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""A book to rival TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE DIARIES, and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page! If you are into adventure, love and vampires this book is the one for you!""
–Vampirebooksite.com (Turned)
LOVED is Book …
""A book to rival TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE DIARIES, and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page! If you are into adventure, love and vampires this book is the one for you!""
–Vampirebooksite.com (Turned)
LOVED is Book …
A young law student Alexander Morgan at the request of her chief stays with her at night in her apartment. That very night he will face the mystic phenomenon — a ghost of hanged woman who appeared from the remote past to the present. What for and wit…
A young law student Alexander Morgan at the request of her chief stays with her at night in her apartment. That very night he will face the mystic phenomenon — a ghost of hanged woman who appeared from the remote past to the present. What for and wit…
An elusive gang is terrorizing the city. Criminals are kidnapping one prominent businessman after another and putting collar bombs around their necks. The deadly device is equipped with a camera and radio transmission; it cannot be removed or blocked…
An elusive gang is terrorizing the city. Criminals are kidnapping one prominent businessman after another and putting collar bombs around their necks. The deadly device is equipped with a camera and radio transmission; it cannot be removed or blocked…
How far from reality can you travel in 15 minutes? The stories of One Cup Chronicles take the reader on a gritty, in-depth tour of the Russian underworld, all in the amount of time it takes to drink a single cup of coffee. Discover the dark secret of…
How far from reality can you travel in 15 minutes? The stories of One Cup Chronicles take the reader on a gritty, in-depth tour of the Russian underworld, all in the amount of time it takes to drink a single cup of coffee. Discover the dark secret of…
All was going well for Nazar. Before noon, he had stolen enough wallets to last him for a considerable length of time. However, he had also managed to steal a note that would throw his life into disarray. Nazar suddenly finds himself tossed into a si…
All was going well for Nazar. Before noon, he had stolen enough wallets to last him for a considerable length of time. However, he had also managed to steal a note that would throw his life into disarray. Nazar suddenly finds himself tossed into a si…
The hero suddenly receives a message from the past and goes to an unheard of adventure, to revive the deceased. What is it, somebody’s joke, a rally or really invented the Elixir of Eternal Life? But real life puts everything in its place. The advent…
The hero suddenly receives a message from the past and goes to an unheard of adventure, to revive the deceased. What is it, somebody’s joke, a rally or really invented the Elixir of Eternal Life? But real life puts everything in its place. The advent…
The protagonist decided to go into business and establish his own agency, like a detective. But to be engaged only in love relations, such here specialization. In the first case it is necessary to check the «object», a pretty girl, for moral stabilit…
The protagonist decided to go into business and establish his own agency, like a detective. But to be engaged only in love relations, such here specialization. In the first case it is necessary to check the «object», a pretty girl, for moral stabilit…
Another case of specialists in amorous affairs of the Amur Agency. The daughter of a rich housewife fell in love with a gardener. Spetsam is instructed to extinguish the flame of flaming love. The question, it would seem, has been resolved, but… the …
Another case of specialists in amorous affairs of the Amur Agency. The daughter of a rich housewife fell in love with a gardener. Spetsam is instructed to extinguish the flame of flaming love. The question, it would seem, has been resolved, but… the …
A wife secretly from her husband is going to file for divorce. And to profitably share the property, sends it (her husband) along with the staff of the Amur Agency to a resort in Egypt. Oleg and Vika readily take on difficult work, help the spouse co…
A wife secretly from her husband is going to file for divorce. And to profitably share the property, sends it (her husband) along with the staff of the Amur Agency to a resort in Egypt. Oleg and Vika readily take on difficult work, help the spouse co…
The rich client of the Amur Agency has two “brides”. Should he connect his fate with any of them? The agency copes brilliantly with the task, rejecting both candidates and exhibiting a new, more worthy participant. As a result, all (or almost all) ch…
The rich client of the Amur Agency has two “brides”. Should he connect his fate with any of them? The agency copes brilliantly with the task, rejecting both candidates and exhibiting a new, more worthy participant. As a result, all (or almost all) ch…
In A TRACE OF VICE, Keri Locke, Missing Persons Detective in the Homicide division of the LAPD, follows a fresh lead for her abducted daughter. It leads to a violent confrontation with The Collector—which, in turn, offers more clues that may, after a…
In A TRACE OF VICE, Keri Locke, Missing Persons Detective in the Homicide division of the LAPD, follows a fresh lead for her abducted daughter. It leads to a violent confrontation with The Collector—which, in turn, offers more clues that may, after a…
Um homem perdeu sua amante. E como encontrá-la, se ela tem marido? O caso é tomado pela Agência de Amur, seu líder e o personagem principal do livro Oleg, bem como o seu assistente de combate Victoria. Eles acham a dama, mas tudo não é tão simples…
Um homem perdeu sua amante. E como encontrá-la, se ela tem marido? O caso é tomado pela Agência de Amur, seu líder e o personagem principal do livro Oleg, bem como o seu assistente de combate Victoria. Eles acham a dama, mas tudo não é tão simples…
To your attention the prose of the singing poetess Natalie Ponomaryova of www.певицанэт.рф is presented to “The football of all my life!” and 2 comedy-stories “Footballer’s wedding”, “Once upon a time air kiss!”
