applying desiccation tolerance research to the improvement of economically important crops. P…
Plant desiccation tolerance is of great basic and applied scientific interest. Understanding plant responses and adaptations to severe desiccation is key to applying desiccation tolerance research to the improvement of economically important crops. P…
The Fusarium Laboratory Manual
For the first time in over 20 years, a comprehensive collection of photographs and descriptions of species in the fungal genus Fusarium is available. This laboratory manual provides an overview of the biology of Fusarium and the techniques involved i…
For the first time in over 20 years, a comprehensive collection of photographs and descriptions of species in the fungal genus Fusarium is available. This laboratory manual provides an overview of the biology of Fusarium and the techniques involved i…
Annual Plant Reviews, Plant Nuclear Structure, Genome Architecture and Gene Regulation
This timely volume brings together expert reviews of the recent significant advances in our knowledge and understanding of the organisation of the higher plant nucleus, and in particular in the relationship between nuclear organisation and the regula…
This timely volume brings together expert reviews of the recent significant advances in our knowledge and understanding of the organisation of the higher plant nucleus, and in particular in the relationship between nuclear organisation and the regula…
The Limits of Reductionism in Biology
A comprehensive volume examining the fundamental questions raised by reductionists' theory about levels of explanation necessary to understand biological systems. The book evaluates the enormously powerful techniques of molecular biology, and analyze…
A comprehensive volume examining the fundamental questions raised by reductionists' theory about levels of explanation necessary to understand biological systems. The book evaluates the enormously powerful techniques of molecular biology, and analyze…
Characterizing Human Psychological Adaptations
This book contains chapters by some of the leading figures in the field of evolutionary psychology. The latest data are presented on evolutionary theories in perception, information, various aspects of social behaviour, language, learning and aggress…
This book contains chapters by some of the leading figures in the field of evolutionary psychology. The latest data are presented on evolutionary theories in perception, information, various aspects of social behaviour, language, learning and aggress…
Mycotoxin Reduction in Grain Chains
Cereal grain safety from farm to table Mycotoxin Reduction in Grain Chains examines the ways in which food producers, inspectors, and processors can keep our food supply safe. Providing guidance on identification, eradication, and prevention at each …
Cereal grain safety from farm to table Mycotoxin Reduction in Grain Chains examines the ways in which food producers, inspectors, and processors can keep our food supply safe. Providing guidance on identification, eradication, and prevention at each …
Plant Tropisms
Tropisms, the defined vectorial stimuli, such as gravity, light, touch, humidity gradients, ions, oxygen, and temperature, which provide guidance for plant organ growth, is a rapidly growing and changing field. The last few years have witnessed a tru…
Tropisms, the defined vectorial stimuli, such as gravity, light, touch, humidity gradients, ions, oxygen, and temperature, which provide guidance for plant organ growth, is a rapidly growing and changing field. The last few years have witnessed a tru…
Кошки. Все, что вам хотелось знать
Что мы знаем о кошках? Казалось бы, много, но тут и там возникают ошибки в воспитании, дрессировке, общении и других важных мелочах, которые составляют то, как мы взаимодействуем с домашним любимцем. Данная книга напомнит основы выбора, содержания, …
Что мы знаем о кошках? Казалось бы, много, но тут и там возникают ошибки в воспитании, дрессировке, общении и других важных мелочах, которые составляют то, как мы взаимодействуем с домашним любимцем. Данная книга напомнит основы выбора, содержания, …
Балансборд за 7 шагов
Доска и валик — простейший тренажер для поддержания вашего тела в тонусе! Более того — укрепляется вестибулярный аппарат, уходит депрессия, перестает ныть поясница. Это лишь малая часть того, что дарит вам Балансборд. При этом овладеть искусством бал…
Доска и валик — простейший тренажер для поддержания вашего тела в тонусе! Более того — укрепляется вестибулярный аппарат, уходит депрессия, перестает ныть поясница. Это лишь малая часть того, что дарит вам Балансборд. При этом овладеть искусством бал…

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