

Occupational Emergency Medicine
With a large proportion of emergency admissions due to occupational health problems, the effect this can have on your practice cannot be ignored. Owing to the shortage of occupational physicians and limited worker access to health care, the diagnosis…
With a large proportion of emergency admissions due to occupational health problems, the effect this can have on your practice cannot be ignored. Owing to the shortage of occupational physicians and limited worker access to health care, the diagnosis…
Clinical Diagnosis
The role and function of the nurse is rapidly changing. Some nurses are now required to undertake clinical diagnosis of the patient, a responsibility traditionally undertaken by a doctor. Clinical Diagnosis helps prepare nurses to fulfill this role, …
The role and function of the nurse is rapidly changing. Some nurses are now required to undertake clinical diagnosis of the patient, a responsibility traditionally undertaken by a doctor. Clinical Diagnosis helps prepare nurses to fulfill this role, …
Which method of contraception best suits your patient's needs? Contraceptive technology has exploded at breakneck speed. The options now available can bewilder patients who need practical advice for family planning. Contraception provides just that p…
Which method of contraception best suits your patient's needs? Contraceptive technology has exploded at breakneck speed. The options now available can bewilder patients who need practical advice for family planning. Contraception provides just that p…
Chronic Pelvic Pain
A new addition to the Gynecology in Practice series, Chronic Pelvic Pain provides a practical guide to diagnosing and treating chronic pelvic pain in women. Emphasizing diagnosis, management and psychological aspects, the book assists gynecologists t…
A new addition to the Gynecology in Practice series, Chronic Pelvic Pain provides a practical guide to diagnosing and treating chronic pelvic pain in women. Emphasizing diagnosis, management and psychological aspects, the book assists gynecologists t…
Health Care in the United States. Organization, Management, and Policy
Health Care in the United States combines an explanation of population health with a comprehensive introduction to health services delivery. The author, an expert on health care policy and management, shows how the U.S. health services system is orga…
Health Care in the United States combines an explanation of population health with a comprehensive introduction to health services delivery. The author, an expert on health care policy and management, shows how the U.S. health services system is orga…
Help your patients through the maze of infertility treatments Infertility is suffered by around 1 in 7 couples and can be a source of confusion for both partners, providing high stress on relationships. 25% of cases are explained through male inferti…
Help your patients through the maze of infertility treatments Infertility is suffered by around 1 in 7 couples and can be a source of confusion for both partners, providing high stress on relationships. 25% of cases are explained through male inferti…
Clinical Pathology for the Veterinary Team
Clinical Pathology for the Veterinary Team is a concise, reliable resource for technical team members performing clinical diagnostic evaluation. Focusing on sample handling, machinery calibration, normal physiology and anatomy, clinical diagnostics, …
Clinical Pathology for the Veterinary Team is a concise, reliable resource for technical team members performing clinical diagnostic evaluation. Focusing on sample handling, machinery calibration, normal physiology and anatomy, clinical diagnostics, …
Ethical Issues in Forensic Psychiatry. Minimizing Harm
Ethical medical practice and treatment in psychiatry are based on the concept of first do no harm. However, this cannot, and does not, apply to forensic cases where there is no doctor–patient relationship and the forensic psychiatrist may indeed caus…
Ethical medical practice and treatment in psychiatry are based on the concept of first do no harm. However, this cannot, and does not, apply to forensic cases where there is no doctor–patient relationship and the forensic psychiatrist may indeed caus…
Flow Cytometry in Drug Discovery and Development
This book covers the unique application of flow cytometry in drug discovery and development. The first section includes two introductory chapters, one on flow cytometry and one on biomarkers, as well as a chapter on recent advances in flow cytometry.…
This book covers the unique application of flow cytometry in drug discovery and development. The first section includes two introductory chapters, one on flow cytometry and one on biomarkers, as well as a chapter on recent advances in flow cytometry.…
A Handbook for the Assessment of Children's Behaviours
Handbook for the Assessment of Children’s Behaviours with Wiley Desktop Edition This ground-breaking book takes a new approach to the assessment of behaviour in children and adolescents. Written by an expert author team, combining one (Jonathan Willi…
Handbook for the Assessment of Children’s Behaviours with Wiley Desktop Edition This ground-breaking book takes a new approach to the assessment of behaviour in children and adolescents. Written by an expert author team, combining one (Jonathan Willi…
Cyclic-Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases in the Central Nervous System. From Biology to Drug Discovery
This book reviews advances in understanding phosphodiesterases within the central nervous system and their therapeutic applications. A range of expert authors from both academia and industry describe these, then focus on the areas of greatest scienti…
