современная русская литература
À Saint-Pétersbourg il y a la célèbre prison Kresty. Le personnage principal y passe presque exactement une année. Comment se rendre aux Croix, comment ils vivent, ce qu’ils mangent, où ils dorment, comment ils se lavent, raconte ce livre. À la fin, …
À Saint-Pétersbourg il y a la célèbre prison Kresty. Le personnage principal y passe presque exactement une année. Comment se rendre aux Croix, comment ils vivent, ce qu’ils mangent, où ils dorment, comment ils se lavent, raconte ce livre. À la fin, …
Em São Petersburgo há a famosa prisão de Kresty. O personagem principal gasta quase exatamente um ano lá. Como chegar às Cruzes, como elas vivem, o que eles alimentam, onde eles dormem, como eles se lavam, este livro conta. No final, o autor dá conse…
Em São Petersburgo há a famosa prisão de Kresty. O personagem principal gasta quase exatamente um ano lá. Como chegar às Cruzes, como elas vivem, o que eles alimentam, onde eles dormem, como eles se lavam, este livro conta. No final, o autor dá conse…
En San Petersburgo está la famosa prisión Kresty. El personaje principal pasa casi exactamente un año allí. Cómo llegar a las Cruces, cómo viven, qué alimentan, dónde duermen, cómo se bañan, este libro cuenta. Al final, el autor aconseja sobre cómo c…
En San Petersburgo está la famosa prisión Kresty. El personaje principal pasa casi exactamente un año allí. Cómo llegar a las Cruces, cómo viven, qué alimentan, dónde duermen, cómo se bañan, este libro cuenta. Al final, el autor aconseja sobre cómo c…
Este libro abre al lector la oportunidad de una comprensión más profunda de las características del sistema de la psique humana.
El libro está dirigido a los padres, maestros, para los interesados en el desarrollo personal y espiritual.
Este libro abre al lector la oportunidad de una comprensión más profunda de las características del sistema de la psique humana.
El libro está dirigido a los padres, maestros, para los interesados en el desarrollo personal y espiritual.
Each of us is capable of experiencing love, but everything is different, depending on the Sign of the Zodiac. For some — love is passion, for others — caring for loved ones, for third — it is primarily a house and family.
Read a new horoscope about …
Each of us is capable of experiencing love, but everything is different, depending on the Sign of the Zodiac. For some — love is passion, for others — caring for loved ones, for third — it is primarily a house and family.
Read a new horoscope about …
God grant you and your loved ones to be healthy and prosperous! And never run into something that no one knows anything about.
God grant you and your loved ones to be healthy and prosperous! And never run into something that no one knows anything about.
Sex tips for beginners. What to expect for the first time? How to start. Is it painful? Chances of pregnancy. Female orgasm. Poses, sex toys for beginners. And much more.
Instructions, rules in sex for guys and girls. The correct beginning of sex an…
Sex tips for beginners. What to expect for the first time? How to start. Is it painful? Chances of pregnancy. Female orgasm. Poses, sex toys for beginners. And much more.
Instructions, rules in sex for guys and girls. The correct beginning of sex an…
I dedicate this book to my dear daughter Elena, the most beautiful daughter for me. She filled my life with happiness and motivation to write the stories. I`m grateful to God for my daughter and for the joy of creation.
I dedicate this book to my dear daughter Elena, the most beautiful daughter for me. She filled my life with happiness and motivation to write the stories. I`m grateful to God for my daughter and for the joy of creation.
Vyacheslav Yatsenko (1954) — nascido na região de Orenburg, Rússia, psicólogo, psicanalista de profissão, o autor do livro «A teoria de cinco componentes da personalidade» (2002), o autor da ciência psicanalítica e espiritual «Octanálise».
Este livro…
Vyacheslav Yatsenko (1954) — nascido na região de Orenburg, Rússia, psicólogo, psicanalista de profissão, o autor do livro «A teoria de cinco componentes da personalidade» (2002), o autor da ciência psicanalítica e espiritual «Octanálise».
