

Slaveni Slovani. Indoeuropske migracije
Knjiga govori o drevnim migracijskim pokretima slavenskih naroda nakon što su napustili svoju indoeuropsku baštinu — regiju stepa Južnog Urala — Crnog mora. Knjiga govori o drevnim selidbenim pokretima slavenskih naroda nakon što su napustili svoj in…
Knjiga govori o drevnim migracijskim pokretima slavenskih naroda nakon što su napustili svoju indoeuropsku baštinu — regiju stepa Južnog Urala — Crnog mora. Knjiga govori o drevnim selidbenim pokretima slavenskih naroda nakon što su napustili svoj in…
Russian as a foreign language. Stories for translation into Russian. Book 1 (levels B2–C2)
The book consists of 6 non-adapted stories for translation into Russian. For translating, it is necessary to know tenses, conditional sentences, passive voice, participles, adverbial participles, etc. There are keys for all the stories. The book cont…
The book consists of 6 non-adapted stories for translation into Russian. For translating, it is necessary to know tenses, conditional sentences, passive voice, participles, adverbial participles, etc. There are keys for all the stories. The book cont…
Moscow, the 80s. Non-adapted short stories for translation from English and retelling. Levels B2—C2. Book 2. Part 1
The book consists of 6 non-adapted short stories for translation from English. When translating, it is necessary to rely on knowledge of grammatical topics such as the coordination of tenses, conditional sentences of 1 to 4 types, passive voice, geru…
The book consists of 6 non-adapted short stories for translation from English. When translating, it is necessary to rely on knowledge of grammatical topics such as the coordination of tenses, conditional sentences of 1 to 4 types, passive voice, geru…
Hidden Hunter-Gatherers of Indian Ocean. with appendix
In this book the author analyzes different groups of hunters and gatherers which live around the coast of Indian Ocean — from the hill jungles of North Thailand to the sandy shores of South Madagascar, from the foothills of Himalaya to the savannahs …
In this book the author analyzes different groups of hunters and gatherers which live around the coast of Indian Ocean — from the hill jungles of North Thailand to the sandy shores of South Madagascar, from the foothills of Himalaya to the savannahs …
Germans. Indo-European Migration
The book tells about the ancient migratory movements of the Germanic peoples after they left their Indo-European ancestral home — the region of the steppes of the Southern Urals — the Black Sea.
The book tells about the ancient migratory movements of the Germanic peoples after they left their Indo-European ancestral home — the region of the steppes of the Southern Urals — the Black Sea.
Povos românicas. Migrações indo-européias
O livro fala sobre os antigos movimentos migratórios dos povos românicos depois que eles deixaram seu lar indo-europeu original, a região estepe dos Urais do sul, o Mar Negro.
O livro fala sobre os antigos movimentos migratórios dos povos românicos depois que eles deixaram seu lar indo-europeu original, a região estepe dos Urais do sul, o Mar Negro.
Popoli romanici. Migrazioni indoeuropee
Il libro parla degli antichi movimenti migratori dei popoli romanici dopo che hanno lasciato la loro casa indoeuropea originaria, la regione meridionale della steppa degli Urali, il Mar Nero.
Il libro parla degli antichi movimenti migratori dei popoli romanici dopo che hanno lasciato la loro casa indoeuropea originaria, la regione meridionale della steppa degli Urali, il Mar Nero.
Popoare romanice. Migrația indo-europeană
Cartea vorbește despre vechile mișcări migratorii ale popoarelor romanice după ce au părăsit casa lor originară indo-europeană, regiunea de sud a stepei Ural, Marea Neagră.
Cartea vorbește despre vechile mișcări migratorii ale popoarelor romanice după ce au părăsit casa lor originară indo-europeană, regiunea de sud a stepei Ural, Marea Neagră.
Basic English in Dialogues. 100 Common Questions and Answers Used by Native English Speakers at Home + Audio
The English teach-yourself guide “Basic English in Dialogues: 100 Common Questions and Answers Used by Native English Speakers at Home” contains 100 mini-dialogues based on everyday topics. This is a conversational English tutorial for beginners lear…
The English teach-yourself guide “Basic English in Dialogues: 100 Common Questions and Answers Used by Native English Speakers at Home” contains 100 mini-dialogues based on everyday topics. This is a conversational English tutorial for beginners lear…
Orang indonesia. Bahasa, Migrasi, Bea Cukai
Buku ini menceritakan tentang bahasa, orang, pergerakan migrasi orang Indonesia, tentang bagaimana komunitas Indonesia (Melayu) muncul, tentang pembentukan kepercayaan, adat, ritus, ritual. Berbagai sumber sejarah dan etnografi dari waktu yang berbed…
Buku ini menceritakan tentang bahasa, orang, pergerakan migrasi orang Indonesia, tentang bagaimana komunitas Indonesia (Melayu) muncul, tentang pembentukan kepercayaan, adat, ritus, ritual. Berbagai sumber sejarah dan etnografi dari waktu yang berbed…
Germaanse volkeren. Indo-Europese migratie
Het boek vertelt over de oude migratiebewegingen van de Germaanse volkeren nadat ze hun Indo-Europese voorouderlijk huis — de regio van de steppen van de Zuidelijke Oeral — de Zwarte Zee hadden verlaten.
