прочая образовательная литература
A stunning and poignant account of an extraordinary teacher's determination from the author of the #1 Sunday Times bestsellers The Tiger's Child and One Child.Jadie never spoke, never laughed, never cried. She spent every waking hour locked in her ow…
A stunning and poignant account of an extraordinary teacher's determination from the author of the #1 Sunday Times bestsellers The Tiger's Child and One Child.Jadie never spoke, never laughed, never cried. She spent every waking hour locked in her ow…
From the founder of the worldwide 30% Club campaign comes a career book for women in a transforming world who don't just want to lean in, but instead, shatter the paradigm as we know it.‘I absolutely love her, I think she’s such a force for good’ Pan…
From the founder of the worldwide 30% Club campaign comes a career book for women in a transforming world who don't just want to lean in, but instead, shatter the paradigm as we know it.‘I absolutely love her, I think she’s such a force for good’ Pan…
This publication was prepared to inform members of the business community as well as inventors of the world about Russian patent attorneys. Russian patent attorneys are specialists in the field of protection and registration of intellectual property …
This publication was prepared to inform members of the business community as well as inventors of the world about Russian patent attorneys. Russian patent attorneys are specialists in the field of protection and registration of intellectual property …
According to the World Health Organization ”counselling is a process that, through dialogue and interaction, helps people to solve their problems and make decisions.
According to the World Health Organization ”counselling is a process that, through dialogue and interaction, helps people to solve their problems and make decisions.
Один из самых известных романов Джека Лондона «Мартин Иден» – это повествование о трагичной, полной быстрых и неожиданных перемен в судьбе молодого талантливого писателя. Этот роман о поиске собственного пути в жизни, о стремлении быть понятым, призн…
Один из самых известных романов Джека Лондона «Мартин Иден» – это повествование о трагичной, полной быстрых и неожиданных перемен в судьбе молодого талантливого писателя. Этот роман о поиске собственного пути в жизни, о стремлении быть понятым, призн…
In the book is made a new discovery: change of wind direction quietly changes man`s perception and the environment. New wind brings certain thoughts and feelings, known things and situations may turn on the other side, and out of home another people …
In the book is made a new discovery: change of wind direction quietly changes man`s perception and the environment. New wind brings certain thoughts and feelings, known things and situations may turn on the other side, and out of home another people …
Великий русский писатель А. П. Чехов (1860–1904) на Западе известен прежде всего как автор пьес. Такие его драматические произведения, как «Чайка», «Вишневый сад», «Дядя Ваня» и другие, ставятся на сценах разных стран и неизменно пользуются успехом. …
Великий русский писатель А. П. Чехов (1860–1904) на Западе известен прежде всего как автор пьес. Такие его драматические произведения, как «Чайка», «Вишневый сад», «Дядя Ваня» и другие, ставятся на сценах разных стран и неизменно пользуются успехом. …
Автор-составитель Ю. Б. Голицынский подготовил для учеников средней школы пособие по чтению на основе популярной книги о Мэри Поппинс писательницы П.Л. Трэверс. Видеть необычное в привычных вещах и не бояться любых перемен – вот те главные умения, ко…
Автор-составитель Ю. Б. Голицынский подготовил для учеников средней школы пособие по чтению на основе популярной книги о Мэри Поппинс писательницы П.Л. Трэверс. Видеть необычное в привычных вещах и не бояться любых перемен – вот те главные умения, ко…
В данном издании представлена адаптированная и сокращенная версия романа Ф. С. Фицджеральда «Великий Гэтсби» – многократно экранизированной знаковой книги «эпохи джаза», 1920-х годов. К каждой главе текста даны лексические и культурологические коммен…
В данном издании представлена адаптированная и сокращенная версия романа Ф. С. Фицджеральда «Великий Гэтсби» – многократно экранизированной знаковой книги «эпохи джаза», 1920-х годов. К каждой главе текста даны лексические и культурологические коммен…
“The book expresses a new concept of integral unity of all nations, focusing to the roots of many civilizations through a database of Kyrgyz tribes, which fixed in many historical sources and Kyrgyz sanjyras. Some statements might be critically evalu…
“The book expresses a new concept of integral unity of all nations, focusing to the roots of many civilizations through a database of Kyrgyz tribes, which fixed in many historical sources and Kyrgyz sanjyras. Some statements might be critically evalu…
