американская литература
Эдгар Аллан По не нуждается в особенном представлении. Прозаик, поэт, литературный критик, этот человек навсегда вписал свое имя в зал славы мировой литературы. Создатель формы современного детектива, «отец современной психологической прозы», «певец …
Эдгар Аллан По не нуждается в особенном представлении. Прозаик, поэт, литературный критик, этот человек навсегда вписал свое имя в зал славы мировой литературы. Создатель формы современного детектива, «отец современной психологической прозы», «певец …
"Dark spruce forest frowned on either side the frozen waterway. The trees had been stripped by a recent wind of their white covering of frost, and they seemed to lean towards each other, black and ominous, in the fading light. A vast silence reigned …
"Dark spruce forest frowned on either side the frozen waterway. The trees had been stripped by a recent wind of their white covering of frost, and they seemed to lean towards each other, black and ominous, in the fading light. A vast silence reigned …
Митч Элбом (р. 1958) – известный американский писатель, журналист, сценарист, драматург, радио- и телеведущий и музыкант, чьи книги проданы тиражом более 39 миллионов экземпляров по всему миру. «Пятеро, что ждут тебя на небесах» (2003) – дебютный ром…
Митч Элбом (р. 1958) – известный американский писатель, журналист, сценарист, драматург, радио- и телеведущий и музыкант, чьи книги проданы тиражом более 39 миллионов экземпляров по всему миру. «Пятеро, что ждут тебя на небесах» (2003) – дебютный ром…
Митч Элбом (р. 1958) – известный американский писатель, журналист, сценарист, драматург, радио- и телеведущий и музыкант, чьи книги проданы тиражом более 39 миллионов экземпляров по всему миру. «Вторники с Морри» (1997) – книга, представляющая собой …
Митч Элбом (р. 1958) – известный американский писатель, журналист, сценарист, драматург, радио- и телеведущий и музыкант, чьи книги проданы тиражом более 39 миллионов экземпляров по всему миру. «Вторники с Морри» (1997) – книга, представляющая собой …
"Ligeia" is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe and first published in 1838. «Ligeia» is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest books of all time. The story follows an unnamed narrator and his wife Ligeia, a beautiful and intelligen…
"Ligeia" is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe and first published in 1838. «Ligeia» is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest books of all time. The story follows an unnamed narrator and his wife Ligeia, a beautiful and intelligen…
Роман «Обнаженная в зеркале» (1953) – последнее и наиболее зрелое произведение известного американского писателя и поэта Джорджа Сильвестра Вирека (1884–1962), где, как в фокусе, собраны основные мотивы его творчества: гармония отношений мужчины и же…
Роман «Обнаженная в зеркале» (1953) – последнее и наиболее зрелое произведение известного американского писателя и поэта Джорджа Сильвестра Вирека (1884–1962), где, как в фокусе, собраны основные мотивы его творчества: гармония отношений мужчины и же…
H. P. Lovecraft was one of the greatest horror writers of all time. His seminal work appeared in the pages of legendary Weird Tales and has influenced countless writer of the macabre. This is one of those stories.
H. P. Lovecraft was one of the greatest horror writers of all time. His seminal work appeared in the pages of legendary Weird Tales and has influenced countless writer of the macabre. This is one of those stories.
A hilarious and cutting critique of what not to do, this deliciously wicked essay lays out what writers should and must do if they want their fiction to live and breathe ― as Twain's own fiction always does. In "How to Tell a Story," the title piece,…
A hilarious and cutting critique of what not to do, this deliciously wicked essay lays out what writers should and must do if they want their fiction to live and breathe ― as Twain's own fiction always does. In "How to Tell a Story," the title piece,…
Written at the end of Twain's career, Extracts from Adam's Diary was first published in 1897. Twain's Adam was based on himself.
Written at the end of Twain's career, Extracts from Adam's Diary was first published in 1897. Twain's Adam was based on himself.
