
остросюжетные любовные романы

Среди тысячи слов / In Harmony
Театральные подмостки небольшого города, на сцене двое: он и она, Гамлет и Офелия. Судьбы персонажей переплетаются на театральной сцене, и постановка Шекспира становится их маленьким миром и спасением. Роман Эммы Скотт об исцеляющей силе любви, о воз…
Театральные подмостки небольшого города, на сцене двое: он и она, Гамлет и Офелия. Судьбы персонажей переплетаются на театральной сцене, и постановка Шекспира становится их маленьким миром и спасением. Роман Эммы Скотт об исцеляющей силе любви, о воз…
Hannah, a Witch
An endless black streak has come in the life of Stephen Wright. Poor and deceived, what should he do to make the Miracle happen, in which he he has long ceased to believe? It turns out not that much. It's enough to hear the mysterious prediction of a…
An endless black streak has come in the life of Stephen Wright. Poor and deceived, what should he do to make the Miracle happen, in which he he has long ceased to believe? It turns out not that much. It's enough to hear the mysterious prediction of a…
Napoleon Great-Great-Grandson Speaks
The book begins with the story of how Napoleon Bonaparte found himself in the house of Armand-Emmanuel du Plessis, the Duke of Richelieu and governor of Odessa, in 1807. A brief liaison with the duke’s 19-year-old Italian servant girl, Luisa Ravelli,…
The book begins with the story of how Napoleon Bonaparte found himself in the house of Armand-Emmanuel du Plessis, the Duke of Richelieu and governor of Odessa, in 1807. A brief liaison with the duke’s 19-year-old Italian servant girl, Luisa Ravelli,…
The River House
With you I’m in a different world, what happens in our world can’t harm anyone else…Ginnie Holmes has found something she never intended to find – an overwhelming passion for a man she should not be with. At an abandoned boathouse hidden on the river…
With you I’m in a different world, what happens in our world can’t harm anyone else…Ginnie Holmes has found something she never intended to find – an overwhelming passion for a man she should not be with. At an abandoned boathouse hidden on the river…
Wind Chime Point
When life gets complicated, New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods proves family—and love—can make all the differenceFacing a personal crisis, ambitious and driven Gabriella Castle retreats to the welcoming arms of her family. Everything she…
When life gets complicated, New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods proves family—and love—can make all the differenceFacing a personal crisis, ambitious and driven Gabriella Castle retreats to the welcoming arms of her family. Everything she…
The River House
With you I’m in a different world, what happens in our world can’t harm anyone else…Ginnie Holmes has found something she never intended to find – an overwhelming passion for a man she should not be with. At an abandoned boathouse hidden on the river…
With you I’m in a different world, what happens in our world can’t harm anyone else…Ginnie Holmes has found something she never intended to find – an overwhelming passion for a man she should not be with. At an abandoned boathouse hidden on the river…
Wind Chime Point
When life gets complicated, New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods proves family—and love—can make all the differenceFacing a personal crisis, ambitious and driven Gabriella Castle retreats to the welcoming arms of her family. Everything she…
When life gets complicated, New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods proves family—and love—can make all the differenceFacing a personal crisis, ambitious and driven Gabriella Castle retreats to the welcoming arms of her family. Everything she…
Hannah, a Witch
An endless black streak has come in the life of Stephen Wright. Poor and deceived, what should he do to make the Miracle happen, in which he he has long ceased to believe? It turns out not that much. It's enough to hear the mysterious prediction of a…
An endless black streak has come in the life of Stephen Wright. Poor and deceived, what should he do to make the Miracle happen, in which he he has long ceased to believe? It turns out not that much. It's enough to hear the mysterious prediction of a…

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