To your attention the prose of the singing poetess Natalie Ponomaryova of www.певицанэт.рф is presented to “The football of all my life!” and 2 comedy-stories “Footballer’s wedding”, “Once upon a time air kiss!”
Ante Ud de 2 relatos humorísticos sobre la vida de los futbolistas y una novela, que cuenta del trozo pequeño vital de la heroína de 18 años — la hija del entrenador de fútbol. Ella la cantante primeriza, pero las riñas constantes con la persona quer…
Ante Ud de 2 relatos humorísticos sobre la vida de los futbolistas y una novela, que cuenta del trozo pequeño vital de la heroína de 18 años — la hija del entrenador de fútbol. Ella la cantante primeriza, pero las riñas constantes con la persona quer…
Du récit humoristique de la vie des footballeurs et une nouvelle, qui raconte d’un petit segment de vie de l’héroïne de 18 ans — la fille de l’entraîneur de football. Elle la chanteuse commençant, mais les querelles constantes avec la personne aimée,…
Du récit humoristique de la vie des footballeurs et une nouvelle, qui raconte d’un petit segment de vie de l’héroïne de 18 ans — la fille de l’entraîneur de football. Elle la chanteuse commençant, mais les querelles constantes avec la personne aimée,…
L’eroe improvvisamente riceve un messaggio dal passato e va ad un’avventura inaudita, per rilanciare il defunto. Che cosa è, scherzo di qualcuno, rally o inventato davvero l’Elixir della vita eterna? Ma la vita reale mette tutto al suo posto. L’avven…
L’eroe improvvisamente riceve un messaggio dal passato e va ad un’avventura inaudita, per rilanciare il defunto. Che cosa è, scherzo di qualcuno, rally o inventato davvero l’Elixir della vita eterna? Ma la vita reale mette tutto al suo posto. L’avven…
O herói de repente recebe uma mensagem do passado e passa a uma aventura inédita, para reviver o falecido. O que é, a piada de alguém, se reuniu ou realmente inventou o Elixir da vida eterna? Mas a vida real coloca tudo em seu lugar. A aventura se tr…
O herói de repente recebe uma mensagem do passado e passa a uma aventura inédita, para reviver o falecido. O que é, a piada de alguém, se reuniu ou realmente inventou o Elixir da vida eterna? Mas a vida real coloca tudo em seu lugar. A aventura se tr…
El héroe de repente recibe un mensaje del pasado y va a una aventura inaudita para revivir al difunto. ¿Qué es, la broma de alguien, la manifestación o realmente inventó el elixir de la vida eterna? Pero la vida real pone todo en su lugar. La aventur…
El héroe de repente recibe un mensaje del pasado y va a una aventura inaudita para revivir al difunto. ¿Qué es, la broma de alguien, la manifestación o realmente inventó el elixir de la vida eterna? Pero la vida real pone todo en su lugar. La aventur…
Le héros reçoit soudainement un message du passé et se lance dans une aventure inouïe, pour faire revivre le défunt. Qu’est-ce que c’est, la blague de quelqu’un, rallier ou vraiment inventé l’élixir de la vie éternelle? Mais la vraie vie met tout à s…
Le héros reçoit soudainement un message du passé et se lance dans une aventure inouïe, pour faire revivre le défunt. Qu’est-ce que c’est, la blague de quelqu’un, rallier ou vraiment inventé l’élixir de la vie éternelle? Mais la vraie vie met tout à s…
El cliente rico de la Agencia Amur tiene dos «novias». ¿Debería conectar su destino con alguno de ellos? La agencia se maneja con brillantez con la tarea, rechazando a ambos candidatos y exhibiendo un nuevo y más digno participante. Como resultado, t…
El cliente rico de la Agencia Amur tiene dos «novias». ¿Debería conectar su destino con alguno de ellos? La agencia se maneja con brillantez con la tarea, rechazando a ambos candidatos y exhibiendo un nuevo y más digno participante. Como resultado, t…