
прочая образовательная литература

Critical Incidents in School Counseling
This practical text explores contemporary case scenarios that arise in school counseling with children and adolescents. Throughout 30 chapters on a diverse range of topics, several school counseling experts analyze and discuss each incident from a be…
This practical text explores contemporary case scenarios that arise in school counseling with children and adolescents. Throughout 30 chapters on a diverse range of topics, several school counseling experts analyze and discuss each incident from a be…
Counselor Self-Care
Self-care is critical for effective and ethical counseling practice and this inspirational book offers diverse, realistic perspectives on how to achieve work–life balance and personal wellness from graduate school through retirement. In addition to t…
Self-care is critical for effective and ethical counseling practice and this inspirational book offers diverse, realistic perspectives on how to achieve work–life balance and personal wellness from graduate school through retirement. In addition to t…
Teacher-Student Relationships: Toward Personalized Education. New Directions for Youth Development, Number 137
Explore the complexity of teacher-student relationships in secondary school settings and learn how these largely unscripted relationships function for students and teachers in their learning and socioemotional development. For teachers, the relations…
Explore the complexity of teacher-student relationships in secondary school settings and learn how these largely unscripted relationships function for students and teachers in their learning and socioemotional development. For teachers, the relations…
Evidence-Based Bullying Prevention Programs for Children and Youth. New Directions for Youth Development, Number 133
Bullying is a hot topic at schools across the nation. Chronic involvement in bullying is associated with many intrapersonal, interpersonal, and academic problems, and even sporadic experiences of bullying are harmful. During the last two decades, sev…
Bullying is a hot topic at schools across the nation. Chronic involvement in bullying is associated with many intrapersonal, interpersonal, and academic problems, and even sporadic experiences of bullying are harmful. During the last two decades, sev…
Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Out-of-School Time Settings. New Directions for Youth Development, Number 143
The evidence base of the impact and effectiveness of healthy eating and physical activity interventions in the out-of-school setting is continuing to emerge. By sponsoring this special issue, the National AfterSchool Association provides a platform f…
The evidence base of the impact and effectiveness of healthy eating and physical activity interventions in the out-of-school setting is continuing to emerge. By sponsoring this special issue, the National AfterSchool Association provides a platform f…
Facilitating the Moral Growth of College Students. New Directions for Student Services, Number 139
Moral development is a powerful task of young adulthood, and attending to that development is a mandate expected of institutions of higher education. Liddell and Cooper offer a practical approach to understanding how moral learning occurs as well as …
Moral development is a powerful task of young adulthood, and attending to that development is a mandate expected of institutions of higher education. Liddell and Cooper offer a practical approach to understanding how moral learning occurs as well as …
Exploring Leadership. For College Students Who Want to Make a Difference, Student Workbook
Exploring Leadership For College Students Who Want to Make a Difference, Student Workbook This companion to the third edition of Exploring Leadership is designed to help you deepen your understanding of leadership and develop your leadership potentia…
Exploring Leadership For College Students Who Want to Make a Difference, Student Workbook This companion to the third edition of Exploring Leadership is designed to help you deepen your understanding of leadership and develop your leadership potentia…
Developing Students' Leadership Capacity. New Directions for Student Services, Number 140
Leadership education has become an essential outcome of higher education in the past decade and yet leadership development efforts vary greatly on campuses. In response, the International Leadership Association (ILA) published “Guiding Questions: Gui…
Leadership education has become an essential outcome of higher education in the past decade and yet leadership development efforts vary greatly on campuses. In response, the International Leadership Association (ILA) published “Guiding Questions: Gui…
Marginalized Students. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 155
Gone are the days when the term diversity may have been used to solely signify the color of one's skin or gender. This volume examines how diverse and marginalized populations are situated within American community colleges amd pushes the boundaries …
Gone are the days when the term diversity may have been used to solely signify the color of one's skin or gender. This volume examines how diverse and marginalized populations are situated within American community colleges amd pushes the boundaries …
Changing Course: Reinventing Colleges, Avoiding Closure. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 156
Institutions of higher education are constantly facing economic challenges to their survival. Nowhere are the challenges greater than in small private colleges and universities across America. None of these colleges can assume that its stability is a…
Institutions of higher education are constantly facing economic challenges to their survival. Nowhere are the challenges greater than in small private colleges and universities across America. None of these colleges can assume that its stability is a…
Benchmarking in Institutional Research. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 156