Het boek vertelt over de oude migratiebewegingen van de Germaanse volkeren nadat ze hun Indo-Europese voorouderlijk huis — de regio van de steppen van de Zuidelijke Oeral — de Zwarte Zee hadden verlaten.
Germanske folk. Germanska folk. Indoeuropæisk migration. Indo-europeisk migration
Bogen fortæller om de gamle migrationsbevægelser fra de germanske folk, efter at de forlod deres indo-europæiske forfædres hjem — regionen med stepperne i de sydlige Ural — Sortehavet. Boken berättar om de forntida flyttningsrörelserna från de german…
Bogen fortæller om de gamle migrationsbevægelser fra de germanske folk, efter at de forlod deres indo-europæiske forfædres hjem — regionen med stepperne i de sydlige Ural — Sortehavet. Boken berättar om de forntida flyttningsrörelserna från de german…
Germönsku þjóðarinnar Germanske folk. Innó-evrópsk flæði Indoeuropeisk migrasjon
Bókin segir frá gömlum búferlaflutningum germönsku þjóðarinnar eftir að þeir yfirgáfu indóevrópska forfeðraheimilið — steppana í Suður-Úralfjöllum — Svartahafinu. Boken forteller om de gamle migrasjonsbevegelsene til de germanske folken etter at de f…
Bókin segir frá gömlum búferlaflutningum germönsku þjóðarinnar eftir að þeir yfirgáfu indóevrópska forfeðraheimilið — steppana í Suður-Úralfjöllum — Svartahafinu. Boken forteller om de gamle migrasjonsbevegelsene til de germanske folken etter at de f…
Les peuples romans. Migrations indo-européennes
Le livre raconte les anciens mouvements migratoires des peuples romans après avoir quitté leur maison ancestrale indo-européenne — la région des steppes de l’Oural du Sud — la mer Noire.
Le livre raconte les anciens mouvements migratoires des peuples romans après avoir quitté leur maison ancestrale indo-européenne — la région des steppes de l’Oural du Sud — la mer Noire.
Yogurt Dreams. Non-adapted fairy tale for translation from English and retelling. Levels A2 – В1
Thia is a non-adapted fairy tale for translation from English. When translating, it is necessary to rely on knowledge of grammatical topics such as tenses, passive voice, gerund, participles etc. The book contains 1142 words and idioms. The fairy tal…
Thia is a non-adapted fairy tale for translation from English. When translating, it is necessary to rely on knowledge of grammatical topics such as tenses, passive voice, gerund, participles etc. The book contains 1142 words and idioms. The fairy tal…
Sueños de yogurt. Адаптированная сказка для перевода на испанский язык и пересказа. Серия © Лингвистический Реаниматор
Учебное пособие состоит из упражнения на перевод текста сказки, адаптированного по методике © Лингвистический Реаниматор, с русского языка на испанский; и упражнения на чтение, перевод и пересказ неадаптированного испанского варианта этой же сказки. …
Учебное пособие состоит из упражнения на перевод текста сказки, адаптированного по методике © Лингвистический Реаниматор, с русского языка на испанский; и упражнения на чтение, перевод и пересказ неадаптированного испанского варианта этой же сказки. …
Ruso como Lengua Extranjera. Cuento de hadas no adaptado para traducción del español y recuento. Libro 1 (niveles B1-В2)
Es un cuento de hadas no adaptado para la traducción del español. Para traducir es necesario saber tiempos verbales, voz pasiva, gerundio, participios, etc. El libro contiene 1142 palabras y expresiones idiomáticas. El cuento de hadas tiene la clave:…
Es un cuento de hadas no adaptado para la traducción del español. Para traducir es necesario saber tiempos verbales, voz pasiva, gerundio, participios, etc. El libro contiene 1142 palabras y expresiones idiomáticas. El cuento de hadas tiene la clave:…
The Romanic peoples. Indo-European migrations
The book talks about the ancient migratory movements of the Romanic peoples after they left their original Indo-European home, the southern region of the Ural steppe, the Black Sea.
The book talks about the ancient migratory movements of the Romanic peoples after they left their original Indo-European home, the southern region of the Ural steppe, the Black Sea.
Comparative typology of English and Spanish. Adapted fairy tale for translation and retelling. Book 1
The book consists of an exercise to translate an English fairy tale, adapted according to the methodology © Linguistic Reanimator, from English into Spanish; and 2 exercises for retelling of non-adapted English and Spanish versions of the same tale. …
The book consists of an exercise to translate an English fairy tale, adapted according to the methodology © Linguistic Reanimator, from English into Spanish; and 2 exercises for retelling of non-adapted English and Spanish versions of the same tale. …
Yogurt dreams. Adapted fairy tale for translation from English into Spanish and retelling. Series © Linguistic Reanimator
The book consists of an exercise to translate an English fairy tale, adapted according to the methodology © Linguistic Reanimator, from English into Spanish; and 2 exercises for retelling of non-adapted English and Spanish versions of the same tale. …
The book consists of an exercise to translate an English fairy tale, adapted according to the methodology © Linguistic Reanimator, from English into Spanish; and 2 exercises for retelling of non-adapted English and Spanish versions of the same tale. …

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