Полная версия
Collins Gem




no parking


end of roadworks

speed limits are in kilometres per hour

toll station for motorway

on Wednesdays

weekdays from 8 to 20h

from 6 to 15h
Staying somewhere
Hotel (booking)
Queria reservar um quarto para duas noites
kree-uh ruh-zervar ooñ kwartoo paruh dooush noytsh I’d like to book a room for two nights
Individual ou de casal?
eeñdeeveed-wahl oh duh kuh-zahl? Single or double?
De casal com uma cama extra para criança, por favor
duh kuh-zahl koñ oomuh kah-muh aysh-truh paruh kree-uñsuh, poor fuh-vor
Double with an extra bed for a child, please
Qual é o preço por noite/por semana?
kwal e oo pray-soo poor noyt/poor suh-mah-nuh?
How much is it per night/per week?
with bathcom casa de banho koñ kah-zuh duh bun-yoowith showercom chuveiro koñ shoo-vayroowith a double bedcom cama de casal koñ kah-muh duh kuh-zahlwith twin bedscom duas camas koñ doo-ush kah-mushwith a cotcom um berço koñ oon behr-sooIs breakfast included?Inclui o pequeno-almoço? eeñ-klwee oo puh-kaynoo almoh-soo?Do you have any bedrooms on the ground floor?Tem quartos no rés do chão? tayñ algoonsh kwartoosh noo resh doo showñ?I’d like to see the roomQueria ver o quarto kree-uh vehr oo kwartoo YOU MAY HEAR…Não temos vagas nowñ taymoosh vah-gushWe’ve no vacanciesEstamos cheios shtah-moosh shayooshWe’re full upPara quantas noites? paruh kwuñtush noytsh?For how many nights?O seu nome, por favor? oo sayoo nom, poor fuh-vor?Your name, please?Hotel desk
On arrival at a hotel, the receptionist will ask for your passport to register your stay. This is an official requirement and should not be misinterpreted.
I booked a room…Reservei um quarto… ruh-zervay ooñ kwartoo…in the name of…em nome de… ayñ nom duh…I reserved the room(s) onlineReservei o(s) quarto(s) online ruh-zervay oo(sh) kwartoosh onlineby phonepor telefone poor tuh-luh-fonIs there a hotel restaurant or bar?O hotel tem restaurante ou bar? oo oh-tel tayñ rushtoh-ruñt o bar?Where can I park the car?Onde posso estacionar o carro? oñduh possoo shtass-yoonar oo karroo?Are there any toilets for disabled people?Há casas de banho especiais para deficientes? a kah-zush duh bun-yoo shpuh-ssee-ysh paruh duh-feess-yeñtsh?What time is…?A que hora é…? uh kee oruh e…?dinnero jantar oo zhuñtarbreakfasto pequeno-almoço oo puh-kaynoo almoh-sooThe key for room number…A chave do quarto número… uh shahv doo kwartoo noomeroo…I’m leaving tomorrowVou-me embora amanhã voh-muh emboh-ruh amun-yañWhere is the lift?Onde é o elevador? oñduh e oo eeluh-vuh-dor?Camping
Have you places?Tem vagas? tayñ vah-gush?How much is it per night…?Quanto é por noite…? kwuñtoo e poor noyt…?for a tentpor tenda poor teñduhper personpor pessoa poor puh-so-uhAre showers included in the price?Os duches são incluídos no preço? oosh dooshush sowñ eeñ-klweedoosh noo pray-soo?Is hot water/electricity included in the price?A água quente/electricidade está incluído no preço? uh ahg-wuh keñt/eeletree-seedahd shta eeñ-klweedoo noo pray-soo?Can we park the caravan/trailer here?Podemos estacionar a caravana/roulotte aqui? poodeh-moosh shtass-yoonar uh karuh-vah-nuh/roolot uh-kee?Self-catering
If you arrive with no accommodation and want to go self-catering, look for signs saying Aluguer de Apartamentos (apartments for rent).
Who do we contact if there are problems?Quem podemos contactar em caso de problemas? kayñ poodeh-moosh koñtaktar ayñ kah-zoo duh proobleh-mush?How does the heating work?Como funciona o aquecimento? koh-moo foonsyonuh oo akuh-seemayñtoo?Is there always hot water?Há sempre água quente? a sayñpruh ahg-wuh keñt?Where is the nearest supermarket?Onde é o supermercado mais perto? oñduh e oo sooper-merkah-doo mysh pehrtoo?recyclinga reciclagem ruhseeklazhayñShopping
Shopping phrases
Many shops still close for lunch between 1 and 3 p.m., but most now remain open throughout the day. Large department stores and food shops are generally open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., whereas shopping centres are open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Que deseja?
kuh dezayzhuh?
Can I help you?
Um/uma…, por favor