A practical guide to establishing positive relationships with hard-to-reach parents. Includes research-based techniques for teachers on how to reach hard-to-reach parents, carers, and guardians Explores the international perspective on successful par…
A practical guide to establishing positive relationships with hard-to-reach parents. Includes research-based techniques for teachers on how to reach hard-to-reach parents, carers, and guardians Explores the international perspective on successful par…
It is common opinion, that the orbits of the planets are unchanged, however, this is not so. In this changeable world there is nothing absolutely constant. So, orbits of planets are untwisting on spiral, which can be ascending or descending. The Sun …
It is common opinion, that the orbits of the planets are unchanged, however, this is not so. In this changeable world there is nothing absolutely constant. So, orbits of planets are untwisting on spiral, which can be ascending or descending. The Sun …
This issue contains a collection of papers presented at the 72nd Conference on Glass Problems at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Topics covered include glass melting; refractories; process control; legislation safety, and emissions; recycl…
This issue contains a collection of papers presented at the 72nd Conference on Glass Problems at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Topics covered include glass melting; refractories; process control; legislation safety, and emissions; recycl…
‘Pleasure should be the basis of all our decisions’: so said the Epicureans. But there’s more to this school of thought than fine wine, rich food and great sex aplenty.Epicureanism is often misguidedly equated with hedonism. But this rational and hum…
‘Pleasure should be the basis of all our decisions’: so said the Epicureans. But there’s more to this school of thought than fine wine, rich food and great sex aplenty.Epicureanism is often misguidedly equated with hedonism. But this rational and hum…
Explore the game-changing technology that allows mobile learning to effectively reach K-12 students Mobile Learning: A Handbook for Developers, Educators and Learners provides research-based foundations for developing, evaluating, and integrating eff…
Explore the game-changing technology that allows mobile learning to effectively reach K-12 students Mobile Learning: A Handbook for Developers, Educators and Learners provides research-based foundations for developing, evaluating, and integrating eff…
The must-have companion workbook to the bestselling Teach Like a Champion 2.0 Teach Like a Champion Field Guide 2.0 is the teacher's hands-on guide to improving their craft. In Teach Like a Champion 2.0, veteran teaching coach Doug Lemov updated, imp…
The must-have companion workbook to the bestselling Teach Like a Champion 2.0 Teach Like a Champion Field Guide 2.0 is the teacher's hands-on guide to improving their craft. In Teach Like a Champion 2.0, veteran teaching coach Doug Lemov updated, imp…
A flexible, ready-to-use program to help special students in grades K-5 learn appropriate ways to behave among others The revised and updated second edition of this bestselling resource book provides ready-to-use lessons–complete with reproducible wo…
A flexible, ready-to-use program to help special students in grades K-5 learn appropriate ways to behave among others The revised and updated second edition of this bestselling resource book provides ready-to-use lessons–complete with reproducible wo…
Fashion is all about image. Consequently, fashion marketing communications – encompassing image management and public relations, branding, visual merchandising, publicity campaigns, handling the media, celebrity endorsement and sponsorship, crisis ma…
Fashion is all about image. Consequently, fashion marketing communications – encompassing image management and public relations, branding, visual merchandising, publicity campaigns, handling the media, celebrity endorsement and sponsorship, crisis ma…
Revised edition of the classic book on classroom management This third edition of Discipline in the Secondary Classroom is a treasure trove of practical advice, tips, checklists, reproducibles, and ready-to-use activities that will save secondary tea…
Revised edition of the classic book on classroom management This third edition of Discipline in the Secondary Classroom is a treasure trove of practical advice, tips, checklists, reproducibles, and ready-to-use activities that will save secondary tea…
This book clearly articulates the foundations of an educational vision that is distinctively supported by eportfolio use, drawing on work in philosophy, sociology, higher and adult education, and elearning research. It is academically rigorous and ac…
This book clearly articulates the foundations of an educational vision that is distinctively supported by eportfolio use, drawing on work in philosophy, sociology, higher and adult education, and elearning research. It is academically rigorous and ac…