Este livro…
The main character comes to a wild island with the Pacific Ocean to hunt local beauties. But to catch a naked native is not so easy. They all run well and swim. In addition, do not snooze competitors, hunters. They are ready for anything to own the p…
The main character comes to a wild island with the Pacific Ocean to hunt local beauties. But to catch a naked native is not so easy. They all run well and swim. In addition, do not snooze competitors, hunters. They are ready for anything to own the p…
El personaje principal llega a una isla salvaje con el Océano Pacífico para cazar bellezas locales. Pero atrapar a un nativo desnudo no es tan fácil. Todos corren bien y nadan. Además, no posponga competidores, cazadores. Están listos para cualquier …
El personaje principal llega a una isla salvaje con el Océano Pacífico para cazar bellezas locales. Pero atrapar a un nativo desnudo no es tan fácil. Todos corren bien y nadan. Además, no posponga competidores, cazadores. Están listos para cualquier …
About the stories
In December 2017 the book with 80 stories came out in Russian. In this book there are three of his stories: The Last Home, The Extraterrestrial and The Immortal Picture.
About the stories
In December 2017 the book with 80 stories came out in Russian. In this book there are three of his stories: The Last Home, The Extraterrestrial and The Immortal Picture.
More than half a century has passed since the mysterious death of the famous actress, inimitable blonde, a living embodiment of the «American Dream» — Marilyn Monroe. But interest to her personality, biography and the circumstances of death does not …
More than half a century has passed since the mysterious death of the famous actress, inimitable blonde, a living embodiment of the «American Dream» — Marilyn Monroe. But interest to her personality, biography and the circumstances of death does not …
You are holding an unusual learning aid. This is a collection of stories about love with elements of light eroticism, written by a vital and beautiful language by the modern author Gleb Karpinskiy. The collection of stories is given with exercises, t…
You are holding an unusual learning aid. This is a collection of stories about love with elements of light eroticism, written by a vital and beautiful language by the modern author Gleb Karpinskiy. The collection of stories is given with exercises, t…
The novel describes the penal investigation of a criminal offense that has its roots in the last century and received vengeance thanks to the efforts of the investigator of the prosecutor’s office — Rezhimov, the private detective — Alice Korablevska…
The novel describes the penal investigation of a criminal offense that has its roots in the last century and received vengeance thanks to the efforts of the investigator of the prosecutor’s office — Rezhimov, the private detective — Alice Korablevska…
The book represents the continuation of the author’s series ‘Falsification and forgery.’ This time, the reader is presented with decoded signals of electroencephalogram (EEG) and hand-translated text and illustrations. Since the waves were removed fr…
The book represents the continuation of the author’s series ‘Falsification and forgery.’ This time, the reader is presented with decoded signals of electroencephalogram (EEG) and hand-translated text and illustrations. Since the waves were removed fr…
This event was expected! The book about people’s stories and psychological traumas written by authors who had personal experiences themselves and now work with it. Russian psychologist Anastasiya Kuznetsova and Belgian psychotherapist Jean Batist But…
This event was expected! The book about people’s stories and psychological traumas written by authors who had personal experiences themselves and now work with it. Russian psychologist Anastasiya Kuznetsova and Belgian psychotherapist Jean Batist But…
It is difficult for a modern man to realize his erotic desires and fantasies. There are still no public places where for free or for a moderate fee one could retire with a sexual partner and enjoy bright and rich erotic experiences.
It is difficult for a modern man to realize his erotic desires and fantasies. There are still no public places where for free or for a moderate fee one could retire with a sexual partner and enjoy bright and rich erotic experiences.
Il est difficile pour un homme moderne de réaliser ses désirs et ses fantasmes érotiques. Il n’y a toujours pas de lieux publics où, gratuitement ou pour un prix modique, on peut prendre sa retraite avec un partenaire sexuel et profiter d’expériences…
Il est difficile pour un homme moderne de réaliser ses désirs et ses fantasmes érotiques. Il n’y a toujours pas de lieux publics où, gratuitement ou pour un prix modique, on peut prendre sa retraite avec un partenaire sexuel et profiter d’expériences…
È difficile per un uomo moderno realizzare i suoi desideri erotici e le sue fantasie. Non ci sono ancora luoghi pubblici dove gratuitamente o per una tariffa moderata si può andare in pensione con un partner sessuale e godere di esperienze erotiche l…
È difficile per un uomo moderno realizzare i suoi desideri erotici e le sue fantasie. Non ci sono ancora luoghi pubblici dove gratuitamente o per una tariffa moderata si può andare in pensione con un partner sessuale e godere di esperienze erotiche l…