ooñ/oomuh…, poor fuh-vor A …, please
Mais alguma coisa?
mysh algoomuh koy-zuh?
Would you like anything else?
Não, é tudo. Quanto é?
nowñ, e toodoo. kwuñtoo e?
No, that’s all. How much is it?
Where is…?Onde é…? oñduh e…?Do you have…?Tem…? tayñ…?Shops
saldo/descontos sahldoo/dushkoñtooshsale/reductionsliquidação leekeeduh-sowñclosing-down salehoje, aberto até às… ohzh, uh-behrtoo uh-te ush…open today until… baker’spadariapuduh-ree-uhbookshoplivrarialeevruh-ree-uhbutcher’stalhotahl-yoocake shoppastelariapushtuh-laree-uhclothes (women’s)roupa de senhoraroh-puh duh sun-yoruhclothes (men’s)roupa para homemroh-puh paruh omayñgiftsbrindesbreeñ-dushglassesóculosoh-koolooshgreengrocer’sfrutariafrootuh-ree-uhgrocer’smerceariamersee-uh-ree-uhhairdresser’scabeleireiro(a)kuh-buh-lay-ray-roo(-ruh)jeweller’sjoalhariazhwal-yuh-ree-uhmarketmercadomerkah-dooopticianoculistaokooleesh-tuhpharmacyfarmáciafarmass-yuhshoe shopsapatariasapuh-tuh-ree-uhshoplojalozhuhsouvenir shopa loja de souvenirslozhuh de soovehneershstationer’spapelariapapuh-laree-uhsupermarketsupermercadosooper-merkah-dootobacconist’stabacariatabakuh-ree-uhtoy shoploja de brinquedoslozhuh duh breeñkay-dooshFood (general)
beefa carne de vacakarn duh vah-kuhbiscuitsas bolachasboolah-shushbreado pãopowñbread (brown)o pão integralpowñ eeñtuh-grahlbread rollo papo-seco/carcaçapah-poo-seh-koo/karkasabuttera manteigamuñtay-guhcakesos bolosboh-looshcheeseo queijokay-zhoochickeno frangofruñgoocoffeeo cafékuh-fecreama natanah-tuhcrispsas batatas fritasbutah-tush freetusheggsos ovosoh-vooshfisho peixepayshfloura farinhafareen-yuhham (cooked)o fiambrefee-uñ-bruhham (cured)o presuntopruh-zoontoohoneyo melmeljama compotakoñpotuhlambo borregoboray-goomargarinea margarinamarguh-reenuhmarmaladeo doce de laranjadohss duh laruñzhuhmilko leitelaytolive oilo azeiteazaytorange juiceo sumo de laranjasoomoo duh laruñzhuhpastaas massasmassushpeppera pimentapeemeñtuhporka carne de porcokarn duh porkooriceo arrozarroshsalto salsal(vegetable) stock cubeo caldo de legumeskahldoo duh legoomush(meat) stock cubeo caldo de carnekahldoo duh karnsugaro açúcaruh-sookarteao cháshahvinegaro vinagreveenah-gruhFood (fruit and veg)
applesas maçãsmuh-suñshapricotsos damascosmuh-mashkooshbananasas bananasbuh-nah-nushcherriesas cerejassuh-ray-zhushgrapefruita toranjatooruñzhuhgrapesas uvasoovushlemono limãoleemowñmelono melãomelowñnectarinesas nectarinasnek-tuh-reenushorangesas laranjaslaruñzhushpeachesos pêssegospay-suh-gooshpearsas peraspay-rushpineappleo ananásanuh-nashplumsas ameixasamay-shushraspberriesas framboesasfrum-bway-zushstrawberriesos morangosmooruñgooshwatermelona melanciameluñ-see-uhVegetables
asparagusos espargosshpargooshauberginea beringelabereeñ-zheluhcabbagea couvekohvcarrotsas cenourassuh-noh-rushcauliflowera couve-florkohv-florcourgettesas courgetteskoorzhetshfrench beanso feijão verdefay-zhowñ vehrdgarlico alhoahl-yooleeko alho-francêsahl-yoo frañ-seshlettucea alfacealfassmushroomsos cogumeloskoogoo-melooshonionsas cebolassuh-bolushpeasas ervilhasehrveel-yushpeppersos pimentospeemeñtooshpotatoesas batatasbutah-tushspinachos espinafresshpeenafrushtomatoo tomatetoo-matturnipsos nabosnah-booshClothes
Size for clothes is a medida – shoes is o número.
May I try this on?Posso provar isto? possoo proovar eeshtoo?Where are the changing rooms?Onde é o gabinete de provas? oñduh e oo gabeenet duh provush?Have you a size…?Tem uma medida…? tayñ oomuh muhdee-duh…?bigger/smallermaior/mais pequena mayor/mysh puh-kaynuhIt’s too…É muito… e mweeñtoo…short/longcurto/comprido koortoo/koñpreedooI’m just lookingSó estou a ver so shtoh uh vehrI’ll take itQuero comprar kehroo koñprar women’s sizesmen’s suit sizesshoe sizesUKEUUKEUUKEUUKEU8363646235740103838483368411240405043794214424252538104316444454639114418464656 YOU MAY HEAR…De que medida? duh kuh muhdee-duh?What size?Quer provar? kehr proovar?Do you want to try it on?Que número veste/calça? kuh noomeroo veeshtuh/kahlsuh?What size/shoe size are you?Clothes (articles)