While the term benchmarking is commonplace nowadays in institutional research and higher education, less common, is a solid understanding of what it really means and how it has been, and can be, used effectively. This volume begins by defining benchm…
While the term benchmarking is commonplace nowadays in institutional research and higher education, less common, is a solid understanding of what it really means and how it has been, and can be, used effectively. This volume begins by defining benchm…
Codes of Conduct in Academia. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 160
Chapters of this issue of New Directions for Higher Education present tenets of codes of conduct for the presidency, academic deans, admissions officers, fund-raising professionals, faculty who teach undergraduate students, and faculty who teach grad…
Chapters of this issue of New Directions for Higher Education present tenets of codes of conduct for the presidency, academic deans, admissions officers, fund-raising professionals, faculty who teach undergraduate students, and faculty who teach grad…
Research-Driven Practice in Student Affairs: Implications from the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education. New Directions for Student Services, Number 147
As student affairs units face increasing pressure to use data and evidence to inform planning and decisions, the research related to higher education has become more complex and, in some cases, less accessible. This issue aims to bridge this gap by d…
As student affairs units face increasing pressure to use data and evidence to inform planning and decisions, the research related to higher education has become more complex and, in some cases, less accessible. This issue aims to bridge this gap by d…
Evaluation Advisory Groups. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 136
Advisory committees are used often in evaluation studies, yet this practice is little discussed or reported. This issue is the first full-length text devoted to the purpose, practice, and scholarship about this type of formal, structured advice. It i…
Advisory committees are used often in evaluation studies, yet this practice is little discussed or reported. This issue is the first full-length text devoted to the purpose, practice, and scholarship about this type of formal, structured advice. It i…
Assessing Civic Engagement. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 162
How does one assess community service, civic engagement, and the impact of service learning on a college campus? This volume reviews contemporary research, measurement instruments, and practices in the assessment of civic engagement in higher educati…
How does one assess community service, civic engagement, and the impact of service learning on a college campus? This volume reviews contemporary research, measurement instruments, and practices in the assessment of civic engagement in higher educati…
Discipline-Centered Learning Communities: Creating Connections Among Students, Faculty, and Curricula. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 132
Take an in depth look at discipline-centered learning communities. Using psychology as an example, this issue provides prescriptive advice for those interested in developing a learning community in any academic discipline or program. Learning communi…
Take an in depth look at discipline-centered learning communities. Using psychology as an example, this issue provides prescriptive advice for those interested in developing a learning community in any academic discipline or program. Learning communi…
Enhancing Sustainability Campuswide. New Directions for Student Services, Number 137
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Many student affairs divisions are doing just that, leading the way in sustainability education by providing students with the knowledge they need to make a positive impact in their personal, civi…
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Many student affairs divisions are doing just that, leading the way in sustainability education by providing students with the knowledge they need to make a positive impact in their personal, civi…
Transforming Adults Through Coaching: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 148
The field of coaching adult populations has grown dramatically over the past two decades. This volume brings together coaching scholars and experts to review this trend, examine some of the theoretical foundations of the field, and explore how coachi…
The field of coaching adult populations has grown dramatically over the past two decades. This volume brings together coaching scholars and experts to review this trend, examine some of the theoretical foundations of the field, and explore how coachi…
Organizational Capacity to Do and Use Evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 141
Gain a greater understanding of organizational capacity to do and use evaluation and implications for evaluation capacity building (ECB). This volume is unique in that it represents a multiple case study of eight organizations that were committed to …
Gain a greater understanding of organizational capacity to do and use evaluation and implications for evaluation capacity building (ECB). This volume is unique in that it represents a multiple case study of eight organizations that were committed to …
Critical Perspectives on Global Competition in Higher Education. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 168
This volume delivers a cutting-edge analysis on vernacular globalization, or how local forces mediate global trends. It delves into the vital facets of the quest for global competitiveness, including: Global university rankings World-class universiti…
This volume delivers a cutting-edge analysis on vernacular globalization, or how local forces mediate global trends. It delves into the vital facets of the quest for global competitiveness, including: Global university rankings World-class universiti…

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