This book reviews advances in understanding phosphodiesterases within the central nervous system and their therapeutic applications. A range of expert authors from both academia and industry describe these, then focus on the areas of greatest scienti…
Forces of Change. New Strategies for the Evolving Health Care Marketplace
American health care has made great strides in the past hundred years. Life expectancy has increased dramatically and advances in medicine and treatments have eradicated many life-threatening diseases. However, in today's health care arena there is d…
American health care has made great strides in the past hundred years. Life expectancy has increased dramatically and advances in medicine and treatments have eradicated many life-threatening diseases. However, in today's health care arena there is d…
Case Management of Long-term Conditions. Principles and Practice for Nurses
The importance of appropriate and effective management of patient with long term chronic conditions cannot be underestimated. Case Management of Long-Term Conditions aims to provide all appropriate practitioners (including nurses, pharmacists, physio…
The importance of appropriate and effective management of patient with long term chronic conditions cannot be underestimated. Case Management of Long-Term Conditions aims to provide all appropriate practitioners (including nurses, pharmacists, physio…
Cancer Chemotherapy for the Veterinary Health Team
Cancer Chemotherapy for the Veterinary Health Team is a clinically relevant and practical manual designed as a guide for the safe and effective administration of cancer chemotherapy. Coverage includes patient assessment, chemotherapy equipment, drug …
Cancer Chemotherapy for the Veterinary Health Team is a clinically relevant and practical manual designed as a guide for the safe and effective administration of cancer chemotherapy. Coverage includes patient assessment, chemotherapy equipment, drug …
Problem-based Approach to Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Taking the problem-based approach, this text helps clinicians improve their diagnostic and therapeutic skills in a focused and practical manner. The cases included demonstrate the diversity of clinical practice in the specialty worldwide, and are div…
Taking the problem-based approach, this text helps clinicians improve their diagnostic and therapeutic skills in a focused and practical manner. The cases included demonstrate the diversity of clinical practice in the specialty worldwide, and are div…
Pitt Ford's Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology
Pitt Ford's Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology combines the theory and practice of endodontics, providing the reader with information that is both clinically relevant to everyday practice and also evidence based. It includes a wealth of cases th…
Pitt Ford's Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology combines the theory and practice of endodontics, providing the reader with information that is both clinically relevant to everyday practice and also evidence based. It includes a wealth of cases th…
Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling and Simulations. Principles, Methods, and Applications in the Pharmaceutical Industry
The only book dedicated to physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling in pharmaceutical science Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling has become increasingly widespread within the pharmaceutical industry over the last decade, but …
The only book dedicated to physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling in pharmaceutical science Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling has become increasingly widespread within the pharmaceutical industry over the last decade, but …
Turner and McIlwraith's Techniques in Large Animal Surgery
Turner and McIlwraith’s Techniques in Large Animal Surgery, Fourth Edition is an updated version of the classic resource for step-by-step instruction on basic surgical techniques in cattle, horses, swine, goats, and llamas. With detailed line drawing…
Turner and McIlwraith’s Techniques in Large Animal Surgery, Fourth Edition is an updated version of the classic resource for step-by-step instruction on basic surgical techniques in cattle, horses, swine, goats, and llamas. With detailed line drawing…
Labor and Delivery Care. A Practical Guide
Labor and Delivery Care: A Practical Guide supports and reinforces the acquisition of the practical obstetric skills needed for aiding a successful birth. Beginning with the most important element of successful labor care, communicating with the pati…
Labor and Delivery Care: A Practical Guide supports and reinforces the acquisition of the practical obstetric skills needed for aiding a successful birth. Beginning with the most important element of successful labor care, communicating with the pati…
Nursing Care in Pediatric Respiratory Disease
Pediatric respiratory disorders are responsible for a number of acute and chronic health conditions and are a leading cause of pediatric emergency room visits and hospitalizations. More than ever, nurses and nurse practitioners must have an understan…
Pediatric respiratory disorders are responsible for a number of acute and chronic health conditions and are a leading cause of pediatric emergency room visits and hospitalizations. More than ever, nurses and nurse practitioners must have an understan…

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