Typical Mark Twain slightly caustic, complex humor. Six of Mark Twain's recollections his early experiences in newspaper work on topics such as his first editorship at age 13, the weaponry needed to edit a newspaper in Tennessee, a character study, a…
Typical Mark Twain slightly caustic, complex humor. Six of Mark Twain's recollections his early experiences in newspaper work on topics such as his first editorship at age 13, the weaponry needed to edit a newspaper in Tennessee, a character study, a…
The story projects Twain’s lifelong struggles with his conscience. Here the conscience admits to being the “most pitiless enemy” of its host, whom it is supposed to “improve” but only tyrannizes with gusto while refusing to praise the host for anythi…
The story projects Twain’s lifelong struggles with his conscience. Here the conscience admits to being the “most pitiless enemy” of its host, whom it is supposed to “improve” but only tyrannizes with gusto while refusing to praise the host for anythi…
A great writing by Mark Twain based on the short story of classic humour.
A great writing by Mark Twain based on the short story of classic humour.
"In Defense of Harriet Shelley" is an excellent literary classic for all ages. Twain took much of his ideas and inspiration for his stories and tall tales from real experiences as a river boat pilot, his world travels, friendships, well known people,…
"In Defense of Harriet Shelley" is an excellent literary classic for all ages. Twain took much of his ideas and inspiration for his stories and tall tales from real experiences as a river boat pilot, his world travels, friendships, well known people,…
"On the Decay of the Art of Lyingis" a short essay written by Mark Twain in 1885 for a meeting of the Historical and Antiquarian Club of Hartford, Connecticut. In the essay, Twain laments the dour ways in which men of America's Gilded Age employ man'…
"On the Decay of the Art of Lyingis" a short essay written by Mark Twain in 1885 for a meeting of the Historical and Antiquarian Club of Hartford, Connecticut. In the essay, Twain laments the dour ways in which men of America's Gilded Age employ man'…
Written for the Atlantic magazine in 1877, this is a collection of stories about a trip Mark Twain made with some friends to Bermuda.
Written for the Atlantic magazine in 1877, this is a collection of stories about a trip Mark Twain made with some friends to Bermuda.
The book bears no relationship to Twain's actual life. The two short stories present fictional characters who are supposedly part of Twain's lineage.
The book bears no relationship to Twain's actual life. The two short stories present fictional characters who are supposedly part of Twain's lineage.
"The Purloined Letter" is a short story by American author Edgar Allan Poe. It is the third of his three detective stories featuring the fictional C. Auguste Dupin, the other two being «The Murders in the Rue Morgue» and «The Mystery of Marie Rogêt».…
"The Purloined Letter" is a short story by American author Edgar Allan Poe. It is the third of his three detective stories featuring the fictional C. Auguste Dupin, the other two being «The Murders in the Rue Morgue» and «The Mystery of Marie Rogêt».…
"The Fall of the House of Usher" recounts the terrible events that befall the last remaining members of the once-illustrious Usher clan before it is―quite literally―rent asunder. With amazing economy, Poe plunges the reader into a state of deliciousl…
"The Fall of the House of Usher" recounts the terrible events that befall the last remaining members of the once-illustrious Usher clan before it is―quite literally―rent asunder. With amazing economy, Poe plunges the reader into a state of deliciousl…
The blackness of eternal night encompassed me. The intense darkness oppressed and stifled me so that I struggled for breath.Having been condemned to death by the Spanish Inquisition, the narrator descends into a kind of hell. Dizzy with weakness and …
The blackness of eternal night encompassed me. The intense darkness oppressed and stifled me so that I struggled for breath.Having been condemned to death by the Spanish Inquisition, the narrator descends into a kind of hell. Dizzy with weakness and …
"The Murders in the Rue Morgue" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe published in Graham's Magazine in 1841. It has been claimed as the first detective story; Poe referred to it as one of his «tales of ratiocination».
"The Murders in the Rue Morgue" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe published in Graham's Magazine in 1841. It has been claimed as the first detective story; Poe referred to it as one of his «tales of ratiocination».