зарубежная классика
This rousing sea adventure follows a New England boy, Pym, who stows away on a whaling ship with its captain's son, Augustus. The two boys, who find themselves repeatedly on the brink of discovery or death, witness many hair-raising events, including…
This rousing sea adventure follows a New England boy, Pym, who stows away on a whaling ship with its captain's son, Augustus. The two boys, who find themselves repeatedly on the brink of discovery or death, witness many hair-raising events, including…
Полный вариант заголовка: «Proceedings of the expedition to explore the Northern coast of Africa from Tripoly eastward : in 1821 and 1822 : comprehending an account of the Greater Syrtis and Cyrenaica, and of the ancient cities composing the Pentapol…
Полный вариант заголовка: «Proceedings of the expedition to explore the Northern coast of Africa from Tripoly eastward : in 1821 and 1822 : comprehending an account of the Greater Syrtis and Cyrenaica, and of the ancient cities composing the Pentapol…
Полный вариант заголовка: «Rural architecture, or a series of designs for ornamental cottages / by P.F. Robinson».
Полный вариант заголовка: «Rural architecture, or a series of designs for ornamental cottages / by P.F. Robinson».
Полный вариант заголовка: «The Asiatic annual register : or a view of the history of Hindustan, and of the politics, commerce and literature of Asia, for the year 1801».
Полный вариант заголовка: «The Asiatic annual register : or a view of the history of Hindustan, and of the politics, commerce and literature of Asia, for the year 1801».
Примечание: Проповеди.
Полный вариант заголовка: «Sermons : Vol. 3 : in 5 volumes / by Hugh Blair, one of the ministers of the High Church, and professor of rhetoric and belles lettres in the University of Edinburgh».
Примечание: Проповеди.
Полный вариант заголовка: «Sermons : Vol. 3 : in 5 volumes / by Hugh Blair, one of the ministers of the High Church, and professor of rhetoric and belles lettres in the University of Edinburgh».
«Иностранный язык: учимся у классиков» – это только оригинальные тексты лучших произведений мировой литературы. Эти книги станут эффективным и увлекательным пособием для изучающих иностранный язык на хорошем «продолжающем» и «продвинутом» уровне. Они…
«Иностранный язык: учимся у классиков» – это только оригинальные тексты лучших произведений мировой литературы. Эти книги станут эффективным и увлекательным пособием для изучающих иностранный язык на хорошем «продолжающем» и «продвинутом» уровне. Они…
Примечание: Проповеди.
Полный вариант заголовка: «Sermons : Vol. 4 : in 5 volumes / by Hugh Blair, one of the ministers of the High Church, and professor of rhetoric and belles lettres in the University of Edinburgh».
Примечание: Проповеди.
Полный вариант заголовка: «Sermons : Vol. 4 : in 5 volumes / by Hugh Blair, one of the ministers of the High Church, and professor of rhetoric and belles lettres in the University of Edinburgh».
Примечание: Проповеди.
Полный вариант заголовка: «Sermons : Vol. 5 : in 5 volumes / by Hugh Blair, one of the ministers of the High Church, and professor of rhetoric and belles lettres in the University of Edinburgh».
Примечание: Проповеди.
Полный вариант заголовка: «Sermons : Vol. 5 : in 5 volumes / by Hugh Blair, one of the ministers of the High Church, and professor of rhetoric and belles lettres in the University of Edinburgh».
Полный вариант заголовка: «The works of Alexander Pope. Vol. 4. Miscellaneous pieces in verse and prose».
Полный вариант заголовка: «The works of Alexander Pope. Vol. 4. Miscellaneous pieces in verse and prose».
Полный вариант заголовка: «The life of Shakespeare : Vol. 1 : enquiries into the originality of his dramatic plots and characters : and essays on the ancient theatres and theatrical usages : in 2 volumes / by Augustine Skottowe».
Полный вариант заголовка: «The life of Shakespeare : Vol. 1 : enquiries into the originality of his dramatic plots and characters : and essays on the ancient theatres and theatrical usages : in 2 volumes / by Augustine Skottowe».
Полный вариант заголовка: «The doctrine of life for the New Jerusalem, from the commandements of the Decalogue / translated from the latin of Emanuel Swedenborg origanally published at Amsterdam in the year 1763».
Полный вариант заголовка: «The doctrine of life for the New Jerusalem, from the commandements of the Decalogue / translated from the latin of Emanuel Swedenborg origanally published at Amsterdam in the year 1763».
Полный вариант заголовка: «Asiatic researches : Vol. 8 : or transactions of the society instituted in Bengal, for enquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature, of Asia / printed verbatim from the Calcutta edition».
Полный вариант заголовка: «Asiatic researches : Vol. 8 : or transactions of the society instituted in Bengal, for enquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature, of Asia / printed verbatim from the Calcutta edition».
Полный вариант заголовка: «History of the expedition to Russia : Vol. 1 : in 2 volumes : undertaken by the Emperor Napoleon, in the year 1812 / by General, Count Philip de Segur ; a biographical sketch of the author».
Полный вариант заголовка: «History of the expedition to Russia : Vol. 1 : in 2 volumes : undertaken by the Emperor Napoleon, in the year 1812 / by General, Count Philip de Segur ; a biographical sketch of the author».
"The New Revelation" is a firsthand account of investigation into the world of spiritualism. The treatise deals not only with the issue of physical versus metaphysical, but also considers the problem of death (and afterlife) and the question of commu…
"The New Revelation" is a firsthand account of investigation into the world of spiritualism. The treatise deals not only with the issue of physical versus metaphysical, but also considers the problem of death (and afterlife) and the question of commu…
Полный вариант заголовка: «An accont of the native africans in the Sierra Leone to which is added of the present state of medecine among them. Vol. 2 / By Thomas Winterbottom».
Полный вариант заголовка: «An accont of the native africans in the Sierra Leone to which is added of the present state of medecine among them. Vol. 2 / By Thomas Winterbottom».
Полный вариант заголовка: «Notes on Mexico : Made in the autumn of 1822 : accompanied by an historical sketch of the revolution, and translations of official reports on the present state of that country / by J.R. Poinsett».
Полный вариант заголовка: «Notes on Mexico : Made in the autumn of 1822 : accompanied by an historical sketch of the revolution, and translations of official reports on the present state of that country / by J.R. Poinsett».
Полный вариант заголовка: «Two years in ava : From may 1824, to may 1826 / By an officer on staff of the quarter-master-general's department».
Полный вариант заголовка: «Two years in ava : From may 1824, to may 1826 / By an officer on staff of the quarter-master-general's department».
Полный вариант заголовка: «The poetical works of Sir Samuel Garth : with the life of the author».
Полный вариант заголовка: «The poetical works of Sir Samuel Garth : with the life of the author».
A group of European and American tourists is enjoying its trip in Egypt in the year 1895. They are sailing up the River Nile in a "a turtle-bottomed, round-bowed stern-wheeler", the Korosko. They intend to travel to Abousir at the southern frontier o…
A group of European and American tourists is enjoying its trip in Egypt in the year 1895. They are sailing up the River Nile in a "a turtle-bottomed, round-bowed stern-wheeler", the Korosko. They intend to travel to Abousir at the southern frontier o…