belto cintoseeñtooblousea blusabloozuhbrao soutiensoot-yañcoato casacokazah-koodresso vestidoveshteedoohato chapéushapay-oohat (woollen)a boinaboynuhjacketo blusãobloozowñknickersas cuecaskwekushnightdressa camisa de dormirkuh-meezuh duh doormeerpyjamaso pijamapeezhah-muhsandalsas sandáliassuñdahl-yushscarf (wool)o cachecolkashu-kolshirta camisakuh-meezuhshortsos calçõeskalsoyñshskirta saiasy-uhslippersas chinelassheenelushsocksas peúgaspew-gushsuito fatofah-tooswimsuito fato de banhofah-too duh bun-yootiea gravatagruh-vah-tuhtightsos collantskolañshtracksuito fato de treinofah-too duh tray-nootrousersas calçaskahlsusht-shirta camisolakuhmeezoh-luhunderpantsas cuecaskwekushMaps and guides
Have you…?Tem…? tayñ…?a map of (name town)um mapa de… ooñ mah-puh duh…of the regionda região duh ruzh-yowña guide bookalgum guia algooñ ghee-uha leafletalgum folheto algooñ fool-yetooin Englishem inglês ayñ eeñglayshCan you show me where … is on the map?Pode-me mostrar onde fica … no mapa? pod-muh moosh-trar oñduh feekuh … noo mah-puh?Post office
Most post offices are open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, but this varies from town to town. A few are open until 1 p.m. on Saturdays. Check times in small towns.
os correios oosh koorrayooshpost officeo marco do correio oo markoo doo koorrayoopostboxos selos oosh selooshstamps Is there a post office near here?Há algum correio aqui perto?a algooñ koorrayoo uh-kee pehrtoo?I’d like stamps for … postcards to Great BritainQueria selos para … postais para a Grã-Bretanha kree-uh seloosh paruh … poosh-tysh prah grañ-bruh-tun-yuhHow much is it to send this parcel?Quanto custa mandar este embrulho? kwuñtoo kooshtuh muñdar aysht aym-brool-yoo?first classpor correio azul poor koorrayoo azoolTechnology
o cartão de memória kartowñ duh meh-mor-yuhmemory cardimprimir eempreemeerto printa máquina fotográfica digital makeenuh fotograh-feekuh deezheetahldigital camerao cigarro eletrónico see-gah-rroo eelehtroneekooe-cigarette Can you repair…?Pode reparar…? pode ruh-parar…?my screeno meu ecrã oo mayoo ehkrañmy keypado meu teclado oo mayoo tehklahdoomy lensa minha lente uh meen-ya lentmy chargero meu carregador oo mayoo kahrrehgahdorI want to print my photosQuero imprimir as minhas fotos kayroo eempreemeer uhs meenyush fohtooshI have it on my USBEstá na minha pen shtuh nuh meenyah penI have it on my e-mailEstá no meu email shtuh noo mayoo emailLeisure
Sightseeing and tourist office
The tourist office is called Turismo. If you are looking for somewhere to stay, they should have details of hotels, campsites, etc.
Where is the tourist office?Onde é o turismo? oñduh e oo tooreezh-moo?We’d like to go to…Gostariamos de ir a… gooshtuh-ree-uhmoosh duh eer uh…Is it OK to take children?É permitido levar crianças? e permeetee-doo luh-var kree-uñsush?Are there any excursions?Há algumas excursões? a algoomush shkoor-soyñsh?How much does it cost to get in?Quanto custa a entrada? kwuñtoo kooshtuh uh ayntrah-duh?Are there any reductions for…?Fazem descontos para…? fazayñ dushkoñtoosh paruh…?childrencrianças kree-uñsushstudentsestudantes shtooduñtshunemployed peopledesempregados duh-zaympruh-gah-dooshsenior citizensterceira idade tersayruh eedahdCan I visit … with a wheelchair?Posso visitar … com cadeira de rodas? possoo veezeetar … koñ kuh-day-ruh duh rodush?Entertainment
There are traditional festivities in June dedicated to the Santos Populares. Saints vary in popularity depending on the location; Santo António (St Anthony) is very popular in Lisbon, and São João (St John) in Porto. A beautiful street parade takes place all over Lisbon, the festivities being seen as a competition between Lisbon’s bairros (neighbourhoods). You’ll find dancing, eating and drinking in the streets of various regions of the city (Bairro Alto, Alfama and Mouraria to name a few).
What is there to do in the evenings?Que se pode fazer à noite? kuh suh pod fazehr a noyt?Nightlife
Where can I go clubbing?Onde é que há discotecas? oñduh eh kuh a deeshkohtehkash? baro bar bargay bar/clubo clube gay kloob gaygigo concerto koñsehr-toomusic festivalo festival de música fushteevahl duh moozeekuhnightclubo clube noturno kloob nohtoornoopartya party parteepubo pub pub