прочая образовательная литература
Fashion Designer's Handbook for Adobe Illustrator 2nd Edition is a teach-yourself guide that provides step-by-step instructions and diagrams on how to use Adobe Illustrator CS5. Bursting with detailed technical information and full colour illustratio…
Fashion Designer's Handbook for Adobe Illustrator 2nd Edition is a teach-yourself guide that provides step-by-step instructions and diagrams on how to use Adobe Illustrator CS5. Bursting with detailed technical information and full colour illustratio…
LTE (long-term evolution) mobile communication system is offering high bitrates in IP communications. Fourth Generation Mobile Communications/LTE describes various aspects of LTE as well as the change of paradigm, which it is bringing to mobile commu…
LTE (long-term evolution) mobile communication system is offering high bitrates in IP communications. Fourth Generation Mobile Communications/LTE describes various aspects of LTE as well as the change of paradigm, which it is bringing to mobile commu…
Forensic CBT: A Handbook for Clinical Practice is an edited collection that represents the first authoritative resource on the utilization of CBT strategies and techniques for offender clients. Features contributions from leaders of the major schools…
Forensic CBT: A Handbook for Clinical Practice is an edited collection that represents the first authoritative resource on the utilization of CBT strategies and techniques for offender clients. Features contributions from leaders of the major schools…
Edited by award-winning author Sylvia Moody, this jargon-free guide to good practice in dyslexia workplace consultancy, and related legal issues, provides comprehensive coverage in four clearly distinguished areas: Professional dilemma chapters discu…
Edited by award-winning author Sylvia Moody, this jargon-free guide to good practice in dyslexia workplace consultancy, and related legal issues, provides comprehensive coverage in four clearly distinguished areas: Professional dilemma chapters discu…
Designing interesting problems and writing assignments is one of the chief tasks of all teachers, but it can be especially challenging to translate and apply learning theory, good teaching techniques, and writing assignments into STEM and other quant…
Designing interesting problems and writing assignments is one of the chief tasks of all teachers, but it can be especially challenging to translate and apply learning theory, good teaching techniques, and writing assignments into STEM and other quant…
Based on the author’s first-hand experience and expertise, this book offers a proven framework for global software engineering. Readers will learn best practices for managing a variety of software projects, coordinating the activities of several loca…
Based on the author’s first-hand experience and expertise, this book offers a proven framework for global software engineering. Readers will learn best practices for managing a variety of software projects, coordinating the activities of several loca…
Management and Organization Theory offers a summary and analysis of the 40 most popular, researched, and applied management and organization theories. This important resource includes key instruments used to measure variables in each theory and exami…
Management and Organization Theory offers a summary and analysis of the 40 most popular, researched, and applied management and organization theories. This important resource includes key instruments used to measure variables in each theory and exami…
Praise for Best Practices in Faculty Evaluation «Jeffrey Buller, a leading and respected voice in higher education, has written a truly practical and highly useful book on the increasingly important topic of faculty evaluation. This highly readable b…
Praise for Best Practices in Faculty Evaluation «Jeffrey Buller, a leading and respected voice in higher education, has written a truly practical and highly useful book on the increasingly important topic of faculty evaluation. This highly readable b…
This book covers foreign exchange options from the point of view of the finance practitioner. It contains everything a quant or trader working in a bank or hedge fund would need to know about the mathematics of foreign exchange—not just the theoretic…
This book covers foreign exchange options from the point of view of the finance practitioner. It contains everything a quant or trader working in a bank or hedge fund would need to know about the mathematics of foreign exchange—not just the theoretic…
The first book in a new series from the World Psychiatric Association, Schizophrenia: current science and clinical practice presents recent information on the diagnosis, neurobiological foundations, and management of schizophrenia. It evaluates the f…
The first book in a new series from the World Psychiatric Association, Schizophrenia: current science and clinical practice presents recent information on the diagnosis, neurobiological foundations, and management of schizophrenia. It evaluates the f…
The Syntax Workbook was written as a response to the students and instructors who, over the years, have requested more problem sets that give greater experience in analyzing syntactic structure. Aligned chapter-by-chapter with Carnie’s bestselling te…
The Syntax Workbook was written as a response to the students and instructors who, over the years, have requested more problem sets that give greater experience in analyzing syntactic structure. Aligned chapter-by-chapter with Carnie’s bestselling te…
Many large construction projects, such as those in the Middle East or Asia Pacific, are international in scope with a range of contractors and subcontractors signing contracts for delivery of specified work or services. The contractual situation in t…
Many large construction projects, such as those in the Middle East or Asia Pacific, are international in scope with a range of contractors and subcontractors signing contracts for delivery of specified work or services. The contractual situation in t…
A highly practical guide for new instructors teaching in any setting Regardless of the context, teaching is a tall task—and for those teaching adults, unique challenges await. Teaching Adults: A Practical Guide for New Teachers is chock-full of ideas…
A highly practical guide for new instructors teaching in any setting Regardless of the context, teaching is a tall task—and for those teaching adults, unique challenges await. Teaching Adults: A Practical Guide for New Teachers is chock-full of ideas…
For a construction business to function properly, architects, engineers, and contractors need to understand how the various state and federal laws affect their business and how to avoid disputes and exposure to liability. This book offers a comprehen…
For a construction business to function properly, architects, engineers, and contractors need to understand how the various state and federal laws affect their business and how to avoid disputes and exposure to liability. This book offers a comprehen…
Discourse analysis and rhetoric are very much developed in communication, linguistics, cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Besides theoretical investigations, discourse analysis is central in a number of application areas such as dialogue …
Discourse analysis and rhetoric are very much developed in communication, linguistics, cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Besides theoretical investigations, discourse analysis is central in a number of application areas such as dialogue …
The all-inclusive guide—from theory to practice—for print and Web design Any well-conceived print or Web design features the dynamic interplay between visual artistry and technical skill. It becomes important, therefore, for the designer to cultivate…
The all-inclusive guide—from theory to practice—for print and Web design Any well-conceived print or Web design features the dynamic interplay between visual artistry and technical skill. It becomes important, therefore, for the designer to cultivate…
In this era of increasing pressure on higher education institutions for accountability, Planning and Assessment in Higher Education is an essential resource for college and university leaders and staff charged with the task of providing evidence of i…
In this era of increasing pressure on higher education institutions for accountability, Planning and Assessment in Higher Education is an essential resource for college and university leaders and staff charged with the task of providing evidence of i…
A comprehensive and practical guide to ethnographic research, this book guides you through the process, starting with the fundamentals of choosing and proposing a topic and selecting a research design. It describes methods of data collection (taking …
A comprehensive and practical guide to ethnographic research, this book guides you through the process, starting with the fundamentals of choosing and proposing a topic and selecting a research design. It describes methods of data collection (taking …
With the desire for dental implant therapy ever escalating, clinicians are faced with the challenge of augmenting deficient natural physiology to provide effective sites for implantation. Implant Site Development helps the clinician decide if, when, …
With the desire for dental implant therapy ever escalating, clinicians are faced with the challenge of augmenting deficient natural physiology to provide effective sites for implantation. Implant Site Development helps the clinician decide if, when, …
Although ceramics have been known to mankind literally for millennia, research has never ceased. Apart from the classic uses as a bulk material in pottery, construction, and decoration, the latter half of the twentieth century saw an explosive growth…
Although ceramics have been known to mankind literally for millennia, research has never ceased. Apart from the classic uses as a bulk material in pottery, construction, and decoration, the latter half of the twentieth century saw an explosive growth…